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Fandom WWE Roleplay

She smiled tiredly and took the bottle from Jackson standing up to go put him to bed, taking a little time but came back frowning. “I don’t know if I need to eat something but I feel really weird.” She mumbled leaning against the doorway to his lounge before things went blurry and she passed out.

He smiled and kissed her head as a friend again. “Come on. Let’s go order pizza.” He grinned at her “You’re giving me a legit excuse to scrap my diet tonight.” He chuckled.
Max gave a soft laugh and smiled widely sitting down with him. She looked around giving another smile "This is a nice place Bobby."

Colby frowned and rushed over catching her before he hit the floor. He looked her over and took deep breaths hoping she was okay. He called 911 to try and find out what might possibly be wrong
She came to in an ambulance looking over seeing colbys face there before passing out again and coming around one more time once they got there hearing colbys voice close by her and seeing his face frowning some before she blacked out again and they told him he couldn’t go into the emergency room with her.

Bobby smiled at her and shrugged. “It does the job I guess.” He murmured and sat down picking his phone up to order the food.
Colby frowned more and looked at the nurse worried "Why?! Let me in there what is happening?!" He yelled taking deep breaths thankful that their neighbors had Jackson for the moment.

Max nodded and gave a small laugh "Well thats good." She murmured biting her lip and scooting closer to him feeling a pull towards him.
“I’m very sorry mr Lopez but they need room to work on her. You’ll only get in the way right now.” She told him a little harshly and shut the door in his face after pointing him toward the waiting room.

Bobby smiled some and leaned back pressing the Okay button then reached for the tv remote. “Here. Go ahead and pick something.” He smiled at her some going to get them a drink.
Max gave a small nod and flipped through the channels settling on watching Ink Master re-runs for the time being. She smiled softly as Bobby came to sit back down with drinks at hand "Thank you." she said quietly as she took the water he had gotten her.

Colby frowned more and paced the waiting room not able to sit down right now from his nerves being shot.
He smiled and nodded some, taking a seat, "Would you ever wanna move back to Holland?" He asked her quietly, curious.

Her doctor came to speak to him a couple hours later and got him to sit down, "She's alright, she's stable but that's the fourth time she's been in with dangerous levels of arrhythmia in the past couple months so we've given her a pacemaker. This is only a temporary solution until she's eligible for the surgery but it will keep her stable and healthy for a long term solution as well... she's resting now and we'd like to keep her overnight for observation but you can go see her now." He told him and gave him directions to her room.
Max sipped at her water and frowned some "Yes and no, somedays I miss it to pieces,others I don't. I'd love to visit for sure, though there is not much left for me there. Its why I left." She explained giving a small shrug

Colby listened intently and took a deep breath before he went to her room. He quickly took her hand in his and gave it a small squeeze.
She woke up a little and glanced over at him frowning some, "Col... What are we doing here?" She grumbled and sat up carefully, resting back against the pillows and tried to pull him in closer.

Bobby nodded some and shrugged "I get that." He smiled at her some. "Sometimes I wish I was still with Cara... The girls deserve their parents to be a family... But then more often than not I come to my senses and realise that it's better for the two of tem that their parents are separated and happy than together and miserable." He mumbled.
Max nodded some and gave a soft smile at the mention of his girls "How've they been?" She asked turning to face him completely resting her arm on the back of the couch

Colby got her situated before he laid with her giving a heavy sigh "They gave you a pace maker." He said gently before explaining everything the doctor had told him
She swallowed a bit and nodded, "Alright... I think I better move in again huh?" She mumbled tiredly glancing up at him. She knew it would put less stress on them both for them to live together, "Here's the dilemma... Now I know this is gonna be super difficult so don't rush into it... But my shabby little one bedroom.... Or your wonderful mansion?" She asked him giggling some.

He smiled some and pulled his phone out showing the photos of them going to the zoo to her, "They're getting so big already, you should see Britt, she's gonna be 9 in a few weeks." He told her sighing some. He never wanted his girls to grow up. HE missed enough just travelling so much but living three towns over was even worse.
Colby gave a small chuckle and kissed her cheek "I think my place might be a little better, for the long term." He said happily

Max smiled looking at them "Oh Bobby they're beautiful." She murmured before turning her attention to him "I'm not sure how I'll do this by myself." She said softly placing a hand on her stomach
She nodded and yawned a little curling into him. “Oh they cut off my favorite pyjamas.” She grumbled a little sighing some before managing to nod off to sleep snuggled close to him.

Bobby smiled some. “I think you’re gonna be just fine.” He assured her as he put his phone away, getting up to collect the pizza.
Colby chuckled softly and held her close "Ill get you some new ones." He murmured

Max smiled as he came back taking the pizza from him "Thank you." She murmured before pecking his lips going a bit wide eyed as she pulled back "Oh man...Im so sorry Bobby...I...Im sorry.."
Bobby smiled at hersome and shook his head. “Don’t even worry about it.” He told her figuring that she was just really out of it from stress.
Max nodded softly and sat down eating with him before long she was yawning "Well I'm gonna head to bed, thank you again Bobby." She murmured before going to the guest room and falling asleep.
Scarlett woke up early in the morning glad Colby was there with her and smiled over at him trying to throw a blanket over the top of him so he wasn’t cold but it fell on the floor.

Bobby got up and went to go make breakfast for them both, doing them pancakes and got loads of stuff out so she could choose what she wanted on them.
Max walked downstairs with her hair a wreck and in a very baggy shirt following the smell of food smiling some "Mmmmm food." She murmured rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

Colby felt her moving and groaned softly. He woke up and gave a soft smile "Mornin beautiful." He whispered kissing her forehead gently
She smiled and kissed his cheek. “Morning... can we go home today?” She asked him quietly. “I tried to give you a blanket but it fell on the floor.” She said pointing to it.
Colby held her some and chuckled as he looked at the blanket. He picked it up and pulled it over them "Yeah I think so." He murmured

Max gave a small smile and kissed his cheek in a friendly way "Thank you, and good morning by the way." She said softly
She nodded a bit and sighed quietly, "I can't keep ending up here all the time. It's not fair on you or Jackson." She mumbled rubbing her face a little.

He smiled some and shrugged, "No big deal, I was hungry anyway and definitely hungry for pancakes.
Colby sighed softly and nodded "Hopefully this pace maker will make it happen less frequently." He murmured

Max made herself a plate giggling softly "Mmm baby says yes to pancakes, thank god."
She just nodded and held his hand gently playing with his fingers a bit. “I love you.” She murmured tiredly “how long now til your next trip?”

Bobby smiled some watching her. If tom was lying and really had slept with selina knowingly he couldn’t work out why he would want to do that when he had a woman like Max at home.
Colby kissed the top of her head giving a small sigh "2 weeks, we go to Australia for this giant show." He murmured keeping her close to him.

Max sat down giving a smile before she started to eat. She was thankful to have a friend like Bobby, but he mind was still stuck on Tom. She wondered what he was up to, and honestly she wanted to know why he didnt even tell her himself that he left.

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