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World war 2 alternate world political/war RP

May I join?




aww darnit. I didn't see the third page. Otherwise the Necrobump would have worked...

[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Name of the nation: Funesta City.[/COLOR]

Political ideology: Theocracy.

Leader: Pope Idigan. 31 years old.


^ Armor plates and cleaver over his everyday robes.image.jpeg

^ Facial appearance. His nose, unlike the picture, is long and bent to the left, leading to many satirical cartoons of Pope Idigan over the years. He has greyed hair and light blue eyes with green flecks.

History: Birthplace of the most widespread religion known to mankind, and keeper of perhaps it's greatest secrets, the Funesta has often involved itself in world affairs until the Industrial Age. Never suffering major splits within it's religion, the Funesta remains the city that many adherents to the word of God look towards for guidance in troubling times.

Terrain: Entirely developed land on a hill, surrounding Funesta Lake, which is naturally pink in coloration.

Population: 5,640.

Abundant resources: Water, food, sand, zinc, grapes, various rare plants and animals. 

Scarce resources: Basically everything else.

Products: Postage stamps, fine wine, books, various religious items. 

Culture: Though restrictive in ways not very dissimilar to the real-life Catholic Church, a philosophy of will drives the thinking of the Funesta down a passive-aggressive path. The Funesta, like the Vatican, possesses beautiful works of classical art and ancient artifacts of times long-past.

Army: Offically, the Funesta has no armed forces other than the Capede Papal Guard, which can trace it's lineage back to a knight order formed during the Crusades. Though participation in World War 1 has been avoided, the Funesta maintains a modern, though largely aesthetic arsenal of fine weaponry, normally engraved with symbols of religious significance. 
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Oh, and the Funesta has a somewhat significant espionage wing. With a couple hundred members across the globe.

I'd like whats outlined in blue please, if that is too much let me know.




[SIZE= 14.66px]United Federation of New Columbus[/SIZE]


Political ideology: Democratic Republic, 4 party system.



[SIZE= 14.66px]President, Julian Franklin Kruse, Union Party[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.66px]Vice President, Maria Alice Brown, Liberty Party[/SIZE]



The United Federation of New Columbus was originally two kingdoms, Columbia to the north, and The Holy Order of Vercoi to the south. The two were constantly at war which hindered any sort of growth for hundreds of years, until the sudden and unexpected marriage of Prince Albert II of Columbia and Princess Marie of Vercoi(1602). The history books say that the Vercoi Princes ahead of Marie in the succession line each died of natural causes, or unfortunate accidents. With Marie taking on the crown as Queen of Vercoi, King Albert the First abdicated his crown to his son. With the two both now the crown rulers of their country, they agreed to unite under one banner, forming the Kingdom of Columbus(1615). United under a single banner, Columbus started expanding its territory, and after forcing the city states to the south to either fall under The Columbus Banner, or burn under their own(1620). With in 30 years the entire peninsula was under a Unified Banner (1650).

Entering a golden era of peace, the arts and sciences took flourish for almost 60 years(1710). After the renaissance of Columbus, The first beginnings of industrialization began, while the government control textile mills and boat building entered a boom, the common man was left underpaid and misued. This continued for almost 40 years until finally the common man was done, and the Kingdom entered The First Rebellion. After five years of war, the Kingdom crushed the ideals of the Commoners. (1755 marks the end of the First Rebellion)

In 1788, the assassination of King Albert the VII sparked the Second Rebellion, however this was more than just the Commoners fighting their government. During the Second Rebellion the City-States in the south threw up their old banners and engaged in a war to gain their independence. After 20 years of battles and skirmishes, the Columbus Treaty was signed. The Kingdom was disbanded, and instead 30 City-States agreed to a weak alliance with each other, claiming to be united by a single banner, however each City State was able to govern themselves how they saw fit. (1808 marks the end of the Second Rebellion, 1810 the start of The Federation of Columbus.)

From 1810 to 1857, the federation worked well enough, however in 1858 the neighboring country to the south of the Federation began to attack individual city states. While all of the city states recognized the threat of the invaders, each city state decided that they would protect themselves, rather than united their armies to engage in a unified manner. However in 1860, after 6 of the 30 city states fell to the invaders, the City States finally agreed to unite their armies under a single command. A decade later, under the command of General Kane Thimbus of Columbus, the invaders were pushed back south of the Federations borders (1870).

With the War of Unity over, the City States tried to go back to their individual governments. However, General Thimbus knew that if the city states went back to their old ways, they would just end up in another war with each state not wanting to help its neighbor. Instead of releasing control of the Unified Army, Thimbus turned against the governments of the city states. During the War of Unity, Thimbus had mixed the Armies of each city state, so no unit recognized loyalty to any particular City State, instead the military backed Thimbus' play, and the conflicted only lasted a few short months, with almost no deaths. (1871)

Under Thimbus, A Centralized Government was formed in Columbia. The city states selected three representatives to represent their interests, however a single monetary unit (The Colum) was formed and unrestricted border access and free with in the federation was mandated. This act is considered the start of The Unified Federation of New Columbus (1872) Over the next 60 years, with the industrial revolution in full swing, each city state lost their individual cultures its almost impossible distinguish a person from one city state from another.


Important historical events (In chronological order):

[SIZE= 14.66px]Marriage of Albert II and Marie (1602)[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.66px]Kingdom of Columbus (1615)[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.66px]Beginning of the Peninsula Wars (1620-50)[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.66px]A Unified Peninsula (1650)[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.66px]The Renaissance (1650-1710)[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.66px]Start of Industrialization (1710)

The First Rebellion (1750-1755)[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.66px]Assassination of Albert VII (1788)[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.66px]The Second Rebellion (1788-1808)[/SIZE]

The Forming of the First Federation (1810)

The War of Unity (1858-1870)

Thimbus' Coup (1871)

The Founding of the United Federation of Columbus (1871)

Industrial Revolution enters full swing (1872)



[SIZE= 14.66px]The terrain of The UFNC is a mix of various types. The north is mountainous and nothing but tundra past the mountains. The middle and southern section is a mix of plains, hills and valleys throughout the regions. The coast lines in the north are mostly cliffs, while in the middle and southern section its more common to see beaches.[/SIZE]


Population: 89,146,901


Capital: Columbia


Abundant resources:


[SIZE= 14.66px]Coal[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.66px]Oil[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.66px]Wheat[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.66px]Tobacco[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.66px]Cotton[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.66px]Corn[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.66px]Cattle[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.66px]Horse[/SIZE]


Scarce resources:






[SIZE= 14.66px]Iron[/SIZE]






Tobacco Products


Shepard Rifles



The Culture of the Federation is a mixed bag of ideals and religions. The Federation is unique in the fact that it does not have an official language or Religion. The most common language for The Federation is "Common" which is a mixture of multiple old city state languages, that was become more pronounced over the last 60 years, however most citizens can speak multiple Federation languages anyways. The People of the Federation are very materialistic. Most of the nation is white, so while racism is rare, its mostly because there aren't other races, however every person is considered equal in the eyes of the government and its policies.




[SIZE= 14.66px]The UFNC Military is large, and very prominent. With one of the better Navies in the world, they're supported by a strong Army. Each able-bodied man is forced to serve for 2 years.[/SIZE]


It consists out of:

Active Army: 500,000

Reserves: 750,000

Draft Eligible: 1.5 Million


Active Navy/Marines: 650,000

Ships: 175

-Battleships: 35

-Destroyers: 45

-Submarines: 30

-Smaller ships, Patrol Boats, Coastal Defenses: 65


Main equipment:

Issued to Regular Army Infantry:

 Shepard Mk.4 (Comparable to the Short Magazine Lee Enfield) (80%)

Shepard MGMk.1 (Comparable to the Browning Automatic Rifle) (15%)

Westington MGv2 (Comparable to the Browning .30 Cal) (5%)

Issued to Army Officers, Higher Enlisted:

Shepard Mk.4 (40%)

Shepard Mk.4v1 (Comparable to the M1A1 Carbine) (55%)

Westington SMGv1(Comparable to the Thompson Submachinegun) (5%)

Issued to Regular Navy, Marines, and Officers:
Shepard Mk.4a1 (100%)
Is there any way we can have a legend on the map to indicate which colors are which country/RPer? Im starting to lose track and hate having to run through the pages to figure it out!
Name of the nation: Allomancia

Political ideology: Anarchy at least half the time

Leader(s): Lord William Harebourg(King), Lord Aaron Vermillion(General), Lady Catherine Violet(Law enforcement)

History: The kingdom of Allomancia was founded on the principles of expansion, but not  too much, tinkering, but not too little, and upholding promises, unless it means you have to die. They don't like death at all. It has no way of passing on leadership, so after the current ruler dies, everyone has squabbles and grabs for power and stuff until they find a proper ruler. The current king, William Harebourg, is in his late middle ages. (about 47)

Terrain: Mountains, snow, forest

Population: 60000 or so

Abundant resources: Stone, water, wood, iron, copper, apples, hide, rubber

Scarce resources: Tin, coal, brass or zinc(forgot which one's a pure metal), nickel

Products: Clocks, weapons, steampunk-esqe stuff, transportation

Culture (Art, Music, Social etc.): Based around the creation of technology, but not the electronic type usually. Some societies have modern tech but most don't use it at all.

Army: 2500 soldiers that keep the peace in the country

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Name of the nation: Allomancia

Political ideology: ...huh? pretty sure Dynasty

Leader(s): Lord William Harebourg

History: WIP

Terrain: Mountains, snow, forest

Population: 60000 or so

Abundant resources: Stone, water, wood, iron, copper, apples, hide, rubber

Scarce resources: Tin, coal, brass or zinc(forgot which one's a pure metal), nickel

Products: Clocks, weapons, steampunk-esqe stuff, transportation

Culture (Art, Music, Social etc.): Based around the creation of technology, but not the electronic type usually. Some societies have modern tech but most don't use it at all.

Army: 5000 soldiers that keep the peace in the country


If you have about 60,000 people and exactly 5,000 soldiers that would roughly mean 1/12th of your population is enlisted the military. Just putting that out there. 

Is it @YellowBeans? Also, @Pat is right next door to me with his FILTHY religion! I got my Supreme Admiral's eyes on you..

>Floats back into the shadows

Yeah bud, screw with what is basically this world's version of a militaristic Vatican. See where that gets you.

hmm you're right.

that sounds reasonable
Religion? Espionage!? 

>Looks over to Labinia

Well, I wouldn't think an Atheist nation would sound so good good to you.



I'm fine with it. A majorly atheistic nation is rarely, if an example even exists in the real world, by choice, so that could potentially factor into the plot. There's probably some sort of religious minority being repressed. 
View attachment 201372

I'm fine with it. A majorly atheistic nation is rarely, if an example even exists in the real world, by choice, so that could potentially factor into the plot. There's probably some sort of religious minority being repressed. 

It is mostly an Atheist nation due to the fact religion wasn't introduced within the earlier years of the country's existence, save for a few foreign religions that were really only practised by those who had brought it over. The religion of the Imperium that ruled over the Sunderlands was heavily rejected, as it was seen as a form of submission to their rule.
It is mostly an Atheist nation due to the fact religion wasn't introduced within the earlier years of the country's existence, save for a few foreign religions that were really only practised by those who had brought it over. The religion of the Imperium that ruled over the Sunderlands was heavily rejected, as it was seen as a form of submission to their rule.

So you don't have any local religions or beliefs? 
So, anyone want to discuss international relations within this World?

Name of the nation: Allomancia

Political ideology: ...huh? pretty sure Dynasty

Leader(s): Lord William Harebourg

History: WIP

Terrain: Mountains, snow, forest

Population: 60000 or so

Abundant resources: Stone, water, wood, iron, copper, apples, hide, rubber

Scarce resources: Tin, coal, brass or zinc(forgot which one's a pure metal), nickel

Products: Clocks, weapons, steampunk-esqe stuff, transportation

Culture (Art, Music, Social etc.): Based around the creation of technology, but not the electronic type usually. Some societies have modern tech but most don't use it at all.

Army: 2500 soldiers that keep the peace in the country


Oh, and where is this nation located?
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Oh shoot, I just got a notification on the rp...can I get a brief run down?
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