World Academy~Hetalia [Inactive]

"Oh! Hello! I'm Riley Andrews! And this is my pet Koala, Joey!" He said to the guy who had caught up to him and Cameron. "G'Day to you, Mate!" He said happily, smiling at Matthew.
Matthew gave him a small smile in return. "Nice to meet you too, Riley. And your friend Joey." He kind of wished he'd brought Kumajiro with him now so he could meet the Koala.
Riley smiled brightly and rummaged through his camera bag, quickly taking his binder out and flipping through it while walking. "So, first period I have Math... Second... Umm..." He squinted at his binder and quickly shut it. "Oh well! I have Phys Ed next period!" He exclaimed happily, his emerald eyes shining in great joy.
"Gosh are you happy?" Cameron sighed. "I love sport and stuff, but this early in the day? And with Herr Ludwig?!"

Cameron adjusted his tie and collar before entering Maths to make a good first impression on his new classmates and teacher. He chose a seat where he could be next to Riley and Matthew; his new friends.
Matthew was surprised, to say the least, by Riley's enthusiasm. "I take it you like Phys Ed?" He wasn't too bad at the class himself, but he was really only good in one unit. When they got to the room he took a seat by Cameron, wanting to be by someone he was already introduced to.
Cameron got out his pencil case and awaited the typical passing of the new exercise books and textbooks. When he got his books, he wrote his name, subject and subject teacher on the front and then took his textbook. He opened it and turned to the page which he was asked to. Mr China, his teacher, requested that, as a first lesson, everyone did the 'Check Up Test' for the first unit so that he could see their ability. Cameron began work immediately and whizzed through many of the questions with ease. Although he didn't like to admit it, he loved algebra and found it extremely easy.
Matthew did similarly, writing in his neat little handwriting. He started on the first assignment, not having much difficulty. His parents had helped him quite a bit through math, so he was more than capable of at least doing a fair amount of the questions correctly.
Cameron pulled his binder out when he was done and turned to the blank notes pages at the back. He began to draw, to pass the time. He occasionally glanced at the clock but spent most of the rest of the lesson drawing. He looked up to survey his class and noticed a girl who seemed familiar to him; Heather, he believed her name was, she had been at breakfast.

He leaned towards Matthew and whispered, "Do you know anyone else here?"
Matthew had been thinking and zoning out a bit, startled when Cameron spoke to him. "Uh, no, I don't. I want to, though." He would have a bit of trouble with that, though, being as shy and passive as he was.
He smirked as he sat down next to Matthew and Cameron, "Of course, you're gonna have to get rid of the shyness!" He said to Matthew as he scribbled across the test. He then took out another pack of leaves and fed one to his Koala.
Matthew looked to him, setting his pencil down. "I can't just get rid of it. It's part of who I am." He didn't want to be so shy, but he knew it'd be a long process to get rid of it.
He shrugged as he fed his Koala another leaf, "Eh... I heard that the Phys Ed teacher is pretty tough." He said, tipping his Akubra over his face as he was leaning back into his chair.
He nodded. "I met him briefly. He really is. He's also really intimidating." Most people were to Matthew, but he didn't mention that since the teacher was really, really intimidating.
He smiled as he sat back normally in his seat, emerald eyes shining in excitement again, "Yeah! That's why I wanna meet him so badly! Nothing beats a good challenge!" He said enthusiastically.
"I think you're kind of crazy, but in a good way." He honestly didn't want to do Phys Ed, but he had to at some point in the day. He double checked his schedule to see when he did have it.
"Thank you!" He said, smiling brightly. He didn't mind if people called him crazy, mostly because he kind of is. He glanced at the clock. "Uuuugh! When is this period going to end?!" He asked as he tore his Akubra off of his brown hair, making it fly. He looped the string across his neck and his Akubra hung down onto his back.

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"It pretty much just started. Check your schedule for the time." He found Riley's drama kind of amusing, so he didn't necessarily want him to stop. However, the teacher might get him in trouble so it might be smart to not be so prominent in the room.
He grabbed his binder in one swift move and quickly pulled out his schedule. "Hmm... Words. Ain't gonna read 'em. Not even if you put a gun to my head." He said, putting his binder back down. He looked at his test and quickly rearranged the numbers and then looked back up. He looked back at the clock. Only a minute has passed. "Oh come on..." He grumbled. He tapped his pencil on the table impatiently.

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Matthew sighed, looking at his own schedule. "It ends in half an hour. Wait through for that long." He took to doodling on a piece of paper, drawing a picture of Kumajiro. It turned out pretty good.
Jensen silently slid off of the bench when the new boys had been introduced at breakfast. She had requested a visit with a counselor to see about her classes, as she'd lost her schedule the week after it had been handed out. Now she saw that maths was first on the list, and that she was already running a few minutes late. She asked for a late pass and rushed off to the class. She slipped through the door as imperceptibly as possible, sliding into a desk. The beginning exam was fairly easy, though admittedly she had some troubles without her calculator beside her.

The assignment afterwards was nearly as boring. She rest her chin on her hand, taking a moment to see who else was in the class. She recognised a couple of kids from breakfast, namely Riley, Heather, Cameron, and...this was a name she had learned, but entirely forgot it. Morris? Martin? Matthew, probably. At least she'd know some people, then, though she didn't really feel like she needed friends to get through maths.
He looked at Matthew's drawing and quickly asked, "Is that a... Polar bear...?! Cool!" He complimented. He saw Jensen slip in and said, "Hello!"

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Matthew nodded quietly. "It's supposed to be my friend. I didn't want to take him to class in case he got hungry, but he's waiting in my dorm for me to get back."
"Does he get his usual doses of excersise? Because I usually take up jobs as the dorms daily animal walker!" He explained. "What do you feed him?" He asked as he tore a piece of paper out of his binder.

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He was a bit surprised by the sudden interest. "Oh, he normally eats fish, although he also likes eating pancakes when I make them. As for exercise, he doesn't really do much other than sleep and eat. He refuses to exercise when I try to get him to."
"Eeeeeeh?! How old is he?" He asked, jotting down quick and uneven notes. His emerald green eyes shined with an interest of animals.

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