Worlds Collide ♥ Reality & Fantasy!


Pessimistic Optimist

Read more about this role play here!
Alright, guys. Here's the character sheet. I don't mind if you twist it up by adding tabs or anything like that - making it pretty is always a plus, and I don't mind a few extra details - but just make sure you at least include the following things in it. Oh! & Don't forget to read the rules!!

Name (IRL):

(What is your character's name in the real world?)


(How long has your character roamed the earth?)


(Is your character a boy or a girl?)

Occupation (IRL):

(What does your character do for a living in the real world?)


(What is your character like? How do they behave?)


(What is your character's history and past?)

Appearance (IRL):

(What does your character look like in the real world? Anime, please.)

WC Name:

(What is your character's in-game name?)


(What is your race in WC?)


(What is your class in WC? You may pick two, if you so desire.)

Weapon of Choice:

(What does your WC character use as a weapon? You may create your own.)

Weapon Appearance (If Any):

(What does your character's weapon look like? If you don't have a picture, briefly describe in words.)

Pet (If Any):

(You are automatically entitled to a pet in WC, whether you're a beast tamer or not.)

Pet Appearance (If Any):

(If you have no picture for your pet, simply summarize it in words. One paragraph, please.)

WC Appearance:

(What is your character's in-game appearance? Anime, please.)

Also, if your character is in any sort of guild, you can list that. It's optional, as well as your jobs (like tailor, blacksmith, cook, or whatever). You can discuss your relations with other characters, too, once they're made - and you can add that to your sheet, as well. Discuss it all in the OOC section. c:

Oh, and feel free to steal my template, if you so desire. I'm editing this in as I go~

Masumi Nagamori; the youngest.

  • Her name?

    Masumi Nagamori.

    Her age?

    Fifteen, as of December 31st.

    Her gender?

    Undeniably female - an odd one, but still feminine.

    Her occupation?

    She's a student in high school; a sophomore. She also aspires to be an artist and writer.

    Her relationship status?

    She's a single pringle, and she prefers it that way. From what she's witnessed, love isn't worth the hassle.
  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Fae.jpg.c865efa4760f76b88dbc3e0f85d19535.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10473" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Fae.jpg.c865efa4760f76b88dbc3e0f85d19535.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    She has beautiful and extensive red hair, usually kept up in pig tails,

    and deep, bright turquoise eyes filled with wonder.

    Her skin is fair, and her body is slender.

    She's a treat for the eyes.

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Necklace.jpg.e400facaa1f6e8a99a503e34f3584551.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10483" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Necklace.jpg.e400facaa1f6e8a99a503e34f3584551.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Naomi Nagamori; the middle child.

  • Her name?

    Naomi Nagamori.

    Her age?

    As of February 1st, she's eighteen years young.

    Her gender?

    She is most definitely female; and an alluring one, at that.

    Her occupation?

    She's a student in college; a freshman, to be exact. She's also working part-time as a waitress.

    Her relationship status?

    Naomi goes through guys like no other, but she never commits to them. In a sense, she is in fact single.

Reina Nagamori; the eldest.

  • Her name?

    Reina Nagamori.

    Her age?

    As of October 30th, she's twenty-one.

    Her gender?

    Though normally seen as one of the boys, she's indefinitely female.

    Her occupation?

    Reina works as a mechanic, and she's also the lead singer and sub. guitar/bass player in her band.

    Her relationship status?

    Reina is single as of late, recently broke up with her ex-boyfriend. He's also a band-mate. Awkward? Yes.



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-Scatters papers everywhere- Spot save! Hehe ^^

Slow updates Number current edits: 43 (Incomplete to Updating)

  • Within the realm of reality, bound by invisible chains

    Name: Singra 'Sina' Nine

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Height: 5'4''

    Occupation(s): Student (High school Junior)

    A fantastical world, with chains undone

    WC Name: Kurai

    Race: Hybrid - Human / Feline

    Class: Witch / Thief

Random characters

Kuniri Akamine

  • Within the realm of reality, even a mystic can live

    Name: Kuniri Akamine

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Height: 5'6''

    Occupation(s): Student (High school Junior)

    A fantastical world, where they can shine

    WC Name: Orika

    Race: Human

    Class: Knight / Priest

Updating Characters

Valien Seong

(Mostly for laughs)

  • Within the realm of reality, where one can fall so easily

    Name: Valien Seong

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Occupation(s): Floor Salesperson (Local supermarket)

    A fantastical world, where they can rise again

    WC Name: Vladimir

    Race: Hybrid Pixie

    Class: Sorcerer / Assassin

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  • Reality

    Name: Alfred "Alfie" Kinlanh

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Height: 6'0"

    Occupation(s): College Freshman


    Worlds Collide Name: Cecil

    Race: Hybrid - Human/Elf

    Class: Dancer/Enchanter

    Pet: Dak

    Pet Appearance: (See Virtual Appearance)

And now for a character who exists only in the "black" void of despair within reality @Crystalline♥

  • Reality

    Name: Kaivant Ashmoore

    Age: 25

    Gender: Male

    Height: 6'3"

    Occupation(s): Owner of a personal game store.


    Worlds Collide Name: Dakaiya "Dak"

    Race: Hybrid - Human/Giant

    Class: Slayer/Knight

And so we introduce my first none returning character. @Crystalline♥

  • Reality

    Name: Ashlei Tsukino

    Age: 20

    Height: 5' 6"

    Occupation: College Sophomore

    Virtual Reality

    Name: Celuiza

    Race: Hybrid- Human/Mermaid

    Class: Priest/Witch

  • 2.

    Seal of Hwalgi "Seal of Vigor":

    The seal of vigor provides a buff for allies standing within the seal. Allies are provided with increased movement speed, defenses, and attack/spell potency.

    · Maximum Affinity Bonus: The effects of the buffs are doubled.


    Seal of Gyunhyeong "Seal of Balance":

    The seal of balance provides a damage reduction buff for all allies standing seal. The damage reduction from this seal can stack with the effects from Lunar Rain.

    · Tank’s attacks/spells provide additional threat against enemies while all other classes’ attacks/spells are reduced in threat generation.


    Taeyang Gyeongno “Solar Wrath”:

    Solar Rain is Celuiza’s Sunlight affinity finisher. Celuiza casts a large temporary area of effect seal that deals fire based damage and further increases allied damage dealt to the enemies standing within it.

    Wolgwang Affinity "Moonlight Affinity": The Moonlight affinity is one of the two passive affinities that determine various aspects of her songs. While playing a song under the Moonlight category, a meter determining her Moonlight affinity gradually increases. As the sunlight affinity grows, the power and cost of her Moonlight affinity songs grow while the power and cost of her Sunlight affinity songs wane. At maximum Moonlight affinity, each of her songs gains an added effect and allows her to perform a finisher which in turn will reset her affinity.


    Seal of Busig "Seal of Decay":

    The seal of decay creates a large area of effect seal on the ground. Allies standing within the seal are unaffected; however, enemies are slowly drained of their health by a small percentage each second. At lower levels of affinity, the buff provides fairly low levels of healing, yet at maximum affinity, the spell rivals a the stronger heal of time spells.

    · Maximum Affinity Bonus: Party members are healed for a small percentage of the decayed health.


    Seal of Honsu "Seal of Lethargy":

    The seal of lethargy creates a large area of effect seal on the ground. Enemies caught within the seal have reduced movement speed, reduced defenses, and reduced attack/spell potency.

    · Maximum Affinity Bonus: The effects of the reduction are doubled.


    Seal of Hondon "Seal of Chaos":

    The seal of balance creates a large area of effect seal on the ground. Enemies standing within the seal have increased damage inflicted upon them. This effect can stack with the effects of Solar Wrath.

    · Enemies struck by allied attacks are feared for a short duration. This effect cannot affect the same enemy more than once within a set duration.


    Dal Bi “Lunar Rain”:

    Lunar Rain is Celuiza’s Lunar affinity finisher. Celuiza casts a large temporary area of effect seal which provides a damage reduction buff and a potent heal over time for allies standing within the rain.

Fire Element: Adds burning effect which is applied to assaulted enemies.

Water Element: Adds a slowing effect, applied to enemies hit.

Earth Element: Imbues weapon with toxins, poisoning enemies on hit.

Air Element: Increases movement speed, after each successful attack.
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Name (IRL) : Hailey Marie O'Connor

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Occupation (IRL): A Sophomore in college and a waitress.

Personality: She can be kind, it doesn't matter who you are, even if you're a complete and utter strange she'll be nice and treat you like you're her best friend. She's basically a sweetheart but has a mean side to her. She can get pretty mad if you mess with her. Oh! Hailey is also shy around people unless she's working.

Biography: Being raised with an oldder brother and a younger sister wasn't easy. She had two very loving parents who would love her and her siblings the same. As she was in school one day, she was told she was being picked up early which was unusual. Her brother who was about, 16 was waiting in front of the school building, along with her little sister. Not saying a word he drove both of them to the hospital. Upon arriving she knew something was bad, even at 11 years old. Her brother soon brought them up to a hospital room where curtains were closed. A nurse opened the curtains and there was laying there parents. So broken and beaten up. . . Not long after that they died. They died from a car collision, 5 cars hit, including their parents. They soon where put in a foster home but once their brother was old enough he took her and her younger sister back and has a had an okay life.

Appearance (IRL):


WC Name: Elysée Calí

Race: Faeries

Class: Enchantress

Weapon of Choice: A Wooden Flute.

Weapon Appearance:

WC Appearance:


(Favorite color is purple~)
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Trapped in the shackles of reality. . .


Her real name is Yuuko Inoue.


She's sixteen years old.


She is a female.


5'2 feet. (Please don't talk to her about it.)


She doesn't really have a job yet, in real life, but she's a student. A sophomore, to be exact.

. . . and free in the realms of fantasy!

WC Name:

In the game, she is known as Amber Frillia.


Her race in the virtual game is a Human-Faerie Hybrid.


Her classes in-game are: Enchantress and Beast Tamer.


In-game, she runs her very own shop where she presents and sells enchanted items and information that she knows of, and enchants items for a living. But of course, her service isn't limited to that. She uses her abilities and skills for use, too.


Yuuko totally loves making new friends, either in her daily life or just across the internet. If you would take the time to know and be friends with this girl that a lot may call 'weird', then you'll probably be meeting one of the most amiable people you would ever need. You'll probably see her just like how a few people who didn't like her did--too hyper and annoying--but pretty much, all she'd want to do is make people happy. It would seem that she never cared about the other people who distance away from this little piece of destruction, but she's totally not oblivious to the fact that her recklessness that made most people happy drove away a few. But still, she moves on and goes on, hoping that she would someday prove to people that being herself isn't such a bad thing.

She is indeed a pet-lover, and she has a very soft spot for cute and furry things; specifically felines. She wouldn't hesitate to bring home and take care of an injured bird that would fall by her, or a stray cat that's in need of food and shelter. She likes taking care of anything that grows, be it plants, friendship, or her levels in every single game she had played. She is a certified nerd, using most of her time at home just to browse in the internet, play lots of games or talk to people online. But of course, she's not really the kind of person to spend her whole life cramped up in her room. Occasionally, she know that it wouldn't really hurt to just take a little walk, especially at night, by the park or somewhere with trees and plants and animals. She loves peaceful times as well, even if she is well-known to be very upbeat and noisy. Sometimes, even girls like her need a minute or two to enjoy nature.

She isn't the smartest, but Yuuko may range from average to above average when it comes to her IQ. Although, you shouldn't even get surprised if it takes her a month to get some joke or topic. At times, she's just the slowest. Being the reckless girl that she is, Yuuko isn't that responsible. She may leave a few things here and there, and find them such time later. But she is, always honest. She doesn't do things just because others are doing it too, but because it was what she wanted to do. She doesn't like it when people around her lose hope in something or stops believing, and instead of following their sad footsteps, this girl would never give up on something she has invested her whole faith in. And whenever someone would hurt her, it wouldn't take Yuuko too much time to forgive that person again. She can be too trusting at times, especially when she's carried away.


Yuuko Inoue was born and raised by a loving, and a quite wealthy family. Her mother, Rina Inoue, died when she gave birth to Yuuko, and just knowing about that left a little scar in the child's heart. Her father was a very busy lawyer, which left Yuuko alone, leaving those hours when her father would visit their house only to rest. It didn't really matter that much to her, though. For some reason, she understood that she had to be neglected, and every day that she knew that helped her become very, very optimistic. She would see the bright side of things that most couldn't see, even when crisis, problem and sadness came and left.

Her life wasn't the best, and it was still normal, for Yuuko. She earned a friend or two at every year level at her school, and she was already contented about that. She never felt any jealous for those famous girls and particularly almost everyone else in school. She knew that most of them didn't hold true friendships, which she hated but had to know. She had decent grades everytime, if not too high, she'd join events and she'd meet new people and the cycle of her high school life would repeat all over again.

Sometimes, it was just pretty damn boring.

Yuuko wondered, observed, but never asked anyone what they'd to when they're not at school. All she saw were gadgets, technology, things like those that she never had interest in. But soon enough after getting a new computer and a little console, she experienced little adventures and small lives. She liked it very much. Soon, she was a little more famous for being one of the most updated gamers around the internet, and Yuuko decided that this was better than her past, boring life. Though, every single time she read a book, drew characters, created stories, played games, searched in the internet, knew facts and did more in this complicated life, a small desire that was once only locked in her heart, emerged into her very soul.

She wanted a little, little more excitement in her life.

"Don't get me wrong," That's what she would always say to anyone that would respond to her with an "You should be thankful," or something like that, whenever she would tell someone her lifelong wish. And truly, she shouldn't be misunderstood. No one shouldn't have. She was very grateful for her life and family and everything else that she got, but the mere feeling of living life just like yesterday wasn't all right for her. She needed more. Something worthwhile. She wanted to get out of her comfort zone, which only happened temporarily when she played games. Nothing has touched her heart and mind so permanently. . . until she found Worlds Collide.



WC Appearance:


Weapon of Choice:

Her main weapon is a wooden flute, which she uses more for fun rather than conduct spells. She loves enchanting on and making use of accessories too. She doesn't use her pets for battle most of the time, though.

Weapon Appearance:


Meet Mr. Brown, her loyal flute.

She does not use, have, or name specific skills, but most of her attacks are about element manipulation.


Scarlette the Moth is her first-ever.

Pet Appearance:

Click Scarlette!

Different style, but still ol' Isis.


"I'm Scarlettia Crimson! Forgot me already?"


"I think I'm still seventeen... Hohohoho! Add seven to that."

She's turning twenty-five at the end of the year, December 31.


"Aw... Do you think I'm a guy?"


"I am taller than expected! YESS!"

She's 5'9 feet tall.


"Oh, nothing really. I just travel the world and write things that sell!"

She's a famous author internationally who travels the world just for fun and inspiration.

"Those people from Worlds Collide recently invited me to help program and talk about stuff."

Of course, she never refused.


The amiability and endless cheerfulness in Scarlettia's well-being never really was removed from her. Since then, she still can be too clingy and hyper, but her positivity and the goal of never giving up keeps her going. She totally loves making new friends and interaction, just as always. But of course, she holds her friends close to her heart. Most of the time, she would miss them easily, and seemingly never-ending contacting might happen. And, in case you were wondering, she was still that curious little fella who gets jealous easily. Most would just see Scarlettia as childish, which she is. A little formality and self-control has been added in her aspects, but her glow and cheerfulness still reigns.

Biography: Ever since Scarlettia was a little girl, she has been really interested in anime, and soon enough, she became an anime otaku, and a gamer too. It wasn't long until she created her own blog, and lots of people recognized its bloom. She would test different games of innumerable categories and genre, as requested by her supporters. Then, Sword Art Online was announced. It was a virtual reality massive multiplayer online game, which everyone talked about. She never actually was interested in it, but decided to try it when she saw countless followers recommend the game or beg her to play it.

She researched all about it for months, and realized that it was just in a console shop next door. She visited the store at the date of the game's launch (and her birthday) and witnessed it open before her very eyes, after waiting for about three hours, of course. In that area, she was lucky, and proud that she was the first one to buy-- the impossibly expensive-- NerveGear, and Sword Art Online, the game. It took her lifetime savings, and she hoped that she wouldn't regret buying it.

And she didn't.

Sword Art Online was unexplainable, but it was worth it. It was infinite. Everything seemed real. She could feel the excitement, see great places, smell the exoticness in odors, taste the delicacies, and she witnessed everything. It was the world she had always dreamed of. Immeasurable months have passed, and everything has been going well. She's been doing great, with her friends, and she has been more skilled than usual. She had forgotten the girl whom she had once been, and everything was what she wanted. And the best part about that, is that they're still alive.

Definitely years later...

"Where could Misaki be...? And Dak too. And Alfie. And Amnarei, that piece of beauty. And everyone else! I miss our guild. Oh! Worlds Collide? Are they there? Where art thou?"

You might be wondering what happened after that. Well, years passed, and Scarlettia never really lost her cheerfulness and just being so crazy. However, as time went by, she discovered a very hidden interest in reading and writing. It only took her hours of reading manuals and random stories and realizing that she could fully understand everything just to realize that she actually loved reading things. Soon enough, as she went to college and graduated, she decided to take on the role of digging more into the internet, playing all the VRMMO's she could, and continuing to write all about her experiences with the knowledge she holds and continues to hone.

A few years after graduating from college, she never stopped doing random things in her blog--this time with a little more formality. A lot enjoyed reading her stories, experiences shared and works, and she never stopped writing, writing and writing. When she was 22 years old, as she graduated from college, her first book that took her about a rough three years--ever since she and her friends got out of Sword Art Online--was successfully published and made her very famous as a young author. Upon getting unexpected but several inspirations and people who helped her up, she continued to write, especially about her life. After all, one of the things that made her so looked up to was that she was one of the survivors in Sword Art Online.

Almost before her twenty-third birthday, she started travelling the world while writing and learning new things, being that she had enough money saved and with hard work to do as she wished. Several months--more than a year later, she decided to stay in London, England. She had a nice residence set up there, and of course, she never forgot about this game that was really famous worldwide. As a lover of VRMMO's, Scarlettia decided to try the game Worlds Collide sometime.

Just recently, as a knowledgeable one about games and programming, the ones behind Worlds Collide itself promised Scarlettia one of the packages of the game if she would help them program, get more ideas and make the game better.

"I'm moving to Japan for a little while. Don't tell Yuuko!"




"Was lengthening my hair a good choice? I think it looks nice on me."

WC Name:

"Isis, as usual. It's such a pretty and memorable name."


"I'm a Faerie Hybrid. I'm like, half-human too. Isn't that great?"

Because of not being a full Faerie, her flying is limited, but somehow enough to take her to where she wants to.


"I can't say I'm a specific ranged-fighter... I just like to throw things, with enchantments, of course!"

She's an Assassin and Enchantress.


` I can fly. But not as much as full faeries do.

` I feel more knowledgeable and that my mind has a bigger capacity to store new things!

` I've gained easier mastery of being an assassin since I'm half-human; Same goes for enchantresses and faeries.

` As an enchantress, I can manipulate and sometimes create some elements at will.

` I throw things like a boss! Wait, that's not an ability?

` I don't really create spells and name them. I just do them.

Weapon of Choice:

"I managed to create Eternity Jewel again! It wasn't so hard."

Aside from these two special daggers, she doesn't mind finding other things to create into small weapons for throw. She's not so fond of the accessory-type weapons, but since she finds them cute, she'd like to give them a try.

Weapon Appearance:


This is Eternity Jewel, based on her favorite daggers from Sword Art Online.

The truth is, she doesn't bring a musical instrument like a harp, or flute, etcetera. She actually uses her hands and parts of the body to create sounds (like using a rock as a drum) or sings.


"I can't have as much pets as I want to, since I'm not a beast tamer. But, oh well."

She found this small dragon as she was wandering by the Fae Falls. She named it Greenie.

Pet Appearance:

"Pssst. Click Greenie!"

WC Appearance:


Her hair color that was once a light blonde was turned into a sky blue with hints of pink and purple at the ends, and her eyes that were once scarlet red are of a piercing, pink.

My favorite color is pink! c:

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I'd also like a spot ^^ Even if it may be sixth...

Meet Cathrine (Cat) Liletha

  • pixel_by_ryo_thae-d6xwgch.png

    Cat has natural vibrant red hair that reaches far below the waist.

    Her eyes are more of a darker shade of red that she likes to thinks adds to her uniqueness.

    She also usually wears a random variety of things, appearance not being something that typically matters to her.

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Save away, guys. xD I don't mind~ Just don't forget to read the rules before you complete your CS. c: You can make as many characters as you can handle. I don't really care about genders as of right now. x)
Name (IRL):

Valerie Vandal






She is a student in her last year of high school and she writes in her spare time.


Valerie is very devious and creative. She loves to goof around and is very wild and loud with her opinions, not exactly shy. Whether it's in real life or offline, she has a huge habit of butting into other peoples conversations without thinking of any consequences; good or bad. She's never been known for going along with popular beliefs. If someone doesn't think she should be doing something like football or wrestling, she gives it a shot. If someone hates her singing, she'll sing anyway. If someone hates her writing, she'll slap them in the face. Her temper is not easily started up, but when it is it's a raging fire that lasts for a long time and doesn't exactly have a habit of burning out; instead simmering until she can strike.


She has two younger brothers, both who sometimes play on Worlds Collide, but typically she is the only one. They usually use her account, which she absolutely hates but puts up with it. After all, they can't mess anything up to badly. When she was in her first year of high school, her parents divorced and her mom moved to Illinois, leaving her angry and heart broken. She never forgave her; even if she knew it could be worse. She loves her father to death, and hates her brothers as most older siblings do. Reading and writing are her escape, just like Worlds Collide.

Not exactly popular, she is not a social outcast either. She has a small group of close friends and is always friendly; trying to get to know people and be kind. She knows what it feels like to be lost, as well as angry. She knows emotional pain; even if it isn't the worst ever, which she is grateful for. Valerie is not a fan of people treating others like dirt; even if she does so from time to time. Hating romance and controlling others, Valerie is cunning and can get what she wants if she wants it. Small and elegant, she loves to dance, just because of how free it makes her feel. She plays guitar disjointedly, and wrestles for her high school team on exhibition.

Appearance (IRL):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/752312-bigthumbnail.jpg.f7e76ea184efea6beba57351c1ec5348.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10496" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/752312-bigthumbnail.jpg.f7e76ea184efea6beba57351c1ec5348.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

WC Name:

Valkyrie Cain(She choose this because Valkyries are Norse warriors and Cain is a word used in place of trouble, and she causes trouble everywhere she goes.)




Solo Warrior(Dancer) and Spell Caster(Enchantress)

Weapon of Choice:

A set of two poisoned rings with retractable spikes and a bell

Weapon Appearance (If Any):

Rings- Two thin silver bands that she typically wears on each index finger, with a small blue gemstone in the middle that opens up to reveal a silver spike that is sometimes dipped in poison. She activates the rings by pushing a small button by the stone.

Bell- Small and diamond shaped, typically hanging from her ankle by a blue ribbon and gem that do not allow it to make a sound, as the gem sticks into a hole on top of the bell constricting any noises and holding it securely to her ankle. Two bells hang similarly from her neck.

WC Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/anime_fav719.jpg.9cbc7cb1538c5e3fd121e1a42740f482.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10497" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/anime_fav719.jpg.9cbc7cb1538c5e3fd121e1a42740f482.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Favorite color is green



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Ooh, tabs.

  • Name (IRL):

    Daniel (Prefers Dan or Danny) Greys


    17 years old



    Occupation (IRL):

    Dan is a high-school student, but he also works part-time as a bag-boy at the local grocery store.

My favorite color is blue.
Name (IRL):

Katsuo Yuuto





Occupation (IRL):

Goes to a prestigious high school on a full scholarship


Katsuo is a very quiet man who rarely voices his opinions and shares anything about himself outside of the classroom. Many of his teachers and peers consider him a genius for his extreme deductive capabilities. Some consider him a scary person if they get to know him, as he is into some pretty creepy things including but not limited to occult practices, studies of magic, ect. He's very cynical and doesn't like others. If provoked, he is very sarcastic and degrading to others, having a dark sense of humor. Otherwise, he usually remains pretty calm around others. He loves to watch suffering (as cruel as it is), so many people don't really make friends with him. His hatred for humanity comes from humans' tendencies to misunderstand and misinterpret others' emotions. On a lighter note, he really loves MMOs most likely due to his extreme creativity. His weaknesses include working with numbers and expressing himself fully to others.


Despite being raised in a 'perfect' family and in a 'perfect' and 'safe' house, Katsuo very much despises his lifestyle. His life was full of monotonous patterns. He always went to schools for gifted children. As such, he received much homework, giving himself little free time. He would be okay with this, as he loved learning new things and exploring new worlds. However, everything he learned at school was too easy for him so the constant reinforcement of information was highly unnecessary, giving him a bit more of a apathetic look on life. Furthermore, his parents didn't really care about anything the boy did as long has he was making good grades. Grades were his life. Period. Never having expressed his stress or suffering to anyone, he turned to strange hobbies for comfort and relief, such as playing MMOs and learning occult practices. He is often abused by others when he makes low grades and for a man like Katsuo, this is maddening. He pretends not to care about too much about anything until someone pokes into him to far, revealing the anger buried deep within him.

Appearance (IRL):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/tumblr_mgyi7rJyEt1s3wc89o1_500.png.30f642e6ba6fc4893189261902dfe9ea.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10543" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/tumblr_mgyi7rJyEt1s3wc89o1_500.png.30f642e6ba6fc4893189261902dfe9ea.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

WC Name:





Archer, Thief

Weapon of Choice:

Most proficient with his bow, Dregenheim, rarely using his dagger, the Dagger of Courage.

Weapon Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Elvenbowskinned.png.1ef49b05590a82ccb2613dbff6fac1ef.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10544" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Elvenbowskinned.png.1ef49b05590a82ccb2613dbff6fac1ef.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/423616_ts.jpg.6d3891820f7848f39de6857bc3244e82.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10545" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/423616_ts.jpg.6d3891820f7848f39de6857bc3244e82.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Pet (If Any):

He likes to call him Mr. Georgie. He sometimes considers it his best friend and loves it to death, despite its uselessness. Mr. Georgie is a bat who can squeeze through tight spaces and specializes in seeing things undetected.

Pet Appearance (If Any):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/how-to-draw-a-cute-bat_1_000000004305_5.jpg.e67d86d5dd4dbfa11b6ab46c2768601e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10546" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/how-to-draw-a-cute-bat_1_000000004305_5.jpg.e67d86d5dd4dbfa11b6ab46c2768601e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

WC Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Anime-Boy.jpg.132f1559eace93aa9aa86a511f419363.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10547" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Anime-Boy.jpg.132f1559eace93aa9aa86a511f419363.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

My favorite color is purple. ^-^ @ Crystalline?



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Yui Sato






She runs her own online costume and clothing shop, which she updates once a month. But other than that, she's just another sophomore.


Yui is crazy, not just the what-the-hell-are-you-doing-I-don't-know-you crazy, but "strange" crazy. Well, she's more eccentric than mentally-ill, really. Most of the things that comes out from her mouth are a jumble of random riff-raff (she doesn't really think before she speaks either, which often gets her into troublesome situations, but she always manages to worm her way out of it somehow). When she's not careening around the room like a box of explosives, she has some sort of dreamy air about her. She enjoys the company of just about anyone, even strangers. At first glance, she may seem like a normal art-loving, happy-go-lucky teenager, albeit a strange one, she actually blends in well with the shadows in the background when she wants to, usually to observe. Call it a hobby of hers or whatever but she's a very perceptive person, and isn't worried to put her skills to the test. Thus, she has an uncanny skill of uprooting people's thoughts and secrets. While she may be sly and witty, she doesn't mean any harm, really.

She's a fun-loving, adventurous and creative girl once you get to know her. And she's also fiercely protective and loyal to her friends, and will most definitely not stand for anyone putting them in harm's way.


Yui was practically raised by her aunt Miko, who was an eccentric fashion designer with her own label, albeit a small one. Her parents were both workaholics, who were more intent on getting a raise than looking after a child, which is probably why they shipped her off to live with her aunt once she knew how to walk. Her aunt was never a mother figure, and was more like a sister to her.

Her aunt opened up her shop right on the first floor of their three-storey terrace, and Yui usually fell asleep and woke up to the whirring sounds of her aunt's sewing machine and walls taped with colourful fabrics.. As she grew, so did her love for costumes and the need to express her creativity in whatever she did. She sketched, she painted, she wrote. She eventually learned how to sew and started her own online clothing and costumes shop, where she'd design and create all sorts of clothing and put them up for sale. It wasn't famous or anything, but she got her fair share of orders.

While her school-work and part-time job may keep her occupied most of the time, she always had an itch for adventure. A desire to immerse herself in another world, which she could only come the closest to by playing video games. She never found any which could truly sate her lust for adventure and freedom, that is of course, until she found Worlds Collide. Since then, she'd always spend whatever free time she has escaping into the wondrous alternate reality of Worlds Collide.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/upload_2013-12-17_15-14-20.png.13d38174b9730703d7a90bbf72257fb6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10554" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/upload_2013-12-17_15-14-20.png.13d38174b9730703d7a90bbf72257fb6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

WC Name:

Iyress Wyvernjack




Sorceress, Assassin

Weapon of Choice:

She prefers using her bracelet to channel her powers and twin daggers for most tasks, however, she also uses her bow which releases charmed arrows

Weapon Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/upload_2013-12-17_15-13-18.png.e6f5ad6f46dbf995d794d32103724c5e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10551" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/upload_2013-12-17_15-13-18.png.e6f5ad6f46dbf995d794d32103724c5e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Lexi (Winged Fox)

Pet Appearance (If Any):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/upload_2013-12-17_15-12-56.png.dc335378871c5ba6bf0ad9e5f096d4c2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10550" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/upload_2013-12-17_15-12-56.png.dc335378871c5ba6bf0ad9e5f096d4c2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

WC Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/upload_2013-12-17_15-13-52.png.984cbb4aafd1734e606959de07d6f80b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10553" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/upload_2013-12-17_15-13-52.png.984cbb4aafd1734e606959de07d6f80b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

My favorite color is teal.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/upload_2013-12-17_15-13-30.png.92b9461f2d58d5891ac8578d6bd233e5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10552" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/upload_2013-12-17_15-13-30.png.92b9461f2d58d5891ac8578d6bd233e5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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if the whole son of a dragon is not allowed i will mark the things i will change with * any changes will use ( )


Name: Ashley "Ash" Johns

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Height: 5'7"

Occupation(s): High School Senior he also is a Major Youtuber with about 250k subs

IRL appearance: being a major Youtuber he helped WC become popular thus earning his own personal "skin" for the game that closely resembles himself minus the red hair strand (black IRL)


Worlds Collide Name: Ash "Nightwing" Dracon

Race: Human

Class: Thief

Weapon of Choice: Anything i can Pick up

Pet: (a Dragon called Drake)

Pet Appearance: (if needed) Drake is a Black western dragon that is about 7-8 human years he is about the size of a common German Shepard at the same age

WC appearance: refer to picture 

Name: Ashley "Ash" Johns

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Height: 5'7"

Occupation(s): High School Senior he also is a Major Youtuber with about 250k subs

IRL appearance: being a major Youtuber he helped WC become popular thus earning his own personal "skin" for the game that closely resembles himself minus the red hair strand


Worlds Collide Name: Ash "Nightwing" Dracon

Race: Human

Class: Thief

Weapon of Choice: Anything i can Pick up

Pet: (a Dragon called Drake)

Pet Appearance: (if needed) Drake is a Black western dragon that is about 7-8 human years he is about the size of a common German Shepard at the same age

WC appearance: refer to picture<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be8185ee0_moocforworldscolide.jpg.b4ebe28dd56bfff62d6eebdfd5f88bd1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10607" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be8185ee0_moocforworldscolide.jpg.b4ebe28dd56bfff62d6eebdfd5f88bd1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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So far, I have accepted characters from @AbraxasNine , @L u n a ,@SliverOfHope , @Nirvana , @.::ZaiKai:: , @Tsukaiza ,@dylzoe , and @LannaRae . As for the rest of you guys, you either have something missing or unacceptable in your character sheet, or you need to give the rules a thorough read. Those people include @alreadyrunout , and @97alpha97 . Please read the OOC comments I posted on your sheets, and you'll realize what you did wrong or are missing. ^^


Tag me in your finished character sheets, those who I haven't accepted yet. That way I'll know when you're done. ♥
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  • In Real Life


    Joshua Reckner






    He's a Sophomore in College.

    Doesn't have a job -- lives with his parents.


    Josh is a well-meaning guy, but he's uncomfortably awkward around those he doesn't know. Especially if the person is a girl.

    He's really nice and he tries his hardest to be liked, but he doesn't always know how to do that. He has a lot of pent-up anger towards

    his parents that he's never been brave enough to confront them with, so this often spills into conversations and arguments

    that he gets into with others. It's not often that he snaps, but when he does he's incredibly persistent and rude.


    Josh grew up as an only child in a broken family. His dad hasn't been able to walk or work since he was little and his mom

    has to work a full time job to cover the lack of income. He doesn't see them much and he doesn't have many friends,

    so he isn't very good at communicating. Most of his socializing comes from internet forums and video games.


    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Joshua.jpg.62d841d58774ba40bde5598c765cd32a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10656" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Joshua.jpg.62d841d58774ba40bde5598c765cd32a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Favorite color is green. Clever.

I know that I already posted in OOC about asking to join, but I figured I'd include this here. Feel free to say no if you've got too many as it is. 
I suppose I should put @Crystalline? too, huh?



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Name (IRL)

Xavier Royal





Occupation (IRL):

Xavier is a home-schooled student and performs miscellaneous jobs that he finds on the internet in order to pay expenses. He once had a fixation with writing, music, and art, but those aspirations have died.


Xavier is an antisocial person and keeps to himself at all times. He wants nothing to do with the outside world, which is the main reason for his career in gaming. He refuses to leave his house and face a world of rejection. The outside world is cruel and unforgiving, while the other world is his own.

He comes off as a cold individual, showing disregard for others in every way possible. He will not help you unless his interest is peaked or if he has no choice in the matter. Others don't care about him, so why should he show them what they do not? The only time he is willing to help of his own free will, is if he owes somebody. He dislikes owing favors, as it ties him to the real world, and will not stop until his debts are repaid.

He is indifferent to insults and he no longer feels anger or sadness. He has been exposed to poor treatment all his life and has become jaded as a result. While he doesn't show emotions himself, he also has a hard time understanding the feelings of others.

He has been isolated and left on his own as long as he can remember, so he isn't experienced in social interaction. He has trouble understanding others and can often do or say things that will upset them. He is clueless when it comes to proper etiquette with dealing with people in a regular setting. Although, his intelligence allows him to pick up on certain things and infer.

Xavier is very observant when picking up on others' feelings is not involved. His large IQ from self-study gives him a knack for analyzing certain things that can be useful, which comes in handy in many games. He has a unique perspective on a lot of things and his opinions don't coincide with those of the public. He's actually a pretty good speaker when he's willing to talk, which is quite surprising. Reading has given him a broad vocabulary, which comes in handy for things like this.


Xavier has had it rough since the beginning. He was ostracized in society and really never fit into anywhere in the world. School was a place where this happened the most, as children often single out one person to increase their appeal. He just wasn't like the others in any way. He didn't care for the things they did and his views differed from theirs, which was not taken well. Conformity had a big role in society, both in and out of school. If you didn't do or think what everyone else did, you weren't normal. If you didn't obey like some robot, you had no place. Normally when things like this happened, the victims of the social abuse had a comforting family to go home to. However, in Xavier's case, his home life was just as bad, if not worse.

Since he was born, it seemed like Xavier's parents were always fighting. He would always wake up and come home to a barrage of shouts and angry yells. At the time, he couldn't comprehend just how bad things were, as he was still a child. However, as he grew older, he realized the severity of these arguments. First he only heard the shouts, now he could hearing shattering glass and the pounding of walls. Everything was quite clear to him now.

As an outlet for these circumstances, Xavier threw himself into the world of gaming. The hum of the system and the audio from his headset would block out the commotion he never wanted to hear. In the community, bad things rarely happened and he could do as he wanted in this world. To him, it was a utopia, greater than even Heaven.

Time passed and Xavier had started to make a name for himself in the community. He wasn't as known as he was currently, but it was impressive for how long he had been out there. Of course, it wasn't the only things that had changed in his life. Along with an increase in his gaming abilities and small fame, the troubles in his life increased as well.

Now that he was older, children had become more cruel and his social abuse had become physical. He would often be the brunt of many cruel jokes, as well as beatings. For why, he could only assume it was for the same reasons as always. Separate one member of the pack to make yourself seem more important to the rest. With Xavier as a target, even the lowest of the low had a better reputation than him. Along with the change in school life, his home environment became worse as well.

As he dragged his body through the front door after school one day, he saw his father come down the stairs, bags in hand. He shoved his way past his son and slammed the door behind him, family photos falling off the wall. He was confused until he saw his mother at the top of the stairs. When their gazes met, she immediately turned away and retreated to her room, mimicking the same slam his father had made. That was the last day he ever saw that man.

From that day on, it was like he didn't even exist to his mother. They never talked and she acted like she didn't even see him during the rare times when they crossed paths in the halls. At dinner, there was only one plate and a meal made for one. It was clear that the woman wanted nothing to do with her son.

Things at school had taken a similar turn as well. Rather than facing the jeers of the students and brutal insults, they had stopped the mocking all together. Although he was not spoken to, the beatings continued. The only interaction Xavier got all day was a fist to the face. It was if he was slowly disappearing from this world.

Xavier had also become a complete antisocial recluse soon enough. He refused to leave the house at all and stayed in his room all day, unless he made a trip to the restroom. He got his meals by ordering them and payed by doing certain online jobs that almost anyone could do. His previous interest in art and writing as a child had also helped somewhat. As he sunk more into this, he became more immersed in the gaming community. The only thing he did all day was play video games. It didn't matter what game it was, he played it and played it well. It was during this time that his fame grew to the level it is today. While others had social lives of some sort, Xavier had none and played video games all day and everyday.

As for school, he left the public education system. He opted for home-school instead, but spent the learning time furthering his gaming. He was already very intelligent from studying prior to the negative in his life, so there was no problem with the decision. He forged the paperwork that was supposed to be signed by his legal guardian and got it approved. As long as he passed a test that was issued once a year, he was fine.

Things continued like this for a long time and it seemed like it would forever. However, one event happened recently that made a change. When he left his room to use the shower, he crossed paths with his mother. He assumed it would go as it always did, not acknowledging eachother's existence, and continued forwards. However, today was different.

Unknown to him, his mother was going through a lot of stress at work and had almost gotten fired that day. Instead of being terminated, she was put under a one week suspension with no pay. Normally she was preoccupied with work and her busy schedule that would allow her to make it past her son without problem, but now she was home, angry, and with nothing to do.

Unable to hold in her anger, she exploded on Xavier, yelling like there was no tomorrow. She began to tell him that he was the reason this was all happening. The fighting, the divorce, her problems at work, all of it. She told him that he was worthless and wished she had never even given birth to him, believing that she would've been happier without a child or at least a different one. She told him that as soon as he was of legal age, she was separating him from her and kicking him out of her life entirely. Afterwards, she just stormed off.

Normally Xavier would've been fine with this treatment. He knew all theses things and the fact that his mother didn't care about him. However, hearing the words straight from her mouth made it much worse. He immediately went his room and turned on his system. A noise-canceling headset and visor blocked out everything from the outside world entirely.

As soon as he logged in, he made a decision. Family, school, life in general, he didn't care about any of that anymore. He was done with the real world for good and wanted nothing to do with it, just like it wanted nothing to do with him. This was the only thing he cared about now. From that day on, he refused to ever log out.

Appearance (IRL):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.ccaa7e1609ce9b8dfe1355a5e71b2704.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10678" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.ccaa7e1609ce9b8dfe1355a5e71b2704.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

WC Name:



Hybrid: Elf and Human

Ears are more pointed than a Human's, but not as much as an Elf's




Weapon of Choice:

-Dual Swords

-Throwing Knives

Weapon Appearance (If Any):

-The swords are colored black and white, each having chains hanging from the pommels

-The throwing knives are solid black, appearing in a cross-like shape with minuscule openings for threading wires

WC Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be83132b0_image(1).jpg.586f87ce4415306355c77a073ee34677.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10680" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be83132b0_image(1).jpg.586f87ce4415306355c77a073ee34677.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@Crystalline? I don't really have a favorite color, but I do like Purple quite a bit



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  • Name: Soren Millern

    Age: 28

    Gender: Male

    Occupation: Soren plays the flute in the London Symphony Orchestra.

    Relationship: Married to Alara Millern (creating character later)

  • Name: Alara Millern

    Age: 29

    Gender: Female

    Occupation: Alara plays the violin in the London Symphony Orchestra

    Relationship: Married to Soren Millern

Oh, and @Crystalline? Favourite colour is green.
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OK! Haha so I'm pretty awful at this so I don't mind if you reject me o_o.

IRL Name: Mayla Logan

Age: Mayla has been alive for 18 years and 257 days so far.

Gender: Mayla is a lady, but gender doesn't really matter to her. People are just people.

IRL occupation: She's a senior in high school with a part time job at "Brewed awakening", a quirky little coffee shop found in the downtown area.

Personality: Mayla is a very quiet person, and is not one to voice her opinions. Her self esteem is as low as it gets and she ignores people she doesn't have to speak to, which makes her appear rude in the eyes of others. All of her free time is spent on WC, which is the reason she refers to WC as "reality" and life as "just a game". She spends so much time on WC because she hates the real world. She hates how people treat each other. She hates how people treat animals. She hates a lot of other things, too. Most of all, she hates herself. WC is her escape from life. Online, she is somebody different. She is still a bit shy, but if you get to know her she is a strong, smart, and optimistic person who cares greatly about other peoples' feelings. She's random at times, and has a very sarcastic sense of humor. She's the person she had always wanted to be.

Bio: Mayla was a mistake. Her parents never wanted a child, but were careless one night and got stuck with one. Her parents were very depressed, for all their dreams were nearly impossible with a kid around. So, they took their anger out on Mayla claiming it was her fault everything went wrong. Mayla grew up being called worthless, ugly, and stupid. When she turned to her peers at school for help they called her a freak and a liar. Slowly, she started to believe those around her and hate herself. She went about life only speaking when spoken to and focused mainly on her studies. Her parents got rid of her as soon as she turned 18, forcing her to get her own apartment and such. The summer before her senior year, she found WC. It was a brand new world to her, a fresh start. She could be anybody she wanted to be! She started playing whenever she could, and since she now lived alone and school hadn't started that was 6-8 hours a day. When school started back up, she still used close to all of her free time to play WC. She is what most would call, obsessed.

IRL appearence:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/rp.jpg.47afe93ca2a31c503f224eb18f1530a7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10734" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/rp.jpg.47afe93ca2a31c503f224eb18f1530a7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Race: Hybrid- Human/Wolf

Class: Assassin

Weapon: Metal claws

Weapon bio: Mayla was upset that her hybrid form had no claws so she tinkered with some metal and made her own, now they're her only weapons.

Weapon appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/claws.jpg.9188d33c55d40f200611b653093f3f09.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10735" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/claws.jpg.9188d33c55d40f200611b653093f3f09.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Pet name: Lyra

Pet type: Three tailed wolf

Pet bio: Mayla found Lyra while exploring the enchanted forest and it was love at first sight. Mayla loves Lyra to death and Lyra loves Mayla just as much. Lyra is loyal, smart, and helpful in battle despite her size.

Pet appearance:
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/pet.jpg.93324324fa3196150ee957151782f4c4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10736" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/pet.jpg.93324324fa3196150ee957151782f4c4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

IGN: Miyoko

WC appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/wolf-girl.jpg.67a9d7d72fc9f6dc4a58c871401e358d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10737" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/wolf-girl.jpg.67a9d7d72fc9f6dc4a58c871401e358d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

My favorite color is turquoise >w<



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From here on out, I'm only accepting MALE characters. c:

Just to attempt to keep the genders somewhat even.

Thank you!


This is no longer in play!

Who cares if there's a bunch of females?

We can all get along, right?

Make any gender you want!

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  • Trapped in the shackles of reality. . .
    Rin Sawta
    (oops put the wong one last time.) Meant Sophmore In college. still 17 tho.
  • Appearance:

  • Personality: In the real World, He's a very introverted person, until you get to know him. He's a bit shy in reality, constantly teased for being girly. But underneath that nice shy exterior he's actually a bit sarcastic, and gets into fights out of school whenever he's called girly or gets hit on by random guys.
  • Bio: When he was in 6th grade the teachers had his entire class take a prepatory exam, at the end of said exam, it wasdeemed he was genious and he was raised by 3 grades over different time periods. After graduating high school at 15 he took a year to just relax and screw aroud for a while, and then when college came around his grandparents bought him an apartment closer to his school of choice. His parents died when he was in 1st grade so he had been living and is cared for by his grandparents. Came across the game when he was given it as a present from one of his best friends, sam. Sam is super eccentric and is also a sophmor ebut is the normal age for a college student. The heasdset and game had been sitting on the nightstand fo r a while now. He has insomnia chronically and the doctors could prescribe no medication thta could help, so he turned to gaming.
    . . . and free in the realms of fantasy!
    WC Name:
    Prince (nickname:Blood Elf)
    Dark Elf
  • Apearance:

  • Personality: In game, he is very sadistic, and once he starts fighting, he doesnt stop until all enemies are gone, whether they be begging or what gender they are. Giving him the title of Blood Elf in the game .
  • Weapon:

OTHER: MY FAVORITE COLOR IS BLOOD RED ;) werapon and character from anime called "1/2 Prince".
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  • Name (IRL):

    Joshua Wilson


    A bit more than 20 years.



    Occupation (IRL):

    Joshua is still studying at the University near his hometown, studying computer science. He is currently in his second year.


    Joshua is cheerful, relaxed and optimistic. He's hard to anger, but not easily calmed when he's angry. He's a trustworthy friend, but doesn't easily forget when his trust is broken by another person. He can be quite eccentric, as he usually says the first thing that comes to mind when meeting other people. Strangers, especially "well shaped" women, usually find this strange, up to a point where even his friends deny association with him.

    In game, he is largely the same. He loves mages who can make things explode, whether or not they are hostile, sees level 1 slimes as, I quote, "the most adorablorble thing ever!" and has a distinct dislike for elves, whom he calls "Frakking treehugging hippies!". Most of the dislike for elves is meant in good jest, hoping they'd play along and have a good laugh about it afterward.

    All of this changes, however, when Jack goes hunting, as he calls it. Most of the people that know Jack in-game think he means he'll go shoot some mobs for good fun, as several other marksmen do. Others, who came with him, usually no more than once, know what he actually means with this. During the hunt, he is cold, calculating, sacrificing allies to gain a temporary advantage.


    Joshua's youth was filled with playing with other kids, both online and in real life. However, more and more of his time went to his online life. His school results faltered, constantly around 50%, resulting in his parents taking away his computer for a year. Joshua finished that year with every score above 70%, baffling both parents and teachers.

    After his last year, he went to the nearby University, picking computer science as his major. He goes to the table tennis club as well, which consists of him and five others, but usually involves drinking and telling stories. He works part time at a burger joint, to pay for various expenses. There, he heard about Worlds Collide.

    He had played a few VR games previously, and it looked interesting enough. At least dwarves were available as a race, and not extinct, like in several others. After having completed his first few quests as a Dwarven Berserker, he joined a guild known as the Saber Lions. They usually PvE'd, and were caught off guard several times, before Joshua decided to become a solo PvP'er himself, but quickly tired of being lured into traps because of his melee build. For this reason, he restarted his account as a Dwarven Marksman, building his character so it would be good enough for the Hunt, as he had grown to call it.

    However, he got addicted to the thrill of hunting others, who are equally dangerous, or even more so than him. It influences his behavior greatly, and some of his peers at the table tennis club are worried about him.

    Appearance (IRL):

    With black, medium to short hair, glasses for his nearsightedness and a normal, grey hoodie, Joshua doesn't really stand out in a crowd.


I love all colors equally, I am not a racist.
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Name (IRL):

Kaoru Nori [He goes by either]





Occupation (IRL):

He's currently finishing high school.


Kaoru is a really distant, and lazy guy. He isn't too fond of any kind of contact with anyone, he likes to be by himself. He also doesn't like to really
do anything. Kaoru finds it "a waste of energy" unless whatever he's doing is something he really needs to do. Kaoru also can seem kind of emotionless, according to other people. He finds showing emotion too much effort.


Kaoru grew up with a single mom, and no siblings. His father died when he was 11 years old. He says he doesn't care when people ask, because he "never liked him". His mom hasn't tried dating anyone ever since then, and has taken good care of Kaoru. She cleans up the messes he makes without a fuss, and cooks him three meals a day. Kaoru is kind of a mystery to everyone, with his lack of engaging in conversation. He does have one friend, though. One friend whom he has always been friends with for as long as he can remember. And that is the only person he ever shows emotion to.

Kaoru has always been a gamer and when he found Worlds Collide, he tried it right away. He loved it, and never stopped playing it. It was like he was actually accomplishing something there. Even though everything he did in the game was probably illegal in the real world, he felt alive when he was in it.

Appearance (IRL):


WC Name:Nori


Hybrid Elf



Weapon of Choice:


Weapon Appearance (If Any):


WC Appearance:

His character has dark, brown hair [about the same length as in the picture], and bright blue eyes. He wears a faded, light green v-neck in which the sleeves fall down to his elbow. His pants are a faded brown, and torn up. He has a dark brown belt with a gray buckle. He carries a survival knife on his belt. He wears leather boots which go up to his shins, and are black and tie up. Over top of it all, he wears a long, black cloak.

My favourite colour is
mint green. n u n

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