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Fandom WWE Roleplay

Max gave a soft laugh and nodded letting him grab her finger "Hey there precious boy, oh you just get even more handsome everytime I see you!" She said happily making funny faces at him

Colby chuckled and smilee happily "Alright off we go." He said happily holding Scarlett's hand as he drove
She pulled her hand away to avoid upsetting max at all and just kept an eye on Jackson in the rear view the whole way there taking Colby inside with the baby and watched max go to the restroom. “Toms gone back to Holland today.... she’s freaking out. She’s pregnant and she doesn’t want him to leave her but they’re in a big predicament.” She explained.
Colby frowned and shook his head some "Fuck.....she doesnt deserve that. I thought he was getting tested for those drugs?" He asked as they sat at the table
She nodded “He was completely clear. I never pegged him as the cheating type.” She murmured and rubbed colbys back gently. “I love you.” She still didn’t know how max and Tom had got together this time round.
Max came back and took a deep breath giving a smile to them "Hey guys, order anything yet?" she asked sitting down and giggling as Jackson squealed quietly handing her a crayon "Ooooh the crayons are so pretty huh?" she said happily helping him color some trying to distract herself the most she could but she couldnt help but think that she was an idiot for thinking he could possibly not cheat on her when he was cheating on his long term girlfriend for her.

Colby gave her a smile shaking his head "No we waited for you." he said softly glancing at Scarlett some as Max got distracted with Jackson "She will be a good mom." he murmured softly.
Tom got off the plane when it landed and went through passport control sighing heavily and turned his phone on sending her a text to let her know he was okay and would be home in a couple weeks.

Scarlett nodded and watched Jackson as he sneezed l, scaring himself and crying reaching for Colby.
Max glanced at her phone and frowned putting it away quickly giving a soft smile at Jackson before she turned her attention to Scarlett "How is work going?" She asked quietly

Colby picked him and and bounced him softly "Oh buddy its okay,it was justa sneeze." He murmured kissing the top of his head gently
She shrugged a bit. “It’s going I guess. I’m trying to plan a trip to IMATs in New York for next month but I’ve gotta make sure I can get the other girls to cover my schedule.” She told her. “Max... I’m sure he’s not cheated on you. He’s not the type.” She said to her supportively glancing over at Colby while Jackson just kept crying and holding onto his dad.
Colby gave a small huff as Jackson kept crying "Ill be right back babe, take him to see the fountain out front." He murmured before leaving

Max bit her lip hard and took a deep breath letting a few tears fall wiping them quickly "......He had an affair while he was with Amy..." she whispered out swallowing the lump that had formed in her throat doing her best to keep her composure.
She frowned and went to soothe her but then paused and shook her head. “Hold on... He... with you?” She questioned and grit her teeth. “After everything you saw me go through?! You became a home wrecker?! You deserve all that he’s done to you.” She spat at her and got up grabbing their stuff leaving her cash for a cab then walked out to Colby. “We are going home.” She muttered going to the car.
Max looked at her in shock not expecting that responce at all. She took a deep breath and waited for a few minutes not wanting to take a cab. She pulled her phone and dialed the first person that came to mind "Bobby? Hey um...are you busy?" She asked softly

Colby raised his eyebrow while he picked up Jackson who was fixated on the little fountain "Whats wrong?" He asked walking with her to the car "What about Max?"
“She was a home wrecker herself! He cheated on Amy with her. It’s her own damn fault!” She spat annoyed and got back in the car waiting for Colby to get Jackson in the car to be ready to go home instead.

Bobby frowned. “No I’m just finishing st the gym you Alright?” He asked her walking out the building.
Max took a deep breath taking the money so she could give it to Colby later on "I just um....I need a ride home." She murmured feeling like her world was crumbling apart at the seams and there was no mending to them

Colby let out a sigh and shook his head some as he got Jackson buckled up "I'm sorry sweetheart." He murmured not knowing what else to say.
She sighed heavily shaking her head. “I’m sorry I took Jackson away from the pretty fountain.” She mumbled running a hand through her hair looking over st Colby. “I love both my boys so very much.” She murmured taking Jackson inside when they got back to colbys place.

Bobby frowned and nodded. “Sure, where you at?” He asked getting in his car ready to go get her.
Max gave him the address before she sat down outside and waited. She gave a soft smile as he pulled up and quickly got in the car "Thank you so much Bobby....I owe you one." She said softly as she buckled up

Colby shook his head some "Its alright babe, he needs a bath anyways." He murmured before going to the kitchen to make them something quick to eat.
She nodded and took him up to run a bath for him sitting down and getting out his bath toys kissing his head. “Oh mommy loves you more than anything. Daddy comes a very close second.” She cooed smiling seeing Colby coming into the bathroom with a sandwich and leant into him when he sat with her. “You okay? You’ve seemed pretty off today.” She murmured.

Bobby waved it off and shook his head. “Nonsense. You don’t owe me a thing.” He promised her and kissed her cheek in a friendly way. “That’s what I’m here for. You doing okay? Everyone’s been told what’s going on by management.” He explained and gave her shoulder a supportive squeeze.
Max frowned when she heard that. She didnt want everyone knowing her business "Honestly Bobby....Im at the lowest I've ever been....my best friend hates me now...Tom left....I'm alone." She said softly

Colby shook his head some "I'm find babe,just thinking is all. Trying to figure out my schedule in my head." He said giving her a toothless smile since he had food in his mouth
Bobby frowned and parked outside her place, turning the engine off, "Go inside, pack a bag, come stay at mine for a couple nights, I'm sure the neighbour will be more than happy to feed the cats for a couple days, you need a break." He told her giving her a smile.

She nodded and smiled at Jackson squealed as loud as he could and reached to try and climb in the bath already, "Alright alright, let's get you splish splashing." She cooed at him and got him in the bath after checking the temperature, "Do you think I was too harsh?" She asked him quietly
Max frowned softly and gave a small nod "Alright..." she murmured before she went inside and got a bag ready. She came back out and looked at Bobby "I should have seen this coming.... he left Amy for me....but I thought he was gonna stay because of the baby....Scarlett was right,Im nothing but a home wrecker." She whispered before she started to cry yet again.

Colby smiled at Jackson chuckling as he squealed loudly and splashed around. He gave a soft sigh and looked at her "Maybe a little? I mean I get where you are mad, and I get where they both in the wrong. She is pregnant though, and you know how hard that was, she is going to need someone." He explained
She frowned some "It wasn't just you that did it to me Colby though I gotta admit you hurt the worst but we won't go into that anymore, you and me got through it... She saw me get cheated on before as well... She saw how badly it broke me and she still went ahead with it. Amy never deserved any of that." She muttered washing jackson's hair carefully.

He sighed heavily and drove back to his place, getting out and took her inside then just stood there hugging her tightly and rocking her gently, "It's alright... It's gonna be okay." He soothed quietly
Max held onto him and cried softly keeping close to him taking deep breaths as she started to relax into his arms "I've been so tired Bobby.....I'm tired of all of this." She whispered

Colby sighed heavily and held her close nodding a bit "I know, they couldve gone about it in a much better way. You see the way he looks at her though Scarlett, he loves Max and I know for a fact he never looked at Amy that way."
She sighed some and nodded, "Give me a couple days then I'll talk to her." She mumbled and kissed his cheek tiredly. "I love you." She murmured and got Jackson all washed up then cuddled him close in a towel, drying him off while Lego came up to see what they were all up to, "Hey buddy, you come to see your brother?" She cooed to him, "He's getting so old." She sighed quietly.

Bobby frowned some and looked at her carefully, "Max... It'll get better. When he gets back from Holland then you will work it out between you two. I trust that." He told her
Colby gave a small smile and petted Lego smiling as he licked at Jackson's feet making him giggle and squirm "Sounds like a plan." He murmured softly

Max nodded a bit "I hope so..." she whispered wipong her eyes looking up at him biting her lip softly taking in a small shaky breath
She smiled and got him into pyjamas and took him downstairs again sitting on the couch with colby with the tv on and quietly gave Jackson his bedtime milk. “I hope he’s not like you as a kid... your mom has told me the horror stories.” She mumbled feeling a little off now and rest against him tiredly.

He sighed heavily and just hugged her tightly. “Come on let’s get you some dinner then get you a cosy bed.” He smiled at her.
Colby held them both and laughed some "I doubt he will be." He murmured smiling as Jackson started dozing off with his bottle in his mouth

Max went to the guest room after they had eaten and gave Bobby a small smile "Thank you Bobby, this truely means a lot." She murmured before kissing his cheek gently

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