Wyldspan (new campaign)

Red Shadow Claws

Six Thousand Club

It has been more than 500 years since the Threefold War, and the subsequent Breaking of the World. Creation is drastically different. Now it is spread as numerous mostly small worlds drifting in the Wyld, and most of them didn't have any contact, or very little contact with others. On these myriad worlds, small nations rise and fall, while the Exalted, scattered as they are, have to struggle themselves to make sense of this situation.

Many of the shards of Exaltation were lost during the Breaking, and while most were recovered, a few remain lost, or at the very least, have only resurfaced in distant places. Yet, in one of those small worlds, a group of refugees arrived, their world destroyed by an amorphous being. And in that world, a select few of their number suddenly find themselves Exalted.

Their people have not seen an Exalt in over 500 years, and are willing to accept them as their saviors. What will they do, and how will they deal with this power thrust upon them? Will they leave these mortals behind and seek their fortune? or will they help build a nation out of this rag-tag group?

Looking for 4-5 players. Any Celestial Exalt is available, though note that Chosen of Journeys are replaced by Chosen of Distances. For ease of use, they will be functionally the same if anyone wants to play one, since there are no rules for them.
This is...a really creative custom setting. I'm usually not big on unorthodox Creation variants, but this one tickles my fancy.

I'll see if I can't put something together. I'm thinking some kind of Lunar Changing Moon social character.
Straight from the "Solar Nation Building" thread, I'd LOVE to play a Night caste, with key abilities Archery, Bureaucracy, Occult and Larceny:Traps.

Oh my how much do I love Night charms!
I'm not very experienced, so I'd love to play either a Dawn or a martially-inclined twilight, that would be more straightforward than others to play...
I"ld be interested in playing. I am new to play by post though.

I'ld like to know more about the setting or if I get to make it up for myself :twisted:

I'ld like to play an Eclipse or a Twilight. Any books not allowed?
Expressing interest too. By 'Celestial', do you also mean Infernals*? I've been dying to play a Defiler for months.

*As in, 'Lillun got blown up during the war and now the Infernal Shards are running loose'

Failing that, a Twilight or No Moon.
I forgot how "tight" a Lunar build can get. Never...enough...points, hurk!

With that said, making good progress and should have something submittable by the end of the day most likely :)

Edit: A clarification. Are we Exalts from the band of refugees or Exalts from the world receiving the band of refugees? Or is either of the above good.

The wording was a little vague so I wasn't sure what you were going for
I will wait for the build, since SRC didn't even post rules for chargen.

If ok with everyone, I would like to start with some 30xp chars (maybe as bonuses for backstory/image and such?)

Also, I expect sizeable Mass combats... I find the rules bad and overly complex, would you consider replacements?

(This is kinda important, 'cause with the base rules Melee Infinite and a Grand Daiklave are more important than the whole War tree or army... oO)
Fair point. Doesn't hurt to have the basic framework already done I guess. :lol:

I admit I know little of Mass Combat rules, my eyes always kind of glaze over whenever I try to read them. They seem obtuse at best.
To answer some questions:

Exalts allowed: Solar, Lunar, and Sidereal. Infernals and Abyssals, as far as anyone knows, were all blasted.

Lunar build: Use these rules to build them.

Point of Origin: You can be either natives of this new world the refugees came to, or you can be one of the refugees that got Exalted upon arriving, or maybe you were Exalted before and feared to use your powers, or got Exalted during your escape.

Mass Combat: Mass combat is likely to become an issue at some point, but not likely to happen for a bit.

Experience: I might give some starting XP, but for now build them as starting characters.

Onupabadr, when you asked to know more about the setting, did you mean in general? or particular info about this small world you're starting in?

For general info you can go to the link provided in the first post, and read the history, and other useful info. For particular info, I will provide that within the next few days.
Basically a canned Solar with a Reinforced Breastplate and a Grand Daiklave and Melee Infinite, leading a troop of untrained, unarmored boy-scouts armed with a swiss knife, will splat a Solar General that knows the whole War Tree, leading three times the number of elite Tiger Warriors with heavy armor weapons, but with mundane equipment and no Melee Infinite.

Where with "splat" I mean that the above mentioned boy-scouts will be so unscathed after the fight that they won't even need manicure.

All this, obtained with rules that are unwieldy at best and drove us mad in a simple battle with 3 units and 3 solo chars.

This is what we want to test in our current game, it's designed to be veeery simple.

Drill and Magnitude: per Exalted Core
Every "/2" is rounded up.
SA = 'Soldiers Average'
All Damage is always Lethal.

Solo Units have all 'SA:' values at 0 and Drill equal to their War, but they can use Strength rather than Charisma for the base damage.

Special Characters:
   Max [Magnitude] Special Characters in a Unit.
   Must stick with the Unit and act at the same tick.
   Attacks as a Solo Unit.

   attack and DV dicepool = Wits + War (instead of Dex + Ability)
   base damage = Charisma (instead of Strength)

Unit (wielded as a weapon)
   Speed = Magnitude + 2
   Accuracy = [sA attack dicepool]/2
   Defense = SA:ParryDV

   Damage = Magnitude + [sA]/2      (MinDamage = Magnitude)
   Rate = Drill


   Endurance = Magnitude + SA:Stamina + SA:Resistance
  - Endurance can go negative.
  - Unit loses Endurance equal to SA:ArmorFatigue whenever:
      * it attacks in close combat
      * it is attacked in close combat
      * it performs a dash
  - Unit also loses Endurance equal to Damage HLs it takes.
  - When 0 or less all stats but Speed are halved (round down).

   Armor = SA:Armor
   Soak = Drill (instead of Stamina)

   Health Levels per dot of Magnitude = 5 + SA:Valor
   Health levels have no associated penalty.
   When all levels are filled:
  *) Unit loses 1 magnitude.
       *) HLs are reset.
  *) Excess damage is applied to new HLs.
  *) Unit experiences Rout:
          A unit in rout has Defense +0, Drill 0 and cannot attack.
      As soon as the unit Routs, the unit gets a Reflexive Rally action (ie Speed 0, -0 DV)

Attacking the Leader or Special Character
   For a penalty of [Magnitude+Drill]/2, the Special Character can be attacked as if she was a Solo Unit.

Charms can be used without the 1xAction restriction, but:
   Scene-long charms last only 1 action.
   Non-scene-long charms cost double.

Special Actions
   * Turn (Speed [Magnitude], -1 DV)
   Required to turn the unit by more than 45 degrees.
   Charisma + War vs difficulty of Magnitude - Drill (min 1)

   * Split Units (Speed [initial Magnitude/2], -1 DV)

   * Merge Units (Speed [Final Magnitude/2], -1 DV)

   * Signal (Speed 3, -0 DV)

   * Rally (Speed 5, -1 DV)
  Charisma + War/Performance with difficulty [Magnitude-Drill]
  End the Rout OR restores Endurance equal to excess successes.
       Special Characters can do Teamwork with the Leader.
I'm considering building a Lunar for this, but I had a question about Domino's rules. MoEP Lunars gives characters two favored abilities; Domino's only says 28 ability dots. Does this mean that Lunars will have no favored abilities? Just wanted to get some clarification before I started working on something.
The "world" you're in isn't a very large one. It's about 20 miles across, with a few Manses in place, but most of the demesnes are uncapped.

There are 3 "nations" native top this place. The Kra'g are the oldest nation, but they are also one of the Breeds (will be detailed in a later post, but they sport tails). They live in a lightly forested area on the western region. They number in the thousands, but are pretty recluse.

The second largest nation is the Priams. They claim to be descendants of soldiers from Whitewall who got stranded in the Breaking, and are very militarily based. They number around 12,000 strong, but are actually divided into two major settlements who compete with one another.

The largest nation is Sijan. They still practice ancestor worship, but have strayed away from necromancy. They claim to have fled Sijan as the Dowager marched on it, and conquered it, and are numbering around 30,000. According to their lore they were separated from other groups of refugees from Sijan, and hope to restore relations with them.

There are also other small groups of several hundreds from other places. Mostly refugees from other worlds who managed to brave the Wyld.
Okay, now that I've read up on the setting, I have a couple questions:

1. Were we Exalted before or after we got here?

2. What places are we allowed be be refugees from?

3. How much do we know about the Empires? How about the mysteries far away from the Empires?

4. What kind of Backgrounds are we allowed to have? Is it reasonable for someone to have a daiklaive? A Wyldfarer? A magitech armor suit? A Manse? Followers? Contacts? Influence? Etcetera?

I think that's all I need to know to avoid causing significant problems.
To Answer those questions:

1) You decide whether you Exalted before or after.

2) Any place within reason. You cannot be from the New Realm or the Imperium.

3) You have no idea about the Empires, at least not at the start. As for other Mysteries, ask me before you do.

4) Artifacts can be gotten. There may be tombs, or just remnants of Exalts who fell in the Threefold war still lying around, especially if their Shard didn't find any mortals, or heroic mortsls who shared the world it got stuck on. Wyldfarer technology has spread across the worlds. You are not liukely to have more than a one dot Wyldfarer, at least at the start. As said, there are a few Manses, so you can take that. Contacts and Influence must be specific to something on this world. Followers are possible, but again, no more than 2-3 dots. Backing isn't very likely, as there aren't really many organizations around.

Lunars get to decide whether they're tattooed or not.
What are your thoughts on Thaumaturgy, SRC? Whenever you get time. I'd like to get Geomancy to work on the floating island gig and with Demesnes, but its pretty danged expensive.
Alright my concept, as mentioned before, is a Changing Moon diplomat of sorts. The premise is that he would have been the/a prominent leader in the world the refugees came from. One who attempted to rally the people, coordinate the defense...and ultimately get as many people out alive as possible. He views the situation as a failure, though they have indeed survived.

My question is: I'm trying to figure out what to do with 2 Background dots. Given what I've said so far do you think Influence, Followers, or Reputation is the appropriate background?

I'm a little out of practice.
Thaumaturgy i a very useful tool, though some Arts more so than others. Geomancy can certainly prove very useful, in fact I may add a ritual to it to locate the lines that connect the various Manses and Demesnes, so you can have a better idea on where to travel to find other Worlds.

I wouldn't change the cost of it.

Fiaryn, Influence and Followers are both possible. Reputation isn't likely to be used much at first. You all start in a far flung world, and your Reputation isn't likely to get very far, at least till you get more regular contact with other Worlds.
I'm interested in this, I'm thinking a Twilight although I may go for an Eclipse instead. I'll have a more firm idea of what I want after I finish reading the setting.
Sheer tangential curiosity: Am I missing something, or does the Wyldspan page say nothing on the fate of Autochthon and the Alchemicals in the Third Age?

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