World of Pokemon [Inactive]

"You know Tridon, it's alright. We've just got to keep trying." Jayden murmured, patting Trapinch on the head after another miss with his bite attack. The Trapinch just heaved a sigh before wandering off ahead to sulk a little.

"Aw, come on. It wasn't that bad! You were closer than last time, at least!" Jayden said, jogging to catch up so she could walk along beside him. Just having left Cherrygrove City, Jayden and Trapinch had been full of energy to try out their first battle. Of course, Jayden didn't want to risk Trapinch actually getting hurt at the moment since all it knew was bite so instead she and Tridon had been training but it hadn't been going very well.

"You don't become a champ overnight." Jayden tried again to which she received an irritated sound from her pokemon. Jayden just sighed and continued to walk along beside him. She never really liked putting Trapinch in it's Pokeball... it just didn't seem fair that he'd be missing out on so much so she never really asked it to- though she suspected she would if he ever got seriously hurt.
In a flash, a blueish gray Eeevee, a shiny Eevee zipped straight past Trapinch, squealing onto Route 2, with a normal Absol pursuing with eyes narrowed. Eevee continued to run through the grass, while meanwhile, her unseen trainer sat in a tree, fiddling with multicolored pieces of yarn on her wrist. She kept her pale green eyes on the shiny Eevee, to make sure no other trainers tried to catch her precious Eevee partner.
Trapinch jumped back in surprise, looking to Jayden to explain what had just happened. She shrugged, slightly amused that his earlier sulkiness seemed to be washed away by the shock.

"Do you think there's a trainer around?" Jayden asked, watching as the Absol followed after what turned out to be a Shiny Eevee. Tridon just huffed angrily and glared after the retreating figures of the pokemon. "Aw, don't be jealous. Just because they know how to have fun." When Tridon turned his glare on Jayden she just grinned, non-plused. "You should know your looks don't work on me. Come on, let's make sure everything is ok." Jayden replied beginning to follow after the Eevee and Absol but keeping enough of a distance to hopefully not appear as a threat.
Eevee dug her way out of the ground and grabbed onto Trapinch from below, dragged it halfway down her hole, then dug up around it, smiling playfully, then disappeared in the grass, where Absol appeared once again, and dug Trapinch out again, looking apologetic, then ran after Eevee again.

After a while of Eevee's messing with Trapinch, the trainer decided enough was enough, and whistled for her Pokemon as she climbed out of the tree. The Dark-Type and Normal-type immediately looked up from what they were doing and ran to the young girl, Eevee happily jumping from Absol's back to her trainers shoulder. After a moment, the young girl stepped out of the shadows and crossed to Jayden. "Sorry if Cherry was messing with you, she's a rascal."
Meeka perked up from her small camp when Emolga started squeaking with delight. Curious, she got up from her perch next to a small cooking flame where a warm broth was brewing for her afternoon snack. Wiping off the grass from her pants she followed Emogla who lept from a tree to glide towards the next, excitedly leading towards the unknown ruffling of leaves.

Her feet led her thoughtlessly until she found herself face to face with what seemed to be two playful pokemon, an Eevee and Absol returning to their trainer. Surprised she jumped back, tossing her head back to check where Emolga had disappeared to, but her sharp tail was nowhere to be found in the foliage above her. In her surprise two plump Oran berries fell from her rucksack, unknown to her that they would be lost again to her carelessness. Meeka stumbled for a moment before falling back, making a large "Umph!" as she fell.
Jayden looked up at the newcomer in surprise, having just picked up Trapinch to try and save him from any more pestering. He was in a bad enough mood as it was... or at least Jayden thought he was before she looked closer... but strangely enough he seemed to be in an amused kind of mood.

Jayden was about to greet the new trainer when another trainer showed up. Waving energetically, with Trapinch tucked safely under one arm, Jayden was just in time to see the new trainer fall backwards. Worried that she might be hurt Jayden rushed forward. "Hey?! Are you alright? What happened?"

She set Trapinch down before reaching the other girl. Tridon just meandered on behind her, still looking rather amused.
Meeka wiped herself off again, pushing her bushel of red hair behind her ear, and smiling at the new trainer. There was no concern in her voice as she rose.

"Oh I'm fine." a bit embarassed by her fumble she murmered, "It was nothing, just tripped." Her voice trailed off, "again..."

She pulled a small poffin out of her bag, tossing through a few various items in doing so. Soon she had a tart red poffin that she proffered to the Trapinch.

"Hi I'm Meeka" She offered her hand as a greeting with a shy smile.

((OOC: Forgive me if I'm a post or two behind, I like to post at work, and well.. I'm working :) ))


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Wind slipped his hands into his pockets as he walked down the dirt path. Houndour walked next to him, sometimes dashing ahead to bark at wild pokemon. He gripped a walking stick in one hand, and made slow progress down the road. As he walked, he heard voices coming from a part of the forest near him. Ducking behind a tree, he leaned around it to see a couple people standing near a camp, and heard them talking, picking up a snippet of conversation.

"I'm Meeka"

He darted back when he saw a pair of eyes land on him.
Trapinch accepted the poffin after a moment of hesitation.

Jayden accepted the offered hand, shaking it and smiling. "I'm glad your ok. My name is Jayden and that's Tridon and we were just meeting Cherry... who I presume is the Eevee that was causing Tridon such trouble, and Cherry's owner." Jayden replied, focusing on making sure her grip was strong but not painful. A lot of people would read you in the way you shook someones hand and Jayden preferred being seen as strong instead of weak.
Meeka looked up at the girl who's hand she shook and tilted her head slightly at the sudden though of running into a trainer. She let her hands drop to her side awkwardly as Emolga reappeared amongst the trees. At the sight Meeka reached for her bracelet, which had six small bangles hanging off of it loosely. Plucking one she let it develop in her hand until it resembled a full sized pokeball which she brought to face Emolga. As a flash of white light enveloped her Pokemon, she let the pokeball fall back into place along her bracelet and return to its nondescript bangle.

"We'll finish lunch later," she murmured as she put her Emolga away, then awkwardly looking up at the two new trainers. Her eyes were bright as she surveyed for a moment before nodding respectfully to both trainers. She turned to Tridon, offering her hand as welcome before speaking clearly to the Trapinch himself,

"You look hungry little guy, how would you like lunch?" and without pause she bobbed up to exclaim, "How would you all like lunch?"


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/upload_2014-3-26_19-39-4.png.fca8c0f3f7ccd2c6cf83ed82585e6d7c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15190" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/upload_2014-3-26_19-39-4.png.fca8c0f3f7ccd2c6cf83ed82585e6d7c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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“Alright, Zorua, you ready to set out again?” I asked. This was our second journey, having started out in Kalos.

“You bet I am!” Zorua said excitedly. I, being a Zoroark, understood Zorua when he spoke. Then Zorua sighed. “It’s gonna be different without Glaceon.”

“I had an idea. Maybe we could reunite with her in Goldenrod City!” I suggested. “I heard that the owner of the PC lives there.”

“Okay, that’s great. But… where are we going now?”

“Let’s pay a visit to New Bark Town.”

Disguised in my human form, I walked with Zorua to New Bark Town, where we payed a visit to Professor Elm.

“Oh, wait… I just remembered that Elm freaks out whenever he sees a new Pokemon…” I sighed. 
Elm didn’t freak out, but he was the complete opposite of calm. I could hardly believe that the Pokemon Professor would go crazy over seeing my Zorua. It kinda got out of hand…

“Elm, CALM DOWN!” I yelled.

“I’ve never seen a Pokemon like this before!” Elm said, ignoring my first warning. He was holding Zorua with his hands on the Pokemon’s sides.

“Hey, stop that! Zorua hates being held that way!” I warned him again. Zorua was not amused at all; in fact, he was starting to develop a redish aura.

“Professor, I highly recommend that you put him down.”

“Come on! What’s the worst that could happen-”

Zorua howled and sent a shockwave of dark energy through Elm’s arms. Night Daze was a powerful move from far away; Zorua attacked the professor directly, so it did a lot of damage.

“Sorry…” Zorua whined.

“Don’t worry. Just try not using night daze next time.”

“Don’t worry about me, I’m fine,” Elm chimed in, getting up and brushing himself off. And so we left for the official beginning of our new adventure.
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Trapinch snapped in excited agreement before Jayden could stop him. Sighing in defeat Jayden shook her head in amusement; it seemed the way to a Pokemon's heart really was through their stomach. She was a bit envious, honestly... maybe she should learn how to cook poffins as well.

"Tridon and I would really appreciate it. We'll really owe you one, later." Jayden mumbled gratefully, feeling a bit sheepish of having nothing to really offer right now. She hadn't really planned out her journey as well as she had thought and she and Trapinch had been hunting for berries when they hadn't been training (failing at training).
Meeka nodded in appreciation at the accepted offer. She gestured with a flick of her hand to follow, a bounce suddenly finding its way into her step.

"I had a broth started at my camp, but come on its not too late to make more." She paused, tilting her head towards the bushes she was passing by,

"You too little Houndour." She meandered past the brush back into the clearing where her small flame was helping a warm scent waft through the air. Her hand gripped her stomach in reflex as a soft growl made itself known. She made to sit down around the fire as she reached to grab a small blunt knife and a sealed bag of ingredients. She began to stir the broth again, releasing a comforting smell of stew as she opened the bag and began sorting through the food stuffs she had brought.

Before too long the pot that had once held a small broth now was bubbling over with a hearty stew, large enough for five people. Along the ground Meeka began to place bowls carved out of hardened husks of large berries. These she filled with dry chopped up pieces of strange looking poffins while murmuring something about, "Training food."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/upload_2014-3-27_12-35-38.png.bd5b6a5252796ec35fa639221564320a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15217" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/upload_2014-3-27_12-35-38.png.bd5b6a5252796ec35fa639221564320a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Cross had stood silently while the two others had conversed. She wasn't much of a talkers, even around friends. Cherry the Eevee however was having a merry time romping around and messing with Tridon the Trapinch. And meanwhile, Graceon the Absol sat by his trainer, staring at the other girls, until suddenly he turned towards the woods and huffed, his nose going on overtime. "Graceon, whats going on?" She looked behind herself just in time to see someone disappear behind a tree. "....I know you're there. Come out before I have to make my Absol go after you. He's an excellent tracker."
Tridon was fairly confused by the Eevee's playful behavior but every now and then he would attempt to play along with Cherry.

Jayden looked at Cherry's trainer curiously, scratching at the back of her neck as she looked around and didn't see anyone. "Who are you talking to?" She asked as she followed after Meeka slowly, stalling every now and then to look around for her Trapinch and mildly amused at his attempts to play along.

Jayden and Tridon both eyed the Houndour uncertainly... Was it a wild pokemon or was there yet another trainer around somewhere?
Wind slid out from behind the tree, holding his hand up to stop Houndour, who looked ready for a fight. He smelt the broth, and couldn't stop his stomach from growling hungrily. He eyed the broth hungrily, but looked up at the people around him.

"Uh, Hey. I'm Wind"
Meeka giggled tritely at the commotion between the sudden appearance of a new trainer. It didn't seem to bother her that she had seemed momentarily crazy, talking to an imaginary pokemon. She let her eyes wander over the trainers as they spoke, vaguely listening to the banter.

As she let her cooking simmer she began sorting through her bag again. A few berries rolled across the stiff ground, right into the paws of a Teddiursa. With a small sniff she quickly stuffed the berry into her mouth, making a soft sound of appreciation. Startled Meeka looked up to find herself face to face with the plush Pokemon.

"Oh! Little one, there you are!" She reached to hug the Teddiursa, sweeping her up into a comforting hug, before the little bear climbed onto her shoulders and straddled her head like a little child.

Meeka handed up another berry to the content Teddiursa before continuing to stir her food. As it bubbled she murmured,

"Foods ready, whenever you're all ready." And bashfully realized no one had been paying her any attention.

Looking up as he heard the voice, Wind looked over to the pot and Meeka. Suddenly, he noticed a Teddiursa on the shoulder of the girl. Eying it curiously, he walked over and eyed it.

"Where'd this guy come from?"

Suddenly, Houndour ran up and began growling at the small pokemon. He looked at his companion angrily and kicked him, making him stop and sit down with a reluctant thump.

"Sorry, he's incredibly excitable."
"Hey! You can't just kick your pokemon! That's cruel!" Jayden shouted suddenly, a little outraged but more miffed than anything at this 'Wind' person who seemed to have come out of nowhere. "Why would you do that?!" She continued, moving to get a closer look at the houndour. She didn't get close enough to touch it or anything, just make sure it was ok.

Tridon was at her side, looking at the houndour as well. Jayden felt a little bad not responding to Meeka... she was going to... but then the person had kicked their pokemon and she just... reacted to that. She wondered if she could save herself by saying something to Meeka now but... what was their to say. 'Oh yeah, I just yelled at this person but I'm totally ready to eat now.' Somehow it felt that wouldn't go over very well.
Meeka looked up from her stew, smiling at her new company.

"Oh this little guy? He's been following me around for two years now, and she likes practicing with Emolga so we just became buds." She brought a finger up to scratch Teddiursa behind the ears. "And I guess she just really likes my food."

At the sight of Houndour flopping down Meeka made to get up, Teddiursa balancing carefully up on her shoulders. She reached out a hand comfortingly towards the giant pup and proffered a good scratch behind the ears. Although she was awkward with basic communication she had a way with Pokemon. She gestured to the food that had been laid out in the grassy clearing and looked with a quizzical look in her eye,

"Aren't you hungry?" Teddiursa mimicked her gesture, one paw catching in Meeka's hair as she swept her arm to show the food.

"Woah, calm the hell down dude. Houndour has been my best friend since I was a child. He's taken down an giant Onix with a single attack. That tiny pat didn't hurt him. I doubt he even felt it! Plus, he tackles me all the time." He looked angrily over at the person who had yelled at him. As if to prove his point, Houndour jumped up and knocked Wind over, crouching on his stomach, and licking his face.

"Watch it you great oaf!" Pushing Houndour off him, he scratched his ears affectionately.

"I respect all pokemon, I grew up learning to be friends with them. They're not china, meant to be delicate and treated with the utmost carefulness. They're twenty times tougher than any human, and damn good friends."

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