Wonderland Reborn [Inactive]

((I must give my sincerest apologies to all for my late reply. My personal life has been kicking me in the rear lately and was unable to form a teply. Please forgive me!))

Christopher balled his hands into fists, shaking from the building anger. He stalked over to the younger in a few strides. Grasping a fistful of the boy's collar, he pushed him into the nearby wall. He used his strength to lift the other a bit higher above the ground.

"Watch your words, boy!" He hissed. It took every ounce of control not to crush the brat into dust. It was one thing to spy, but to insult one's rank in power. Why he wasn't anything more than a farmer's son! "No one relies on me other than myself and my kingdom. You have no room to talk considering it is your king fighting and not you with blood on your hands." Chris's grip tightened and he put more force in his hold. His lips drawn back in a scowl. "You have ten seconds to tell me your business, Diamond scum, or I will run my swords in you through and through!"


Benjamin had been surveying the battle scene from the window of the war room. His mindracing from old battle strategies when a messenger scurried towards him, breath uneven from running. In his hand was a folded paper. "W-word from the Heart Kingdom! They withdraw from the war. They request a meeting with all the kingdoms at once!" Ben's eyes widened as he snatched the paper and read the words hungrily.

He had to get to Chris at once! The elder man requested his horse and rode off to the battle grounds. Blood ripening the air around. "I request General Christopher's presence! It is a matter of great urgency!" He shouted at the Spade soldiers, or for anyone with an open ear.
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Cheshire had snuck his way into the kingdom of clubs. He didn't plan on simply waltzing in the castle, he'd be at most thrown in the dungeon! So instead he passed through a window evaporating in. He then proceeded to search for the library hopefully no one would mind if a couple of books had gone missing on his wander about he heard angered yelling while heading farther up the castle. Now what could that be he wondered. He shook his head he had only come here for one thing. But alas his curiousity got the best of him. He remained invisible and tip toed up the stairs which lead to the Queens chamber he watched from the stair well as three people stood there. One obviously being the queen due to her flow of magic. The other two men he had no clue of. Though due to one of the men's carriage it seemed he was of royalty probably from another kingdom.

As he watched he couldn't help to wonder. Oh joy more fighting just what we need when wonderland is falling apart !! He was rather livid at this foolishness. But he waited he intended to watch, and if what he thought to be an argument got worse he would step in. There was no point to anymore fighting. He then wondered if the Queen had already sensed his presence. But for now he waited. Heard the yelling, watched the people in the room. And waited to bring is news.
(Sorry it is a little short)

"You have ten seconds to tell me your business, Diamond scum, or I will run my swords in you through and through!"

Edmund clawed at the man's hands to relieve the pressure on his throat. The man was shouting at him with murderous intent, which was exactly why he needed to be wiped off the plane of existence as soon as possible. "Shove those butter-knives of yours up your bum!" He spat. "You'd be doing something useful for once, you hot-headed buffoon!" Meanwhile, he shuffled to where his dagger lay on the ground. If he was quick enough, he could reach it and gut his assailant, but it seemed likely the man would notice his movement and kill him first. Perhaps, he reasoned, the so-called Prince would explode with anger. It wasn't unheard of in Wonderland.
Nirvain sat in that filthy jail cell for three hours pondering over the idea of what the princess would do to him once she hears of his bad actions to her kingdom. "Oh man this doesn't look good. I have to find a way out of here!" He stated out loud. As he stood up from the bench he heard a small voice in the distance. "What a nice idea boy but your out of luck! The only way out is to trick the guards!" The old man's voice stated. Nirvain looked over to find a sickly man hunched over in the next cell, the man has short wired white hair that was balding at the top. Nirvain thought to himself about the river of wrinkles that made up his entire misshapen face. "Boy grab a chainsaw and cut the bars down and use your high powered cellphone to call the gryphons!" The man said. "Old man? You make me seem not as mad! Crazy old fart! Tell me, why are you here?" Nirvain tried to pry him for more information but the old man just rocked in the corner. Then it hit him and Nirvain jumped up with excitement! "Hey old man! Mind if i borrow some of your madness? Clearly you have much to spare!" Nirvain stated with a laugh. "Sure kid i can't sell this stuff fast enough!" The old man said not getting the joke. Nirvain then proceeded to stream a ball of the old man's madness, he then focused the pure madness on his wound to heal it fully. As he heal he started to float again and he faded right through the bars. "Thanks old man you helped me greatly!" Nirvain said as he pasted his extra lunch tray to the old man hegot from jail.

Nirvain than quickly faded out above the jail when he way stopped at a library of some sort. "I sense an old friend!" He said as he looked around. He searched the whole room to find a flopping tail in the distance and he thought to himself, only one person has that tail! "Chesire cat? What are you doing here?" The cat heard the call of the prince and quickly smiled. "Aaah if it isn't the chaotic prince! I could ask you the same thing!" The cat said as he fanned a flew. "Answer me! This is a dangerous place! So much bad has happened and our village......." he lowered his head as he thought about it! The cat flew over to him and lifted up his head. "I know of our down bringing but nothing g in madness is truly lost, just hidden in a cloud of darkness!" The cat said. "Um...what?" Nirvain said remembering how the cat loved riddles only he understood. "Ok? But why are you here?" Nirvain shouted. "I have come here for knowledge and knowledge is the only key to undo our terrible misfortune!" Nirvain only felt even more stupid with every thought of what the cat had said and quickly ignored him! "Anyways! Don't you think we should be leaving! I came here to see princess but i found something better! I might have found the mad hatter's daughter!" He said happily. "Try not to pry to hard my young prince, if you reach your head out to far you could get it chopped off! The cat said as he picked up another book. "This world hides many mysteries but unfortunately your eyes aren't ready to see the truth!" He said as his eyes glowed with a blue tent and his cat like pupil mutated into a star. Nirvain was shocked by this display and moved back little. "The true eyes of chaos! With them you can see though anything wonderland holds secret!" The cat smiled at Nirvain's word. "Our kingdom's secret true treasure only we know of! You too possess this ability but it's clouded by what makes you yourself, your madness!" The cat said as he faded away. "What did he mean? My madness clouds my own true vision?" Nirvain said as he thought.

The mind of a Mad Prince!
Chris noticed the slight movement and kicked the knife away with a few steps, hands still on the other boy's neck. The fresh markings stung in the open air, raw with droplets of blood. "Useful for once?" He repeated, voice still low. A dark chuckle escaping him. "Yes, I should be useful by killing you, but where would that get me? Maybe I could throw you in a dungeon, torture you until you spill every last secret in that mind of yours. Make you feel like the lowly rat you are."

Chris said all of this calmly. Not even bothering to acknowledge the faint call of his name in the distance.
"Yes, I should be useful by killing you, but where would that get me? Maybe I could throw you in a dungeon, torture you until you spill every last secret in that mind of yours. Make you feel like the lowly rat you are."

"And by killing me you'd prove for once and for all that you're the lowest of the low. Such a hero you are, killing a smaller, defensless opponent!" Edmund spat. "I am a diamond and I won't budge to your torture, much less your empty threats!" His back scraped against the wall as he tried to slither away from the man's grip. But the Prince was too strong, and his malicious intent all too palpable. Barely able to breathe, Edmund scowled at the Prince. "Fight me like a man you worthless shit," he dared to say.
Leonora had remained silent through the entire confrontation between the two people in front of her, but she couldn't handle it any longer.

She threw her hands out in front of herself, palms facing towards Christopher and the boy. Her eyes turning red with anger, she used some kind of magic to knock the two to the ground.

"That's enough! Not only have you annoyed me with your arguing, but you're behaving like savages. If you want to behave like that go back outside to the war raging!" Leonora looked down at Christopher. "I understand you were trying to help aid me, but you've only made it worse, Christopher. I would have expected more composure out of you."

Leonora then looked to the boy. "And you. I still haven't an idea what to do with you, but for now I'll be keeping a close eye on you. You say you are a traitor to your kingdom. Well, if that's the case, pledge yourself to the Club Kingdom and become allied with the Spade Kindgom. . . Oh and your only other option is for me to lock you up in the dungeon and use you as my practice dummy for my spells. What'll it be, Diamond?"

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And you. I still haven't an idea what to do with you, but for now I'll be keeping a close eye on you. You say you are a traitor to your kingdom. Well, if that's the case, pledge yourself to the Club Kingdom and become allied with the Spade Kindgom. . . Oh and your only other option is for me to lock you up in the dungeon and use you as my practice dummy for my spells. What'll it be, Diamond?"

Still dazed from being knocked over, Edmund rose to his feet and brushed some dust off his clothes. He chuckled, "I think I can take those petty knockback jinxes of yours all day." The lines on his face hardened, his brows furrowed. "All I want to do is end the war. Throw me in the dungeon if you must, I'll only be closer to slicing your throat." He looked down at Christopher, "and yours. Or, you can end this madness, withdraw your armies and leave all nations in peace." He folded his hands behind his back and stood erect, his chin lifted slightly into the air. "I am not afraid of you."
Cheshire pounced over his tail swishing as he floated up to Leonora, smiling widely. Though he knew he had things to do he could not help but feel annoyed at the foolish diamond boy. "If i may interrupt. Ending war with taunts isn't a good start." "Not very bright are you?" He then evaporated away. Now sitting atop the boy's head. "And to you Queen of club, I must inform you of a great danger." He just grinned. As he always did, no matter how annoyed he could easily be amused at the same time. He had no intention on giving straight answers. Riddles were the game, riddles he loved, and so he delivered. He thought carefully before speaking again." The Clock's they tick and tock but, soon they will never tick, just like our land ravaged by war will soon disappear! The war pointless. Make your choice soon. Your ignorance could be the death of us all. Times ticking away!" He evaporated without another word. Launching himself down the stairs back to the library as soon as he left the three.

As he searched through the books, he came to hear a familiar voice.

"Cheshire cat? What are you doing here ?"

Christopher pulled himself upward, both cringing at Leonora's scolding and shooting a glare at the foolish Diamond boy. How had he become so reckless? Did the war sand down his 'obedient prince' demeanor and replaced it with the mind of a careless brute? Scowling, a retort was on the tip of his tongue when the Cheshire Cat interrupted them with its ominous riddle.

'Your ignorance will be the death of us all..‘ Fumbled around his mind. Was the clock in some sort of trouble? Again, his vocal response was cut short by the Cat's disappearance and a rapid knock on the door. What on earth could it possibly be now?

"My Queen, there is a soldier from the Spade Kingdom demanding to speak with Prince Christopher. Have you seen him since your battle with one another? The man is named Benjamin and he claims that the message is urgent." Christopher tilted his head to the side. Benjamin was here with an important message? It could be about the war.

Chris swiftly turned on his heel and gathered his armor. He spared a brief glance at Leonora as he quickly buckled on his armor. "I have to go."

((Sorry if it may seem a bit self-centered. That was not my intention! I'm sick so my responses are a bit weird. Sorry for the long delay! I was dealing with some urgent matters during my 'hiatus' and have promptly dealt with them))
Princess Aria Frost Hellstorm had arrived back at the Kingdom of Hearts along with Lord Blake Abyss by her side. The clearly upset teenager had ignored every single concerned servant that blocked her path as she walked in the hallways of her Castle. Naturally, after sending the forced alliance letters to each main Kingdom, Aria had every right to be angry and curse the Gods for twisting everything up. Well, her plans of getting revenge and finding out who killed the Queen. It had to be someone, anyone, from one of the Kingdoms. It wasn't the Gods' fault though, but the man with snake-like traits. Blake Abyss, the man who had known Aria before she was taken in by the late Queen of Hearts. The same man who had just back stabbed her, forcing her to surrender and make an attempt to live peacefully with the rest of the Kingdoms! Blake knew her better than anyone else, he knew her intentions for turning so rotten with Wonderland. So heartless despite being Princess of the Heart Kingdom. . .

He knew it!

Yet, the damned Immortal had just acted like he knew nothing. This is what was starting to break the armored female, bit by bit. She was tempted to do
anything painful and scaring to the male, yet she couldn't. A sigh had parted from her lips as she entered the throne room, the dead body removed already, as Blake had followed her closely. He had, sincerely, apologized to each and every person that Aria had brushed off coldly. The black haired male had simply watched the princess sit down on the throne, crossing her legs slowly as she glared at him. He didn't return the glare back, only smiling an idle smile that made her glare darken more. Today was going quite well for Blake, since he didn't lose any body parts. Which was a relief, since he needs those said body parts in the future. Blake had stood across the large room, near the double doors. The two had barely spoke to each other, one was glaring and the other was smiling. . .

Beautiful stars shone bright in the black sky, casting a white glow over the city as the last rays of evening light disappeared over the horizon. High in the center of the pitch black tapestry, a bright white moon hovered, throwing beams of silver light down onto the darkened world. Street lamps stood tall in the darkness, casting eerie shadows and dingy fluorescent light on the pavement. Dark clouds gathered in the sky, blocking the moon’s light as they passed. Cool winds wafted through the Kingdom of Hearts, the chilly gusts of air heavy with the crisp scent of rain. Shadows blurred vision to anything outside a ten foot radius, seeming to make the night darker than normal. A girl wearing a dark crimson cloak was running down the sidewalk, her muddy boots barely making any sound. As she continued to run aimlessly around, her thoughts were starting to clash together like sharp swords in the middle of battle. The cloaked female could hear sickening growling coming from close behind her, the smell of blood hung in the air deeply. She couldn't think at all, yet she had to think. She needed to make a plan quickly before the—

"...Violet, wake up! Don't make me come up there!"

An annoyed voice had practically shouted from downstairs of a small cottage-like home, shattering the soon-to-be nightmare into a million pieces luckily. The girl, Violet, had slowly stirred in her sleep before her eyes fluttered open. With long hair the color of cotten candy pink and baby blue eyes, the teenager could be mistaken for a childish and fragile girl. Violet laid in the soft bed, staring up at the ceiling tiredly. The source of that annoyed, not to mention familiar, voice was her mother. Her mother was a local tailor while her father was one of the knights that serve their home, the Kingdom of Hearts.

"I'm awake, Mother!"

Violet had said to her mother after raising her normally hushed voice, not bothering to get up from the comfortable bed yet. The nightmare had brought chills down the female's back as she continued to think of everything she saw. It was so vivid and beautiful, yet creepy near the end. Her soft and tired eyes had scanned her very small room, most of the space was filled with thick books. As well as spare clothing, which came from her mother, and rusty weapons that were left behind by her busy father. She had slowly forced herself out of the bed, picking up one of the books that was titled about rare herbs.


((Sorry for not being around, I have had a problem with thinking... My ideas are raw right now. I'm so sorry! DX Please forgive me! //shot ))
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