Wonderland Reborn [Inactive]

Leonora smiled.

"No I don't mind. Besides I think you look better with just the shirt." She winked, walking over to the small love seat in her room.

"So how have you been? Has that father of yours made you king yet? If the rumors are true, he'll be retiring soon, correct?"

Leonora always thought Christopher would make a great king and truly wondered if the talk in Wonderland had been true.

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"Why thank you, Princess. Such a compliment coming from you."

Chris took the seat next to her and relaxed himself in the chair. At her question, he sighed. "Not until his General has conquered them all and has proven himself as a great leader. All that fancy jazz. Other than that I've been peachy-keen." He rolled his eyes, but grinned widely at his friend. "How are you, Leonora? Are you going to be a Queen with an iron fist?"
"Oh." Thear said bitterly, upon hearing the story that Blake Abyss was telling Aria Frost Hellstorm. "I've got bad memories about that Witch."

"You mean Desire?" Rye asked, flipping the snow-white hair that caught up in her mouth. The wind was stronger than ever, but that wasn't stopping those undead soldiers from killing and being killed along in the war. "She seems nice. Mother told me about her."

"Witches." Thear spat. "They are never nice."

"Mother's considered a witch, you know." Rye said, swatting a little mist from in front of her face, right before the realization that she could just enable her ability of seeing through it.

"I take that back." Thear gulped, noticing a little delight in her younger sibling's face.

"I heard that story ever since, even before I was brought here." Rye continued nonchalantly, being that she didn't really care saying important things about herself just like that. "It got something missing, people would say."

"But you would not care less." Thear said finally, facing the Princess and ready to hear orders.

"You're right on that." Rye did the same, and they both listened to everything Aria Frost Hellstorm has been saying.

"...As you wish." Thear Crimson said as the Princess finished her statement, and from across the borders, all the generals nodded, looked at each other and started all making a defensive stance, not letting any single enemy through. Most of them were disrupted by the mist unraveling from Blake and those dead soldiers, but a few tried to not mind it.

"So, everyone there really heard that?" Rye crossed her brows for a little while, looking at the other generals several meters away, probably even kilometers. "I see you've done lots of training. The last time I was here, the magic-users weren't so..."

"I rather not talk about it." Thear cut off her sibling's sentence. "They have changed greatly."

"That's right." Rye gave out a small grin from her child-like face, and patted Thear's metal shoulder cap.

They both watched as the Princess got off her horse, for some reason they didn't know. On the other hand, the seemingly-mysterious man named Blake tipped his hat a little backwards, taking a few words from the two siblings. Thear and Rye seemed to get along together best.

"Nice hat." A small smile was tugged from the corner of Thear's lips. She was just interested in the most unnoticeable things, sometimes. "Nice ring too."

"Yeah..." Rye stared at the man's ever-changing aura, her neck tilted to her side almost as if she was an innocent kid. "Nice aura, too." Amazingly, it was flickering different kinds of colors. Perhaps, she can learn more from her mother after this war.

Noticing that her daggers were still bringing her comfort down, she glanced at it before back to the white snake, and Rye's daggers turned back into a too normal-looking necklace which had a pendant hanging from it. Believe it or not, it was the best pendant she ever saw, despite its boring look. The necklace slowly turned invisible, from a chant that would only work on the eyes of whoever chanted it. Rye created that spell herself, and surprisingly, it also worked on Arianne Crimson, or every single powerful witch and magic-wielder that she would meet. However, it only worked on small items, filled with importance. If not that useful and sentimental, the spell never worked.

They heard hisses from the snake that they once admired. Its looks truly reminded Rye of the man himself.

"I once liked that snake." Rye said in disappointment. "But it's just too rude."

"Saddening," Thear mumbled. "First snake that didn't like us, for the record. First animal, in fact."

They both listened attentively to Blake Abyss as he greet them both, and Rye was quite relieved that the snake stopped hissing already. She wasn't mad at all, but she was just used to removing things in her way that had no shame. Just a little more and she
might have cut the snake's head off. But probably the man would never allow it, so Rye shrugged it off. Blake Abyss spoke, as if he had all control of the Princess. Rye didn't even know what to feel about someone like him. The closest she had met that was like that man was her mother, honestly.

"Oh, that's all right." Rye spoke first. "Your presences are very essential. But we understand that."

Thear nodded. It seemed that she had nothing to say, anymore.

But Rye asked, curious.
"Do you mind if... uuh... We called you Blake? Or do you prefer another identity spoken by the us?"

Indeed, it seemed that Arianne Crimson, the mysterious being that nine of her adopted children have called
mother, was very in ease whenever she was with this Blake person, but Rye never knew if this man had his own issues, just like several of those royals she met in the kingdoms, especially the relatives of Princess Aria Frost Hellstorm. It was a good thing that the Princess wasn't as greedy and prideful as her family members.
Shockingly, Blake was smiling the whole time cheerfully as he listened to the two females speak. Aria, on the other hand, was wandering around a tiny bit in deep thought. She wasn't paying attention at all... With a grin, Blake whispered something to his silent snake. He watched the snake slowly slither off of his master and slyly onto the bloody battlefield. The white haired male glanced up at the Thear and Rye Crimson, his aura had slowly started to fade away.

"It is very nice that others have heard of Lady Desire! Quite charming, really... Not all Witches are bad, Desire was just lonely and had a little bit of... mood swings from time to time. It was very funny..."

He said in a polite tone of voice as the snake started to hiss faintly at Aria, Blake's always changing aura was swirling around the snake instead of Blake himself. Aria glanced down at the snake and narrowed her eyes at it silently. The snake started to hiss more, it's eyes glowing brightly before going dull... It started to slither away from the Princess and towards somewhere else, sneaking past the defending generals.

"Thank you. This lovely hat was hard to get, merchants are quite tricky to deal with during the War... This ring? How strange, most people I encounter never really like my ring. Don't know why, unless they aren't fond of gold or snakes... Or me. As for my... Oh? So, your mother has taught you to see aura. I'm sure she taught you a lot more. Thank you. I know this is a... strange question and sudden too. But, what do you think of Lady Hellstorm? Truthfully..."

Blake glanced over at Aria, his smile had faded away for a moment before returning as he looked back at the two females. The Princess, suddenly, had lost her mood to fight at the moment. Her thoughts were starting to bug her as much as Blake annoyed her, half of the time. She was staring at the golden ring on her thumb that shined beautifully, her eye color had changed during the time that Blake was talking... It was a soft blue with a pained emotion swirling inside. She was dazed...

"Listen to me, please! I d-didn't mean..."

Aria was pleading with a tall female dressed in noble clothes, standing in a extremely small cell. Her head was spinning and pounding in pain as the tall female glared at the wounded Aria, having a gruesome cut near her neck and back. The cut on her back was deep, thick blood seeping out and staining her dirty clothes. The other on her neck was not too bad, but still caused her pain.

"You had no right to attempt to kill my brother, you foolish girl! After he took you in and taught you the ways of the Blacksmith... The villagers are right. The Lord will make sure you pay with your blood for harming my brother."

The female hissed in a harsh voice, her face was showing pure disgust. Aria, stubbornly, shaked her head and looked up at the brown haired female. She didn't attempt to kill the Blacksmith! She was defending herself. No one was believing her at all. This female was the Blacksmith's older sister, a rude lady that barely lifted her finger to do anything. She was engaged the Lord, the same Noble who thought highly of the Blacksmith.

"But, I was not trying to kill him! He tried to..."

Aria suddenly stopped as she looked up at the older female with pure horror, her face was already pale from the lack of sleep and food. Plus the blood loss... Now the Blacksmith's sister was speaking about the rumor! The sound of crickets chirping outside were heard, it was night time. Aria enjoyed the night since she was brought inside, plus the cold air felt good on her fresh wounds. In the day time, she was forced outside into one of the outside cells and strapped to a iron chair... Sitting there in the burning sun as the villagers had decided to throw anything they could find at Aria, no one bothered to help her or defend her name. Aria watched the female grow tired and annoyed of her and walk away, leaving the black haired girl alone to sleep in the small cell...

Morning soon came as the sound of birds chirping outside cheerfully were heard as Aria was, yet again, forced out of her cell as she gave no struggle today. She was barely awake as larger males dragged her outside and into a cell in the heart of the village. A small crowd of people were in the large plaza...

With a sigh, Aria de Winter knew what Fate had in store for her again. What are they going to pick today? I hope they pick some pebbles today... Yesterday they had shards of glass... Aria thought with a mental wince in pain, remembering how painful the glass had dug into her skin. Luckily, most of the people had bad aim. Aria's eyes went wide slowly as she spotted a male with long black hair in the crowd. He stuck out of the crowd like a sore thumb... She knew him in the past, quite well. His emerald eyes were dead serious with a small hint of amusement. He held a wooden flute, playing it softly... The crowd was paying attention to the male, lucky Aria. She heard loud hissing from two snakes as they were wrapping around the male as he played the flute more, a familiar song that Aria once heard before in the past. The crowd gasped as the snakes started to move up the green eyed male, towards his neck. By the looks of it, Aria could tell that some careless people had angered the two large snakes... Slowly, the male stopped playing the flute as the snakes were wrapped around his neck lightly. Their hisses were faint as they closed their yellow eyes slowly, almost calmly.

He was a wandering entertainer that often traveled around Wonderland, as the villagers said. They were clapping and laughing at him, keeping a bit distance from the male since he did have snakes on him!

"Thank you, thank you! You all are such a great crowd! Now, does anyone wish to pet these lovely snakes? I promise they won't try to hurt you... They are quite friendly."

Blake said with a laugh as he bowed deeply, sneaking a glance towards Aria. He was grinning like a boy who just got caught by his mother... While trying to sneakily take a cookie out from the cookie jar made out of clay. Aria couldn't help but mentally smile a tiny bit at Blake, who was goofing off with snakes... He was distracting the crowd, not wanting them to give Aria all the so called attention. Well, thats what Blake saw it as strangely. So, Blake was stealing all the spotlight or attention from Aria.However, Aria knew that Blake was not... normal. Of course, no one wasn't normal at all. The so called entertainer had stayed the whole day in the village, showing off completely.

That day, Aria could rest finally and not worry about getting stuff thrown at her or hear harsh words...

The flashback had ended slowly as the song echoed in Aria's mind faintly. The Princess found herself slightly away from the three of them and staring into the mist silently, as the snake had slithered back and towards Aria Frost Hellstorm...
"You heard about that? I guess news travels faster than I thought in Wonderland. . . I haven't officially accepted the title yet. . . It just doesn't feel right to accept it during the war. . ." Leonora admitted aloud. "With everything going on it feels like I would just being taking advantage of the war. Does that make sense?"

Leonora pulled her hair out of its ponytail, shaking it out with her hand.

"There that feels better." She muttered.

Meredith walked into the dungeon, having the urge to speak to Nirvan.

"The princess has returned. It's only a matter of time before she comes down her and gives you your punishment. How does that make you feel, Madness Prince?" She spoke calmly, though on the inside she was still sorting things out.

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"Absolutely." Christopher agreed as he shifted his position his seat; arms crossed onto his lap as he leaned forward slightly. "I mean, you can't have a coronation while in the midst of blood spilling. Plus, it will give you more power to rein over your enemies. Although, we do have a king fighting for the Diamonds."

He ran his fingers through his own brown hair. The short cut only making him feel the spiking effect of a buzz cut. He looked to Leonora; admiring her beauty throughout her growth. The whole exchange of conversation in this room brought a nauseating twist in his heart of nostalgia.Chris wished it was like the simple days of childhood again.
"I heard about that. My soldiers reported that he has been causing many causalities at the Club Kingdom border. They say he's a strong and brutal fighter. I personally have yet to meet him, but I know he really caused some trouble for my Clubs." Leonora spoke not as the princess, but as the General of her army.

For a moment she almost allowed herself to get caught up with the talk of war when she regained her composure. This was supposed to be a friendly meeting, one that was secret of course. If the other armies found out Christopher and Leonora were meeting and not battling they all would turn against them.

This made Leonora frown.

"Oh, Christopher. This war is terrible! I wish it would end already! I hate the fighting and constant killing of our fellow Wonderlanders. Does it ever make you upset?" Leonora was shocked how easily it was to speak her mind around Christopher. Clearing her throat in embarrassment she added, "I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me. . ."
Christopher waved his hand as if to dismiss her apology. "I completely understand. Being arpund familiarity can make one at ease. And yes. Many nights I lay awake and wish this brutal war will end." He placed a hand to his face in thought. His mind calculated like a General.

There must be a way to end this without any more death or destruction. There had to be a way. Nothing can start unless there was an end to it. Christopher frowned slightly, furrowing his brow. He diminished the thought process with a sigh.

"If only there was a way to make a new treaty." He commented off-hand.
"The others would never agree to that. They're too mad with power. . ." Leonora spoke honestly. "I just don't understand why they can't be civil towards each other like we are. . ."

Leonora placed a hand on Christopher's shoulder, smiling. "I mean, it's not so hard to get along. Especially for us. . ."

I actually enjoy being around you. . . Leonora added silently in her head.
"Well, my dear Leonora, you must take in the fact that we have grown up together." Christopher covered her hand with his own. Returning the smile, he gave her hand a squeeze.

It was a pleasure growing up with her. Having her around brought more joy to his day. Especially at times like these.

"Besides, the Heart kingdom might disrupt that piece. Again."
"Yes... My cousin likes to cause trouble it seems..."

Leonora turned her head, not wanting Christopher to see the tears threatening to spill out of her eyes.

"I'm sorry Christopher. This was supposed to be a happy meeting and here I am being sad and upset. Gosh! I'm such a girl!" Leonora declared.

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Christopher smiled kindly and moved his body forward. Reaching his hand out, he cupped her chin and directed her face so that he could see her.

"First of all, you are a girl." He chuckled. "Second, no one blames you for being upset. We are Generals in midst of war. We were on the battlefield no less than 10 minutes ago." He said softly. It was an attempt to comfort her.
"Me?" The two siblings muttered in unison, in surprise. Never has anyone dared to ask how they thought about things, and it was unexpected for someone like Blake--He didn't seem to answer Rye's question if they could call him Blake--to ask them something that crucial. Well, it was crucial only for them.

"Truthfully..." Those words echoed inside Rye's head, trying to push out all intents of reminiscing.

Thear started to speak about how much of a great leader Aria Frost Hellstorm was, being that this head general really admired and respected the Princess, probably even more than Rye did. And on the other hand, as her sibling spoke proudly of their leader, Rye felt a wave of dizziness, and closed her eyes. She was still sitting upright and calmly, so anyone who would dare to catch a glance would only think that she was just resting.

"This is the field of memories... This very battlefield, spread in the middle of all kingdoms. The souls trapped here tend to bring the warriors to their demise. Be wary, Rye. Don't let your guard down."Arianne Crimson's words would echo in her mind, but she couldn't help but remember her past.

"Rina... Rina?! Rina! Rina!" Nine-year-old Rye stood in their so-called kitchen, not believing what was happening. All she could do was grasp her biological mother on the shoulders and shake furiously while shouting her name, hoping that Rina would just wake up. Hoping that she would wake up. Hoping that this was all just a nightmare. "I'm used to nightmares..." Rye muttered, tears streaming down her eyes. "But why won't this stop?! Why?! Rina!" Not knowing what to do, she slapped the lifeless body on the face, making her mother fall from one of the counters onto the marble floor. Tiles weren't in at their hideout. They were just hiding by the woods, anyway. "Just... wake up. Come on. Stop... This sucks." She mumbled under her breath, and almost stabbed the hand that grasped her leg with the knife she just took from her mother's chest.

Turns out, that hand belonged to her father. He managed to dodge the knife that Rye threw on the floor, but it was obvious that he was a whole lot weaker. "Lee! Lee! I'm sorry... Lee, what happened? Rina's..."Rye paused, not even wanting to remember what just happened to her mother. But that was almost impossible. The stabs, cuts, wounds, her mother and father... Who ever did this seemed to be having fun with it, even. "Who could ever...? A psychopath... That bastard! Lee! Wh-Who did this?!"

"Off... guard..." Lee muttered, wincing in pain at every time he pulled himself closer to Rye. The little thief fell closer to his father, yearning to hear his last words. She could never forgive whoever did this to her parents. "Our bag... Uhh."

"What is it, Lee?" Rye pressed on, holding onto the hand that she almost broke with a kitchen knife.

"Heart... Kingdom..." Her father managed, and spoke finally before losing his breath.

"Trust. the. Crimsons." He panted between pauses, and dropped lifeless on the floor.

Anguish, anger, every single horrible emotion flowed through Rye. She didn't even bother to question what the heck her father just said. With a final tear that rolled from her cheek, the young thief rushed around the hideout to grab a thick fur sweater that she immediately wore, and grabbed a leather backpack that her parents always carried. She ran quickly outside, and after several minutes, she found the same man that fit the figure that she found sneaking by their home earlier. It's him, right? It may be him... She thought, still uncertain of what to do once she would corner him.

And so she decided to follow him.

"Hey," Thear Crimson patted Rye's head hard, because Rye's eyes weren't closed at all. The whole time she remembered the heart-breaking memory, her calm eyes stared intently at the metal armor of her snow-white horse for a mount. "You okay? Your eyes seemed really... dead. I would've compared you with those undead soldiers." She shuddered a bit at her joke. For some reason, Thear never liked necromancy, or even the dead. She wouldn't dare look at any of the soldiers and enemies whom she would kill.

"I thought I'd scare you." Rye said with a grin on her face. She had no intentions of pulling other people in her pain, and so she simply swatted away Thear's armored hand that was ruffling her white hair, and patted it slowly to look better. "Are you done being all dreamy about Princess Aria?" Rye asked jokingly. "I bet everything you said would be better statements than what I did."

"She's a great leader." Rye said lastly and matter-of-factly, and Thear nodded with a small hint of passion.

But, I can't say. I just can’t. I don’t know her that much, yet. She added in her mind.

Judgement is the last thing a thief does. Rye’s real mother’s words echoed silently in her head, as the disguised Rye bit a small portion of her lower lip.
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Blake had watched the two of them silently, nodding his head.

"Both of you..."

His face was guarded well, only amusement was written clearly on his face. However, he wasn't smiling now. Truth be told, the white haired male was not expecting such praise coming from one of the Head Generals such as Thear Crimson. However, Blake was not exactly pleased to hear such things either. Yes, he was surprised to hear someone praising the Princess. However, it seems like Blake was expecting something else.

No one must know the truth of Aria clearly...

Slowly, his pink gaze shifted toward Aria and his snake. He noticed something off about Aria suddenly as the snake started to hiss more, slithering around her on the ground. Once realizing that the Crimsons were done speaking, he looked back at the two. His ever so cheerful smile was back in action now. He had gave off not clear sign of not exactly liking of what he heard from Thear and Rye Crimson.

"I see... It is quite amazing and surprising to hear such things, I'm glad to hear that you have such a leader like Aria. The reason why I didn't answer your question was because I wanted to see how you two thought of Aria. To answer your question, you may call me Blake and please... No need to be formal with me, I'm not really worth it..."

Blake said politely with his deeply pink eyes showing a faint hint of amusement, just like his guarded face.

Aria isn't worth it either... But I wonder how long will her bloody rule with last intill the rest of the Kingdoms get sick of it, as well as the Royal Family. Everyone is so blind, thinking that Aria likes to cause trouble and desires destroy the peace with her harsh violence and such... If only they knew She had her own reasons for doing all of this. One of those reasons is to find out who killed Queen Hellstorm, the only person Aria called her family in the Royal Family. What a shame... Wonderland has tainted Aria to the bone. But who knows... Maybe Aria is enjoying all of this. Maybe she threw away her reasons for all of this. Wonderland is such a cruel place, even before the War between the Kingdoms. I wonder...

Who will be next to get tainted by good old Wonderland?

Blake thought as he looked around at the mist, his smile fading away just a tiny bit. Aria herself was staring off into the mist, clearly deep in thought. Suddenly snapping out of her thoughts, the armored female had looked down at the snake and merely stared at it with no emotion. The snake had reminded her of that memory that just played inside her mind like some kind of old movie slowly. The Princess really needed to act fast on her thoughts, they just keep on coming back and back. They weren't leaving her alone, driving her insane. Well, not
really insane. After a few seconds, the snake slithered away and towards Blake. . .

Leaving Aria Frost Hellstorm alone like always and staring at the ground, silently.
Leonora sighed, what Christopher said made since.

"You're right, Christopher. . ." She gazed into his eyes.

Sitting that close to someone, it was hard not to. Especially when he was touching her.

I hope I'm not blushing too much. . . 
Club soldiers stormed the Heart Kingdom, advancing at great speed. They had always been known to be fierce warriors, but lately they had been fiercer than usual. Rumors around Wonderland stated that the Clubs were using magic once again as they had done years ago during the first Great Wars.

"They're using what we've all forgotten how to." An old woman told her daughter, watching the fight from the window in her tiny country side cottage.

"I think it's more we don't like to use it, than forgotten how to, Mama." Her daughter interjected, joining her mother at the window.
I might get my head sliced off for doing this, but...

Blake thought with a mental frown as he, suddenly, took his top hat off and pulled a golden necklace with a large ruby hanging by it. Yes, he did keep such a rare thing in his top hat. He always does these kind of things in the past. Quietly, he walked towards Aria as she looked up quickly and slowly looked towards the necklace in his hand. Her eyes slowly went wide.

"No... The answer is No! No, no, no, no!!!"

The Princess was completely enraged as she saw the necklace, as she started shouting. It was quite an sudden out burst. Shaking his head slowly, Blake gripped the large and pulsing ruby in his hand as it cracked a tiny bit. The golden ring on Aria Frost Hellstorm's finger had started to grow dull, the two dead horses of theirs had vanished and left nothing behind.

"Aria... The rest of the Kingdoms have suffered under your rule and so has Wonderland, mainly Wonderland. This revenge is not going to work now. If you truely wish to kill me for doing this... Then so be it."

Both the necklace, mainly the large ruby, and the ring had been the only energy to the mist of souls as well as anything that the male had been controlling as he merely watched Aria look around with anger in her eyes. He knew quite well that this anger wasn't like the anger she had shown in the past as Princess of Hearts... It was the type of anger that was mixed with sadness and the fact that she was losing. Blake knew it was pointless to attempt to calm her down, she wouldn't go into a killing spree so foolishly. By the looks of it, Aria was mentally breaking down. Of course, it was barely seen by most people.

"I need to win this War! Every Kingdom should suffer... Wonderland deserves to rot by my hands for what....."

The white haired male merely shaked his head, not disagreeing with her nor agreeing with her. He knew that one of the reasons Aria was doing all of this was because of the assassination of Queen Caroline Frost Hellstorm III, having gotten killed in her sleep. It was quite tragic to see how such a single person's death changes one person... Upon seeing the mist and all of the souls were gone, everything besides the Kingdom of Heart's living army and the two of them were gone. Well, besides the other Kingdoms' armies and such, etc. Slowly, Aria glanced towards the Heart Kingdom as she saw the Club soldiers in the faint distance. Luckily, Blake was not beheaded... Not yet, anyway.

"...This request is for anyone who wishes to take it. Report to the rest of the Kingdoms that the Heart Kingdom surrenders and wishes to speak to all of the Rulers about the War itself, the rest of this message with be discussed later on. Either way, there will be an alliance formed. This War between the Kingdoms will end... All of you are allowed to go home and such, but never let your guard off at all."

Blake's eyes went wide a little bit as Aria trailed off without while her crimson eyes were distant, quite shocked to hear such an order coming from Aria. He had noticed the sudden lifelessness in her voice as he sighed a little bit. Aria was starting to drift from everyone now, but didn't walk off. He was slightly regretting the fact on what he just did. Sure, it would help hopefully everyone in Wonderland.

However, the Royal Family will not be pleased to hear that the Princess had given up so easily in the middle of a battle! Well, Blake did start that first... But still. Plus, Aria had lost. Normally, most people would think that she didn't like to lose and only wanted to win. But, of course, there was more to it.

Slowly and quietly, Blake turned towards Rye and Thear Crimson and asked with a ghost of a smile. It was slightly forced.

"If it okay if one of you send the message out to the rest of the Kingdoms?"
The sun was already on it's descend when Edmund arrived at the Club Kingdom. Ever since he had sneaked out of his own Kingdom three days ago, the air had been thick with the scent of blood spilt and tears wept for lost ones. He'd wisely ridden himself of the token that marked him as a Diamond civilian, but there was no doubt in his mind that the nobility residing in the castle before him could guess his heritage anyway. Unkept hair, shoddy clothes, dirt underneath his fingernails, even a blind man could tell he was a farmer's boy.

He shook the thought off. As long as he didn't get caught, none of this would matter. With his heart beating in his throat, he crawled through the tall grass that surrounded the Club Castle before him. He just needed a peek at the White Queen's personal letters to tell him who was at the root of this war, then he could kill the one responsible and unite the land under the diamond banner.


Pressing his chest against the tickling soil, he waited for the guard to change. As soon as the two chatting guards stepped away from the gate, he darted forward and sneaked past them.

Finding the palace was simple. Walking in was even easier. Disguised behind a crate full of carrots, Edmund simply pretended to be part of the palace household, took a sharp turn away from the kitchen when no one was looking, and bounded up the stairs. Higher and higher he had to climb before he had reached the White Queen's room, but there was no doubt in his mind that it was the right room.

Quiet as a mouse, he crouched before the lock and tried to pry it open with his dagger. The lock clicked, but the door remained shut.

"Damnit," he cursed under his breath. Again he tried, and again the door remained shut. Then, footsteps came up the stairs, beating like the drums of the gallows. Edmund froze, there were just two ways out. Through that door, or down the stairs.

Two turns to the right, one left, and then three times to the right. Click, the lock opened. Panicked, he stormed inside and shut the door behind him, and sagged down against it. Only then did he realise the Queen was at home, dressed in a white gown and with the Prince of Spades at her side. The features on his face struggled to decide whether to look shocked, surprised, or appalled, but in the end managed a strange mix of the three. He could only pray they hadn't heard him enter, which seemed rather unlikely.
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Christopher remained the same distance, the realization of their closeness slowly dawning him. He bit back the heat that threatened to pool into his face. His mouth becoming a bit dry as he gave a small smile.

"Aren't I always?"

He- reluctantly- pulled outt of the close range and stood up. This wasn't good. The sounds of clashing swords and faint smell of the metallic blood wafting to his nose. There was a war happening around them and the only feelings he could muster were old childhood crushes. He walked a few half steps before turning around, trying to calm his wild heart while switching back to his military side. Something felt off around the room. He felt.. watched. It was his only option to retreat back into his mask.

"What was that back on the battlefield, Leonora?" He asked referring back tto her flight prior. "Are you planning to use magic to win this war?" It would've been a foul, but smart, play in her turn. However, matters would just become gradually worse for not only his troops, but for the other kingdoms as well.
Leonora looked over to the door where a young man had entered through into the room.

"And who are you, may I ask?" Leonora stood and strode over to the young man, putting on her serious face. "You do realize you've entered a Queen's chambers without permission, right?"

She looked over to Christopher. "What do you suppose I should do to this young man for committing such a crime, Christopher?"
"You do realize you've entered a Queen's chambers without permission, right?"

"No," he slurred as he scrambled to his feet. "Well yes, sort of. But I didn't mean to interrupt it's just that I-" He broke of his sentence and slid his hand behind his back where he had a dagger underneath his tunic. "I am sorry, my queen. I really should be going to ehm-" Eyes darting upright, he tried to think of an excuse but his mind was completely blank. "-To the kitchen! Yes, they really need those carrots I was going to deliver to them and eh, well." He propped himself up, flashed an apologetic smile and made for the door.
"Oh I don't think so. . ." Leonora cast a wall of blue energy around the guy, preventing him from leaving the room. "State your true purpose for coming here, Diamond Kingdom resident. I'm warning you if you're here to spy, you've spied on the wrong Queen."

Leonora waited for the guy to answer, circling the guy, trying to figure him out.
"Oh I don't think so. . ."

The power of the Queen's magic almost knocked him over. He was trapped. The dagger he had drawn wasn't going to be of much use, unless he wanted to get his head chopped off right there and then. Flaring his nostrils, he pried deep into his mind to talk himself out of this mess, Lying had never been his strong point, but in the face of such an imminent threat, he managed to come up with one final plan. His shoulder slumped and he dropped his dagger.

"I am not a spy, your majesty. It's worse," he dared to look her straight in the eye. "I am a traitor to my own people." He dropped to one knee and gazed up at the White Queen. "I don't feel like a diamond. We've become cowards, I've come to offer you my services and my loyalty."
Due to 'surrendering' and being forced to give in, Princess Aria had started to walk away and towards the Heart Kingdom after giving the order. She had dodged any attacks, not exactly allowed to attack since she had surrendered and soon going to attempt an alliance with the rest of the Kingdoms. Of course, on the inside, Aria was quite angry at the fact that Blake had done such a risky and maybe foolish move. He had broken the little contract they had made recently, making the mist and dead soldiers vanish away. Her plan had failed thanks to Blake. The male, which he had returned to his normal form with long black hair and sharp green eyes, had silently bowed to the people in the battlefield. He had requested one of the people in the Heart's Army to send a report to the rest of the Kingdoms, stating that the Princess had surrounded shockingly and wishes to form an alliance. Once he was done bowing, the immortal had followed close behind Aria Frost Hellstorm to the Kingdom of Hearts. He was quite shocked to see how calm Aria was, but knew her too well by now. . .
"What makes you think I would ever trust those who have slaughtered the most of my people? I know how cunning and how much you Diamonds lie. What's to say you aren't lying to me now so that I would let you go?" Leonora asked, sounding a lot more like a queen than she ever had.

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He knew exactly what to say to get himself out of trouble. He'd tell her how he could not be blamed for the crimes and killings of others, and that it were exactly those crimes that drove him to abandon his kin to begin with, And yet, he didn't say that. She had insulted his people, calling them all liars, she thought he was some sort of coward, trying to slither out of trouble. Well, he was about to prove her wrong.

"And you clubs are distrusting as ever," he spat as he got up again, "perhaps we'd not have this war if you were less stubborn and a better queen!" Even though he was still a boy, he stood almost as tall as her. "You rely on your servants, your magic, and him," he nudged towards Christopher, "to do your dirty work. At least I am doing something myself!"

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