Anime & Manga Worst Animes that you have watched

I know I'm going to get the shit kicked out of me for this one. But Dragon ball Z. I was into it as a kid but looking back on it it has all the anime tropes I can't stand to see now. It has a huge cast of characters who sit in the sidelines and do nothing for the most part while the uber race fights everyone and gets stronger while everyone else gets left in the dust. Its the reason I stopped watching bleach.
Xistund said:
I know I'm going to get the shit kicked out of me for this one. But Dragon ball Z. I was into it as a kid but looking back on it it has all the anime tropes I can't stand to see now. It has a huge cast of characters who sit in the sidelines and do nothing for the most part while the uber race fights everyone and gets stronger while everyone else gets left in the dust. Its the reason I stopped watching bleach.
Only one person, from that uber race fights everyone and gets stronger xD Aka. Goku. Yeah, I agree with your point. It was much more interesting as a kid, but when you watch it as you get older you see the flaws in it and feel dissatisfied by the decision to make only one character stand out. And all others just stay in the sideline.

WHICH brings me to my worst anime, I did not like SOA for that very same reason. Making Kirito seem like the only character that could do so much was cheesy and left a bad outlook. Personally I like the story, I just don't like how the other characters don't have any real worth in the anime.
You know, when people rant like this, I always enjoy watching the millions of haters that put their shield up.
Negima mahou sensei. The manga was AMAZING. I decided to watch the anime and I was like. WTF is this. it was completely different and ended way early and killed off a main character. I mean there's crossing the line and then there's taking a rocket launcher to the line and passing the line by light years.
I hated Guin Saga. It had a perfect setup: Great plot about royalty and possible hostile takeover of kingdom, mysterious main character that we know nothing about, and characters you cared about, but they didn't use any of it. The episodes dragged on and on and nothing substantial happened. Then they went to this romantic subplot that took away from the main conflict of the story and it was just plain awful.

Night Raid 1931 was another anime that wasted it's potential. Anime set in 1931 in Japan with humans with superhuman powers. I mean, how could you ruin this? By making it into a political anime, taking all of the action out of it and dumbing down the characters til there is nothing but failed comedic relief. When the anime was trying to be serious, you couldn't get into it because the action would either end too early or it was derailed by more political babble. Was not a fan.

I can't think of any other right now, but those stick out to me right now. I am usually a person who likes weird, obscure anime. I like a lot of anime that people loathe, so it's sort of hard for me to hate an anime. You have to really mess up for me to it. These two definitely did.
I can't stand ones that start off with a boring 15 minute monologue or the ones that try to give me a history lesson, Yawn.
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Your Lie in April. Mainly cos it broke my heart. But its my favorite anime. But i hate it. dayum...
Feint said:
Your Lie in April. Mainly cos it broke my heart. But its my favorite anime. But i hate it. dayum...
I understand. I haven't watched that anime yet, but there are some anime I hate only because they made me feel way too much. (:'()
[QUOTE="Ivy Trapnest]I understand. I haven't watched that anime yet, but there are some anime I hate only because they made me feel way too much. (:'()

I def recommend it, though. The past few shows i've watched have made me feel way too much. Too many feels. Not enough time
Feint said:
I def recommend it, though. The past few shows i've watched have made me feel way too much. Too many feels. Not enough time
Watch a comedy show. Watch Sket Dance. Sure, there is some feely moments in it, but it is mostly laughs. It has 77 episodes, but they go by so quickly. The person who made it worked with the guy who made Gintama, so if you don't like that style of comedy, you probably won't like that show.
The Kite film series. The first one was a thousand times better than the second of the series, but h o l y s h i t did the ending to both piss me off to no end. I assume that's the point because of how they ended, but I would not recommend them unless you hate yourself.

and yet here I am thinking I'll watch the third installment just to see what the story will be like
People get mad when I say it, but I absolutely hated Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica. I couldn't find anything excessively dark about it and ended up just getting really annoyed by all the friendship chatter.
1. Sailor Moon (Tried watching it plenty of times, but Usagi annoyed the hell outta me, sooo, yeah. Also, it's overrated)

2. Chibi Devi! (A little cute at first, but had the most cliche love- WAIT, actually, there was one scene I remember that wasn't TOO cliche, but nevertheless it was stupid)

3. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica (Overrated, 'nuff said)

4. Blue Seed (A weird old school anime I wasted my time on. Well, I shouldn't say I wasted THAT much time on it since I only watched a few episodes lol but still, I quickly lost interest. Funniest thing is though it has one of my favorite ED songs ever)

5. K-On! (Boring as frick, OP 1 sounds pretty good though)

6. Skip Beat! (Love the first OP and ED, bad plot and weird art style)

7. Jewelpet Tinkle (CUTE~!!♥ ....But bad. It was just incredibly cheesy LOL MY GOSH, makes me remember when I was watching an episode with my sis and her reaction to...something when Akari was trying to chase for her dream or whatever, my sister cringing and looking grossed out was SO FUNNY HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!!!!!!!!)

8. Most of season 2 of Cardfight!! Vanguard and beyond (Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Cardfight!! Vanguard season 1 completely and totally, but I just had to put the rest of the seasons on this list. Everything went downhill from there man)

9. Shugo Chara Party! (Another one of my favorite animes that went downhill, ALL thanks to this season. YOU SUCK RIKKA!!)

10. Gakuen Alice (....Why did I hate this crap again? No, really, I forgot LOL I guess it was just that insignificant for me to even care)

11. Sword Art Online (Overrated as frick and receives too much hype for nothing)

12. Pokémon B/W and X/Y (I can't begin to EXPLAIN the many reasons I hate these two seasons)

Hmmm, that's all I can think for now! The End~♪
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I remember renting an anime series by the name of... something along the lines of Honey and Clover? The animation was absolutely breath taking, but I was so painfully lost, I never knew wth was going on.

There's a lot of terrible series out there. To me, what defines a show as terrible, is when there's soooo much potential, but the producers decided to focus on giant breasts and talking cats.

Definitely Peach Girl. Hands down. It's about this dumb girl who's in a dumb love triangle and it includes the most shallow characters with gender stereotypes out the whazoo. There is no plot other than her trying to figure out who to love and having her friends steal her guys. The sad part is? I've watched it twice. It's kind of one of those shows that you watch for some reason and make fun of every second with your friends, but you get totally dragged along with it. Kind of like Hector's lifeless body being dragged around Troy by stud -muffin Achilles.
Naruto of course. But leaving the obvious aside.

Angel Beats, Sword Art Online, Guilty Crown, Inuyasha, and many others...
Heat Haze Daze.

The anime is based on an incredible series of Vocaloid songs about kids with mysterious powers banding together to be a group of heroes, mostly just hanging around and protecting each other until plot happens.

I was hoping the anime would explain some of the plot gaps, but no. Basically just squeezed everything good out of the songs and even rewrote the established ending with something far, far worse.
Tokyo Ghoul

The anime is a horrible adaptation of the manga, and when I read the manga, I wanted to fall asleep. I was excited when I first heard about the second 'series', I guess you can call it, but it was horrible. Too many explanations, and the battles were more boring than you'd think. Bleh. And the opening is horrifying. That whispery voice at the beginning is horrible.

Though I haven't watched that many animes yet.
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