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WORM: colors and gangs

When we walk out of the subway onto the busy city streets we find a gathering of horrified citizens. Half of them hunched over talking with concerned voices. The other half taking photos on their phones.

They gather beside the street about 15 feet before the bus stop. If you try to peer through the crowd you'll notice the homeless man from before crushed beneathe the tires off a bus. "I don't know I heard him screaming something about spider..." "there was nothing I could do. He came out of no where." "It happened so fast..." they all try to comfort each other and dismiss the value of the dead mans life.

Boogieman didn't even glance in that direction. He was fully aware of what he had done. He just lowered his head and smirked. ~You know you had to deal with that snitch Boogie. Just because he was down on his lucky, doesnt give him an excuse to tell the police where youre doing work. This is just business~


Mikoto Suoh

"Tch. The three of us indeed." A last second glance found its way towards where Blink was still standing. Without another word, the trio exited the subway. As they broke through to the surface, they were met with the sounds of scrambling humans and the indistinct chatter between them. A quick scan of the scene revealed that the homeless man from earlier had been deranged enough to run out into traffic. His blood painted the most abstract of paintings as it settled into the concrete. Looking to Boogie, Mikoto brought a lighter to his smoke and lit it up.

"I'm going to assume you had a reason for that Boogie." Smoke exited his lips as he exhaled. The warehouse wasn't much further ahead. "Hopefully this thing is large enough to develop a training room. If I am to become leader, I can't be the weakest member here.

"So McClain, Boogie, what exactly are you both capable of?

@MsPolite @DeathRising @Grimsvald
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Ember Glared at Mikoto, as he makes his remark. Suddenly her phone went off. She quickly took it out and read the text message she had received from the Game master. She clenched her jaw as she understood the stipulations of the text. Ember tapped her phone with her index finger a couple of times as she thought what she was going to say. Then she texted "Fuck you" to him then sent. Ember quickly regretted her decision, and texted again, "Fine." She didn't say anything when the three dudes left. She stood there for a while as she was seething from the way Mikoto treated her like a child. "Fucking asshole." She cursed under her breath, then she walked towards the group deciding to join them. upon regrouping with the guys, she saw the crowd, but frankly didn't care what had happened. "Fine i'c comin with yall, but you better think twice if you think I'm going to take orders from you Mikoto. And Boogie, I'm Blink." Ember didn't like Boogieman. She made her remember things she'd rather forget... When he had introduced himself earlier, she had kept her boiling emotions underwraps, but the distant voice of her mother called to her... Ember knew it was fake. But she couldn't help but want to scream,cry and curl up into a ball. She then took point of the group wanting to continue towards there destine location.
As i am leading the group to the warehouse and Mikoto asked about my powers I saw Blink come up and walk ahead of me saying she was with us. I just nod my head to her as she passes and continue on following her lead. As i do i say back to Mikoto "Lets just say my powers come from the shadows." And as i say this we enter under a buildings shadow and mikoto feels like he is starting to be strangled and as we exit the shadow you feel the release of the strangle.
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Mikoto Suoh

What had started as a trio, dropped to a duo, returned to trio, had now finally become a quartet as Blink joined them once again. Introducing herself to Boogie, "Madam Crimson" decided to take the lead. Closing his eyes, Mikoto sighed before opening them again at the sound of Grim's voice. "Shadow's eh? I wonder what he --ekk, A brief feeling of asphyxiation gripped at him as they passed through the shadow of one of the towering buildings. Upon exiting the stint darkness, the sensation of strangulation passed. "Hmm, so that's what you meant? Well, aside from Blink, I'm the only one who hasn't demonstrated his powers yet. Now isn't the time to do so either. So I'll lend you my cape name for the time being, Susanoo."

The name sounded rather dull aloud, but the implication of godly power was spot on. More puffs of smoke were expelled into the air as they continued on. Remembering Blink's initial comment upon return, Mikoto picked up the pace to match hers. "Perhaps we got off on the wrong foot Ember. While I'm not here to make friendships, I do need people I can trust. Who should lead may still be up for debate, I think regardless who's in charge, we should at the very least respect one another." Not really expecting an answer, the red head fell back in pace and continued to let her lead the way.

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Blinks phone buzzes as a text was awaiting her with this on the text


Mikoto gets buzzed as the text from game master shows this

:0/5: Do not show to others

Grims phone buzzes as it has this message

Something bad has happened to Keyboard, do not trust any info from him, but do not raise suspicion and keep the number

boogies phone buzzes as it reads

welcome aboard boogie, I am Game Master. your employer
While walking my phone goes off. I take it out and check the text I sigh and push the phone back into my pocket. And as I look up I see the warehouse up ahead and say to the others "hey look their it is."
the building itself is not all that impressive as it looks grungy and not well maintained but it's those warehouses that stand to last even if not maintained. the inside reflects the outside as everything that used to be inside it is moved out. Now abandoned with some graffiti from punk's who have no where else to hang.


(the floor plans)


(Office B floor plan)


The building itself is simple as upstairs in the main common room of office B looks like this


the room looks newly refurbished with the one door leading to the small area of halls and rooms.

A text erupts among all your phones

"once you get comfortable and find your rooms you want all you need to do is think of a room that you want and when you open the door you'll have a room customized to your liking. the job is in a envelope on the table.

-Game Master"
Ember stayed silent, not responding to Mikoto, as she didn't see a need to. She understood that they had to keep it formal, after all this is just business. She soon received a text, and looked at her phone. It was a message from the Game maser and it was just a smiley face. That pissed her. She didn't know why but she was extremely annoyed at the situation. It had not been a good day so far, how Mikoto treated her, but even before that, She was having a sour time. She just sighed and relented, letting all her anger dissipate. She then texted back. "I'm Sorry. (> :P )" as a concession to the Game master. When they arrived at the warehouse, she wasn't to impressed by it. looked like The Red daggers hide out. Thankfully the office was furnished though. But what confused her was the rooms, They are already furbished with whatever we want? but how could the GM possibly know that?! She stopped and turned to the group to speak when they all had fully took in the setting and now where in the office. "Guys, before we take a look at the job lets settle in I guess. As the only Girl here i call first pick." Ember smiled and turned to the rooms. She went to the room the farthest down where there would most likely be a window over looking the rest of the warehouse. She tentatively put her hand on the door knob, took a breath in and opened the door. Embers Jaw dropped by the sight she saw, and she began to squeal like a little girl, but cut herself off as soon as she realized she was acting a child again, as she was a child at heart. The room looked like it was for a child, and in a sense that made sense, as Ember was a lot like a child in her private life. She was never truly grew up. She acted like she wanted to but never could in her private life. But in her heart she knew, she always wanted to be a little girl like she could never be. Ember ran in and jumped on the bed grabbing her pillows, and snuggling in side, acting like she was 11. But as she heard the guys move she quickly ran out the door, and shut it, She couldn't let the others know what her room was like. She didn't want them to think her valuable.. Especially the Boogie man, who was extremely Dangerous.
As we checked the warehouse out Blink calls first dibs on the room furthest down the hall. And for a brief moment i could have sworn i heard a squeal come from Blink's direction but decided to ignore it. I decide to go ahead and choose the room that's on the left side as soon as you turn the corner into the hall way. I turn the knob and enter to see a simple bedroom. I was very happy with this exactly what i wanted simple and functional. So after checking the room out i go back to the office area take set and wait for the others to check our first mission out.


(the only differences is the walls are black and theirs no rugs on the floor.)
Boogieman kept to himself throughout the walk. He didnt feel a need to explain himself or define himself for their benifit. When they arrived at the wearhouse Boogie walked right thtough to the rooms. He took the first room he came to without a single hesitation.

When he opened the door it revealed something more like an office than a bedroom. The far wall is a sleek stone waterfall running red with wine. Coat hooks extend out from random places in the wet stone to hold frightening masks.

Twisted black tree branches with brilliant red flowers reach out from two other walls. Small rusted iron bird cages hang from the branches. Something small moves around within their bars. As Boogieman enters the room the things in the cages recoil in fear. They are little green faeries that light up the room.

A wicked yellow toothed grin cuts across his face as he admires one of the beautiful creatures. A tortured looking young woman, well endowed with glowing green skin and butterfly wings. He poked the cage, rocking it until she fell over and he laughed. "Please....stop...let us go" it sobbed openly.

Boogieman took some pills from his pocket. He took two and the faeries dissappeared. "Hallucinogens in the air...Its perfect GM. Thank you. Finally I have a home...." Boogie spoke knowing where ever Game Master was he would hear it. Then he exited to the hall way.
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Mikoto Suoh

A slight breeze seemed to pick up as they neared the warehouse. Having only been a speck in the distance moments before, the now towering building, loomed over them. Nearing the entrance, his buzzed yet again. "Another message from the Game Master?" Looking at the text, a slight mask of confusion covered his face. "A symbol? What does it mean?" Deciding to do what the text said, he kept it to himself and followed the others into the warehouse.

The place was quite spacious. Visually bigger than what it appeared to be. Another round of buzzes and chirps sounded as a new text arrived. Everyone glanced to their phones. Ember was the first to speak as she called dibs on first room choice. As she took off down the hall, Mikoto watched as Boogie and Grim each selected rooms on the same hall. Mikoto decided to explore a bit more as he waited for the others to finish checking their rooms out. As he passed the lounge, he noticed another room towards the back wall. Curious, he twisted the knob, and opened it to a room similar to what he would've wanted. Furnished with wine, bar seating, a couch and round bed of to the left. Taking a walk around inside, he neared the bed only to immediately regret the decision as his eyes darted to the floor. There laid, a nude Boogie covered in nothing but crimson rose petals. His fingers dancing along the edges of the bed, as he gestured for the ginger to join him. As he stood there confused and shocked, an eerie voice hummed into his ear as Boogie spoke. "Wow Red...I...I had no idea we had these feeling between us...I'm flattered." Tossing back an elbow to where Boogie should've been standing, Mikoto chuckled as lifted his head toward the ceiling and shot a controlled flame into the air. "Albeit disturbing, I think you're the one who has feelings for me if that's what you decided I should've seen as a hallucination haha."


As he dispelled the hallucination, he followed Boogie back to the office to join the others.

The envelope lays down at the center of the table with perfectly written font in sharpie saying "IMPORTANT"

In the inside it shows a picture of a college professor that seems to be visiting Ikebukuro. The professor majors in Parahuman research.

the goal is to watch him and if anything that looks suspicious or if capes approach him you must defend him and get him back to the subway safely. he comes in about a week.
So after hearing what the letter says I look up to the others and ask "what should we do"
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Boogieman plops down in a seat, "Grim should stick to the shadows and watch the professor. Shouldnt be difficult for your skills. Blink and Mikoto should stay about a block away keeping watch for incoming enemies. If someone attempts to attack I will create an illusion of the professor that loops the last 10 minutes I have seen him. Blink can snatch the doctor without being seen through my projection and Mikoto can fight to keep enemies at bay until the professor is safe. Once our subject is safe....we kill the enemies. Doesnt that sound about right?"
there seems to be a second sheet stuck to the back

It seems to be a list of likely capes who would try to get their hands on the professor

Likely cape encouters;

Cube and boom: two males, one manipulates material/environment the other can cause ripples of explosions

meat hook: male who can generate and project organically made giant hooks

armwork: male with the brute classification but can do strange arm based attacks

kiss: Female who has the ability to absorb any energy and launch it in a barrage

hint and entertainment: both females, hint can cause you to have inclinations to do something and entertainment is a brute classification
As boogie explains his idea I sit their listening and when he finished I look to Mikoto and Blink and ask "what do you two think?"
"I think Mikoto and I should go and shadow undercover in disguises. I don't know about Mikoto but No one who knows Blink knows my name or identity, so I'm inclined to keep it that way, and i think for now on we all should keep our identities a secret by changing or hiding our facial features." Ember said sitting on the couch suddenly. She had teleported through a portal while the others where distracted. Although Ember was sure they propably figured she had some telepotation power, they still don't know how for sure. And she liked it that way, to keep them guessing. "Now I'm not very good at acting, but I think Mikoto and I should act like siblings or something, so we don't let on to the professor or other capes that we may be more than human." Ember Crossed her legs ad arms as she was done with speaking.
After asking what Mikoto and Blink thought I turn my head and Blink is right beside me on the couch.this just lends to my theory of her having some kind of fast movement power. So after she explains her plan. I nod my head and say " I like the whole going in for the whole in disguise thing. And then i look up to Mikoto and say "what's your idea for the plan?"
"Higashi-Ikebukuro Park? Sure, i'll be there in a matter of minutes." Rita said, exiting the train she rode from. She carried a bag containing her 'Cape Clothes', She doesn't know why she brought it, but the professor said to bring it with her. Arriving at the park shortly after, she entered the cafe called 'The sheep's pen'. Seeing that the professor was no where around, she ordered two cups of tea with some cash she earned back home.


Mikoto Suoh

As the ginger thumbed through the pages within the envelope, he listened as each member of their quartet gave their view on how to proceed. Pausing on the page listing the possible threats, Mikoto averted his gaze to the group as they questioned his thoughts on what to do. Leaning against the edge, his hand stroked his chin as he consumed himself in thought. Relaying the ideas, already stated, over in his head, he took a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking.

"In my opinion, I think we should merge ideas here. I say we let Grim main the body guard position via shadows. His stealth provides us with a few options. being that he's close to the target, he'll be our first line of defense as well as our immediate eyes and ears on the target. He also doubles as a hidden weapon that I'm sure our possible threats here, are unaware of. Which in turn, can play to our advantage in the case of an ambush. I also agree with Boogie on the fact that Blink and I should tail him from a further distance. This is where the merging of plans happens. With us tailing him we are the most likely to stand out, that being said; Blink's idea of us acting as siblings can help reduce the suspicions. As long we stick to our part, our frequent tailing of the professor could be mistaken for a couple of young folk interested in his work. A cover in itself. Last but not least, Boogie should be our eyes in the sky. Given what I currently understand about your powers, you seem the best suited for our over-watch. Your power seems to have the greatest area of effect especially if the are is pre-prepped with your hallucinogenic gas. I.E. places the professor frequents needs to be laced with that stuff so we can protect him even when we cant actually see him."

Expelling the pent up air, the young man sighed as he regained control of his breathing. "We have a week to prepare. Any questions or concerns?"
As Mikoto explained his idea to blind all the ideas. I take a minute to take in all the info and say " I agree with Mikoto's plan do." Then i turn to the others and ask "are you two okay with it?)
By the time anyone looked back at Boogie he would be dressed completely different. Tacky looking pj pants with pictures of dinosaurs on them, a power-ranger T-shirt, a non-matching hoodie and a mask of a freckled ginger child. "I am always interested in a plan that involves disguises. " He smirked unseen beneath the mask, but it could be heard in his voice. " I must say, I am not that mobile so let's try to keep it at a reasonable pace. If there is danger around I will let you know with a safety word 'spiders'."
As the group more or leas decided to go with Mikoto's plan. I get up and head back to my room and check it out some more as i go through the drawers i notice that all my stuff is hear. So i grab one of my all black swat suits and head down to the big open area of the warehouse and start the exercise regiment that i do every night before bed which is an hour of cardio and then two hours of practicing with my powers.
the professor smiles as he looks around Ikebukuro. It's a busy city to say the least, but Professor Allaway preferred busy class rooms and nice quiet nature parks. He guessed that's why he likes this café to do his work and grading papers.

The "sheeps pen" was a Scottish themed café next to the Higashi-Ikebukuro park. He wasn't Scottish himself...but part german if not by a mere 7% on his father side.

He opens his laptop seeing all the sent in essays on theories of how a stranger classification power is dangerous as he looks over them as he nods giving a good range of D's and B's. His course was considered a little harsh in grading, but with what the subject at hand he has to be stingy about what they put down. He did admit for his research and work he did occasionally ask and use his students papers. Sometimes when he hit a road block he would look over papers of his student's to see if they could help. He opened another tab with chemical formula's along with psychology notes involving trigger events for capes. he frowned as he looks over all the horrible cases that are recorded and open for public view for other psychologists...what are powers for...and why only appear in the darkest of times in a human lifetime?

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