Ww: Legends~

Arianna growled silently; that was it. She sliced right through the club in one swing, cutting it clean in half, the actual wood of the club smoking from the hellfire on her blade. She kicked one of the orcs clean in the knee, knocking him backwards, and stood over him, boot on his chest. Without another word of hesitation, she lifted her sword, her other boot on his forehead to hold it still for a clean cut across the neck.
the orcs stopped, seeing the murderous glare in Arianna's eyes as she bought up her blade to kill the guy.

as she prepared to slice down, she found 2 flying feet on both sides of her blade, kicking her backwards with such force that she actually seemed to fly back a few feet, when she looked at who kicked her, she saw Daniel jumping to his feet, his fists clenched, looking at her.

the Orc got up, growling "alright.. we'll go..."

(assuming she put her head back on, since you didnt say "her body" did those things, and you refered to the whole person...)

the orcs left, Daniel marched right up to Arianna, he grabbed her head by the hair and puled it clean off her body

"Stay out of this, body! alright Arianna, what the hell was that!?... drawing a sharp blade at someone's neck... that guys a **** but you looked like you were gonna kill him!... a freaking student!"
Arianna sat up when her body was kicked over, her head on the floor where it fell. As she stood up, and Daniel grabbed her head, she felt her anger bubble. She wasn't going to kill the student, but yanking her head by the hair off the floor was blood boiling. Her body trumped over and snatched the head with such force Daniel couldn't hold on to it. When she placed it on her shoulders, and got her jaw moving, her eyes flashed dangerously.

"I did not want to kill that student, I never did!" she shot back, sheathing her sword. "I am not a mindless MONSTER!" she exclaimed before whirling around, her cape billowing out behind her to mirror her own fury as she hurried down the hall, going to find Angafay.
Daniel rolled his eyes, and soon he caught up to Arianna.

"look, just dont scare me like that, ok?.. you pull out your sword like that and hold it up to someone's neck like that... of course i'd freak out, if your gonna fight with weapons, at least use the blunt ends..."

they went on, this time not as jokingly, to find Angafay...

at the edges of the school, a small, but incredibly fast figure skirted through the woods, soon coming to the wall, it scaled the wall in barely 5 seconds, in a singe "thump thump" 2 guards fell down dead, the figure then jumped from the wall and continued along, clad in a crimson cape and large hat of the same colour, a corset underneath with tight leather pants beneath, black leather cloves, a belt of knives around it's waist and a black beak mask, like those used by european doctors during the black plague...
Arianna ignored him completely as she walked, focused completely on where the energy from Angafay's necklace was taking her. She couldn't have gotten far, and Arianna hoped she would be alright upon being found. When she got to the stairs, she rounded the corner, her cape sliding around the wall like ink, following close behind upon catching up. She hurried down the stairs, not looking to the side, or behind. She felt both embarrassed and appalled that Daniel would have thought she would have killed that student. Surely he knew she had more self control than that....right? The thought made her non-existent blood boil and she sighed rather loudly, continuing down the hall without missing a beat. She had never had to deal with living people before that didn't fear her, much less friends. She was starting to wonder if just scaring people and having a dead horse for a friend was a simpler life.
Daniel sighed

"I guess you havent been around living people in awhile huh?... you pull your sword out and it scares us, you stand over someone and hold it right over their throats, we'll freak out... just stick to fists and dont touch the blades, ok?..."

just as they came out of the hallway, in the distance, Arianna could see 2 guards walking along the wall, this place was built and guarded like a fortress, understandable, this was a hotly contested place with more than a few enemies, and in a flash, she saw a crimson cape flash on the wall, with a matching hat and beaked face dart past them, just as it did, the 2 guards fell silently, no-one without trained eyes would have seen it, and the guards wouldnt be changing for awhile, so no-one would come patrolling there...

Daniel didnt even notice

"... not like the blades and that are a real hastle, but they unnerve people, you know? you're about the only one here who can lose a head and keep on moving after all..."
Arianna didn't wait around to listen to Daniel and took off down the hall where she saw the red go, yanking out her axe. Her cape billowed out behind her as she rounded the corner and took off running. Even with her armor, she was deadly fast, since her muscles didn't need oxygen to move, or get sore because she was already dead. She gripped the axe by the bottom of the handle for the best throw, finally catching up to the mysterious attacker. She watched how much space was between his footsteps and counted the seconds between steps, cocking her arm back. With a decisive throw, the axe stuck in the ground, tripping the stranger like it did Daniel. She didn't hesitate and jumped him, pinning him down.

"Who are you?! Answer me or I shall carve you up until I figure the answer out!" she demanded, her sword ready for the death blow.
the caped assailant was pinned, but she seemed to show no fear, from what Arianna could see through the glass holes in her mask, she seemed to be smiling, and from the assailant's body shape, especially with the Corset, this one was female, in a second, she flicked her mask up, revealing her mouth, it had a slight green tinge and had red markings around it, she grinned and leaned up faster than Arianna could react... and kissed her.

in this moment of distraction, the assailant bought her legs up, in an amazing show of flexibility and managed to seemingly effortlessly, she twisted Arianna over, throwing her to the ground with the masked assailant on top, straddling her hips, her mask fell back down and she whipped her cloak back, revealing not onl her body shape, but a selection of knives and skewers, she pulled out 2 skewers and jammed them through the gaps in the armour under Arianna's arms, although she was undead and wouldnt really feel it, the skewers got between her joints, she couldnt move her arms, she then leaned back so far she was looking the other way, and another 2 skewers went into Arianna's knees, so she couldnt kick or get up either.

the masked woman stood up, clearly smiling under her mask, then she turned around, hearing footsteps coming, Daniel came through the door, his wand drawn

without missing a beat, he began casting, at first the assailant dodged with ease, then she ran at him, still dodging and moving with a speed even Ariana wouldnt be able to keep up with, she jumped up, sticking 3 fingers in Daniel's mouth to bull his head back, when she landed on the other side of him, with his head pulled back, his spine arched, she struck him hard on a pressure point, locking his spine in place, he fell down, his back still arched, they could hear the crimson assailant laughing under her mask as she darted off, running again right past Arianna and through the door... they both just got their asses kicked...
"How....re-VOLTING!" Arianna thundered, bringing her arms up, snapping the knives loose. She got them from her arms and yanked them out of her knees, looking at Daniel. "Daniel!" she ran over, looking at him. "Oh, no...just...do not move, do not squirm...I am going to get help." she gently picked him up, hardly moving him at all as she hurried down the hall. "Someone help, there has been an attack on a student!!" she yelled.
as she ran, Daniel gradually was able to move again.

"aah -crack- AAh! let me down!"

he fell to the ground and soon got to his feet shakily

"I'm okay, i'm okay... jeez that guys got some moves... hit right in the -groan- pressure point!"

ad Daniel regained his composure, they saw a group of guards in the distance, they were heading downstairs in a rush.

"huh... wait, i read somewhere they there's a cave of magical crystals AND a repository of magical artifacts under this school... oh hell!"

he ran towards the stairs, keeping pace with Arianna...
Arianna kept pace with Daniel, drawing her sword, axe sheathed at her side. She wasn't going to let that girl get away with what she did to Daniel, the guards, and even for kissing Arianna. Because she was raised in an older time, girls kissing girls was LARGELY frowned upon and punishable only by death, and Arianna believed in the same teachings. She was going to make sure she got her revenge, one way or the other.

"Daniel should we ride Dixie to try and catch her??" she asked. "These halls are big enough for her to run through!"
WOW i thought i posted, looks like it didnt go through.

"No, didn't you see her!? unless Dixie can run through walls and fly, i dont think that'll work"

they came around another hall and down another flight of stairs "okay, lets get ready!" Daniel bought his wand up and he hit the door ahead open with his shoulder, inside was an underground training room, the assailant was in the middle of the room, using a fire spell to burn up the carpet

"Alright, thats enough, give up!" she glanced at them, she giggled "he he he he! give up!? why should i?... I'm so close to my goal, and all that stands in my way is an average skilled student mage, and a failure excuse of a headless horseman... maybe you should give up, before i get what i came for" Daniel aimed his wand "last chance" she respoded with a laugh then ".. last chance... boy"

Daniel cast, sending a small vortex of flame at her, she jumped high, and darted around in mid air, wires shot out of her wrists and tied around Daniel's hands, forcing him to point his want at his own head, making him end the spell, she pulled out a dart, the wires automatically tightened, and she threw it at Daniel's neck "wh... wha...?" he went down almost instantly,she retracted the wires skillfully.

"now, headless horseman,,, make your move... i've already won after all"

behind her, Arianna could see the floor was beginning to change, great circles on the floor were beginning to rotate, as if part of a giant lock...
Arianna let her cape blow behind her and unsheathed her sword, the metal against the sheath making a loud hiss.

"You fail to realize just how many tricks a failure can hold up their sleeve, brute." she replied, rushing over. She expected the girl to jump and let her, throwing her axe up and pinning her to the ceiling by her cape, letting her dangle. "You are too predictable. I hate to do this, but you proved to be untrustworthy in the corridor." she drew her sword back for a strike, but the assailant got free and pinned her, straddling her again.

However, something was different. A deeper, more liquid red slowly drizzled down her stomach, and Arianna smiled. She threw her off and let the knife continue to stick out of her stomach. Too predictable. She walked over and placed a boot on her stomach and, after a moment of asking God for forgiveness, she brought the sword down and struck her through the chest, blade tip first.
as the sword came down and hit, suddenly she dissapeared, looking up, Arianna would see the assailant was still there, standing where she had been before

"my my, to have outfought my illusion... what a great warrior you must be, fighting a non-existant combatant" she said mockingly, she paced up and down "you know... i like you, you're feisty, powerful and probably one of the nicest pairs of lips i've ever had the pleasure of kissing... oh! was that your first kiss?! oh this is just magical!... truly" before the "truly" she jumped up and down a bit, but she stopped "oh well, enough games..."

the floor began to sink, and it opened up, to reveal a stand with a single glowing crystal on it "... two centuries ago, this school once had what was called "the core" this is all thats left of it, an item of insane magical power, and so long as even a shard exists, it's full power remains"

As Arianna tried to get closer, she found herself getting heavier, as if her armour became so heavy her legs could no longer support it, she would fall to the ground, her weapons would become too heavy to carry, even without the restrictions of muscle mass, her arms couldnt suport their own weight, let alone the weight of her weapons.

the Assailant grabbed the "Core" and tucked it into a bag under her cloak, she walked over Arianna, stepping on her back "I'll see you later... cutie pie, and send my regards to your boyfriend over there, he'll grow into a real looker, just you wait"

she darted out of the room, hoing up the stairs, as she left Arianna found her ability to move returning, but by the time she could stand again, the assailant was longgone, Marco began to wake up from the dart as she left, meaning the probably used magic to subdue him, not any kind of paralyzing or sleeping poison.

"ugh... wh-what happened?"
"Ohhhh Ari!" a voice chimed. Arianna looked up, ready to tear into the assailant, but instead the boy that had her head was standing there, grinning at her.

"What do YOU want? And why did you let her get away?!" she snapped, standing and stumbling a little. He grabbed her arm to steady her, only for the stubborn knight to shove the hilt of her sword into his gut.

"Eeeeeeasy tiger! I wasn't fixing to get kissed and owned by that witch!" he answered, rubbing his stomach as he moved back, watching Arianna catch and sheath her weapons. She walked over and helped Daniel stand.

"Well, what is it you want?!" she demanded, glaring at him. He grinned and shrugged, earning him an irritated, flustered groan from the headless knight.
Daniel groaned "Arianna, calm down... you" he pointed to the other guy "I'm guessing you're just the kinda guy who enjoys a good show, am I right? you didn't help because you wanted to see what would happen next... am i right or did i miss the mark... again?"

Daniel realized too late that he should just learn to ask what people want instead of making assumptions which usually come out entirely wrong
Arianna was about to snap back at Daniel, getting rather tired of being told what to do by a mortal, but stopped herself upon listening to Daniel chastise the other boy. She raised her eyebrows in an impressed way and sat back, merely taking her quiet exit of the room. She remembered she needed to find Angafay, after being gone for so many long hours, and hoped the Drow wasn't in any serious trouble. As she left, she ignored the conversation behind her.

"You got me pinned!" the boy answered with a grin. "I came to watch Arianna fight moreso than you, but...it was interesting to watch nonetheless." he added, grinning widely at he rubbed and ruffled Daniel's hair, walking out after Arianna.
Daniel walked after the guy, as he passed, he bumped into the guy with his shoulder, sending the guy into the wall right beside the doorframe, Daniel closed the door right after him before the other guy could get through, he soon caught up to Arianna "we should go and tell the headmaster, he'll want to hear about this" he rubbed his back, it was still stiff from the first attack
It took running the statement through her head a few times before Arianna made sense of what Daniel had said. She had dedicated most of her mentality to trying to track down Angafay, and listening to him at the same time proved difficult. She glanced at him, then back ahead. She felt alienated almost, like she didn't belong at the school all of a sudden, or she was too different to be there. The last thing she wanted to do was talk to the headmaster. He was kind, and he almost seemed to strike a chord in her she hadn't felt in years...but it was unknown why she refused to be around someone so kind and suddenly important to her when she needed the cheering up. She decided to stick with her gut.

"You go tell the headmaster, I have to find Angafay to make sure she is safe. I do not want that shameless woman harming her." she said, not stopping as she continued to walk.
Daniel nodded "alright then..."

of course that "shameless woman" was already long gone, to be exact, she was crawling through the bars underneath a bridge crossing a large cavern to get to the other side about 3 miles away... yes she moves fast.

when they got to the surface, they saw 2 guards sitting against the the wall, taking a drink of water and another having his neck looked over by a nurse "well, minimal damage, but i think with some regular treatments, you should be able to move your left leg inside 2 weeks" she said as they passed, the guard just sighed and shook his head.

when they got back to the courtyard, Daniel went his seperate way towards the headmaster's office "I'll see you later Arianna, say hi to Angafay for me"

he went in, to tell the Headmaster what happened...
Arianna didn't reply as she continued down the hall, dowsing for Angafay. Too much had happened that day, and she wasn't used to so many things going on at once. She was used to things being quiet, and almost simple. She began to wonder if coming to this school was the right thing to do after all. She put "decide whether to stay" on her to-do list, and focused on the main objective of finding Angafay. There was no telling where she was.

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