Worlds Collide ♥ Reality & Fantasy!

Name (IRL)

Kagari Shinya





Occupation (IRL)

Kagari's job consists of traveling for business arrangements on behalf of his company's business and financial departments. He never stays in one spot for to long, always having to travel for meetings with those from other companies.


Kagari is a bit dense when it comes to social interaction outside of his job. When talking with others, he can sometimes make blunders or miss something that's obvious to everyone but him. He mostly comes around and figures things out in the end, but it usually takes longer than he would like.

He can get annoyed pretty easily when his buttons are pushed, reacting with shouts and a scowl on his face. He's not a bad guy, but he doesn't take too well to insults. While he does get annoyed and react angrily at times, this is only one way that he reacts.

Kagari can get easily nervous or embarrassed whenever unpleasant words reach his ears, especially when they hold a certain degree of truth. An example of this would be when he's mocked by his coworkers, during the few times he sees them, for never once having a girlfriend. In situations like this, the scowl becomes replaced with slight surprise, a cringe here or there, and some reddening evident on his cheeks. He usually tries to play this off with a louder voice to claim that things are untrue, but the stutter he develops makes it quite difficult.

When it comes to emotional relationships, Kagari's a little distant. Due to past issues with family, he's never quite sure how to put what he feels into words or what to say to someone during emotional conversations. Nevertheless, he'd like to rebuild broken bridges and obtain positive relationships with others, especially with his family.

He can be easily distracted by work, due to it being all he's known his entire life. He'll leave his home without a second thought when something work-related comes up, keeping him always on the move. It's become something of second nature to drop whatever he's doing once he gets a call to fly to wherever the next meeting is.

Kagari can be quite stubborn, especially when he really wants something. This isn't in a negative way though, being more in a determined sense and not willing to easily give up. Once he has his mind set on something, he'll do everything to make it happen.

An exception to the personality trait above would be when it comes to smoking. No matter how much he tries, he cannot stop himself from taking another cigarette. He has tried over twelve times to quit.


As a child, nobody in Kagari's family ever seemed to take him seriously. Whether it was his first childhood dreams, thoughts on current affairs, or anything else that he hoped to accomplish, everyone just treated him as a kid. No matter what he did or what he thought about, it was always seemed unrealistic. No one was ever able to look past the fact that he was young.

One of his first aspirations was to become a musician. He had always loved music and was amazed that such beautiful sounds could be brought about by the imagination and have started out from nothing. His favorite of all had to be the drums, holding so much power and emotion behind each beat. This wonderful thing called music always made him feel better when others wrote him off, making him believe that he too could make sounds just as beautiful and prove to others that he wasn't just a kid.

When he told his family of his dream to become a great musician, so much enthusiasm and passion burning in his eyes, he was met with the same reaction as always. A bout of laughter, smiles on their faces as if he had just told them the joke of the year, and a pat on the head for the little boy. He didn't let this get him down, telling them that he would make his dreams come true.

It wasn't as if he just said these things and hoped they would suddenly happen, Kagari always showed drive to accomplish what he dreamed of. Even back when he was a young boy, Kagari was determined to become a musician and put in more effort than even most adults. He started out with old, unwanted equipment that he would scavenge the local landfill for hours to find and only to spend more hours cleaning off the grime and dirt. He did not sit in front of the television or go outside to play, staying in his room in order to teach himself. Realizing he wouldn't be able to learn properly by himself, he gave performances near the subways after school to earn money, no matter how terrible he sounded.

After months of scraping together whatever generous strangers would give, he was finally able to afford lessons. He absolutely loved being able to learn something he had always been aiming for and hoped that now his family could see that he was actually serious about something and would support him. His hopes were thoroughly crushed.

Now that he was older, his family no longer laughed off what he said, but they were no closer to believing in his dream. They now told him to become serious and think about an actual career, as if he wasn't already. They deemed his dream foolish and were certain that he was going nowhere in life. Even his sister, the person who he thought would always be there for him, agreed with his parents.

Years passed and Kagari was constantly at odds with his family, insisting that he stop being so childish and get on with his life. Tensions rose to the point where they couldn't even be in the same room together. Realizing that nobody would be happy unless he did what they wanted, Kagari left.

It wasn't just his dream of being a musician, they never believed in him at all. No matter what it was, they never had faith that Kagari could do anything that he set out to do. Such an event hit him hard and he held in much pent up anger.

Seeing his passion for music as the source of all that had gone wrong, he destroyed his instruments. He gave up on music completely, never playing again. Everything he had ever worked for had been reduced to nothing.

Throwing away everything, school became the primary focus in his life. He spent every day studying and doing school work, never taking time out for anything else. His entire life had changed course.

Kagari continued his education and was able to attend his first choice of university, majoring in business. He had very few friends with the amount of time he spent studying, never attending any extracurricular events or just having fun in general. Around his first year, he had even picked up his current smoking habit. Things like this continued until he eventually graduated, quickly obtaining a job at the company he works for today.

He had lost touch with his family for the longest time, missing events such as his sister's wedding. He appeared for a short time for the birth of his nephew, but left as soon as he was sure he would be healthy.

He came around a few times afterwards to check up on him, but never stayed for long on account of his sister. Work even kept him out of the country and he was content with this. It seemed that things would be this way for the rest of his life, but things quickly changed.

Recently, Kagari had received a certain phone call in the middle of the day. Before the phone hung up, Kagari was already booking a flight back home, a copy of Worlds Collide and the equipment being mailed over. Now more than ever and for the first time in years, Kagari was determined to make a change.

Appearance (IRL)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/image.jpg.04162c8e35e3c2a5f7fd5bb060685886.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11523" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/image.jpg.04162c8e35e3c2a5f7fd5bb060685886.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

WC Name







Weapon of Choice

-Bow and Arrow


-Steel Sword

-Twin Daggers


Weapon Appearance

-The bow is colored ebony and very durable. It is capable of firing up to three arrows at a time and is pointed at both ends

-The Senbon are simply throwing needles made from steel and are often used as lock picks

-The sword is colored black from below the blade and resembles a katana, but both sides are edged, lacking a curve

-Like the other weapons, the daggers are black from below the blades, each possessing a slight curve

-The bracelet is made of silver and contains a red gem in the shape of a diamond within the middle, encompassed by chains that hang off the top and bottom of the accessory. It is used for channeling magic

WC Appearance

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/image.jpg.517a9f82c2934cb72ba068b0edefd7c6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11524" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/image.jpg.517a9f82c2934cb72ba068b0edefd7c6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Freshman in High School.


Sugi Yoshitoki is a quiet kind of guy, but he still listens to everyone's conversations. You never know what you could hear - secrets, plans, or just the local gossip - and Sugi usually knows it all. Reserved, he keeps all mean comments to himself, but he still has his own individual thoughts and opinions. He just refrains from expressing them. He usually appears calm, always showing a chillaxed face. However, on the inside, he is actually scared, nervous, or perhaps angry.


Sugi was born approximately fourteen years ago like any other baby in any other hospital. He was originally named Sora, but his parents thought it was too feminine, so they named him Sugi. Growing up, Sugi enjoyed games, RPGs and MMORPGs. Eventually he was introduced to VRMMOs, and he was hooked. He had a lot of time on his hands, so he had plenty of time to play, anyways. He never talked to anyone except his parents, though they were rarely home because of their

jobs. Being interpersonal, Sugi thought that video games expressed his feelings, as to what the character looked like, and how well he played. At the age of 10, he built his own robot, and his parents took him to a robotics school up 'till he was 14. Currently, he had found a game through a friend called Worlds Collide, and had just made a character. He intends to meet new people, and meet them in real life, if he can.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/upload_2014-1-6_21-14-47.jpeg.0a3635131f7872f9c03c707791176bb2.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11573" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/upload_2014-1-6_21-14-47.jpeg.0a3635131f7872f9c03c707791176bb2.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

WC Name:



Hybrid I dont know if robotic is acceptable, but can we have robotic abilities? I consider them vital to him.



Weapon of Choice:

Floating robotic weapons (Miniature blades, he only has 2 but he motions them with his hands

Weapon Appearance (If Any):

The weapons are almost triangular like, with a hole in the middle with a floating dark crystal. It is sharp tipped, and the move at the masters command. They are all black blades, and I said that they have crystals in the middle.

Pet (If Any):

A robotic bird

Pet Appearance (If Any):

White metal engraved with purple energizing crystals, but has a dark aura. It transforms into a weapon for Adder to use. Imagine a pigeon, but with all white metal as feathers, and and all white everything. In the chest, there is a glowing dark crystal, shaped like a cross. The birds eyes are small round dark crystals. About 2 feet tall, it perches on Adder's shoulders.

WC Appearance:




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Name (IRL):

Misaki Ryouko





Occupation (IRL):

Game designer


Misaki is quite mysterious, she stays away from crowds. Once you meet her, she will deny anything that you give her. Misaki doesn't have a good self-esteem. Once, it goes into gaming, she is as rough. Sometimes in battles, she'll snap and kill everyone in her wake if they are in the way of her goal. Besides that, she is kind and compassionate to her loved ones and friends. She is full of determination when she wants/needs to reach the goal. If you happen to be on Misaki's good side then she would be kind and passionate like any regular girl.


When she was very young, she would do kendo and once she is tired she would go inside and play videogames. She only lives with her mother and her other two sibling because her dad divorced the mother and went away to a new house. The school was rough, her mother would tell her to hang out with the girls and instead of the boys. Misaki found the girls quite boring, they would talk about gossip and magazines and other artists. Misaki would lean back and hear one of the boy's conversation. They would talk about games such as Legend of Zelda and they speak about video gaming which she found interesting.

When her mother passed away when she was 13, she would hang out with the boys now and sometimes go over their house to host gaming tournaments. She found it quite fun.

Appearance (IRL):


WC Name:



Hybrid [Wolf and Human]




Weapon of Choice:


Pet (If Any):


WC Appearance:

Name, IRL: Tatsumi Hikari

Age: 17

Gender: Male, but Female online.

Occupation: None. He is still in High School, but he has a part-time job as a chef.

Personality: He is the type of person who eye every stranger with wary and suspicion. He would not hesitate to abandon someone if it would suit his own needs. He has many rather feminine interests, including sewing, cooking, and fashion, and he gets a lot of flak for this. He prefers to be alone, but deep inside his heart, he wishes someone, anyone, to accept him for who he truly is: a lonely teenager with feminine interests. Do not be deceived, however. While he may have feminine interests and plays as a female, he is not gay. The last person who said that ended up the receiving end of a prank that involved toilets, human faeces, and one big hill.

Biography: On one cold summer night,a woman struggled against death in order to bring her child to this world. And yet, the young parent (only 18 of age, in fact.) truly did not look forward to raising the child. The reason? The baby was male. And in her eyes, men were nothing but savage beasts. So after concieving the child, she sent him off to adoption, her last words being "I hope I never see you again, beast.". Whether or not this was in fact the root of Tatsumi's behaviour would perhaps remain a mystery.

From a very young age, Tatsumi expressed a desire for action that were considered "girl's stuff." While other boys would be out in the field, he would stay inside and play with dolls. And as you might expect, this shaped how others treated hi. The boys hated to be with a "girly" boy, and the girls wanted nothing to do with a boy. And so, he grew up, alone.....

As time went on, not much changed about his behaviour, other than that it grew. He began to do more things that were considered feminine, like sewing and cooking. His cooking eventually got so good that he got a part-time job at a diner and moved out, free to do as he wished in partial peace. And yet, he was not satisfied. Every night, he would have dreams. Dreams about how his life might have been if he was born female. A better life. A happier life. And one day, an idea clicked. Perhaps, his dreams may not come true in reality, but perhaps in the virtual world....

Appearance, IRL:


WC Name:
Luna Akame

Race: Human

Class: Witch

WC Appearance:


Weapon of choice:

Weapon Appearance: A long black staff with a floating orb at the top, which is mostly surrounded by a glowing crescent.

Pet: A black raven with glowing red eyes. Named Thane, it can be summoned at will and has the ability to sense any nearby creatures or hostile players.

Finally, my favorite color is purple!
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Name- Ashalie Rose

Age- 16

Gender- Female

Appearance- Dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. Average height and weight. Wears simple black glasses.

Occupation- Sophmore/Junior High School student

Personality- Shy and innocent girl with no friends. She is someone who fends for them self, but once you get to know her, she will do anything to protect friends and family, even with a fragile heart. She is artistic and mysterious. Adorable and skillful.

Bio- Ashalie attends a boarding school where they allow the students to control their own education. Her parents sent her there because they seperated and didn't want to see the offspring of their once lover. She doesn't make friends easily since she is so shy and leans towards rpg to create friendships. Also, she has been bullied as the little girl who can't do anything. So she always said to herself, "Looking in the faces of people, is harder, since I see into the soul of those people. While meeting those of virtual worlds is easy for me as drawing comes to an artist. After being abandoned and bullied, Alie came upon Worlds Collide.

Virtual- Worlds Collide

Name- Alie

Title- Faerie Princess of Searose

Village- Searose, An area of the enchanted forest, nearing a lake, where mermaids and faeries are close friends, is a small village named Searose.

Race- Faerie

Class- Solo Warrior (Dancer) and Long Ranged (Archer).

Village Class-Enchantress-Flute/Voice

Weapon- Dancer: Ring Blade Enchantress-Flute/Voice Archer-Long Bow

Weapon Appearance-

Appearance- Nearing the roots of my hair is blonde, as it flows down, the simple blonde hair transforms into shades if blue and green blended like fire burning bright. I have light blue eyes like the sky. About 5'3'' tall with ears like an elf, but not confuse me as one, I am elegant a graceful, yet with a special gift of flight, given to me by my wings.

Pet- Seagem, Gem for short.

Pet Appearance- She has soft, white fur and her eyes twinkled a sea blue with a tint of light purple. She is small enough to be easily carried when I have to fly, but big enough not to be stepped on by others.

Bio- As a faerie, I am able to fly. My fighting skills vary between magic to a bow to dueling ring blades. I use my bow when in flight to keep distance from the enemy. When I am trying to sneak around, I use my dancer skills. My power as an enchantress is still low, I was in the middle of my training when my faerie village was attacked and a powerful spell was placed upon them and I am the only one not affect and the chosen heir to the throne. A ritual needs to be completed by an Enchantress, who becomes Queen, but I still have a lot of work a head of me to become powerful to break the spell and cast the spell to become queen.
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Name (IRL):

Ager Faulkner


19 years old.


5'11 (He's pretty proud of that)



Occupation (IRL):

A Bartender/College Student.


He is pretty mellow, usually when he doesn't know you quite well. He could be perceived as a bit shy at first, but hell, if you do get know him, he'll become the most weird person you ever met in your life. Cocky and a self proclaimed "Awesome person", he does what he wants and doesn't care what others think of him. In game however, since he sometimes excluded from group activities (For that reason), he goes wandering around and gets bored very easily. His relationship with some players are rather...rocky, and with others, he gets along with them very well, as they accept his extravagant personality and his constant use of the caps lock. As a veteran of video games, he is the perfect solo player. If you hurt his feelings, which is pretty hard to do as he is rather insensitive and blunt, he will not say that you did. He will however, try to perk you up if he knows that you are sad, or will not pry if you don't want. He is quite the hyperactive person and is almost always cheerful, though you shouldn't mind his sober thoughts. He usually acts on an impulse. Ager is quite the gentleman though, and will act like so in a not-really conventional way.


He was adopted. He doesn't know who his mother was, and doesn't care. He stopped asking himself once he reached the young and tender age of 8, and gained a darker perspective of life from then on. His adoptive family, however, loved that little boy, who seemed to light up every corner of the house that he was in. Ager was pampered in childhood, until he was an adolescent, where both of his adoptive parents died, in a plane accident near the ocean. That is when he began to play. He used to go home and play video games, to soothe himself of the pain, the hole, that his parents left when they passed away. He had his little sister to take care of, he realized one day. He always went to pick her up from school, and make her dinner but did he do that with his own money? Ager couldn't depend on his older brother forever.... So he began to work, and at the same time attend school, trying to get the best grades possible. Because of the ordeal, he was more retreated from the crowd, although a few came to him to converse with him from time to time. That crowd began to escalate, until he had proportion blown popularity, because of his looks, primarily. Because of that, he is scared of revealing them his personality, so he had to maintain this calm and composed façade on the outside. Now in college, he still works hard (And has a sliver of the popularity he achieved in his old days). He still passes his nights on the computer, bent over and going MMORPG all over the place.

Appearance (IRL):


WC Name:

He is otherwise known as Drakard. He has the title of "Sir", however, and can be addressed as "Sir Drakard of the Dark Blades." or "Sir Thief" or some other unsavoury nicknames.


He is has amassed quite a bit of a reputation in the game, more or less positive, more or less negative.


Hybrid- Human/Elf.


Slayer and a Thief. He is very good at hunting and blacksmithing.


Thief. Bounty hunter. Freeloader. Forger. Mercenary.


He is currently freeloading in a Inn, of which one of his friend is owning.


-Light Step (1~2 seconds reload, boost, 10% increase in speed and agility.)

-Diamond Defence (10-15 seconds reload, 30% increase in defence and health.)

-Neverending Slice (30~35 seconds reload, massive damage.)

-Barrage of Jabs (5~7 seconds reload, multiple hits)

-Fighting Stance (12~20 seconds reload, 5%+ in all stats)

-Thanatos Reaper (40~50 seconds reload, massive damage. Damages the player.)

-Peek-a-boo-I-see-you ( 2~3 seconds reload, Detect any enemy in a ten meter radius.)

And more that he didn't name.

Weapon of Choice:

A dark great sword, made of asteroid metal. He also has an straight blade, which he uses sometimes along with a dagger. They are both imbued in a fire spell, that damages the enemy longer they get exposed to it.

Weapon Appearance (If Any):

(^Straight Blade)


(^Great Sword)

Pet (If Any):

He has a little pet fox, which name is "Supercalifragilisticexpiallidocious". "Crag" for short, since the system didn't allow names like "Supercalifragilisticexpiallidocious", because it was really long and didn't allow more than 11 letters.

Pet Appearance (If Any):


WC Appearance:


(So short...;___ ;)
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Name (IRL):

Satoru Takao


In real life.... 17




Attends high school as a second year student.

Lives a regular life at home living by himself.

Plays in the VRMMORPG Worlds - Collide from a suggestion on an online community.

Mourns daily over families death which is still partially untold.


Seems depressed after family died... Doesn't believe in love nor has he thought of it. (But is still open to it.)Wants to just stay in his home everyday. Stays closed to other people, realizing that if the day comes when he expresses himself he might break down but also might return to the old fun self.


After being born in the rich parts of Tokyo, his family moved around much for their job re-locations. Eventually they had stayed in one place and just as things started to look nice as their family grew ever closer... a tragedy strikes. His younger sister, mother, and father all died and in what seemed to be a murder case... As nobody knows the true cause the case is closed and shelved there and after. Satoru continues living his life by himself with his parents money in a small apartment. It's been almost four years since the murder incident and today is the day that

Satoru wishes to be open to different things... such as beginning the VRMMORPG Worlds Collide with his very first character Kazuka. Hoping to find someone to be open to in the future. He rides a motorcycle around to get to different locations as well and usually sits up all night thinking about his future and the past. Is liked by a few girls but usually ignores them for they don't understand what he's been through. He sometimes ponders on whether or not to visit his families graves, but never finishes his decision as something else reoccupies him.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/th.jpg.6266949ac8851e09c52ad4df9c8ec858.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13005" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/th.jpg.6266949ac8851e09c52ad4df9c8ec858.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Worlds - Collide







Weapon of Choice:

Dark Blade

Weapon Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Kit_Rae_Kilgorin_Sword_of_Darkness_with_Black_Blade_KR1239BB.jpg.e63d1c71e1cd54bd3b059b710d204370.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13006" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Kit_Rae_Kilgorin_Sword_of_Darkness_with_Black_Blade_KR1239BB.jpg.e63d1c71e1cd54bd3b059b710d204370.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Duplistac: Duplicates my blade into my other hand physically. Only last for 30 seconds. (3 minute cooldown.)

Flasto: Moves blade to an opposite position whereas the blade is being held in an opposite direction, speeding up movements for 20 seconds. (45 second cooldown.)

Decisive Strike: A powerful strike, dealing 150% weapon damage. (Cooldown 2 seconds)

Impale: Causes damage over time for 12 seconds, and has a chance of stunning the target for 3 seconds. (Cooldown 12)

Imbalancing Strike: A precise blow stunning the target for 4 seconds. (Cooldown 10 seconds)


Baby Red Dragon

Pet Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/HiydQ6F.png.d175797d81e31ff76156b040a49a4c94.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13009" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/HiydQ6F.png.d175797d81e31ff76156b040a49a4c94.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

WC Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/1435937-bigthumbnail.jpg.f98945ed175742db70671b355c7259b5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13007" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/1435937-bigthumbnail.jpg.f98945ed175742db70671b355c7259b5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name (IRL):

Simon Katsu



Gender: Male

Occupation (IRL):

Drawing, Writing


Very Lax and carefree, but serious when needed


He is a Grphic Novelist who has had a bad life and never got along with his family much.

Appearance (IRL):Balck Hair, Brownish red eyes, light tan skin

WC Name:


Race: Human



Weapon of Choice: Sword of Crimson, unbreakable sword of Esis

Weapon Appearance: Crimson colored, giant sword, gold, and white shield

Pet (If Any): Sugol, a oversized dragion slug, Ergon, pet cloud

Pet Appearance (If Any): Looks like a mixture between a blue dragon and a slug, it has wings as well, silver cloud

WC Appearance:

Silvery-White armor, blck hair, brownish red eyes, light tan skin, brown gloves, red cape, brown boots.
UM.... how do i enter my character? 
(ok i think i found out how to submit)

Name (IRL):

Bellona Boyana (means warlike warrior) she goes by ghost but her closest friends call her Yanna





Occupation (IRL):

illegalist. Meaning that she does illegal stuff for money mostly pass on files/info, drugs, and weapons. She’s also a tech wiz so she uses that to her advantage for her jobs.


deep down she’s a very sweet girl who is very emotional and easily expresses it when she’s off guard. But to most strangers she’s indifferent and a violent brat. When someone is close to her and cares for her she slowly opens up. Yana is lovable and has a weak spot for sweet things though her condition prevents her from eating many. She likes anything creative so when she. Has nothing to do she draws. Music calms her so she also has headphones with her.


Yana was born from her parents Mr. Stein and Mrs. Lilliaus. She’s the second child having an older brother and a younger brother. Her father had disappeared at the age of five leaving her older brother, Kai, to support the family. Kai seemed to be the only one who knew what happened but he never told her. More like refused. Her mother was never right in the head. When she was younger her mother was strange. Always seeing and hearing things that weren’t there. But when she was sane enough she was the most lovable mother there was. If being insane wasn’t enough, both Yana and her mother were diagnosed with a newly discovered disease that seemed to be genetic. Her bother Kai was a college student at the time so they were really short on money. Both of them needed the medication and care in order to keep their bodies healthy and strong but they were all extremely expensive. Kai grew desperate so he started doing illegal things so that her mother and herself could get better. He became an illegalist. The upside is that he joined a group of good illegalist. Their practically the good guys of the underground. That is where Yana got involved. Kai was a paranoid brother so he had let her join the group. She was raised by good thugs all of them had collage degrees but like kai, they also needed money for their own reasons. They never let her do missions but they were lovable and caring, they were called “the ghosts”. She learned to fight from them and knew the ends and outs of contracts and loopholes. They homeschooled her for a while. She learned technology and had advanced knowledge on all necessary subjects. When her younger brother was born her mother completely lost it, it became so bad that they had to do something otherwise their mother would constantly be trying to commit suicide. So they hooked her up to a personal virtual reality. Her own paradise. Now their mother sleeps in a hospital where the money they pay comes from their missions. Kai didn’t want yana to end up the same so he send her to middle school so socialize more. Down side is that she never learned to be social so she never got friends. Yana’s only comfort was her gang but when she turned fourteen , one by one they all started to disappear. Even her brother. The only one left is her now. So she continues her gang’s business.

(everything before was her past! I had to write it so people will understand her character more. Now is the present.)

Now at fifteen she is known simply as “ghost” in the underground. During her days she laid on the roof of the high school that she was transferred to. She’s never attended there but every beginning of each week she goes to the office and exchanges all the last weeks work for the new week’s work. It’s a agreement that the teachers had worked out for her so that she doesn’t miss learning when she’s constantly sick. They don’t know about her always hanging out on the roof. Her mother is still asleep in the hospital haveing never gotten out of her Virtual reality She still pays the hospital and for her mother's and her own medicine but yana usuallly goes without it using only her Critical medicine. Yana has no friends, neither any more family. Her younger brother was sent onto foster care when he was born because of her mother’s condition and the fact that her brother had no official job. A random family adopted him so she quietly watches over him. They are pretty close but interactions are few between. The only people Yana is acquainted with are the elderly around the neighborhood. Her gang was known for keeping the neighborhood safe and secretly caring for the old and weak. At times she would do errands for them just because. Today she receives a package. The package is old and worn with many country stamps showing that somehow it ended up being misdirected to many countries before finnaly being shipped to the right address. The label says that it’s from one of the now disappeared members of her now long presumed dead gang. Inside are The equipment and headsets to enter virtual reality’s. Along came with only one game: worlds collide. In a note it says that he had already made a account and avatar for her. Yana has no choice but use it.

Appearance (IRL):

yana has red hair and ocean blue eyes. Her body is skinny and boney due to her irregular eating habits but it doesn’t show on her face since she has chubby cheeks. Bags show under her eyes from lack of sleep and she tends to wear XL black hoddies with grey sweatpants.

WC Name:





spell caster/ solo warrior

From what Yana can tell is that she can wield two daggers and use throwing knives. She can caste spells but doesn’t know how to use them as of yet.

Weapon of Choice/ Weapon Appearance (If Any):

From what Yana can tell is that she can wield two daggers with names she cant pronounce right and use throwing knives as her main weapons. She can caste spells but doesn’t know how to use them as of yet. Along with a weird flute with many pipes.

Pet (If Any):


Pet Appearance (If Any):

a simple black egg with a crack all around. It is obvious that a small creature lives in it but it only lifts the top of the egg revealing round white eyes

WC Appearance:

(looks like ai)

(for the question in the rules: i don't have a specific favorite color. but white is what my horiscope always says is my lucky color. if my character is accepted. can someone please tell me? im new to this website though i made a account some time ago)

(ok the first pic, the red haired girl is what she looks like in real life, but not as demonic. the second is what she looks like in wc. and the third are her cloths in wc she also has a furry hooded cape but i still dont have a pic of .it)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bec13c049_animefantasygirlredhairanimeartmanga-64ea0219df9a8ab8028f7a170572ff08_h.jpg.482c4fb46b8aab6bf004fe32dc333e5e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13218" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bec13c049_animefantasygirlredhairanimeartmanga-64ea0219df9a8ab8028f7a170572ff08_h.jpg.482c4fb46b8aab6bf004fe32dc333e5e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/vocaloid___ia_render_by_xshawolvivipx-d5wqn16.png.fcd9310bb78788750aee756ebb55b92e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13219" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/vocaloid___ia_render_by_xshawolvivipx-d5wqn16.png.fcd9310bb78788750aee756ebb55b92e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Clamp-font-b-chobits-b-font-vignettes-formal-dress-cosplay.jpg_250x250.jpg.91f52fdae8445debdabbddab4c4ffd82.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13220" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Clamp-font-b-chobits-b-font-vignettes-formal-dress-cosplay.jpg_250x250.jpg.91f52fdae8445debdabbddab4c4ffd82.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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*Ponders about it* I have no idea. This Is where we enter our characters. And in the rules it said that she'll tell us if the character is good or not.... I don't know. But u did have to do Something that the rules said. *Shrugs* (I'm using Tapatalk. Right now Soooooo I can't read the rules right now. )

Sent from my LG-P659 using Tapatalk
Name (IRL):Sayu Hamatori

Age: 19


Occupation (IRL): Freelance Writer

Personality: Sayu is somewhat quiet. She won't talk unless spoken to when it comes to strangers, but when it's her friends, she talks more. She is very awkward towards strangers and takes some time to warm up to them. She is the type to take on more than she can handle.

Biography:Growing up, she was neglected by her parents. Her school days were boring and torturing. She never had many friends and was bullied. By the time she was graduated high school, she was already writing her fantasies on an online blog. Her story was found by her editor, who made it into a book. Since then, she has been writing as an escape from reality. Now that she's found World's Collide, that has been her new escape.

Appearance (IRL):

WC Name: Sayuri

Race: Elf

Class: Spell Caster and Ranged Fighter

Weapon of Choice: A necklace that allows her to cast spells and a long bow.

Weapon Appearance (If Any):

Pet (If Any): Wolf: Aiji

Pet Appearance (If Any):

WC Appearance:
Name (IRL):

Sato Davidian





Occupation (IRL):

Is a university student studying to become a teacher although as a side job he fixes peoples computers and any other technology people might be able to break.


Sato is a socially awkward, social outcast, rarely talking and avoiding the eye contact and attention of his classmates. He's a very diligent student always studying for his tests and is very dedicated to his technology related side job. He refuses others help and is more of solo person, and has a serious case of gynophobia. (fear of women)


Sato grew up with 3 brothers and a father looking over them, his mother was sent to prison during his early years of life when she tried to drown him in the sink, thinking she already had enough to deal with. From that incident on his father kept a close eye on him as he was mentally unstable for a good portion of his child hood, known for hitting the girls in his class room and attack his female teacher. He was evantually taken out of school and home schooled where he was able to heal his mental scars and he no longer did hurt women but stayed a fair distance. He went back into school in grade 9 where everyone neglected him, which he didn't really care about since he prefered it that way, it let him focus on school and his video gaming. When he graduated he went straight to college with the money he saved up from fixing computers and his previous job as a pizza delivery man which he quit on entering university. He found himself bored when he finished his homework, which he did at a fast pace and wanted something else to focus on so he indulged in the new game "worlds collide".

Appearance (IRL):



In game

WC Name: Amelia Coridius

Race: elf, human hybrid

Class: Front line, Mounted knight

Weapon of Choice: A sharp steel lance, capable of piercing light armour on hit, and can break through heavy armour if hit correctly.

Weapon Appearance (If Any): As seen on the picture

Pet (If Any): A armoured horse, ridable and loyal.

Pet appearance: She rides a horse that is around 6 feet tall, it has large armoured plates on its body and head, capable of blocking a couple of arrows but does not fare well against melee weapons. It's fur coat is black and has dark brown pupils that are around the size of mandarin oranges when he is trying to get his way, although are usually the size of large cherries.

(I am sorry if you are not accepting, I just saw the green accepting sign and I didn't look to far into it. If you are not accepting I will delete this.)

Ah yes, I do enjoy the colour red. Not because of blood, more like roses, I'm a very feminine man sometimes >.>.
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Name (IRL):

Alex Woods


18 years




Amateur writer/1st year college student


Alex is very quiet. She simply observes the world for the world itself, and many people think she's strange. She used to be known as quirky and talkative, but she just got tired of the weird looks people gave her. People often get uncomfortable when she starts to simply state things that she notices about them, which she normally doesn't understand- after all,
she would like to know more about how other people see her. Eventually, though, Alex got tired of the weird looks people gave her, and now talks less.


Alex has loved to write ever since she was a young girl. Whenever her father was drinking, to avoid getting upset, Alex would grab a journal and think of an alternate universe where everything was happy. Her teachers praised her for her exceptional writing ability, and Alex found that she really enjoyed the positive attention. (oh, and totally unrelated, but my favorite color's green)

Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention... Her mother is in jail. After heavy alcohol and drug use, which Alex had to suffer through, her mom got arrested. Alex was actually relieved when she got arrested. Her mom would often take out her alcohol-induced anger on the young Alex, which damaged her nerves and gave her a tick in her hand until she was 15. Alex's dad was a kind man, but he also had an alcohol problem. Even though Alex loves her father dearly, she couldn't help but be relieved after moving into a college dorm, escaping negative environment of their trailer.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bed3acfa5_readinggirl.jpg.461faf25c696cca2cf4a9a7267d10033.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14012" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bed3acfa5_readinggirl.jpg.461faf25c696cca2cf4a9a7267d10033.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

WC Name:

Fifer Syreni


Hybrid Human/Mermaid mix... she's able to transform from a mermaid to human whenever she steps out of water (if that's okay... I can change it if it's too OP)



Weapon of Choice:

Well, mainly the elements, but when she's drained she uses a spear with a stone tip (so it can be used underwater) that's strapped to her back.

Weapon Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/weapon2.png.d6da67b968929748c9ece47f63e8db64.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14013" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/weapon2.png.d6da67b968929748c9ece47f63e8db64.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

WC Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/mermaid.png.25c371a730d1446dd6cc1659317b35f3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14014" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/mermaid.png.25c371a730d1446dd6cc1659317b35f3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(I know it's supposed to be two different people, but let's just say that those are both of her forms...)



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