WW Signup!

Name: James Walter

Age: 17

Family Status: Wealthy

Personality: Unstable

Personal trinkets/pets: A ritual blade, about nine inches long, the only thing his father ever gave him.

talent for magic: Extremely high, though he limits himself to only a few styles.

appearance: http://animezup.com/mkportal/modules/gallery/album/a_2767.jpg

biography: James had been given nothing as a child, no matter how wealthy his family was. The philosophy had always been that afterward, he would know exactly what the adult world was like... but it didn't work out too well. The breaking point had been reached by his eleventh birthday, he'd been completely ignored by both his parents the entirety of his known life, and he'd had enough. Growing up on a huge estate meant nothing when you spent all of that time alone. During his private little celebration, James had managed to sneak into the kitchen with the laundry detergent, the one with the big skull and crossbones on the side. Slipping it into every beverage in the refrigerator had been an easy task, then he just stored the jug away back where he had found it. Sure enough, within the month, both his parents had fallen terminally ill from food poisoning. On his deathbed, Mr. Walter had apologized... for hours, to his only son that he'd never spent any quality time with, oblivious that the very same child had been the one that poisoned him. Only one thing had been left to James in the final will, he had learned after the funeral. A knife, mostly trimmed with gold, a beautiful little blade that had no doubt cost a small fortune. With this much James at least knew that his parents had acknowledged his existance, but probably no more than one of the countless employees that their company hired. It had been enjoyable to him... ending the lives of two such important people, and receiving no consequence...
Name: Aldayan Maghan

Age: 18

Family Status: Upper

Personality: A honor and duty bond boy who shows respect for others but can be ruthless person when time comes.

Personal trinkets/pets: A runed sword, magically gemmed bracers.

talent for magic: Low - Medium, mostly counter/canceling spells along with binding and sealing

but with a sword and not the staff

biography: Aldayan, was born into a magic using family, but their intent on how they use it is different from most families. the Maghan family is a long line of Mage Hunters, their talent for analyzing and counter or canceling spells is well know. Their arsenal of counter spells and spell shattering weapons make them feared among magic uses. The time has come for Aldayan to begin his journey down the road of the Mage Hunters and earn his place in the ranks of the Mage Hunter guild.

Minus gun and katana. Keeps her hair up in a bun but if it does come down, tends to be about just above her shoulders

Name: Aimeka Nozara


Family Status:
Medium Class

Crazy Random. Loves to do random things and act in a random manner. Can be loud or quiet. Kind of different in every situation based on the current scenario.



Gigit. A prehistorical squirrel which doesn't do much unless its in the name of acorns.

Personal Trinkets: A dagger kept in her outfit, out of sight. It has an incantation in japanese on it. What it does is still unknown.

Talent for Magic:

Focused Lightning - Adept; Able to charge the lightning element through ones body. allowing them to discharge it on an opponent when contact is made, or shoot it out from an extremity towards the enemy. On the other side, with a simple snap of the fingers, lightning can be summoned randomly on an opponent.

Hand to Hand Combat - Proficient; Able to use said lightning skill with this. While not perfect, she can usually at least hold her own for awhile.

Summoning - Inept; Makes a tear in the dimensional rift allowing objects or things to be summoned, though what usually comes out is completely random.


Considered a disgrace by her family for not being normal. She was ejected from their family at the age of 15 and set of a path to determine her place in this world. From there she wonder the globe. Working here and there for money before moving on. She has not spoken to her family in 4 years, but one day hopes to return to reclaim her honor.
Name: Valentina Becke

Age: 18

Family Status: Slightly lower class, not well-known.

Personality: Seems to be very serious, although kind, courageous and observant

Personal trinkets/pets: A staff that was left behind by whom she assumes was her mother.

Talent for magic: Very strong in offensive, Can do some levitation. Is bad at practically everything else




Val has lived with her single father since birth never knowing anything about her mother other then she knew magic. Studying hard in the subject, Val hoped that she could follow in her mother’s footsteps and become a witch. She now travels the world with Aimeka
Name: Leslie Fitz


Family Status:Lower Class/Were once servants

Personality: Nervous, a bit jumpy, caring, easily frightened.

Personal trinkets/pets:A small gourd like bottle that hangs from her belt. Contains a special type of sand.

talent for magic: Medium to High.


biography: Since her family was 'set free' from being servants to high ranking magical family, Leslie's parents were constantly pushing her away saying that everything was her fault though she can't remember why. She just accepted everything that they said without doubt, as her background was one of accepting facts, keeping your mouth shut, and staying out of sight. From there, she wandered around a lot always on the outskirts and thinking that was just her place.
Name: Joseph Ray

Age: 18

Family Status: None,orphaned at a young age.

Personality: Blunt like a bowling ball,gruff,Jerk with a heart of gold.

Trinket: A standard issue Canadian Armed Forces bayonet,with "Never Forget M.M." engraved on the side of the blade,and scabbard.

Magical Affinity: None. He's mundane. He does,however,know how you use knives,swords,spears,and most firearms.

Appearance: Tall and thin,but having a very compact muscle structure. He wears CAD-Pat pants,and an olive green t-shirt. He has the bayonet attached across the back of his pants. Wears Mk II Canadian Armed Forces combat boots. Brown eyes,short dark brown hair,kept in a military fashion.

Biography: He was raised in the same orphanage as Steven,and the two were best friends. During the Nightrise attack on the orphanage,he was outside in the yard,exploring the area in the night. When he heard screams and shouting,he ran. When he returned the next morning,he was greeted with a scene of death and ash. He later joined the military at seventeen,in order to prepare himself for any future attacks on himself or those he cared about. He was later released (fired) because he kept on accusing (rightfuly) his corrupt superior officer for traffiking drugs to the troops,but no evidence was ever found. He now lives in Halifax,trying to get by on three part-time jobs.
I am the Bobbert Coro talked about in the last sign up, so I'm just resetting my charry for approval.

Name: Jet

Age: Techically, 2. Has the body and mind of a seventeen year old though.

Family Status: Born as the reincarnation of Conner Adam, technically is the brother of Vent.*

Talent for Magic: Incredible with the magics listen below, near useless with everything else.

Biography: Born as the reincarnation of Conner Adam, Jet found himself alone in Hell, with incredible power. No memories remained, but the soul is definitely Conner's. As such, his personality is pretty much the same. Meeting the original Wrath Demon from whom Vent obtained his demonic blood, Jet learned of some of his past, and his 'brother's antics. Knowing he had some sort of family, Jet had a new goal. To destroy him.*

Personality: Exactly like that of Conner Adam's before his death, incredibly obnoxious, straight-forward, and prone to solving problems with his fists. Or his head. Literally. Deep down, there is some semblance of a good person, but is hidden by the arrogant persona he displays.*


Magic: Umbralus markings, Fire Mastery, Demonic energy/forms

Race: Wrath Demon

you have too many characters already esme, work with them, no more for you!

if you want another char, then just make one up on the spot, this rp has enough permennt rp characters alread.

anyway, how the hel;l do you intend to keep track of ALL you're chars at this rate?
(NOTE: I'm not sure if you were talking to us all, or just esme...if it's all of us then oh well >n<)

Name: Gabriel Stark

Age: 20

Family Status:
Rich, Prestigious family.


High and mighty, doesn’t like travelling alone, doesn’t like fighting, uncaring of most people, unobservant.

Personal trinkets/pets: None

Talent for magic:

High in Defensive Magic; can create barriers, stop spells in their tracks, displace them, reflect them or repel them all together.

Medium Hand-to Hand; as it his only means of fighting back, he has learned a few tricks in the area of attacking.

Appearance: http://i405.photobucket.com/albums/pp139/crazy_winged_wolf/people/Ice_Fire_by_heise.jpg


Money caused a lot of problems for a young Gabriel; even if his parents were rich, they treated him like they were poor. This didn’t stop him from trying to use his parents’ prowess as leverage in the world, which got him bullied a lot. Having enough of the torment; he decided to fight back learning as he went, and eventually getting himself kicked out of school.

The family had hired a tutor, as they still had his best interest in mind; he taught him something other than studies though, defensive magic. Although it did nothing for his punch it did do a lot to others’.

Now separated from his tutor, as he had both graduated and grown out of him; he looks for new magic around the world.
Name: Katie Rayson

Age: 18

Family Status: middle class

Personality: random. (hair and eye color change to mood). very outgoing, honest doesn't lie,

Personal trinkets/pets: a pendant around her neck is all

talent for magic: anything to do with fire she can create/manifest and move fire how she feels it


biography:a very smart cat entered the body of a new born girl, and now the two souls live together in the one body sharing everything.

(ok so if you can add to this or make it sound better just tell me cause its hard to think of a good way to put this xD ) i can edit it

Name: Lawrence 'Law' Bucco

Age: 21

Family Status: Middle Class


- During the day: Friendly, Cheerful and Social

- During the night: Mean, Cold, Distant and Sadistic

Personal trinkets/pets:

- Orange/Black Cat

- Leftearring is a very tiny sun / Rightearring is a very tiny moon

talent for magic: Mid-High ( Specializes in Dimensional Magic; Opening portals to other worlds and all those goodie stuff. )


biography: Born in a family of summoners and dimensional mages.
Name: Jimmy Rigon

Age: 14

Family Status:
Middle High

Personality: Jimmy is a calm inteligent young man, with good manners and respects his elders, but sometimes he can be a little crazy, but he always listens to those people who are old then him.

Personal trinkets/pets: Jimmy keeps a pocket watch and he has a pet lizard in his pocket. His pets name is John. A staff.

Talent for magic:

Jimmy's magic is around medium level, and the type of magic he know is speed speels to make him or other things go fast, or slower. He can only do it to himself though.

Appearance: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_uV8MWZb-OgY/THcoKk7fWXI/AAAAAAAAACc/nf5xjxkX9qU/s1600/AnimeBoy.jpg


Jimmy is a nice boy with two great parents, hes just as average as an other person. He likes to run and do parkour so he learned a little bit about magic and he learned time magic. So he can speed him self up, and slow things down. Any ways, he is pretty good with magic but he always needs his staff with him. Jimmy was born in a dump of a place so he learned how to fight some what, then his dad won the loto and he moved to a more safisticaded life style. He is now a gentelman with a pinch of slum in him.
Name: Shinku Suda

Age: 21

Family Status: High Class

Personality: Apathetic. No general likes/dislikes.

Personal trinkets/pets

Leslie ((esme said OK)) [shinku is her REAL owner]: http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/93-WW-Signup!?p=10105&viewfull=1#post10105

Evoker (the pistol) summons Leslie when she shoots herself [shinku does not die from it]

talent for magic: high (long range)

med-low (mid range)

high (protection)


biography: Born and raised in a family of royalty, Shinku spent every day doing "royalty" things. Such as banquets, shopping, aristocrat parties, ect. Not that she necessarily LIKED them. Shinku really didn't care if she went or not. Either way they were just more pointless things to go to for her. Her parents hated Shinku's apathetic attitude, so they tried to change her by giving her a servant (Leslie). Leslie had a close connection to Shinku, though Shinku didn't really think much of it. Leslie ended up making a contract with her. If Shinku ever needed her, she could use the EVOKER to summon her. All Shinku needed to do was shoot herself with it. Leslie promised that it would not harm her. Shinku then released Leslie as her servant, and let her do what she wanted. Though fate may want otherwise.
you are APPROVED sungazer.

but remember, the Ww world has gone to s**t, so her status may not mean much

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