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Name:stark taverson


Family Status:middle class

honest,kind,adventures ,and sad

Personal trinkets/pets:a small demon bird

talent for magic:medium


biography:stark was born into middle class family but he was very active played soccer at his school and took up practicing the sword. He start to use magic in his house in the secrecy of his room. Playing with lighting magic stark started a fire in his house escaping out of his window he thought that his family surely escaped alive but when the smoke settled the firefighters found three bodys his mother father and sister. Crushed by the death of his family he wondered around going city to city in search of answers but then the plague came and he felt that this was his chance to repent for killing his family
Name: Kalypso (Kali)

Age: 8-9 months

Family Status: Unknown

Personality:NIce, adventurous, and all that other stuff I say about all of my characters. hehe

Personal trinkets/pets: Uh.. I have markings, does that count? Also, I AM a pet.

talent for magic: I don't know. I'm just a young wolf pup.


biography:All I can remember is growing up on the icy cold grounds of a science lab. I was chained up and everyday, scientists would just come and stare at me. Yeah, that's right, STARE! With their notepads and everything. One day, I said to myself, "I need to escape this prison! Its horrible!" So... I did! I pulled with all the might I had, and for the first time, the chains actually broke! I ran away and soon, found my self in a little village. Today, I still live in the village, hungry and not noticed. People will walk by me and not notice me, or my markings (wherever they came from). Not even a little kid will come up to me and say. "Look! A puppy!" Well first of all, I'm NOT, under any circumstances, a PUPPY! I'm a WOLF!
Approved, although an animal character is different, i though you wanted a human with animal characteristics.
Name: Slasher Ryūgamine

Age: 15

Family Status: middle class

Personality: slasher is a 15 year old boy who has extraordinary powers when he was 13 he killed his foster parents with his unknown powers his real parents were killed he doesn't know how but every night he has a dream about them he fights for love vengeance and the fun of it he made a promise to find the person who killed his parents and he will

Personal trinkets/pets he has a sword was passed down from his grandfather to his father to him and his mother gave him a couple weapons and a special item that he lost and is need of finding it

talent for magic: none

appearance: http://nd03.jxs.cz/103/136/4faff0f162_57933267_o2.jpg

biography: when he was 5 his parents were killed before the father and mother were killed they gave him some special things he was put into care of a foster family he killed his foster parents and ran away he soon came to meet some friends and went on a journey and swore he would find the person who killed his parents
Name: Roran Septim

Age: 17

Family Status: Low

Personality: Is very calm and quiet. Nobody has ever heard him verbally communicate, or really communicate at all, though some have started rumors that he communicates telepathically

Personal trinkets/pets: His staff which is made of the wood of an ancient oak, and topped with an enchanted stone born in the bowls of the earth. He also carries a second stone, that often randomly hovers about his being, and sometimes changes color upon his mood.

talent for magic: High


biography: Born and raised in a small island village, he lived a happy enough life until the age of 3. Upon his birthday, a group of ships docked on the island, and the men aboard them attacked and killed all adults, believing the people of the island to be freaks and sorcerers, which was not far from the truth. When he was found by a late scouting party of the men, his rapidly increasing state of anger and sadness triggered a psionic wave of energy from within his body, causing an explosion with the strength to destroy a city. The island was ruined, and the ships off shore were demolished. He barely survived as he attempted to live on the island, though he was found by a trader and taken to the mainland only to run away from the parents he had, whom were going to sell him for their own gain. He ran and ran, and eventually found himself in the care of a tribe of wood elves. He was raised to be kind and just, and left at the age of 16 to find his destiny. He hasn't spoken verbally since age 3, though he does telepathically communicate when needed. He is highly skilled in the mental arts, and also has a highly evolved skill of common and advanced magic, which he uses for good, never for his own gain.

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