Wyld Hunting 101 [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]


Creepy smile
So I thought we could share a bit on our characters, since most of us have Backing Wyld Hunt at least at 1, and devise functions, and possibly battle tactics.

Apparently Yugo is going to become the commander (unless someone steps up and take the charge), but he lacks the background dots to represent it (Retainers 2, Arsenal 3, Command 2, Connections (Immaculate Order) 2, Reputation 1 or 2, and a higher Backing rating). I'll see what I can do about it with SRC with the xp.

To tell you the truth, Yugo has only one thing in mind: grow in personal power and assemble a significant force, enough men and firepower to kill Seiryu, the Azure Dragon. He's motivated by his duty and by his revenge, and now dedicates most of his life to the Hunt.

The way I see you guys:

- Inirlan is the tracker / lorekeeper of the unit: both ambitious and looking for action

- Gebon is a solid soldier in the ranged/sorcery field: his prowess in the Hunt will help his family and that makes him someone you can count on

- Krangara is... the immaculate monk, every hunt needs one ! (plus he's a good investigator)

- Shooting Stars is the other immaculate monk, better have 2 than 1 ! though he has been more successful / used his connections better, because he outranks Krangara (no surprise for an Iselsi...)

- Ojaih is going to be the new recruit (no Backing)

- Jihn is the ambitious swordsman, like Gebon, he fights for something, which makes him reliable.

One thing I can tell you now is:

We have 2,5 (Yugo's the ,5) contact fighters, and 4,5 (again) ranged fighters... an ideal combination.

As in both field we have people able to coordinate others (Yugo and Jihn), we can use our skills to the best.

So, are we going to stick together and unite our efforts to bring the demon kings down, or is everyone's out for theirs ? :)
cyl said:
So, are we going to stick together and unite our efforts to bring the demon kings down, or is everyone's out for theirs ? :)
I'm open to coordinating the melee team. And with one less it'll be even easier. We all get more glory if we take down things none of us could alone! We're not like those Lunar Anathema, always flying solo. Teamwork is to be praised in the Dragon Blooded host. 10,000 Dragons fight as one!
Well if Krangara's no more... I'm afraid... you are the melee team brother :lol:

We can have demons summoned to fight with you, but you won't be able to coordinate them :|
Too true!

Iselsi Gebbon, Ranged combatant, ranged combatant nullifier, Sorcerer, and nascent Mindbender reporting!
Well this is a good example of a bad selection of the candidates for the Wyld Hunt.

Even if the sorcerer can summon demons to guard them, they are obviously going to be targeted first, and this is when the contact fighters are important, they prevent the ennemies from reaching the damage dealers.

We cannot count on the henchmen or soldiers to block a celestial on his way to the sorcerers, they are no threats to a celestial, and they are likely to be wiped out by a spell or a charm.

They can only be used efficiently as support for attacking or with special tactics (using ropes, nets etc), AND we need to protect them the best we can, because if we have considerable casualties, our superiors are not going to be happy about this.

We all have one problem, anima flux.

So whoever is going to have men in the field fighting close to him is going to need war charms (Enfolded in Dragons wings) to protect them from his Anima Flux. I personnally think we should all have that charm.
Not quite so much in my case, two henchmen guard my body, the other, for the moment, is my body. Body and gaurds are no where near the party during a mission, matter of fact they may well be back three towns back.....((I'd say on the blesed isle, but that i think would negate a bit of my glory if I never leave))
Do not forget that your demons servants or your fellow exalts are not immune to your anima flux.

Also... I do not get it, you are using a proxy when hunting ?!
Well, a host to be precised. Sorcerer's Irresistable Puppetry.

and I had forgot about the demons.....going to have to pick that one up now then, it's rarely a good thing when you electrocute your own living armor and internal medic.

Edit: Unless our wonderful ST would be willing to let me count them as gear...

:D (<--Hopeful grin)
Sorry, you can only protect mortal under your command with that charm, demons and exalts get burned anyway.

There is only the Elemental Defense Technique that can protect you against the anima flux of others (a dodge, simple charm).
Also... what host ?! IIRC the spell only allows you to control a body, not use charms or spells with him...

Are you saying you are thinking about using a body to channel your power through it and be physically "safe" ?! That is not the level of power you can reach with terrestrial sorcery, unless I missed something.

Plus this is... not very honorable... your henchmen may not accept the situation.
You forgot money-lender, crook and professional liar.(well, a normal Ragara)

My command background represents my bodyguards, and if need be my enforcers to remind forgetfull people of their debts. And i have intention to increase my command rating with xp.

Anyway, i'm thinking about the spells i should take. Any suggestions? Is Raising the Earth's Bones good?
Hmm Command is for soldiers, or private militias, but they are trained for war. If you need bodyguards or people to mug others, henchmen is probably more adequate.
What is more intimidating : a handfull of mean-looking guys or an army of not as strong but just as mean-looking guys?

Anyway, i will not mug people, i will lend them money, which they have to pay back with interest rates.

And anything to say about which spell would be worth learning or if Raising the Earth's Bones will be usefull?
Dragon of Smoke and Flames, Infailable Messenger, Sprouting Shackles of Doom.

RtEB is useful when people are coming to get you... we are hunters, we will come to get people :twisted:

Drat, that means I'm going to have to have the living armor depart when I hit 16+ motes.....If that were my actual body that prospect would worry me a bit more....As it is I'm going to have to get the charms to recruit replacement henchmen pretty quick if I'm not careful....

Again unless our ST is willing to allow armor that's alive to count as skin....

Yes, with SIP, it does let you use your charms and the like while possessing the target's body. the only down side is a 20m commitment.....
Hmm it seems insanely powerful even for a 24 h duration spell.

And as I said, this... is clearly not honorable, and I doubt some of us will agree to let you use it. First it costs motes, so your efficiency is reduced (around half your pool is monopolized), and then there is this using humans as living shields without any remorse...

Don't take me wrong, this spell is great, but I see extraordinary useful applications for infiltration (kidnapping a follower of an exalt and then using his body to infiltrate the camp for 24 hours, that's the best stuff ever !!!)... but as a fighting method it truly sucks.

I doubt this practice would be tolerated by immaculates (and we have one), or some other people.
Demons will still suffer from your Anima, even if they act as your skin or guts...

Also, i'll need to reread the spell, but certainly I'd put some distance limit on it. no sitting at the Blessed Isle, and having an henchman with this spell on him be at one of the poles.
If the sorcerer wins, he takes complete control of

the target’s body for 24 hours. In this state, he not only

has access to the body but may also plumb the target’s

memories. The sorcerer can use the target’s Abilities or

his own, whichever are greater. The possessed victim

retains her Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Perception

and Appearance, but she uses the sorcerer’s own Intelligence,

Wits, Charisma and Manipulation. The sorcerer

can also use any special, natural senses possessed by the

target (including an animal’s senses, such as a hound’s

sense of smell or a hawk’s sight). The sorcerer does not

have access to any of the target’s magical abilities, spells

or Charms, but he retains access to his own and can

spend his own Essence to power them
By the gods he is right... this spell is sooo broken :lol:
Can you - theoretically of course, in order to buy one he would need to borrow lots of jade :twisted: - posses a tyrant lizard(or mammoth)?
Well, drat....

The spell is half the reason he ended up with the title survivor and all of the reason behind it being occassionally derogatory....

What happened to the whole decadent empire thing...?

I don't think the stomach bottle bug should be affected by the anima not inside....it's all around him and if nothing else that makes for an interesting way to cure really any disease or virus or parasite.....

Sadly I'm seeing half my character concept getting nerfed...it's a somewhat ominous feeling....

Ooh.....that would be nice......theoretically possible, but as I sense some errata-ing coming up, I betting I'll have no chance of aquiring a tyrant lizard body.......
I just saw that there is no ressource rating for them... However if you want i can give you a decent loan for buying a mammoth or claw strider.

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