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Fandom World Submersion (Multi Fandom rp) (OOC available, RP about to launch))

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When I hear "James Bond", my mind roams to " double-0 7" because of stuff I've forgotten and never cared to remember
(There is some headcanon to be found here, but I've kept it as minimal as possible.)

Name: Reimu Hakurei.

Universe (If the series has multiple continuities, specify which one): Touhou (composite Windows and PC-98 canon).

Alignment: Lawful Neutral.

Race: Human.

Gender: Female.

Age: Unknown (possibly 15-16 years old).

Appearance: View attachment 255165

Height (if confirmed): "Fairly tall" (possibly 5"5').

Weight (if confirmed): Unconfirmed (possibly anywhere between 95-125 lbs.).


  • Ability to Float - While flight is extremely common among inhabitants of Gensokyo, Reimu's ability extends beyond that. She can use this power to teleport short distances, but rarely seems to be aware that she's doing so. The ultimate expression of this ability is Fantasy Nature, which allows Reimu to float up high and become out of reach from enemies' attacks while active (even as far as transcending reality itself, becoming completely untouchable, and still being able to attack her enemy). This ability was considered too powerful for use as a spell card until Marisa Kirisame gave it a name and a time limit for use in danmaku duels.

  • Barrier Techniques - Reimu displays great aptitude with magical barriers (beyond that normally associated with shrine maidens), presumably related to her work in maintaining the Great Hakurei Barrier, the barrier which separates Gensokyo from the real world. Among her techniques are barriers that explode, push enemies (or herself), or act as portals for her other attacks. Reimu is capable of dismantling barriers and seals too complex for Marisa Kirisame and Patchouli Knowledge to understand, with what Marisa calls her "cheat technique".

  • Powers as the Hakurei Shrine Maiden - As the Hakurei shrine maiden, Reimu can handle the Hakurei Yin-Yang Orbs and is trained in youkai extermination techniques as well as standard duties like performing blessings. Reimu is also capable of invoking Gensokyo's native gods into her body, but she isn't well-trained enough to do so reliably.

  • Aura Manipulation - It's stated in the omake.txt (おまけ.txt) of Embodiment of Scarlet Devil that Reimu can control the natural spirits of living things, an ability which isn't listed in any source afterwards. No clear instance of this ability has been displayed in canon.

  • Danmaku - A very common combat art among denizens of Gensokyo that involves firing literal rainstorms of harmful spiritual energy at an opponent and dodging theirs in the process. Thanks to the Spell Card Rules, danmaku naturally has a "safety switch" that keeps it non-lethal for anyone on the receiving end. Danmaku deals spiritual damage, which means it will exhaust someone or make them pass out if hit by only a few danmaku bullets. Danmaku can be fired regularly as non-spells or as special attacks called "Spell Cards," which make the attacks complex and very difficult to dodge (if one is used, it will be described). All danmaku duels are now bound by the Spell Card Rules devised years ago in order to give everyone a fair chance at winning in a fight and to give the humans of Gensokyo safety in conflicts against youkai. Each combatant may only have a certain number of spell cards they can use before they must admit defeat to their opponent. If one combatant survives or eliminates all of their opponent's spell cards, they win. If Spell Card Rules didn't exist, Gensokyo would probably be destroyed by the various super-powerful youkai who live in it since they would all be using their full power. Danmaku has been stated to be more of an expression of beautiful art than a contest of raw power (like a martial art), as is evidenced by the spell cards that the participants use and the thoughtful names they are given. Though danmaku matches are generally safe, someone can "turn off the safety switch" on danmaku and give it lethal potency. With the sheer amount of bullets, it's going to become nigh impossible to dodge them all, and danmaku bullets will hurt a ton, regardless of who you are.


  • Superhuman Physicality (Including FTL speed)


  • Yin-Yang Orbs: This pair of orbs is the most powerful item in Reimu's arsenal. With power flowing directly from the Hakurei god, these orbs have single-handedly destroyed Sariel, the angel of death. Though Reimu rarely whacks them around as dependently as she used to, she still uses them to fire strong danmaku. Additionally, Reimu can make the orbs grow, bounce around, and slam into opponents. She has also used them to communicate with others on the surface when she was solving an incident deep underground in Subterranean Animism.

  • Gohei: A shrine maiden's "exorcision & blessing rod", for lack of a better description. When she was much younger and needed the direct help of the Yin-Yang Orbs to damage her enemies, she used this to slap the orbs around into enemies. Even now, she'll sometimes use it as an item to whack someone with in close-quarters. This has a shocking amount of knockback when used against a human-sized target (enough to knock her opponent in the fighting games into the stage's "wall" and bounce directly off it with the velocity of a beach-ball).

  • Ofuda - Sacred paper charms with anti-youkai properties that she uses to fight, seal, or exterminate youkai of any kind in her danmaku. Apparently, she can also use them to create barriers and even clones of herself. Like the Yin-Yang Orbs, she uses them in most, if not all, games she has appeared in, either as a normal shot (usually with homing properties) or as bullets for her spell cards.

Grail: The Yin-Yang Orbs.

Time of Gate awakening (Specify which point of their canon story was taking place when the gates of space and time were opened.): After the incident of Touhou 15: Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom but before the incident of Touhou 15.5: Antinomy of Common Flowers (a yet unreleased game).

Backstory (You may copy and paste from a wiki): Reimu Hakurei (博麗 霊夢 Hakurei Reimu) is the main character of the Touhou Project along with Marisa Kirisame. As the shrine maiden of the Hakurei Shrine, she manages the Hakurei Border of Gensokyo and exterminates troublesome youkai. She enforces use of the Spell Card Rules, which allows humans, youkai, fairies, and gods in Gensokyo to fight each other through means which won't endanger the lives of those who participate in danmaku duels (laser-dodging fights) and the very existence of Gensokyo itself. 

Reimu is one of the main "incident solvers" in Gensokyo. She and others characterize the time she spends at the shrine to be largely boring and uneventful. While she's sometimes serious about her duties, she can't seem to get many worshipers at her shrine. It appears that her youkai extermination is her only method of even earning a thin salary. Kanako Yasaka has stated that if she was to acquire a tremendous amount of faith, she could become a goddess, but at the moment she acts more like a youkai.

Not much is known about Reimu's history prior to the events of the games. ZUN does mention that there was a previous Hakurei Shrine Maiden, and it's generally assumed that there's a line of them.

Reimu has been solving incidents since she was a little girl, and she is quite good at it. Whenever she isn't out solving another incident, she usually spends her time sleeping in and hanging around her shrine. Though she is initially annoyed when youkai come visit her (most of the times uninvited), she actually appreciates visitors (especially if they come to donate to her shrine), no matter their species.

Musical Themes:

"Eternal Shrine Maiden"

(Theme from Touhou 1. This is the re-released version from the Music CD Dolls in Pseudo Paradise.)



"Mystic Oriental Love Consultation"

(Theme from Touhou 3)




"Witching Dream"

(Reimu's Stage 1 Theme from Touhou 4)




"Maiden's Capriccio"

(Stage 4 Boss Theme from Touhou 4)




"Dichromatic Lotus Butterfly ~ Red and White"

(Theme from the Dolls in Pseudo Paradise CD)




"The Strange Everyday Life of the Flying Shrine Maiden"

(Theme from the Dolls in Pseudo Paradise CD)




"Maiden's Capriccio ~ Dream Battle"

(Stage 4 (uncanny) Boss Theme from Touhou 8)



"Mystic Oriental Love Consultation"

(Day Theme from Touhou 7.5)




"Maiden's Capriccio"

(Night Theme from Touhou 7.5)




"Spring Lane ~ Colorful Path"

(Theme from Touhou 9)



"The Ground's Color is Yellow"

(Hakurei Shrine Theme from Touhou 10.5)



"Mystic Oriental Love Consultation"

(Theme from Touhou 10.5)



"Dichromatic Lotus Butterfly ~ Ancients"

(Theme from Touhou 12.3)



"Mystic Oriental Love Consultation (End of Century)"

(Reimu's Fantasy Heaven theme from Touhou 12.3)



"Spring Lane ~ Colorful Path"

(Theme from Touhou 13.5)



"Dichromatic Lotus Butterfly ~ Red and White"

(Theme from Touhou 14.5)

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(There is some headcanon to be found here, but I've kept it as minimal as possible.)

Name: Reimu Hakurei.

Universe (If the series has multiple continuities, specify which one): Touhou (composite Windows and PC-98 canon).

Alignment: Lawful Neutral.

Race: Human.

Gender: Female.

Age: Unknown (possibly 15-16 years old).

Appearance: View attachment 255165

Height (if confirmed): "Fairly short" (possibly somewhere between 5"0'-5"3').

Weight (if confirmed): Unconfirmed (possibly around 95-100 lbs.).


  • Ability to Float - While flight is extremely common among inhabitants of Gensokyo, Reimu's ability extends beyond that. She can use this power to teleport short distances, but rarely seems to be aware that she's doing so. The ultimate expression of this ability is Fantasy Nature, which allows Reimu to float up high and become out of reach from enemies' attacks while active (even as far as transcending reality itself, becoming completely untouchable, and still being able to attack her enemy). This ability was considered too powerful for use as a spell card until Marisa Kirisame gave it a name and a time limit for use in danmaku duels.

  • Barrier Techniques - Reimu displays great aptitude with magical barriers (beyond that normally associated with shrine maidens), presumably related to her work in maintaining the Great Hakurei Barrier, the barrier which separates Gensokyo from the real world. Among her techniques are barriers that explode, push enemies (or herself), or act as portals for her other attacks. Reimu is capable of dismantling barriers and seals too complex for Marisa Kirisame and Patchouli Knowledge to understand, with what Marisa calls her "cheat technique".

  • Powers as the Hakurei Shrine Maiden - As the Hakurei shrine maiden, Reimu can handle the Hakurei Yin-Yang Orbs and is trained in youkai extermination techniques as well as standard duties like performing blessings. Reimu is also capable of invoking Gensokyo's native gods into her body, but she isn't well-trained enough to do so reliably.

  • Aura Manipulation - It's stated in the omake.txt (おまけ.txt) of Embodiment of Scarlet Devil that Reimu can control the natural spirits of living things, an ability which isn't listed in any source afterwards. No clear instance of this ability has been displayed in canon.

  • Danmaku - A very common combat art among denizens of Gensokyo that involves firing literal rainstorms of harmful spiritual energy at an opponent and dodging theirs in the process. Thanks to the Spell Card Rules, danmaku naturally has a "safety switch" that keeps it non-lethal for anyone on the receiving end. Danmaku deals spiritual damage, which means it will exhaust someone or make them pass out if hit by only a few danmaku bullets. Danmaku can be fired regularly as non-spells or as special attacks called "Spell Cards," which make the attacks complex and very difficult to dodge (if one is used, it will be described). All danmaku duels are now bound by the Spell Card Rules devised years ago in order to give everyone a fair chance at winning in a fight and to give the humans of Gensokyo safety in conflicts against youkai. Each combatant may only have a certain number of spell cards they can use before they must admit defeat to their opponent. If one combatant survives or eliminates all of their opponent's spell cards, they win. If Spell Card Rules didn't exist, Gensokyo would probably be destroyed by the various super-powerful youkai who live in it since they would all be using their full power. Danmaku has been stated to be more of an expression of beautiful art than a contest of raw power (like a martial art), as is evidenced by the spell cards that the participants use and the thoughtful names they are given. Though danmaku matches are generally safe, someone can "turn off the safety switch" on danmaku and give it lethal potency. With the sheer amount of bullets, it's going to become nigh impossible to dodge them all, and danmaku bullets will hurt a ton, regardless of who you are.


  • Superhuman Physicality (Including FTL speed)


  • Yin-Yang Orbs: This pair of orbs is the most powerful item in Reimu's arsenal. With power flowing directly from the Hakurei god, these orbs have single-handedly destroyed Sariel, the angel of death. Though Reimu rarely whacks them around as dependently as she used to, she still uses them to fire strong danmaku. Additionally, Reimu can make the orbs grow, bounce around, and slam into opponents. She has also used them to communicate with others on the surface when she was solving an incident deep underground in Subterranean Animism.

  • Gohei: A shrine maiden's "exorcision & blessing rod", for lack of a better description. When she was much younger and needed the direct help of the Yin-Yang Orbs to damage her enemies, she used this to slap the orbs around into enemies. Even now, she'll sometimes use it as an item to whack someone with in close-quarters. This has a shocking amount of knockback when used against a human-sized target (enough to knock her opponent in the fighting games into the stage's "wall" and bounce directly off it with the velocity of a beach-ball).

  • Ofuda - Sacred paper charms with anti-youkai properties that she uses to fight, seal, or exterminate youkai of any kind in her danmaku. Apparently, she can also use them to create barriers and even clones of herself. Like the Yin-Yang Orbs, she uses them in most, if not all, games she has appeared in, either as a normal shot (usually with homing properties) or as bullets for her spell cards.

Grail: The Yin-Yang Orbs.

Time of Gate awakening (Specify which point of their canon story was taking place when the gates of space and time were opened.): After the incident of Touhou 15: Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom but before the incident of Touhou 15.5: Antinomy of Common Flowers (a yet unreleased game).

Backstory (You may copy and paste from a wiki): Reimu Hakurei (博麗 霊夢 Hakurei Reimu) is the main character of the Touhou Project along with Marisa Kirisame. As the shrine maiden of the Hakurei Shrine, she manages the Hakurei Border of Gensokyo and exterminates troublesome youkai. She enforces use of the Spell Card Rules, which allows humans, youkai, fairies, and gods in Gensokyo to fight each other through means which won't endanger the lives of those who participate in danmaku duels (laser-dodging fights) and the very existence of Gensokyo itself. 

Reimu is one of the main "incident solvers" in Gensokyo. She and others characterize the time she spends at the shrine to be largely boring and uneventful. While she's sometimes serious about her duties, she can't seem to get many worshipers at her shrine. It appears that her youkai extermination is her only method of even earning a thin salary. Kanako Yasaka has stated that if she was to acquire a tremendous amount of faith, she could become a goddess, but at the moment she acts more like a youkai.

Not much is known about Reimu's history prior to the events of the games. ZUN does mention that there was a previous Hakurei Shrine Maiden, and it's generally assumed that there's a line of them.

Reimu has been solving incidents since she was a little girl, and she is quite good at it. Whenever she isn't out solving another incident, she usually spends her time sleeping in and hanging around her shrine. Though she is initially annoyed when youkai come visit her (most of the times uninvited), she actually appreciates visitors (especially if they come to donate to her shrine), no matter their species.

WAit what is FTL speed
Yeah, it actually turns out we are not supposed to post discord links outside of PMs (I speak from experience).
I know. You mean to tell me your character can move faster than the speed of light?

Yep, that's correct. She's probably significantly faster than light, too (but that's when speed starts to become unimaginable, and that won't probably matter at this point in the case of the rp). Reimu has dodged stars (like actual miniature suns) fired from the arm cannon of Utsuho Reiuji, and so has Cirno, one of the lower-tier characters. There are multiple statements referring to one of Utsuho's spell cards being related to light.

"An artificial sun, bombarding you with photons."

"It must be heavy, to draw you in like that. Light has no problem escaping its gravity, though."

"The sun of the underground, sucking you in as it shines on you."

"The sun is meant to be above ground. Dodge its rays as you fight to go back there."
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Name: Fran Bow

Universe: Fran Bow

Gender: Female

Alingment: In her mind, she is Neutral Good but she is actually Chaotic Neutral

Race: Human

Age: 10


Height: Unknown but short

Powers: None

Skills: Clever, good at making friends, and creative.


  • Knife
  • Duotine Pills (If you take these pills, you will see another reality (A much harsher, dangerous, and scary reality))

Grail: Duotine Pills

Time of Gate awakening: After Remor suggested Fran killed her parents.

Backstory:  Fran is a ten-year-old girl struggling with a mental disorder after witnessing the violent murder of her parents. After being found alone in the woods, Fran is committed to Oswald Asylum and separated from her black cat and only friend, Mr. Midnight. Under the care of psychiatrist Dr. Marcel Deern, Fran is administered a strange medication that causes vivid hallucinations of grisly parallel world full of black shadowy figures and strange creatures. Driven to escape her imprisonment, find her cat, and get back home, Fran is able to pass into this world and alter her surroundings so that she might escape.

Along her journey, she attempts to discover who is responsible for her parents' tragedy. On the way home, Fran Bow discovers a strange land named Ithersta, where vegetables and roots live in harmony. After she exits Ithersta she runs into a creature named Itward. Itward is the creature that helps Fran get back to Mr. Midnight. Fran's reality seems to break down, and she cannot tell what the difference is between what she sees on the pills or what she sees off them. Fran Bow is faced with the reality that her parents have died and the person responsible might be someone very close to her.

Uh... FTL also stands for nerf.

I'm using this to get my feet in the water, so to say. If a nerf is required, that's enough to show me I don't need to join the rp. Essentially, I'd have Gensokyo be a 'verse that really wants to be left out of multiversal shenanigans and stay intact (as befitting the one who's "most in charge" of the place). Essentially, going there would require respecting the delicate balance, not doing so and being hunted down, or staying away.
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A lot of Touhou comes pre-nerfed because of the non-lethal nature of the franchise's duels, and general character motivations, right?

Yep, I mentioned that in the description for what danmaku is and what it does. Generally, if you leave Gensokyo the heck alone and don't try to blow it up or upset the balance of life there, you won't stir the hornet's nest. Outsiders are allowed to be attacked on sight by youkai, but if rumors start circulating about powerful outsiders who can put up a fight, they'll probably go for easier prey (i.e. the usual clueless person who's been spirited away).
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