World Academy~Hetalia [Inactive]

Matthew was startled, to say the least, about getting tripped over. He carefully sat up, wincing a little as he fixed his glasses. "It's fine. I should have moved out of the way." He did hurt, the hard floor not at all comforting to him, but he'd probably just end up a bit bruised. "Thanks for apologizing, though."
"Oh! Hi Jensen!" Riley called out, smiling brightly. He ran over to Matthew, "You have to be more careful, Matt! Hey, can it call you Matt? And Jensen? You're on the other team? Cool! We're gonna beat you to a bloody pulp anyways! Bye!" He called as he ran back across the field.

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He was just kind of dazed at the moment, only taking in a small amount of what Riley said. "He has way too much energy sometimes..." He blinked a few times. "I guess you're Jensen, then. I'm Matthew, but I really don't care if you come up with a nickname like he did."
"No, no, don't, it was me. Glad you're fine, though." She looked now at Riley, who was running over. "Aye...Oh, you poor thing. I don't think so!" She smiled, and nodded to Matthew before she started to run off again. "Pleasure," she called, bursting into a sprint. She wasn't typically this energetic, but something about sports enthralled her, football in particular.
Matthew picked himself up, deciding to try to play the game again. He'd at least pay enough attention to not get knocked over this time.
"Oi!" Cameron shouted to the group of three. "Kick-off's now! Let's play ball!"

At Herr Ludwig's blow of the whistle he ran forward, into a gap in the oppositions defence. "Pass!" he shouted back at Matthew.
Matthew looked at him with wide eyes, not entirely sure what he was supposed to be doing. He'd never had actual instruction in the game, so he didn't know. Heck, he wasn't even good at throwing the ball.
Riley ran across the field, where there were no people. "Matt! Catch the ball and throw it to me!" He shouted.

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Heather sat at the edgevof a bench watching. She hated sports with a passion. Never good when her breast kept jumping in front of her, making it hard to run.
He avoided the other team, making sure he was somewhere the other team wasn't. Although he was pretty short, he makes up with his agility and speed. He held his hands up high, as if trying to get Cameron to throw it to him. "Come on!" He shouted, now frantic. He was worried that the ball wouldn't reach Cameron in time, but he was too far away to catch the call. He only hoped for the best.

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Jensen saw where the ball was headed and sprinted towards it, intercepting it right in time. She let out a heroic laugh and winked at the boys as she ran again. She threw the ball to one of her teammates, and as she did she locked eyes with Riley, making a playfully competitive face.
Matthew let out another apology, feeling a bit bad about not making it get to Cameron. He then ran over to try and help some more,
He grumbled as he chased after Jensen and her teammate, successfully tackling Jensen down. He quickly got off of her, "Sorry!" He exclaimed. He accidentally bumped his knee but he still held his hand out to Jensen to take.

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He then quickly pulled Jensen up and returned to the other side of the field, watching one of his teammates tackle down Jensen's teammate before they could make a goal. The teammate threw the ball to Cameron.

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Cameron sprinted down the right wing, shoving past the opposition's defence. He threw the ball to Riley, who was in the middle, "Finish it!" Cameron shouted, hoping Riley would score a touchdown.
Riley quickly caught the ball, and ran like heck. His short bursts became long strides as he neared the fields end.

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Matthew just kind of watched all of this, a bit surprised at the amount of energy going into the game. He didn't know anyone before this who put so much into a simple game.
"That was some game!" said Cameron as he threw down his top. "He took a quick shower and got dressed. "Great job, Matthew!" he said, buttoning up his shirt.
Jensen sighed, changing out of her kit. She had to admit, it had been a pretty good game, despite her team's loss. Still, she couldn't help feeling a little disappointed. It was only her nature.

As she entered the hall, she fished out her schedule. "Where to next?" she mumbled to herself.
He nodded, taking his shirt off, and putting his regular clothes back on. "Good game... What's your next class?" He asked, rocking on his heels and picking his camera bag up, waiting for Cameron and Matthew to finish dressing.
Matthew finished dressing soon, never one to take long to get dressed. He joined Riley, smiling a bit. "I have math next with..." He checked his schedule quickly. "Mr. Kirkland."

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