Anime & Manga Worst Animes that you have watched


Junior Member
So....what are the animes that you would not recommend to anyone and why? Which ones make you want to cringe inside or assume the fetal position? For me, it would have to be Asu no Yoichi and Umineko no Naku Koro ni. For Asu no Yoichi, I felt that it did not offer anything other than stereotypical and cliche characters (such as one of the female characters being violent towards the main character for no apparent reason) Plus, I did not feel like there was enough character development to make it seem worthwhile. Umineko no Naku Koro ni truly disappointed me because I expected it to be a good as Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. Instead, I felt I was treated to a complete pile of horse manure. Even though the presentation looked great, it lacked the story and character development that Higurashi had (I still cannot see the main character, Battler, as anything but an angry guy that points his finger at Beatrice and yells "OBJECTION" every few minutes). Basically, most of the good parts that the visual novel (or sound novel, whatever you want to call it) had were cut out, making the story choppy at best. I truly hope that if this anime ever gets a second season (in which the odds of that happening are less than one percent), it it'll be run by a different producing team.
I watched Code Geass - just a couple of episodes - and I was literally bored out of my mind. I thought it might be good at first, but it just dragged on after that, and I stopped watching.
two words put me off an anime series (still read the manga religiously since that catch phrase isnt in it) the 2 words are "believe it"... guess which series -.-
The manga is waaaaaayyyyyy better than the anime. The anime was too slowly paced and cliche...

--- Merged Double Post ---

D. Gray-Man.

I think the anime destroyed the beauty and completely gothic and original feel and emotion of Katsura Hoshino's art, and was too slow and not in chronological order.

I love the manga to shreds, though.

I've read it so many times I can pretty much recite each volume word for word. xD

And Fruits Basket.

The anime just sucked major giraffe abortions.

It was just horrible.

The manga is awesome, though.
Bleach is way too long. End of story.

Princess Tutu is just plain weird. So weird, it's off-putting...I didn't make it past the second episode.

If y'all want a good anime, watch Vampire Knight or Soul Eater.
At WD: OMG Princess Tutu sucked so much!!!!

So, yeah, that covers that....Dizzy feeds me all the good anime =P Like Soul Eater *addicted*

Haha... Princess Tutu is just wweeiirrddd... Dizzy showed me Soul Eater, and it is aammaazziinngg!

Hm...probably THE worst anime I've ever actually watched instead of taking one look at it and leaving is 'Itsudatte, My Santa'. It's kind of...wierder than wierd. I guess you could consider it a ecchi Christmas OVA. And if you know what ecchi is, you know it should NEVER be put with Christmas. The only thing I remember about it are honestly the fact that the main guy is named Santa, because he was born on Christmas, and boobs. Lots of boobs. *shiver*

[MENTION=1734]Slayette[/MENTION]: Hahaha. If you hated Excel Saga, I know something you're going to "love". Watch Puni Puni Poemi. It's by the same people, and it's horrible. My one friend would have no rest until I watched it. I still have no clue what the heck he made me watch.

I really, REALLY cant handle that sort of stuff.

Lucky star was ok..A bit boring.[video=youtube;ieQ1rAIjzXc]

I guess that intro song was the only reason i watched so much of it.
probably because Kissxsis isn't really anime, its actually soft-core hentai so no wonder its disliked or even hated by everyone except for those who get off to it.
Dog Days. I'd thought I'd like it, but no. It got boring to me. I do kind of like it, but out of all the animes I have seen, it was not good at all to me.
I watch alot of anime so there's quite a few I wouldn't recommend if I was reminded of them, if i had to list some though:

Almost all dubbed anime. <-- it's all pure cringe.

I'm a fan of Blood+ so naturally I watched Blood-C each week like a good little fan and I still can't believe I did it, it's got to be by far one of the most disappointing thing I have ever seen.

Peach Girl, where to begin when just the number of hours I put into finishing this series is depressing.

Don't get me wrong, when I was little I watched Dragon Ball Z religiously each week and thought it was hamazing. Now i'm older I'm fully aware of how crap, simple and repetitive it is, and the number of hours spent drawing out a conversation before a ten minute fight kick kick kick punch raw power battle was beyond ridiculous. I don't think there is a person alive who cannot watch that and summarize every single saga in a one paragraph nutshell. Even a 4 year old could do it.

I still watch Naruto Shippudden on occasion still simply for time passer reasons but It's basically a ninjafied DBZ (rubbish plot, unoriginal characters, villains lacking point etc.) with a tiny bit more depth and loaded to the brim with fillers instead of repeats.

A series i WOULD recommend to some but is full of cringe worthy moments would be Ouran High School Host. I was literally burying my face in my hand in 'oh gawd~' moments for half the series.

K-On. In a nutshell: nothing of interest occurs...................... except This

...... also a friend sent me this and I don't know wth it is but it counts:


Gemini said:
Almost all dubbed anime. <-- it's all pure cringe.
Yes. Well almost yes. I have run across very bad dubbed anime and the horrible creature that is Cardcaptors have turned me off dubbed for a good amount of time, but some recent dubs have not been so bad. I still prefer subs.
I think it's the voices themselves, although the dubbing is getting better it doesn't really suit the characters or have that authenticity.
Gemini said:
I think it's the voices themselves, although the dubbing is getting better it doesn't really suit the characters or have that authenticity.
True. My biggest beef with dubbed was changing or removing things from the anime (see Cardcaptor for an example of this). It ruins the anime. That is why I think they are getting better in this regard.

And now I am tempted to go into my CC vs CCS rant.

lol, i literally avoid watching anime on TV because of that so i wouldn't know about that (when sailor moon came out i spent an hour searching for a subbed version of the original japanese, that's how strict with it i am (there was so much hype how could i not watch it*)). The worst changes for me that i experience are the terrible acting and the script changes, when you watch something dubbed with the subs on and the words mean something totally different.

Reminds me I forgot to mention Bleach. I'm a fan of the series (sadly) purely because I need to know if Orihime ever gets the guy after 200+ plus episodes since she clearly deserves it. I even bought the box set and since were on the subject the voice dubbing for Ichigo quite simply sounds similar to a DBZ character and Rukia lacks any depth and sounds rather flat. but yes, the series itself isn't very good, and is highly repetitive and I have to put a month between episodes and watch them in a single shot to prevent from becoming bored by the DBZ style dialogue prior to a battle and after.

*Sailor Moon, it is amazing in a bad way and not to mention addictive, i can't say i don't like it but it is definitely one of the worst i have seen.
That's it. My rage for Cardcaptor has taken over. This is where my real hatred of dubs originated from. It is one of the few grudges I hold.

You see long time ago when I was a kid they took the anime Cardcaptor Sakura (which is an anime I love dearly and will no matter what anyone says) and made a dubbed version for it. Because I was young and did not know about subs or dubs yet I watched it and liked it. When I got into high school I went back and rewatched the series this time in it's original form. And that is when I learned what America did to the anime like they did to others. They removed things from it, not only removing the homosexual couples or the cousincest and pedophilia (although that couple was more pronounced in the manga) but removing any hint of romance in the story. Even the main couple was no longer one which was bad when Syoaran's feelings were a major part of the third season.

Not only did they do this, but they rearranged episodes and removed others. This has never made sense to me why they would change the order the eoisodes. It served no purpose to me. And the dubbing itself was bad. When they pronounce the main's characters name you know it's bad.

And thus my rage at dubs formed. But I have slowly accepted some dubs who have not done this. Just pure dubbing of the voice and changing lines to fit lip movements is kay with me because my real hate is with changing the anime so that it is more appropriate or something. Besides most of my friends watch dubbed so I have to deal with it more than I want.

Okay my rant is done. I swear I'll never bring it up again or at least not go rant-y bout it.

And Gemini don't say you sadly enjoy Bleach. This is all opinion based.
Zen Legend zen, wooosaaah~ lol.

They really did literally butcher the series to suit them though, I'm seriously going to have to watch both versions of this now once i've got some time and compare for myself, that's if i can stomach the dubs for more than an episode. I always assumed it was different series or a remake of the original or something.

Oh! and i don't mean 'sadly' like that, just that i myself do not want to be a fan of Bleach, it's just overall pants, and another type of DBZ/Naruto but because i am it's just disappointing to myself how easily i fell for it's repetitiveness and how much i do like it thus rather saddening. lol
I hope you like the Japanese verison Gemini. xD

And *takes deep breath* I do feel better now that I got to rant about it.

And oh. Okay. I understand.
That will be £90 and i expect you here same time next Saturday. *writes and hands receipt*.

To keep on topic:

No.6, this aired last year and the first episode caught my interest some. As it progressed however it became progressively worse, I kept thinking the characters relationship (who/which had so much potential) would develop more as the episodes progressed which would make it better but they/it didn't. Rather it remained flat and dull and the ending itself was such a let down.
Shugo Chara! Party! With the first season awesome, the second one okay and the manga awesome, this disappointed me. I only watched one episode to know it was crap. It was mostly bad cosplay and what wasn't that was not good. They veered off on focusing on Amu and that was a bad choice. I don't like it. They wanted some way to keep it going but they failed in trying. They should have stopped with the second season.

Gemini said:
That will be £90 and i expect you here same time next Saturday. *writes and hands receipt*.

What's that in US currency?
um..... *hits google search* ..... *rounds it* UK £ 90 = $142. lol!

Legendless said:
They wanted some way to keep it going but they failed in trying.
They do that to much these days, it's starting to become quantity over quality as they take a perfectly decent ending to a series and try to stretch and continue it or simply drag it out causing you to lose interest (like naruto, at least the bleach fillers were mini plots in themself, naruto's are random highlighting how the series is dragging as you begin to notice the wait in between seasons).
Gemini said:
They do that to much these days, it's starting to become quantity over quality as they take a perfectly decent ending to a series and try to stretch and continue it or simply drag it out causing you to lose interest (like naruto, at least the bleach fillers were mini plots in themself, naruto's are random highlighting how the series is dragging as you begin to notice the wait in between seasons).
Except for when they should keep going. Some of the newer animes could do with a few more episodes if they aren't going to have another season. I'd like to have some things explained. It's why I rate Venus versus Virus lower. It's not that I don't like it, but it left a lot left unexplained and that angered me. It would be okay if some of them weren't major or important, but some points are and to have them not explained can leave some people (like me) frustrated. That is why I am hoping for a second season to Deadman Wonderland.

This is not to say I don't like long or short animes. But when they try and stretch things far beyond their points or cram things into a short span or don't answer questions they brought up themselves, it just makes me mad.

That being said I don't have a lot of animes I hate or even dislike. If someone doesn't appeal to me I don't watch it. So most of the things I have watched I like.

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