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World war 2 alternate world political/war RP

Also, how come these pacts even formed? The war hasn't started when we start the RP, so anyone got any good reason?

Them commies are gonna be a problem for global economy, plunging the world into severe poverty if their influence was to spread.
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Communism and Capitalism are twins, they both feed on missery of the masses.
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Royal Labinian Armoury Service

(It shall be detailed! Detailed!!)

Infantry Firearms:

  • P7B4 .357 Battle Rifle
  • P1B9 .308 Pistol
  • P22B3 12 Gauge Shotgun
  • P11B7 .284 Submachine Gun
  • P2B13 .357 Assault Rifle [Prototype]
  • P6B3 .40 Light Machine Gun
  • P72B1 .62 Heavy Machine Gun
  • P9B12 .56 Sniper Rifle
  • P2B3 .70 Anti-Tank Rifle
  • P9 LPE Rocket Launcher

Land-Based Vehicles:

  • P17M9 Shelley Light Tank
  • P99M6 Noland Medium Tank
  • P67M2 Rook Heavy Tank
  • P2M4 Nickel 4x4 Utility Truck
  • P9M16 Welton 6x6 Cargo Truck
  • P12M2 Bently Half-Track
  • P4M1 Badger Tracked Vehicle
  • P33M9 Rodes Motorcycle


  • P15A9 Jackal Fighter Plane
  • P20A4 Castle Bomber Plane
  • P72A3 Deck Helicopter [Prototype]
  • P62A4 Beckem Transport Plane
  • P3A9 Camlim Jet Engine Fighter [Prototype]
  • P99A12 Mick Observation Plane
  • P2A99 Vandile Gunship Plane

Naval Vessals:

  • Gunboat - 32
  • Corvette - 29
  • Cruiser - 25
  • Destroyer - 23
  • Frigate - 19
  • Battleship - 16
  • Submarine - 33
  • Aircraft Carrier - 7
  • Dreadnought - 9
  • Auxiliary - 47

This is me on low detail. What have you done to me?

Prusinian Reich.jpg


[SIZE=12pt]The Prusinian Reich[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Political Ideology: Imperial Electorship[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Leader: Kaiser Alrick Gottzmann, Chancellor Boris Franz[/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt]Nations of Old Geron:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The Prusinian Reich takes up most of what is considered Old Geron. This land is divided between Prusinia (Reikland), Middenland, Nordland, Wissenland, Talabecland, Averland, and Ostermark.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Prusinia- Situated in the south west right on the Reik Peninsula, the lands of Prusinia are prosperous and strong. Having strong roots from the East, the Prusinians will oft say they brought civilization to Old Geron. Cities such as Munich, Ratibor dominate the land, universities, theaters and great markets dominating the land. The greatest city of the land is Ritburg, a center of culture, trade, science and religion. It is the heart of the Reich, and all the people of Geron admit to it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Middenland- Taking up the west central region of Old Geron stretching to the far north, Middenland perhaps the most warlike and aggressive people, even to this day. The people of Middenland were the first to take up arms against the Prusinians, and launched many bloody frontal assaults against the heavily armored crusaders, and inflicted the greatest of woes on them. Today it is the throbbing heart of the Reich’s military, responsible for outfitting the many infantry divisions of the Reich, and provide one the Reich’s most elite infantry, the Grenadiers. The city of Middenheim is said to be more akin to a fortress than a city, and that holds true to this day. Their major industry is the manufacturing of small arms and infantry equipment, as well as lumber and mining.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Nordland- Positioned on the northwest coast of Old Geron, the people of Nordland are said to be more at home on a ship than land. Their ships were some of the first to sail to the other continents, and so the men and woman of Nordland have become as adventurers and explorers, but most of all as mariners. Even their pagan god was one of the sea. Now a days the Nordlanders are still mariners, many fishermen or part of the Reichsflotte (Imperial Fleet). A major part of their industry is the manufacturing of naval equipment. As for the military, the Nordland Marines are respected and feared fighters, skilled in beachhead assaults.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Wissenland- Based out of the south east, in mountains known as the Iron Hills, the people of Wissenland have been an ever industrious people. As the mountains were filled with valuable resources such as iron, copper and coal, this land has ever been a powerhouse of industry. The capital is Nuln, and is a major center of technological advancement, helping to develop some of the first airplanes, tanks, and other more civilian improvements. While each state is required to have a certain number of armored and artillery units, Wissenland has the greatest amount, and supplies the Reich with the majority of its heavy hitting armored divisions. Wissenland has also had many influential engineers come from it’s university.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Talabecland- Directly east of Middenland, Talabecland fills much of central Old Geron, and is riddled with great forests that stretch across its land. Lumber is a major resource that comes from this state, as well as precious furs, and even precious gems from the mines in the region. Jaegers are the renowned marksman of state, and are superb light infantry and scouts.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Averland- The breadbasket of the Reich, Averland is nestled between Wissenland, Talabecland, and Ostermark. While unable to provide food for the entirety of the Reich, it’s surpluses are generally large enough to help the other states. Averland is one of the most populous states, and also the most rural, with great tracts of farmland. In war time many men of Aver can be found in the frontlines as infantry.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Ostermark- Bordered to the west by the Gulf of Flustert and by the Far North, this region is sparsey populated, dominated by moors and swamplands. Still some valuable materials are taken from the region, [/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt]The lands of Prusinia is a fairly new power in the land, but it’s people are quite ancient, and their history and lineage stretches back for countless centuries. The lands of Prusinian have for so long been divided states, torn by cultural differences that couldn’t be overlooked. In this land there are seven major nations that existed since the first century.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]In the southwest is the greatest of the kingdoms, the land of Prusinia itself. A proud, ancient land with strong military traditions, the people of Prusinia are skilled warriors, and had long dominated the other tribes and nations of the land. Formed presumable in the year 40-45 AD, the Prusinians were originally a zealous crusader order who had taken to the new religion of the east and pushed to the west to bring the light of their lord. By the end of year 45 the original inhabitants, known as the Reiklanders, had completely been wiped out, and the kingdom of Prusinia was formed. The remaining “barbaric nations” launched a brutal war against the Prusinians, which lasted for decades. Eventually the leader of the Prusinians Knight Lord Edlrick Gottzmann saw that the lords will could no longer be brought by steel and flame. So in the years of 96 AD, peace had been brokered between the warring lands.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The next century saw tenuous relations begin to grow between Prusinia and its rival nation-states. In Old Geron this was known as the Age of Iron, as incessant wars broke out between the peoples which were oft bloody and bitter. Still there was trade, exchange of ideas, and slowly the god of the Prusinians began to take root throughout the lands of Old Geron, although this change was bitterly fought.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]This lasted for near seven centuries, until a major catastrophe known now as the Time of Reckoning, when the lands of Old Geron were assaulted by three separate nations in a bloody battle in 805 AD. From the north came fierce and vicious barbarians, raiding and pillaging, taking much of Ostermark, Nordland and northern Middenheim. To the  east came more forces from the “civilized” east, marching over the mountains and laying siege to Wissenland and Averland, reaching Nuln itself and from the island of Althien came further incursions, each of these powers seeing the division of Old Geron as making them weak. And they were proven right, as no state on their own could hold against the sudden vicious assaults of these foreign invaders. It was only the descendant of Edlrick, Lord Manius Gottzmann of Ritburg who saw the path to salvation. Approaching the people of Talabec, Manius convinced the proud Prince Ludwig Bartholm to set aside their bitter differnces after near two weeks of unending negotiations and peace talks. Eventually, Manius was able to sway Prince Bartholm, and the two nation states united to beat back the island invaders, who did not suspect to meet a united front in anyway, and suffered brutal casualties from the guerilla tactics of Talabecs Jaegers and smashed by the disciplined legions of Prusinia.

[SIZE=12pt]A great unification campaign began as Manius began bringing more of the high lords to his banner. The next targets was the Governess of Nuln, Francesca de’Elvire and King Dreggus of Averland. It took time as the two states held deep distrust of the other, but when Nuln fell in 817 AD, the gravity of the situation weighed upon the two rulers, and agreed to the alliance. A vicious campaign was fought against the foreigners from over the mountains, but against so many states of Old Geron any resistance was quickly given up, and their backs broken at the battle of Nuln in 820 AD. Finally came the last war in the Time of Reckoning, and the united nation-states of the south marched north, prodded by Manius that if the north fell, then all would sense the weakness of Old Geron.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]In a great host, the divided states marched as one straight to Middenheim, the city having been under incessant siege since 809 AD. Many skirmishes and battles were fought, but the final titanic battle occurred right outside of Middenheim itself. In the hour before the battle, Manius Gottzmann gathered to him all of the lords of Old Geron, advising them that only through faith in the one true lord that Prusinia had brought could they break the back of the barbarian hordes. Manius did this not just to instill unity now, but to permanently unite the divided people of Old Geron and end the Age of Iron. Many such as Gregor Franz of Middenheim outright laughed at this idea, stating they would never bow to some foreign god, and stated that unless he could prove the strength of his patron now, there would be no chance. So Manius did the unthinkable, and left to challenge the great chieftain Drathius the Blooded in single combat. Never had such a fearsome warrior been seen, and legends today say that Drathius fell entire platoons singlehandedly. While modern scholars know this is naught but exaggeration, it is agreed that Drathius was a terrifying fighter and genius military commander.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]All the high lords of Old Geron came to watch the duel, and it is a tale still told in Prusinia, and even the other States. In 821 AD, December 17, the two fought, and was a bloody fight to behold. While a great fighter, Manius could not stand against the fury of Drathius, and after a near hour of fighting a vicious blow was struck against the lord of Ritburgh. As Drathius came to make the killing blow, it is said a glowing light encircled, and the Prusinians sang praises to their god. Unnerved by this sudden, and seemingly divine intervention, Drathius was put of guard, giving time for the wounded Manius to give a final, desperate blow against the Warlord, cutting clean through this neck. All stood in silence as they watched Drathius the Blooded collapse, and Manius rise to claim victory, before collapsing atop Drathius, his life gone from him. Shocked, the barbarian hordes were routed as the States of Old Geron began a vicious assault to avenge their martyr. Without Drathius to unify them, the hordes quickly crumbled, and were pushed from the field in a mass rout. By the end the high lords of Old Geron gathered to Kurt Gottzmann, the son of Manius and marshal of Ritburgh, giving their thanks, pledging to follow the god of Prusinia, and would be eternal friends to the state.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]What followed was a long and prosperous period known as the Age of Light, beginning in 827 AD. During this time science, technology and culture flourished as trade and peace dominated Old Geron. Prusinia funded expeditions that sailed all across the world, making contact with the disparate continents and making wondrous discoveries on their journey, making many trade agreements with the far off lands and nations. This lasted for centuries, and although minor wars and calamities broke out, it was all around a time of prosperity for nation-states.[/SIZE]


The zenith point of the Age of Light was when the unification of Old Geron became official. In 1654, on the anniversary of Drathius’ fall that the high lords of Old Geron came together in Ritburgh. It was decided that there were too many external threats to the people of Old Geron, and many were concerned that simple bonds of friendship would not be enough to protect them. Some called for a single government under one ruler, but this caused vicious and venomous arguments. It wasn’t until Thaddeus Gottzmann, the Unifier, had finally spoke. Instead of dissolving ancient dynasties and breaking old ways of governance they would all be kept. Instead the high lords would each become an Elector-Count, who would cast a vote and choose another of the Counts for being the Kaiser, ruler of this new Empire. This would allow for each nation-state to keep its unique identity and authority, but all would answer to the Kaiser. Yet the Kaiser’s powers would be checked by the Elector-Counts. In a unanimous decision, the newly dubbed Elector-Counts cast their first vote, making Thaddeus the Unifier the first Kaiser of the newly dubbed Prusinian Reich.

[SIZE=12pt]While this was by no means a smooth process, it was successful, and by 1721 AD the Prusinian Reich began expanding, pushing outwards across the Iron Hills, to the island nation of Althien and even pushing north. Yet naturally difficulties arose for the fledgling Reich, and it wasn’t unheard of for the occasional coup or revolt to happen, but never did civil war break out.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The Prusinian Reich was dominant power of the world at this point, and none could deny it was one of the most powerful. Eager for further glory, the people’s of the Reich gladly supported the decision for the Reich to enter the Great War in 1914, under the leadership of Kaiser Ulric Franz of Middenheim. It was a bloody and horrific war, and the Prusinhes Heer (Prusinian Imperial Army) gained a begrudging respect from it foes, the armies known for their disciplined and diverse soldiers. However the Reich was far to isolated from it allies, and eventually was forced to concede, a horrifying and humiliating day for all of Old Geron. As part of the armistice, the Reich was torn asunder, its holding outside of Old Geron proper torn away.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Yet this was not the end of the Reich, and once more it was a Gottzmann who would unify the disparate people’s of Old Geron. Pushing out foreign occupiers from their land and gathering all to the banner of the Second Reich in 1921.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Over the next near two decades the Second Prusinian Reich once more rose to power with surprising and disturbing speed, the rage of the indignities forced upon them from the armistice driving the peoples. Despite being defeated, the Reich was a leader in modernizing its armed forces, creating mighty mechanized and armored units. Now the world carefully watches the Reich, under the banner of Alrick Gottzmann the Liberator, none daring to attempt to stop the reunification. With the guidance of his chancellor Boris Franz, a skilled statesman and diplomat, the Reich is eager to take back it’s old territories, and punish those who forced them in the dirt. An Age of Retribution had begun, and it would be brought with Blood and Iron[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Timeline of Old Geron: [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Prusinian Crusaders arrive in Reikland (40-45 AD)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The War of Holding (45-96 AD)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The Age of Iron (96-805 AD)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The Time of Reckoning (805-821 AD)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The Age of Light (821-1654)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Unification (December 21st, 1654)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The Great War (1914)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The Sundering (1917)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The Age of Retribution (1921-Present)[/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt]Central Old Geron is filled with great forests that stretch into rolling plains in the far north. To the southeast there is the Iron Hills, mountains which guard the ways into the Reich from the east. Along the south the temperature is quite temperate, and contains many vineyards and farms. Throughout the entirety of the Reich snakes the Talabec River, which is fed by the River Stir and River Reik.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Population: 130,402, 538[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Capital: Ritburgh[/SIZE]










[SIZE=12pt]Scarce Resources: [/SIZE]




[SIZE=12pt]Arms manufacturing[/SIZE]





[SIZE=12pt]The Reich is a truly fascinating place as it is a melting pot of cultures all its own, and travelling its breadth is like travelling through seven different kingdoms all together. However there are similarities. All of the States are strongly religious, and grand cathedrals can be found in each major city. Art and trade in general flourishes, particularly in the south. Lacrosse has become a fairly popular sport in the Reich, being quite aggressive, and oft turning bloody even in today’s age.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt]The army of the Second Reich is a true force to behold. Each state has a standing professional army, ensuring that the Reich can go to war at a moment’s notice, while volunteers and conscripts make up the bulk. Drafts aren’t unheard of, but the people of the Reich are proud and aggressive, and volunteers are often found in good number.[/SIZE]

The air force while not as powerful is still a sight to behold. The [SIZE=12pt]Luftstreitkräfte is powerful and rightly feared. The Navy is not quite up to par with the other nations however as only Prusinia and Nordland truly invest in this, although Kaiser Alrick has made changes to try and revamp their naval forces, focusing largely on submarine vessels to terrorize their foes, and of the course the carriers are the backbone of the fleet.[/SIZE]



[SIZE=12pt]Infantry Volunteers Conscripts- 1.9 Million[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Professional State Infantry- 7 million[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Armored- 1.7 million[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Air Force: 1.4 Million[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]125,000 Interceptors/Fighters[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]75,000 Bombers[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Navy: 1.2 Million[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Carriers- 7[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Battleships- 19[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Destroyers- 26[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Submarines- 78[/SIZE]



[SIZE=12pt]Ritfeuer 17 (Karabiner 98k), includes scoped variant[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Schnellfeuer 54(Maschinenpistole 41)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Wehrnekt 31 (Maschinengewehr 34)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Panzrecht AVL (Raketenpanzerbüchse 54)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Spufeuer (Flammenwerfer 35)[/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt]Wissen Light Tank (Panzer II)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Wissen Medium Tank (Panzer III[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Wissen Heavy (Tiger I)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Wissen Thunderer Artillery (Grille)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Wissen Hunter (Jagdpanther)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Air Force[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Luftjager (Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Würger)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Luftdonner (Junkers Ju 88)[/SIZE]
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Man-Made Features
5-point Star = Capital

Circle = Major Citiy

4-point Star = Major Naval Base

Pentagon = Major Military Base

Black Lines = Major railroads

Hexagon = Gulag equivalent 

Natural Features

Blue = Rivers/Water

Brown Triangles = Mountains

Dark Green = Dense Forestation

Gray = Tundra

Dark Gray = Cliffs on Coast

Note: Size of the man-made features does not equal greater or lesser importance, Im just bad with paint.

Just noticed yours is even bigger, don't you think 1 000 000 planes is a bit overkill? The U.S only built around 300 000 throughout the entire second world war. I thought I had a lot with around 2 000.
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Sorry, be happy to modify it along with the rest of the armed forces, I was just winging it a bit.

Would around 200,000 planes in total be reasonable? Also how's the Navy/Army?

@High Moon

Perhaps  :D  didn't try to hide it much. Honestly works well as they are pretty much the HRE, now just mixed with some of the Second Reich

Take away the demons, magic, and fantasy creatures and its pretty realistic xP 
Just letting you all know that I made some Changes to Valarias military and my two local maps.

MB = Military Base

NB = Naval Base

AFB = Air Force Base


So how will battles work? Are we require to make strategical choices against enemy opposition depending on the forces presented, weather and terrain? I.e. Sending infantry through steep mountains instead of tanks.
So how will battles work? Are we require to make strategical choices against enemy opposition depending on the forces presented, weather and terrain? I.e. Sending infantry through steep mountains instead of tanks.

Yeah, you can also destroy supply lines, factories and other things such as those to weaken the enemy.

The Tahanese Empire


Political ideology:
Constitutional Monarchy

Emperor Finji Kaioto


Tahan has existed for as long as coherent civilization has. Having early beginnings as a collective of local clans and family houses that had once warred and feuded over needless resources that had simply looked good on their walls that had all come to an end when the very first future Emperor of Tahan, Seji Kaioto from the Kaioto house on the south of the island had brought the clans together to discuss a peace treaty, the man having bigger things in mind as he slowly brought the clans closer and closer together over time. Eventually bringing them together under one banner, and thus the nation of Tahan was born. However it wasn't perfect, many small civil wars had broken out over its time, mostly from the warrior types who were looking to expand their family's land or influence in a certain region, the Imperial Court was formed in response to this. Being a civil and lawful place to settle differences in an honorable and dignified way, around 250 years into Tahan's growth and development, it began to set its eyes on other lands far abroad. Despite the Tahanese people traditionally being very isolationist, Emperor Tanji Kaioto had other plans, building a primitive bluewater navy to begin colonising other lands and reporting back on what they found, this hadn't proved popular with the people in the beginning but when they started raking in the land and the resources that came along with it, the population booming along with Tahanese society the people changed their minds.

However many began to question the unchecked powers and privileges of the Emperor and the Imperial Family, due to some of the more selfish decisions having made negative impacts on the people themselves. An opposition party, the Byodo threatened to revolt against the Kaioto family and their government if changes were not made, in response the first Empress of Tahan, Yuki Kaioto decided to form the Imperial Diet, a collection of elected representatives from each region of Tahan that would hold annual meetings in Totayo, the nation's capital to discuss how the government and the many regional governments would be ran. With the sitting Emperor or Empress giving the final approval or suggestion in these matters, Kaioto decisions could be overturned by a significant vote of 85% and fortunately the Diet got along rather well with the Family. Leading to another era of peace. However as Tahan began expanding, now being known as the Tahanese Empire, it ran into other countries yet despite knowing of their existance, Tahan retained its strict isolationist policy in-order to ensure its safety upon hearing of things such as brutal wars taking place overseas. As part of the newly signed Imperial Defense Act however a mandatory military build up was ordered and over the course of six decades the Imperial Tahanese Military was reformed into a modern, and large fighting force capable of defending Tahanese interests and people.

A majority of Tahanese land is forested, around 74% these trees primarily being large hardwood ones. Excluding its colonies, mainland Tahan is also primarily mountainous with around 63% of its land being mountainous in some form leading to a good amount of large mountain settlements being formed. A large number of rivers run through the island and the land that isn't mountainous is incredibly fertile and arable. Tahanese weather is often temperate with four easily seen seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter. With the north and central belt of the island experiencing snowfall during the winter and the south remaining rather moderate, summers can grow rather hot in Tahan however but largely keep to a minimum.


Abundant resources:
Fossil Fuels
Oak wood

Scarce resources:
Natural gas
Pine wood

Kaishu Shipbuilding Corporation
Yushi & Taito Tailors
Suji Entertainment
Kanshai Transportation
MJL Shoes

Language: Tahanese
Religion: Kamto
Art: Shodo, Kirigami, Bonseki, Chochin, Fukeiga

The Imperial Armed Forces of Tahan

Imperial Tahanese Army:
3,450,000 Active Duty troops
890,000 Reservists

Imperial Guard:
25,000 Guardsmen
3,500 Takehiko Warriors

Imperial Tahanese Navy:
8 Aircraft Carriers
55 Heavy Destroyers
40 Light Destroyers
59 Heavy Cruisers
43 Light Cruisers
47 Heavy Frigates
70 Light Frigates
55 Submarines

Imperial Tahanese Air Force:
45,950 Kanshai A6M Zeros (Fighters)
22,495 Kanshai Type-200s (Attack)
21,955 Huzayu AX9s (Bombers)
11,325 Mizakuba Carrier Bombers (Naval bombers)

Main Equipment:
Kujisaka-40 Long Rifle (Arisaka Type-99 long rifle)
Kujisaka-40 Short Rifle (Arisaka Type-99 rifle)
Yukai-10 Service Pistol (Type 94 pistol)
Bersatu-95 Heavy Machine Gun (Type 92 HMG)
Bersatu-90 Light Machine Gun (Type 99 LMG)
Bersatu-1 70mm Anti-Tank Launcher (Type 4 Rocket launcher)
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