Wonderland Reborn [Inactive]

Kill. Kill. Thrust, parry, sweep, kill. Kill all of them, they deserve it, don't they? They assaulted your kingdom, your villagers.... your family. Make them all pay for thinking that they had any right to draw you and yours into this war in the first place. Go, then. Kill. Kill. Thrust, parry, smash and stab you old simpleton.

It was him again. There was no reason for that stupid voice to be back, but it was. It.... it only came during times like these, bloodshed drew it forth. In all of this carnage, as he fought he saw himself standing in the center of the battlefield, examining his nails and looking around with a grin of pure insanity that widened whenever someone was slashed, stabbed, ended. It... couldn't be him. It couldn't be Lucius and it couldn't be real. People passed directly through it without noticing, and its eyes... gods, its eyes had not a speck of white. They were two inhuman voids of intelligent darkness. Lucius had to fight back the urge to follow this thing's order and focus on his objective. Getting this as many of his troops out of this war and back behind the borders of the Diamond kingdom. If they could retreat to the mine, they would have enough supplies to withstand a siege and enough of a defense to make any attacks upon them both pointless and wasteful of time and resources for any kingdom that wished to take them.

But, to do all of this, he had to fight. So he did as the monster said, he killed, and killed, and killed. Smashing one club soldier off of his feet and driving the large onyx and diamond blade through his neck while he kicked a spade soldier down in time for a troop of diamonds to rush over and trample her while they attempted to reach an isolated pocket of diamonds. It sickened him. It made him detest war even more than before, but it was necessary to get his men and women back to their families. He felt the oddest sensation for a moment, a haze that made the monster visibly shudder in what appeared to be ecstasy, and he lost himself for a moment. He was never in true lust for the thought of blood, but in that moment of what could only be described as madness he bellowed at the top of his lungs and thrust his sword directly through the chest, armor and all, of an oncoming clubs soldier.

When the fit passed he looked at what he had done, adrenaline not quite letting the horror sink in, but his breathing was shaky at least. The world slowed down around him as he removed his blade from the soldier and the man dropped unceremoniously to the ground. Lucius could not believe it... but he heard ragged breathing, this man was alive, through some miracle or act of forces that could only be evil or malevolent, he was alive through all of that. Well? kill him. At this point it's more of an act of mercy than anything. He can't walk behind his lines, he'll be trampled, captured, or die of infection. So.... kill him, Lucius. it's a kind act. You like kind acts right? So do this guy a favor an- Lucius cut the monster off and simply split the man's head in two. He took a deep breath and looked at the battlefield and saw how many injured diamonds had been saved. Pride, pure and simple, flooded through him and allowed him to push back. He gave one last bellow, signalling for diamonds to retreat back into the safety of their borders. He would not leave the remaining diamonds, but he would give the ones saved some much needed time to recuperate. He stayed, though. fighting off anyone who attempted to attack the retreating soldiers alongside a strong wall of fellow Diamonds.
Nirvain panicked as he looked at the deep arrow wound, his vapor aura slowing started to fade around his arm. Without the aura he wouldn't be able to fade away out of danger. "Oh man what have i done! These filthy madness fueled warriors will never listen to reason!" He quickly regretted using his madness aura on the kingdoms, doubling the madness in the war.

He mustered up the strength to move out of the center but it was no use, every direction there was more violence and more destruction that even he couldn't bear. He screamed out but it was no use because the clashing of metal and screams of the fallen only drowned out the sounds of his screams. He closed his eyes as he thought of his own madness betraying him. He rested his eyes with his last thought of good.

He thought back to that field he would run though when he was a kid with his best friend. He smelled the scent of lavender and honey that flowed from the kingdom. "Nirvain? Nirvain come on i will race you to the river!" Said a warm and young voice. He remembered the princess of madness and the actual daughter of the mad hatter. Unlike him she was born from a mother and father and not the madness that was the caused his birth. He couldn't remember what she looked like but he knew she was beautiful and he loved her. He wished he could have back just one memory of that girl or for just one moment of her time. But he strongly felt that his time was drawing to an end. "I still remember your beautiful voice.. I'm sorry i won't see you again this time my queen!" He sighed and slowly blacked out.

The mind of a Mad Prince!


Rye simply watched as the Princess, once again, walked towards her sword, all better now. She took note of Aria Frost Hellstorm's dull, violet tinted eyes. All she could think of was that it was beautiful. Rye nodded as she listened to the orders given to her. She felt a little glad that she was given responsibilities to announce stuff and even fight in the army. She knew that she just wanted to get to this. After a few seconds, Rye noticed the change in Aria Frost Hellstorm's eyes, and the fact that she stopped talking. What is it? Rye thought to herself as she looked over to where the princess was looking. Suddenly, a small wave--was it shock?--crept and tingled in Rye's spine... or somewhere around there.

A man, with very powerful energy, that's for sure. He had long, black hair, and sharp emerald eyes that seemed to stare into someone's soul. Who was he, exactly? Rye slowly walked towards the archway of the garden to just get out, but she couldn't help but hear their whole conversation. If anything, it seemed that the Princess wanted to kill this man already, but couldn't.
Was it because we're in the garden? Rye questioned herself as she attempted to get to her duty and get away from both of them. But they seem to have known each other for quite a long time already... If she stayed any longer she could have been melted from those eyes that were like laser. However, Rye paused as she saw a familiar figure beside the man. It was Arianne Crimson, her mother.

"Mother!" Rye exclaimed, which she toned down to a little squeak.

Arianne looked over to her with those usual calm eyes, and said.
"Oh, don't worry, my dear. We were just having, a little chat."

"Do you know this man?" Rye asked politely as she made her way almost out of the garden.

"We're..." Arianne Crimson paused as to figure the right word to say. "...Related. And yes, just as Lady Hellstorm had said, he is very essential to this battle, specifically. Go on, go on."

"I have no more questions, thank you." Rye lied. She had lots of questions, but not for the Princess. She wanted to ask her mother a lot of things, but she knew that if she hastily asked, she wouldn't get any answer. And, of course, she knew that she had to go on with her duties. She bowed and tapped her pendant, which glowed of turquoise and shifted into a staff, a golden-brown one with streaks of pink--strengthened by her aura. At the top, inside a gear-like structure was a turquoise gem just like in her pendant. It was always there, whatever she made it transform into, and it was a good thing it was quite hidden. "I shall fulfill my duties."

She was on the stoned steps out the garden already, so she knew that she could get ready here, before anyone else saw her. Of course, the three others in the garden were exceptions. After a short chant, pink glowed around her as she ran out of the gardens and into their place--a big part of the castle. It was the usual place where people in the army like her would serve and fight. It was a wide hall full of supplies and all that, but everyone fit there. And before she knew it, she was already in her battle disguise when she opened big, double doors.


If Blake, that damned snake, gets on your nerves... You can kill him for all I care. The Princess's words echoed inside Rye's mind, but her deep thoughts were cut by voices of the soldiers ready to crash into battle.

So he's Blake, huh. A comment rushed in her head before stepping onto one of the platforms in the castle's army's hall, just to announce things to the whole army. They seemed busy doing their own things, but this figure and deeper tone of voice would get their attention just fine, she knew.

"Halt!" She announced, and everyone paused and looked at her. Rye was hoping that nobody--especially specific perverted soldiers--took time in checking her new disguise out. Rye would be grateful if this was only for constructive criticism in her disguises, but she was pretty sure it wasn't the case here. "All healers, prepare for the physical soldiers fleeing here. Make sure that they don't do anything idiotic like gathering loot and other non-useful items. Knock some sense into them if you must. Magic users, do what you can to bring the physical generals here without others' notice. It wouldn't be so hard with the war raging on. Make them teleport, invisible, bring dummies, as long as they return here without others following. Those who haven't gone into fight yet, go and keep watch for soldiers fleeing back here, and anything out of the ordinary. I'll be off to battle, and the Princess Aria Frost Hellstorm shall arrive shortly."

With assuring nods, everyone else scattered to their positions. Rye was glad that they listened to her, and she knew that the modifications in her physical being and voice helped a lot. She wouldn't think that a child such as her own would be listened to, and that's where disguises come in handy. Before taking off, Rye closed her eyes for a little while.

Thear? Rye said in her mind, hoping that the telepathy link still worked.

Here. Thear said, and the raging war could be heard in her mind. Weapons. Physical things. It seemed that Rye's sibling wasn't using magic. Not just yet.

Uh.. Don't be surprised if people magically disappear, okay?

I'm not a head general for nothing. I can see through their magic.

Ah, right. The Princess wants you to hold on a bit. I'll be joining you soon.

Good, hurry.

And the link was cut.

Sorry for the disturbance. Rye muttered in her mind, even if her sibling probably couldn't hear what she was saying.

"Rye." Arianne Crimson said from behind the red-headed girl.

"Mother," Rye turned around with a little smile. "I'll be going now. Shall you come with us?"

Rye's mother shook her head gently.
"I don't fight, I teach. And well, perhaps I can help in here, more than out there."

With an assured nod, Rye sprinted out of the castle, a little faster than normal. If one's eyes were not accustomed to magic and swift stealth just like a thief in the night would, then, he would only see a blur making way out into war.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be84ba92e_CelestineCollage(1).jpg.a0fbbbda4c672a5861f355c08c2813d9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10767" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be84ba92e_CelestineCollage(1).jpg.a0fbbbda4c672a5861f355c08c2813d9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Celestine could see the sunlight peeking through the curtains over her bedroom window - well, if you could consider where she slept a bedroom. In all reality, she was staying in the attic above one of the town's most famous and loved bakeries - Miss Greene's. The owner of the place, Rosie Greene, took Celestine in when she ventured to the city, wanting to volunteer as help in the war. She's almost like an aunt to Celestine, and they've grown very close since she's stayed here, working both as help in the war and in the bakery.

"Celestine, dear? Are you awake yet?" Miss Greene called from down the stairs. "It's already past noon!"

Celestine turned over in her bed, and her auburn hair cascaded over her angelic face.
Oh, I don't feel too good.. She thought to herself as she placed one of her tiny, pale hands over her forehead. She was running a fever, she could tell. Still, I can't stay in bed all day.. She concluded her thoughts, forcing herself to sit upright. Celestine could hear Miss Greene making her way up the stairs, and as soon as she saw Celestine's pale face, she knew something was wrong. "Oh, my! Another fever? Celestine, what has gotten into you?" Miss Greene rushed over to her. There was already a bowl full of water and a towel beside it, being that this was becoming a norm.

Lately, Celestine couldn't stop dreaming about a fierce, merciless fire; just like the one that took her parents and many other people's lives at Haven, Wonderland. She began to get fevers from the upset and stress, and nearly ever night for the past week, she's slept with a cool bowl of water and a damp towel at her bedside. Miss Greene was becoming quite skilled in making a certain herbal remedy that would keep the fevers at bay, but Celestine hasn't had a dose of it in a while. With the bakery being busy, and she being ill and traumatized, neither of them have had the time to make it. Them not having one of the main ingredients, Elderberries, didn't make it any easier, either.

I've got to get back to the castle, Celestine thought as Miss Greene patted the damp towel against her forehead. I'm absolutely sure people are beginning to question my absence. Surely, Celestine has had her expert herbal remedies and potions delivered to the castle while she's away, but she's certain that they need her up-front healing spells, as well. She looked over into Miss Greene's eyes, which were just as green as her last name, with her own pair of a violet-like maroon. "I have to go back to the castle, Rosie," Celestine spoke under her breath.

Her voice traveled through the air as light as a feather, but Miss Greene listened intently. With a sigh, she reached into her apron pocket and pulled out a flask filled with an all-too-familiar remedy. Celestine's eyes widened.
"You made it?" she questioned, pleasantly surprised. Miss Greene nodded. "Yes, I did. I knew I couldn't keep you resting and away from the castle for too long," she stated, letting out her chipper laugh. Celestine looked between her and the vial, a questioning look on her face. "However did you get the Elderberries, though? There isn't any brush that carries it for miles!"

Miss Greene smiled triumphantly and shrugged.
"I had a young traveler give me some he gathered in exchange for a fresh loaf of our famous bread," she stated proudly, and Celestine couldn't help but laugh with joy. "Thank you, Rosie," she spoke in her angelic voice. After examining the remedy for any dangerous flaws, she took a sip, and she tasted the perfect amount of each ingredient. "It's perfect. You did a great job," Celestine complimented, and Miss Greene nodded her head approvingly. "See? This old bat can learn new tricks, too!"

They both shared sweet laughter.
"You're not that old, Rosie," Celestine assured as she drank the rest of the remedy. She was already feeling better; all the grogginess and feverish symptoms she was once having were fading second by second. Soon, she felt exactly like her usual self - light on her feet and ready to go. She slowly got out of bed and rummaged through her wardrobe, seeking out a dress to wear. Miss Greene pointed to one the same color of her eyes - a violet-like maroon, and the trim was a pale auburn, like her hair appeared in the sunlight.

Celestine looked towards Miss Greene with wide eyes once more.
"Where did this come from?" Celestine questioned rapidly. Miss Greene simply smiled and nudged her heads towards the gown. "I made it for you while you rested, so you would look your very best when you returned to the castle." Miss Greene stated, and playfully wriggled her fingers in front of her. "These hands can do much more than prepare bread and other baked goodies, you know!" She stated with pride, and Celestine couldn't help but laugh a joyous, grateful laugh.

"It's beautiful, Rosie! Thank you!" Celestine declared, taking out the gown and putting it over her slender, petite figure. "Oh! It's even got a white trim coming up over the chest!" Celestine noticed, Miss Greene nodding towards her in response. "Yes, so you can hide your pendant easier. I don't know why you always conceal such a treasure, though - it's so beautiful," Miss Greene stated, slowly lifting it from where it rested around Celestine's neck. Celestine then took it between her own fingers, looking down upon it lovingly. "My parents told me to keep it hidden, and I see no reason to go against their wishes," she stated, and then began pulling the dress over her under garments.

Miss Greene looked over at Celestine, her bright green eyes shimmering with nothing less than sheer approval. "You look gorgeous," she stated, and Celestine did a little twirl for show. The both of them shared laughter yet again before Celestine found her iridescent cloak. You can almost see through the thin veil, but it does provide quite the amount of protection. Celestine has charmed the silken fabric. It can be see-though should she be wearing it casually, but she can also murmur a charm to make it reflect the things around it, providing as quite the camouflage. Miss Greene watched as Celestine threw the cloak over her, it shimmering in the sunlight peeking through the curtains of her window.

Taking her chin lightly in her hands, Miss Greene looked down at the beautiful girl and nodded.
"Go. The Bakery will be awaiting your return."

Smiling with both excitement and sorrow, Celestine nodded towards her dear friend and made her way out of her room, carrying a small brown bag filled with her herbal materials and books full of spells. Tugging her pendant behind the white trim of her dress, she concealed it and continued walking down the street, greeting everyone who waved towards her. She was quite well-known through the town for her healing spells and herbal remedies, so a lot of people paid her thanks as she walked their way. However, she had to cut their conversations short each time, for she had a duty to fulfill.

No way in hell was she going to let her parent's death be in vain.

Today, she would return to the castle of the Kingdom of Hearts,

and intimately involve herself in this war.

As much as possible.



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Aria didn't bother to say or even spare a glance at the two females... She quickly grabbed Blake by the arm and stormed off towards the Castle, still having that look of wanting to kill. Blake was quite amused, waving good bye towards Rye and Arianne Crimson with his free arm. The Princess couldn't even slap the snake-like man! Why? She couldn't do it... Aria Frost Hellstorm was weak compared to Blake Abyss. With her infamous sword in one hand and the other was gripping Blake's arm, still dragging him. Of course, Aria was not going to just give up and say that She was weak! Blake knew that as well... This was the amusing part.

"The roles are switched again, Aria... Luck is smiling upon me on this fateful day. You are the mouse today..."

Blake whispered with the same smirk as Aria loosened her tight grip and let go of him, shaking her head slowly. Was he trying to make her upset? No, he was speaking the truth. She was the mouse today. He was the cat... for now. But, personally, Aria saw him as a snake than a cat. Mentally shaking her thoughts away, Aria knew she needed to focus now. Her Kingdom was in the middle of a war, like the rest!

"That is enough out of you, snake. You know what to do... Now do it! I will be heading out to the battlefield soon..."

Aria mumbled a bit and gripped her blade very tightly as soon as she heard Blake laughing now. He was laughing without a care in the world! After a few minutes passed, everything was silent. They were near the throne room as the scent of blood still hung in the air. Enough to make someone vomit due to how sick the smell was, as well as the quickly rotting body inside the room. Blake started to mumble something under his breath, running a hand through his long hair... Smirking. This all came with a price. A very deadly price that Aria has been trying to avoid... No, she was trying to avoid Blake completely! Very slowly, black aura started to appear around the male as they started to take form of raven-like feathers. They were floating and circling around the male, cloaking him in darkness... Leaving his brightly glowing green eyes to be seen clearly, the only color to the snake-like male. With a faint sigh, Aria had made a small cut on her finger with her sword. She could see strangely colored blood seeping out from her wound as she watched the single drop of blood fall to the floor.

Blake, being completely covered in black feathers with his eyes only showing, had chuckled slightly as he flicked his wrist slightly as the blood drop on the floor started to levitate from the clean floor... And shot right at Blake as the blood started to stain the feathers...

"Rose of the catalyst, petal of the stars, ignite and burn away my enemies..."

Aria said in a complete emotionless and heartless tone of voice as the blood stained feathers started to burn away completely, leaving only ashes on the floor. There was no long and black haired male with the annoying smirk that Aria hated with a passion...

This Blake was completely different. However, Blake had a little friend with him... Guess what it is?

A snake with pink eyes that matched Blake's new pink eyes.
How creative, damned snake... Now there are two snakes that I have to deal with! Aria thought with a frown as they started to walk towards where the Army hall in the Castle. The faint hissing from the snake was heard as Blake smiled... cheerfully. This day was starting to get worse for Aria... Blake only used this form for fun, plus he loved his little snake friend. Oh and he just loved messing around with Aria~! Of course, now Aria had to pay up for making him use this form... After this current battle was over.


Blake, the Snake Master
From hundreds of meters away, Rye could manage several head generals--more than she could try to count and register in her head--running and being directed towards the castle. A few stopped to rest and gain their breath, only to be pushed and brought onto where the healers were. Seeing that this was going easily, Rye ran a little hundred more meters until she stopped, feeling the slightest of stupidity. Among the others rushing to the injured soldiers or into the war, Rye was the only one who didn't have a mount. Relatively, she was still faster, but she knew she had to regain a little more energy, than to waste it in running kilometers, or even miles.

A few soldiers ran up to the girl, and were only surprised when Rye turned back.
"Your highness, do you need a mount--Ah! You-You're not..."

"Don't be foolish." Rye faced them and stepped forward, while the soldiers who came to her aid stepped away out of fear. "It's me."

"O-Oh!" One of the soldiers exclaimed."Miss-L-Lady... Mistress..."

Rye growled, and pushed her blood-red cape behind her, almost causing one of the soldiers to lose their footing.
"It's just me. Athalia."

"Oooh..." The soldiers said in unison, and bowed. "Would you need a mount, miss, l-lady, ma'am... Athalia?!"

"I don't need one." Rye said, a little before she rolled her eyes in the slightest amusement and placed one of her gloved hands onto her face. "I can get or make my own. Now, on to your duties."

"You may leave." A light and beautiful voice dismissed the three soldiers, and they bowed deeply before running to their positions.

Rye looked back, only to be surprised by her mother, just beside her, in the middle of a field full of soldiers and a lot of people moving within the army and war. Rye knew better than to tell her mother to be careful. Arianne Crimson could probably take them all down. As she looked over to Arianne, Rye realized that her mother was a younger soldier--so basically, it was her mother in disguise. But, she always knew who her mother was. She had never been with someone with such energy with a mix of power and love. It was a mystery to Rye how a young female soldier easily dismissed three manly (but not-so-manly) soldiers, but she also knew better than to question her mother, in the middle of another raging war.

"Allow me." Arianne Crimson, with a small, loving smile, tapped Rye's head, and light pink aura was mixed with gold, enveloping Rye in it for a second.

As the spell that Arianne casted was done, Rye looked around, yet all she could see was blurry green pasture, her formerly-red hair turned into snow-white, flying with the wind, and a quick horse as well-armored as her galloping towards the head generals. And her mother was nowhere to be seen.

"I was quite happy with my red hair..." Rye chuckled as she almost landed onto a familiar figure. If not for the horse-brake (that's what she calls it), the head generals in front of Rye might've been stomped to death. Not bothering what just and might have happened, she hopped down, noting her physical figure at the moment. Her height remained the same as her true height, and she was being carried down by metal armor she was never used to. "Neither of these excite me..." She muttered disappointedly as she almost bumped into Thear Crimson, who had to examine her thoroughly before commenting or realizing who the girl in front of her was.

"You're late." Thear said, whilst pointing her enchanted sword in front of an enemy soldier's face less than a meter close to both of them. That soldier didn't move, at all. Most who looked at that sword, especially those who were never related to magic at all, had a humongous chance of freezing from their movements, gaining probably unimaginable pain, until they died. "I miss using this enchantment. It's a good thing those physical generals ain't here."

"Less talk. Remember, that enchantment only lasts for a few minutes." Rye reminded as she motioned her hands to grab her staff, which was now a sword, due to her mother's spell. "And that's a bad thing to say." Rye pointed to the other physical generals at the back who looked back and became frozen as they looked at Thear's sword. "Hopefully, our magic-wielders may get them."

Rye grabbed the handle of the normal, silver sword with the turquoise gem still there by the handle, and whispered a short chant, which made it turn into two daggers. The turquoise gem, now multiplied, turned into a lovely shade of purple. She made a few practice punches in the middle of frozen soldiers just to realize that her metal armor was tolerable. Or at least, more tolerable than those other pieces armor that could slow her down.

Thear hopped onto her own mount, with was more of a mechanically-tweaked one than a normal horse, and Rye did the same to her armored horse. It looked happy enough to serve the Kingdom of Hearts. They both galloped their way onto the frozen soldiers and killed them before they could move normally once more.

Thear noticed the passion and excitement in Rye as she killed soldiers, and managed a little comment while letting the enemy soldiers move backwards, away from the Kingdom of Hearts' borders.
"Calm down a little, you might end up as heartless as Princess Aria."

"Not that I have a problem with that." Rye continued the bloodshed with a little, lopsided grin.

  • Click the other tab! c:

Sitting a top the castle's roof top, which over looked the kingdom of madness. I watched as the kingdoms waged war blood spilling out from the bodies below. This world never changes no matter how long your alive, huh? ... War here and there and everywhere. Though it wasn't my concern at the moment let them fight all they want but eventually they'll realize they could have ruled together. The clock's needed to be fixed.

But how ?! Why are they tainted black? The wind blew through my gray and blue stripped fur bringing a question.If the clocks are tainted here ... Why not all. Even the one responsible for it all !!

If that were true something was amiss the eternal clock it is not functioning. It can grind and groan all it wants but if it stops, the land breaks and we all fall down . As in we will die if someone doesn't fix this. And since i am a someone why not ?!

Turning back to the outer walls i watch the glorious blood spill. Though this war is pointless i can't help but looks at the glorious madness as the prince always loved it. Where could he be now spreading about more madness til all the kingdoms take out one another?

Closing my eyes i stretch out my senses i remember less and less as the land churns to blood and ruin. Once peaceful fields long ago turned to farm land and again dust and crimson blood mixed into the land as if our land was a canvas for armies to paint their blood upon. And in the middle of those lifeless limbs and bloodied weapons is a clock tower slowly falling apart with no one else's notice. Idiots. My focus was not of the battlefield but my dear prince.... Which lays in the plaza .... Ugh of all the ... Never mind he's passed out and oddly enough the clocks affect is upon the plaza people. So soon ? ... Opening my eyes once more I draw my mind back to plans, thoughts, what needs to be fixed first. A cat like i should never wander to the heart's kingdom. They'd skin me alive !! To the other's i'm not so sure. Females tend to be a bit violent in these times ... And i doubt the others would fall truth to my demands. And thus we get no were. Sure i can see those fools down there but the wars causes me to think differently of how they'll act. Will they kill me? Of course they would !! Even if one kingdom believed me would they take advantage of this event or actually stop it.

I stop, what am i thinking kingdom or no kingdom they must want to save their beloved home ! First things first then i must venture to the eternal clock to investigate ! So long as the prince is out cold; now is my chance not to partake in a war that we partially are provoking. I float lowly down the castle wall evaporating into air to make sure i'm not noticed by the sword clashing below as i float above making my way to the center of all wonderland.

The eternal clock.
“Shall we commence with fighting?” Leonora asked, cocking her hip to the side.

She twirled her scepter in circled above her head, readying herself for an attack.

It vaguely reminded her of a past memory.

Teenaged Leonora and Christopher stood in the training field.

Leonora held a heavy, silver sword in her hand, gripping it with all her might.

“Come, Christopher! You aren’t going to take it easy on me just because I’m a girl, are you?” Leonora taunted cockily.

She raised the sword in front of herself, taking the fighting stance that her mother had taught her.

“Ready whenever you are, pretty boy.” She winked.

“This remind of you of anything?” Leonora asked back in the present, winking.

Meredith frowned at the casualties all around her. Soldiers from all armies lay on the ground, wounded and hanging onto their lives by a thread.

Taking a few steps forward, it upset her even more when she saw her fellow Club soldiers wounded and already far gone from being saved.

My dear friends. . .

Meredith stopped in her tracks when she spotted an unfamiliar face.

It was a young man wearing a crown that had purple vapor coming off it. Though his exterior showed a strong man, his eyes showed someone who was severely wounded and in pain. Further examination of the man, Meredith noticed the wound on his arm. It was deep and blood was gushing out of it.

“Sir, are you okay?” She bent down, further examining the wound.
"Of course." Christopher grinned, he slid off his horse and was now standing a few feet from Leonora. His sword raised- the other sword sitting in its sheath resting against his hip- so that it laid horizontal, running almost parallel to his forehead; knees spread apart. It was one of the few long-sword stances Benjamin had taught him. Of course, with the other using a sceptor, he was skeptical to whether or not long-sword tactics will work. But he remained where he stood, sword raised and all, as the memory flashed through his mind.

"Pretty boy?" Christopher tilted his head to the side slightly, a mischevious glint flashing in his eyes. The teenage boy was in the same position as his future-self. "So forward, princess. Especially for a lady of class such as yourself. But now that I think about it.." A wicked grin danced at the corners of his lips. "A girl with a sword isn't classy at all. It's a bit brutish, don't ya think?" Chris rushed towards the blonde and clashing their swords together with. a metallic clang.

Now Chris stood before the same girl- princess Leonora- as they both had their weapons poised for either defense or attack. The same words from that day found their way out of the memory and rolling off his tongue. "It doesn't matter if you're a girl. We're both equal enemies on a battlefield and the thought of going easy on you will never cross my mind."
Leonora smiled. She knew this fight would be well worth it.

Without a word, her scepter glowed a bright aquamarine.

She pointed it directly towards Christopher and aquamarine energy shot out at him.

Leonora spun and shuffled her feet, moving to the side and avoiding a Diamond soldier’s attack.

Leonora spun, avoiding Christopher’s fight. She side-stepped and attacked him from the left side, nicking her shoulder. She almost smiled in triumph when Christopher’s sword met her shoulder.

Leonora retaliated by slicing a strip of Christopher’s shirt off.

“Whoops! My bad.” Leonora laughed, spotting where Christopher’s well-toned stomach shown.

In present time, Leonora jumped in the air, her body radiating with power.
Christopher dropped and rolled away from the shot, barely avoiding an attack from another soldier. He didn't register the symbol on their breastplate-only knowing that it wasn't one of his men- as he slashed the blade across the other's backside and pushed them aside; his blade now having flecks of crimson. He remained crouched as he made a swipe for Leonora's feet.

"Playing dirty, are we?" Christopher chuckled, feeling speckles of blood spot from the cut on his shoulder. He took his revenge as he thrusted his sword forward and down- cutting off the entirety of her pant leg from the base of her knee.

"My apologies, princess, looks like you need a new outfit." He mocked apologized to her, a hand held lightly over his heart. The illusion was ruined by a chime of laughter from the male.

This shouldn't be happening. War was no place for fond memories, but here he was. Chris was remembering the better parts of life in midst of f battle; whie fighting with one of his dearest friends. And would Chris be wrong if he admitted that he liked it?
He quickly gathered up the strength to speak. "I...i am Nirvain, prince of the madness kingdom! I request an audience with the princess of light!" He said as he wiped the blood from his mouth. "Oh hmmm! Well the lady Leonora is busy at the moment so allow me to mend your wounds and i will personally request her to meet with you!.....now before we do anything. Have you any weapons of any kind on you?"

As she spoke Nirvain looked up to the beautiful maiden, she was very beautiful but for an odd reason she seemed familiar to him. "No! Um do i know you?" He said improperly! "Well of course you do I've caught you snlooping in these walls countless times as if you own the place sir Nirvain!" She said angrily! "You know my name?" He said shocked by her response. She looked over at him and produced a beautiful laugh that still stung his ego with every chuckle. "Silly prince nothing gets past lady Leonora she knew of you from the very start! Your lucky she didn't have you hanged for your intrusion in her mighty kingdom!" He gave a nervous smile on the hole thought but he fault as if that's not now the woman seemed familiar to him. "Um.....ok!? Well .hm... what now?" He said almost forgetting about his arm. She remained silent on his stupid comment, she kneeled to him and quickly pulled the arrow out without any warning.

"OUCH WHY YOU COULD HAVE WARNED ME!" he yelled at the pain. "SHhh!.. you talk to much!" She said with a snicker, he then moved her hands over the bleeding wound. A bright pink light flashed over the wound and it began to heal fast as the pain faded! Nirvain smiled at the sight of her healing him even though she had no idea of his intentions with the princess. "I know that your thinking Nirvain, i may be a caring woman but I'm not stupid. Even at you best of health, Leonora would smite you with one blow of her staff!" She said with quick change in attitude. "Waaa Di-did you read my mind or something?" She smiled. "Yes! Somebody like you shouldn't be so surprised!" He looked at her with a serious look in his eyes and a voice popped in his head. "Nirvain! Nirvain race me to the river!" He smiled but then frowned. "I know who you are now!" She gave a worried smile as if trying to figure out what he's talking about. "Why did you leave me and the kingdom behind like this princess!" He said in a harsh tone causing her to snap back at him. "Listen you little freak i don't even know you of anything about your kingdom! I just chose to help you and then you go all mad on me!" She said pulling away from him. "Princess you have to remember me and what happened to you appearance?" He said clearly freaking the girl out. "You have the wrong girl and just what do you mean about my changed appearance?" She shouted loudly at Nirvain. "Get out of this kingdom before i call the guards and have you arrested!" She said running to the door. "But princess what about my meeting with Leonora?" He said as he calmed down. "Well you blew that chance buddy and stop calling me princess! I am not from any royal blood lines!" She said as she began to push him out. He struggled against her, trying to convince her who he thought she was.

"I'm sorry but i have no time for this!" He said loudly, he then quickly made a stupid decision and he grabbed the maiden by her arms forcing her away from him. A guard from the side heard the commotion and sounded the alarm many guards circled him and cuffed him. He struggled and tried to evaporate away but it was no good because all of his strength was lost form being on the battle field. He looked over at the maiden who was walking to him. " you wanted and audience with the princess? Well you got it now but this time it will be behind bars! Take him away royal guard!" He sighed and swallowed nervously. "Um.....what just happened?"

The mind of a Mad Prince!
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((I'm not so sure what to do, so I'm winging it a bit.

xD ))
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be8738788_CelestineCollage(1).jpg.1eae8fb97cc0807045114d166604df84.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10893" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be8738788_CelestineCollage(1).jpg.1eae8fb97cc0807045114d166604df84.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Celestine continued to walk through town, greeting all those friendly faces she saw along the way. Still, she remained focused on the one thing on her mind - going back to the castle to help out with the war. She's only ever actually been inside the castle once or twice while she was attending to large groups of soldiers, healing their wounds or giving them herbal remedies to prepare them for battle. Usually, she'll just stand in front of it and read the large billboard sign that tells of all the news and happenings - the war updates, fair say. That was what she decided to do first off, just to see what she was missing.


As she stood in front of the billboard, hugging her iridescent cloak snugly around her, her eyes widened at how much she was missing. So many battles have erupted, and the number of casualties was outstanding. Her maroon eyes widened quite a bit as she read, and her grip on her cloak tightened.
What kind of war has this turned into? Everyone is fighting one another... We're just going to end up wiping each other out! Celestine couldn't help but think. It was a horrifying thought, truly. It almost made her physically shiver. Still, for now, her trembling remained mental. On the outside, she knew she had to remain strong.

If not, she'd just end up like any other dead soldier.

"Excuse me? Are you Miss. Hazelwood?" Celestine heard herself being addressed. She turned to see one of the soldiers in the royal army, all suited up for battle. Celestine turned to face the man, anchoring her gaze upward due to the fact that he was quite taller than her. (Sadly, most people are.) "Yes, I am. Do you require my assistance?" She asked, her voice kind and understanding like it always was. It put a smile on the soldiers face - he looked reassured to be addressed with such kindness. "My men and I were wondering if you had any remedies that could help prepare us for battle. The word around here is that you're the best at them," he grinned.

Celestine responded with a nod and a smile.
"I actually have a few energy boosters in my bag, already prepared. They enhance your focus, as well," She stated as she began rummaging through her bag. After a moment, she took out a large flask filled with a glowing green liquid. "I even added a little something to make it taste less horrid. In fact, the tang can resemble a green apple!" She let out a laugh as light as a feather, and the soldier returned it with a chuckle of his own. "Thank you, Lady Hazelwood. How much does each man drink?" He questioned with one brow raised.

"Oh, you only need one decent sip, really. There's more than enough to go around," Celestine stated, and the man nodded in response. "Thank you!" He spoke, bowing politely before returning to his men awaiting him. Celestine watched as each of the men took a swig from the bottle, and afterwards, all their faces seem to glow with their new-found focus and energy. Celestine couldn't help but smile; it was quite gratifying to see her remedies and potions pay off. She couldn't help but silently wish that it would keep them one step further from death - hopefully, hopefully, her remedies help them survive in battle.

Biting down on her bottom lip, Celestine decided to step inside the castle and see if there was anyone else she could help. The royal guards questioned her identity as she approached the entrance, but once she stated she was the Celestine Felicity Hazelwood, they allowed her to pass. Showing them a sweet, charming, and polite smile, she made her way through and began to roam around. I wonder where they keep their wounded? Surely the castle has an infirmary somewhere... I'd definitely be able to be of some use there - or, perhaps they've already sent the healers out? Damn my tardiness, if only those nightmares remained at bay -- she got lost in her thoughts as she roamed about.

However, they came to a sudden halt as she looked at an array of portraits hung upon the castle walls.

From the very first Queen of Hearts, to the most recent one - there were so many beautiful Queens to behold. Still, one particular picture caught Celestine's eye. It was one of Caroline Frost Hellstorm III - and what Celestine had her eyes glued on was the pendant she was wearing. She squinted her violet maroon eyes, wondering if they were playing tricks on her.
Is that...? She wondered, staring upon the picture for several minutes. Is that my Drop of Purity? Why... Why would Caroline Frost Hellstorm III be wearing the same pendant? She questioned over and over in her thoughts.

Her face... Her eyes, her hair... She calculated in her mind, noticing a striking resemblance between them. Eventually, she shook her head rapidly and lightly placed her hand over her chest where her pendant remained concealed. No, that's just impossible. My parents were Jared and Emilia Hazelwood - I know that. Don't think such silly thoughts. It's better to just forget you saw anything... She thought, though her gaze lingered on the portrait for a bit longer before she finally turned away. Just go look for the infirmary.



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"Come, come, come... Lady Hellstorm, we must not be late. It is rude to make everyone wait till you finally make your grand appearance in the battle, after all."

Lady Hellstorm? Where was this coming from now?!

The sixteen year old ignored Blake right now and pushed the thought out of her mind, thinking it was only an act since he was in a different form. Poor Blake... Aria glanced around as she merely watched half of the Head generals enter the Castle, half of them have returned and the Healers were already ready to tend to them... Wishing not to be seen, the Princess already started to walk towards the exit of the Castle, her scarlet eyes scanned the battlefield up ahead. Without a word, Blake had handed a golden ring to the Princess with a ghost of a smile painting across his pale face. It was clear that they both knew what they were doing so well, they had no reason to speak. Of course, that was great for Aria. The less talking, the faster this current battle will go. Placing the sun-kissed ring on her left thumb, a ray of beautiful and enchanting light started to surround the two of them slowly. However, the golden light started to change to a dull yet alluring silver color...

Blake glanced over at Aria with his serious pink eyes and quietly stepped onto the dead soil of the battlefield, crossing the borderline. As soon as Blake had stepped off of the Heart land, the silver light started to drift away from him as it started to take form into a ghost-like house. The horse was completely dead and had a faint silver light surrounding it. The ring was enchanted by Blake himself, allowing the power of the dead and souls to rest in the ring intill the time was right. In other words, the ring was enchanted to summon or use anything that was related to the dead. As well as the souls of that died in the past, including any lost souls that wander around on the battlefield. Of course, the ring could do more than just that. However, that alone was all that could be used to win the current battle. Quickly, the male with the top hat climbed onto the dead horse and gave on final glance at Aria... He flashed a cheerful smile and rode off quite quickly into the heart of the war.

The Princess knew that they had enough Head Generals in the battle, enough to win by a fluke. Of course, Aria had offered Rye Crimson to join the battle and the Princess had put faith in Rye... After all, she knew how Rye was like in battle. Yet, it was foolish to let only one person do all the work. The Princess of Hearts knew very well that she couldn't let other people do her work. She didn't really mind nor care if it was something non-war related... However, when it came to war, it was Aria's job to do her own job and fight for the fun of it. Yes, Aria had a delight in the war... sometimes. One minute, the black haired female would be killing enemies with a insane grin on her twisted yet fair face. The next minute, Aria would be sick of the war and just fight to get it over with...

Taking in a deep breath and exhaling, she allowed the silver light start to change into a dark purple and the scent of lavender could be smelled faintly in the tainted air of the battlefield. The armored female started to take small steps and headed deeper into the field full of different soldiers and the like, dodging a few arrows from the archers. She needed to focus and relax deeply, closing her eyes quietly. She had to rely on her senses, needing to dodge any attack or trap. She felt a sudden cold embrace her as the violet light started to grow more around her, making her black armor glow faintly with deadly beauty. Relax and stay calm...

Stay calm...

Ignore everything right now, including the enemies...

Just keep on walking...


Everything is fine...

Allow the beast of shadows to know that I am paying attention only to it.

She could hear the faint neighing of a horse around her, yet she didn't hear the sound of galloping. The neighing was quiet and almost sounded as if the horse itself was in pain. A sudden pain shot through Aria's mind as she quickly stopped dead in her tracks, there was no horse sadly... Not the one she was expecting, anyway. Suddenly, she spun around with her cursed sword in hand and saw an armored male of Clubs preparing to attack. Their swords had clashed quickly as Aria took note that his sword was more of a long sword and quite heavy. Frowning slightly, Aria could feel another cold chill run up her back as she attacked the male's shoulder with her blade. She knew the male couldn't react or dodge the sudden attack, since he was a fool to have a heavy sword. The Princess felt her crystal-like sword crack the thick armor of the male and pierce into his arm, he yelled in pain...

But, Aria was confused to see a smirk spread on his bloody lips.


Her eyes slowly went wide as she figured out why the Club warrior, who was already wounded badly, was smirking... She felt a harsh pain from behind as an arrow dug deep in her armor. How did she not notice an archer do a sneak attack on her? That didn't matter right now.

No, this is not a normal arrow...

Quickly, trying to ignore the pain from the arrow in her back, she sliced the warrior's head off and didn't even bother to mutter the words that she longed to say again. Her thoughts were starting to dim slowly by each second that flew by, along with her senses. The arrow was poisoned with magic greatly, not just normal poison. Aria ripped the glowing arrow out of her back while forcing back an urge to wince in pain. Her vision was starting to grow fade away ever so slowly. She was forcing herself to think again and try to remember what spell was on that iron arrow... Nothing. Aria couldn't think, barely being able to move now as the powerful spell started to spread through her body and mind.

No, this was not how the Princess of Hearts was going to be defeated...

I would never allow myself to lose... It is not game over. Even if I have to force herself to keep on fighting with this strange spell cast on me. No... I'll never give up like this right when she entered the battle! I will win for my mother... For not her Kingdom exactly. But for Queen Caroline Frost Hellstorm!

Aria Frost Hellstorm continued to tell herself with a stubborn tone of voice, those words kept on echoing in her mind stubbornly. She forced her body, which felt heavy and numb, to move as she kept on attacking any soldiers besides from her own Kingdom. Bodies were already lying dead in the battlefield, along with fresh and dry blood. She was covered in blood, including her blade. Aria was being stubborn, almost like a child, and kept on fighting intill. . .

She couldn't move at all, frozen in her tracks, as she saw a familiar male with a dead horse.

"Come forth from the everlasting darkness and shine your celestial light! Burn forever!"

Blake was heard with the faint hissing from the snake as a blaze of blinding and almost fire-like light surrounded the Princess, pain was the only thing she felt as the spell from the arrow was already gone... She felt burning as a silent scream escaped from her lips. Nothing was heard as the same scent of lavender lingered in the air, once more. A mist started to form around the area of the bloody field as the sound of galloping came from the cold mist. A darkly colored horse was charging towards Aria with the mane and tail made out of shadows, the eyes of the horse was complete light. The light that surrounded Aria was fading away as the burning continued. Her senses were lit brightly as the spell ended... Quickly, as the horse past the female, she dashed after it. The neighing was bloodcurdling and quite loud...

"No offence, Lady Hellstorm... But, it is amusing to see you chase a horse~! By the way, that spell was called Echo Revenge. The spell uses the pain from around the area and turns it into harmful and magically poison, rarely seen by magic users today... Not exactly like a liquid poison, more like an enchantment. The pain from people around that said area is then echoed back... In other words, you felt the pain of everyone here. Before you even dare say that spell wasn't painful, think again. The attacker was not from any of the Kingdoms... Lets just say, you can blame that all on me. Anyway, if that spell were to be placed on a heavy and larger weapon than an arrow... And if there were more people here in pain... You could have been hurt even more. The spell itself in general is strong and quite interesting. You have to think deeply on what weapon to place the spell on and determine how much wounded people are in the area, etc... However, don't think that you were foolish or weak when that spell moved onto you and off the weapon. That spell is rarely used in Wonderland anymore... Its very strong indeed. The attacker, bluntly speaking, was stupid to use an arrow. Yet again, the attacker knew how well you fought in battle... So he had no choice but to stay hidden and use a sneak attack. As for that Club warrior you killed before getting attacked, he must have thought the attacker was on his side. But, that does not matter now. In the very end...

You are perfectly okay and chasing a very fine, not to mention dead, horse~!"

Blake explained with detail after chuckling a bit, riding ahead on his skeleton horse. While he was explaining the spell with amusement in his voice, Aria had finally caught up with the horse and climbed onto it. At first, the male horse was struggling and going quite wild. After a few seconds, he had calmed down and continued to run through the battlefield. Blake was close behind the Princess as he mentally smirked... Why? Who knows. Seeing that he, Blake Abyss, had to lend a helping hand to the Princess... He decided to help her yet again, which was quite strange to see. He helped her despite the fact that she had an desire to kill him! Blake was not crazy, nor kind. He had his reasons for helping Aria without asking anything in return...

"I see and so what if I was chasing a horse! I have my own right to chase a horse in the middle of a war... I don't see any rules saying that people aren't allowed to chase dead stuff, mainly horses. Anyway, I want you to explain the rest later on after all of this and... Erm, I will only say this once and thats it... Thank you..."

Blake was laughing the whole time right now as he heard, clearly, the Princess mumbling a thank you. As mentioned before, he never asked for anything in return... Yet, hearing her say thank you was enough for the wanderer like Blake. He only nodded his head and petted his dead horse carefully before mumbling another spell.

"Lurk in the mist of death and see the light of the world again... Forget everything and walk again in Wonderland... Fight for the burning desire to take revenge on Wonderland. Allow your hearts to go dark and fight without showing mercy. Today marks the day that you all shall rise from this bloody field and serve the Kingdom of Hearts till this battle is over. Bury away your past and emotions. They will only corrupt you. You're already dead and forgotten by everyone, face it... Let the mist of Death and Fate taint Wonderland! Time waits for no one, so...

Drench the heavens in blood and call enchantment down!"

Half of the spell itself sounded almost as if Blake was persuading the lost souls to fight for the Kingdom of Hearts. Or just fight in general without having their emotions and memories get in the way. Either way, the sound of screaming filled the chilling air as the mist started to grow thicker around the battlefield. It only surrounded the field itself and didn't seem to spread anywhere else... White orbs, only seen by those who have the spiritual/psychic/magical gift, were seen coming from the thick white mist. Faintly, the bodies of dead soldiers had started to form from the mist. No, they were not zombies at all.

Don't even think about it! It might be tempting to shout zombies... But, these are lost and wandering souls that have been trapped in Wonderland since half of them couldn't pass on due to dying in the middle of the war. These souls have stolen the energy from anything that they could find and used that said energy to appear almost as if they were alive again. To be quite blunt, half of them looked quite real and had no emotion on their faces. No aura!

Currently, they are real thanks to using the mist's power. However, those said souls are not in their rotting bodies. They look exactly how they use to look like before they died or got wounded in battle a long time ago... As if they are ready to fight once again. Each and every soul had different types of armor, weapons, and such. They came in both genders, sizes, and shapes... Their armor, like Aria's armor, had no Kingdom symbol on it such as Diamonds for example. The fact that they had no symbols of their armor were strange... However, Aria had no symbols on her armor for a reason. Those souls, strangely, didn't seem to have a exact reason like the Princess did.

"I thought we were going to surprise the other Kingdoms with this... But, oh well..."

Aria muttered a bit as she rode faster on the shadow horse, which she nicknamed Dusk randomly. Blake chuckled a little bit and shrugged his shoulders slowly. He caught up with the armored female, riding next to her. He had randomly thought of a nickname for his lovely silver skeleton horse... Guess what? The name is Silver. How creative of Blake... He chuckled at the thought of naming the horse Silver before speaking with an amused smile.

"Don't worry, Lady Hellstorm... There are a lot of surprises coming in the near future for everyone, including you. Wonderland is surely going to be more interesting very soon..."

Princess Aria Frost Hellstorm didn't say a word after Blake said that with an amused smile on his place face, having his snake wrapped around his neck slightly and hissing in his ear. She knew him well... But how much did he know? He served no Kingdom and had no interest in the war personally. But, is he truely on Aria's side despite how much she hated him half of the time? Wonderland will never know... Just like Aria herself. Pushing those unwanted and foolish thoughts away, Aria had rode off towards where most of the Head Generals were at... At least, where most of them were at. Blake, naturally, followed the Princess closely behind. Slowly, Blake started to get lost in his own thoughts...

With a ghost of a smile on his pale face, again.


Leonora caught Christopher off guard, holding her staff to his back and grinning triumphantly.

“I remember when you were quicker on your feet. What made you so slow, Pooh Bear?” Leonora whispered into his ear, smiling at the old nickname.

Leonora fumed at the ears. “That was my favorite pair of pants! I ought to put you in the dungeon for that one, Christopher. Ugh!”

Leonora cut the rest of his shirt off. “That’s for my pants!”

Realizing what she had done, she blushed at the sight of Christopher’s full, naked chest, admiring the well-toned muscles.

“I see you’re still training just as hard. . .” She muttered loud enough for him to hear. . .

Leonora shook her head, feeling ridiculous for reminiscing over old memories from before the war, but when she was around Christopher, she felt almost as if the war wasn’t even going on.

Meredith sat in the small room just outside the dungeon, pondering over what the man named Nirvan had said.

She couldn’t be a princess. Her parents were just mere village people in the Club Kingdom and had never held a noble title before, let alone a royal one. Besides, Meredith had always remembered living in the Club Kingdom. That was her home and she had never known any other one.

So, how could the Madness Kingdom Prince be telling the truth?

“He’s bound and locked up. What are our further orders, ma’am?” A fellow guardsman spoke, pulling Meredith back out of her thoughts.

“Oh. We wait for Leonora to return from the battlefield.” Meredith replied. “For the time being we make sure the Deranged Prince doesn’t escape. I’ll give our Princess the honor of deciding what to do with him.”

The guard nodded and walked towards the prison area of the dungeon.
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"Don't know." Christopher reached his arm back and used the sword to movethe staff enough as he rolled away from Leonora and hopped to his feet. "Old age must be hitting me hard, Lettie." It was his best female version of Piglet's name; she would have punched him if he were to give her the full version. He gave her a crooked smile as his mind plunged back into the memory.

The young Christopher flexed to tease at the blushing Leonora. At her words, he stopped and looked into the distance. His brown eyes had a far off look.

"According to his
majesty," Chris bit off the word as if it were poison. "I have to be the best and be in worthy shape in order to lead his soldiers."

Shaking his head, he looked back at the blonde girl with a smirk, "I seem to be perfectly fine, but you on the other hand..." He trailed off, leaving the suggested insult hung in the air.
Leonora countered his attack, doing a roundhouse kick, making contact with his chest.

Once back on her feet, Leonora’s staff glowed and white energy shot out of it.

“You jerk!” Leonora rushed at Christopher, knocking him on his feet, but falling on top of him in the process.

A bright blush appeared on Leonora’s face, her breathing hard.

“Sorry. . . I miscalculated. . .” She muttered, not knowing what to say really.

In the present, Leonora did the same thing. She rushed at Christopher, catching him by the shoulder.

“This fight is pointless. . . Don’t you agree?” She whispered in his ear. “Let’s saw it’s a draw and why don’t you meet me in the castle, Pooh Bear?”

Leonora winked, breaking away.
Thing's didn't look to bright. Rather darker actually, the war and now the clock's. What next a human invasion ?!

Looking up at the large clock tower i watched from my spot in the air avoiding falling debris. It looked normal but the atmosphere around it had grown dark as if someone drenched the clock into darkness. The clock continued to turn and turn but it was no use the tower was falling apart. It was truly trying though. It was fighting whatever did this to it. A spring suddenly launched itself out of the clock in my general direction. Evaporating quickly the spring passed through without causing me harm. I turned around to watch the blackened spring as it hit the ground with a plop, it dripped and swirled turning into a unrecognizable creature after the dark goo on the spring reformed itself into this thing. Spinning back around i floated closer down to a open window in the tower and quickly stepped inside slashing my claws across anything that looked as if it would attack as the creature i had seen below.I floated an inch from the cracking crumbling floor. Each gear seemed to be blacked or partially at most. The gear kept running but slowly i noticed the turn and fall of the gears they slowed moment by moment. It would not be long until all the other clocks fell apart. What could stop this ? But what started this and who did this ? ... I came upon a broken glass flask tainted purple as it lay on the ground above the broken flask a large gear spun backwards. This was not good i'd doubt the books in the royal library would have anything on this . I waved my paws over the flask the shards floating, i shrunk the flask to the size of a pebble taking it in my hand before floating off back to the castle but then i stopped.

I wished to see how the war had been going. So again i stretched out my senses to see bodies continuing to pile up, then i switched to the plaza. The prince no longer there. Where had he gone ? Hopefully he would return soon. For now i decided to head back towards the castle to find solutions to the problem. Then i'd warn the kingdoms. Hopefully they would agree to help. Staring at the miniature flask i floated back into the castle avoiding arrows and what not.

After entering the library i proceeded to take out any books pertaining to dark magic and potion books, thousands of books flew out of there spots but after further examination only 15 of the thousand seemed helpful. I spent hours upon hours searching through the books yet nothing. The prince had not come back after these long hours and i began to worry i wondered if he had died but that couldn't be right i could sense his madness though weak it was there. He did not seem to be in trouble yet his madness grew weaker. I floated up to the second floor of the library and looked out the window seeing farther then any wonderlandian could i saw all the kingdoms but not inside. Great magic kept me from seeing. I respected that since no one could ever be trusted in these times. Though i wondered what they did inside. Was it any different from the others ? Parts of the reason why i could not see inside was I've never been there. I could see all i had remembered, but never inside. Maybe if i saw inside with permission i could, but i would never know. I decided to travel to all the kingdoms for an audience with the rulers. If there was some way to solve this problem i would need to borrow a few more books than usual.

I placed all the books back in their spot and flew back out the castle towards the kingdom of clubs.

That was to be my first stop. War or not i needed all the help i could get. Though i realize i'll have to tell someone what was going on.

What's a cat to do during these times ??...
"After you, Lettie." He smiled genuinely, although he could still feel the dull throb of pain in his chest where the foot connected.

"Er.. it's, um, fine..." Chris struggled for words as his face became unbearingly hot. He coughed, hoping it would momentarily distract him from the weight on his chest.

The words wouldn't form as his brain proceeded to malfunction. Here, the girl he had come to known and like for these many years was now literally on top of him.

She had succeeded in making his whole being shut down with just her presence. Chris couldn't tell if it was a good or bad thing that she was capable of doing that.

"Maybe we should get up now...?" He was unsure if he was asking a question or suggesting. Possibly suggesting.

He brushed the dirt off his armor and then bowed to the girl in front of him. "You have gotten much better over the years, Princess Leonora. A worthy opponent indeed." He returned the wink.

Random status report: All generals are currently going forward with their mounts, fending the kingdom and driving foes away from all borders. The two Crimson siblings do not care whose Kingdom the armies they fight and kill belong to, at all.

"Ugh." Thear Crimson spat, as if the swords, spears and arrows belonging to the group of foes she and Rye just defeated were never on her chest, stomach area, and even her arms. Admittedly, it did hurt the pink-haired head general, but it was obvious that anyone in the Crimson family who underwent the training that Arianne Crimson's has given were used to this. "Could you just hurry it up, Rye?"

"Ugh." Rye, on the other hand, growled ridiculously, only to copy what her sibling just said.

She tended to regain all her thief-like attributes and personality while in war or fighting someone, and those emotion blockades of shyness and calmness were totally gone. Rye's left hand held on to the metal armor of the horse she was riding--as white as her new hair--for balance. And Rye's right palm was on Thear's shoulder, mentally focusing and dodging attacks while doing so. It was a pretty hard thing to do, but fortunately, Rye was too used to this. Especially multi-tasking. Her whole life, she was used to doing so, and her enhanced senses from before helped a million times worth.

"Aaaand there." Rye said sheepishly upon lifting her hand from her sibling, and the weapons that were once stuck on Thear, now disintegrated into pink particles that flew with the wind and stuck sometimes in her hair. It was only a matter of time until Rye figured out how to do spells with the help of her aura, and she thought that the remains of pink aura merging with Thear's dark violet was truly a beautiful sight.

However, that turned all attention to her--enemies and not.

"You," Thear growled, and Rye chuckled upon deep, amusing realization.

"Look at the bright side." Rye paused. What could possibly be the bright side of bringing all attention of the enemies to you? She did not know, and in haste, she decided to say something random. "Uhh... You look... pretty." She said, running out of ideas. "Yeah."

"And more prey." Thear said, taking another arrow on her arm, growling. "However, the darker side is worse."

"The dark side isn't that bad." Rye laughed while shooting some of her aura at the arrow, making it disappear along with the wound in her pink-haired sibling's arm yet once again. "They have cake."

"How come you get to dodge almost everything?" Thear wondered, obviously feeling frustrated and unfair about it. At times, she was just a little whining baby, and everyone in the Crimson family knew that. She thrusted her sword that was once enchanted with the ability to freeze enemies for a short time, but now it was just a normal sword. However, many lives have been slain just with the head generals' hands and abilities. She was a born warrior; Or at least, that's what she had always thought.

"Oh, little Thear." Rye said almost too proudly, grabbing the spear that was close to wounding her face from the air, and throwing it mercilessly at the soldier who threw it first, crushing through his armor and pinning him to the ground, only to be stomped to death by Rye's well-armored horse. "You may be a born warrior, but I was born, and raised, as a thief. The swiftest beings of all, as one might say. My family... they were amazing."

"Whatever." Thear said, but it was impossible for her to act cold at this point, even if she wanted to. Even she was heart broken when she and her siblings first saved little Rye, especially upon hearing the story of the little thief.

Rye and Thear Crimson looked back in unison, and every single magic-wielding head general did so too, upon feeling the combined energies and presences of the one and only Princess Aria, and a male that seemed to be the Blake that Rye had once met.
"They're here." Rye muttered, wondering just how powerful the male was.

"You know him?" Thear asked, eyeing the male suspiciously and curiously. "Such energy."

"The princess seems to hate him though." Rye responded, "She said he knew ancient stuff."

"You think he's an immortal?"

"Just like mother, probably."

It was a fact that Arianne Crimson, one of those rarely-known magic teachers from all over Wonderland, was an immortal. She was the only one who actually adopted the only beings she had taught about magic, and it was also the other way around; She only taught magic to those who she adopted. Yes, all the adopted children were given the choice if they wanted to learn magic or not, but never did even one of the nine children in the Crimsons refuse, for some specific reason. As for now, Rye was the latest member in the family, and it seemed that ever since she was adopted, Arianne Crimson never had intentions of adopting anyone else again. But of course, she still had a lot of time, to think, to do things. Always remember, an immortal's motto is; Immortal, but not Invulnerable, Arianne would say.

"Mmm. Necromancy." Rye licked her lips slightly, feeling the added energies of the dead.

"Ugh." Thear complained once again. "Reeks. And I'm pretty sure the dead didn't have souls."

"Once you're trapped, every thing else is." Rye said, nodding. "The physical body is most of the time an exception."

The pink-haired warrior kicked away a soldier trying to get close to her, and a fellow general burned him to a crisp. Thear Crimson looked over once more to the pink-eyed man named Blake, and realized that he had a snake with him. "Oooh." She said. "Snakes."

"Oooh." Rye followed, wanting to stare at those deep eyes, almost forever. "Pink."

Rye shrugged lightly, letting go of her current thoughts, and let her horse gallop slower, getting closer to Aria Frost Hellstorm and that man named Blake. Upon closer look, she realized that he undertook a completely other look. Surprised, Rye's couldn't help but think. It was the help of that man's aura that Rye recognized him. "Princess," Thear followed and regarded the Princess and the man with her, letting two other generals from the back take their place. "Any orders?"

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Leonora just smiled.

"Oh I know I have." She winked and then added, "I'll be in my chambers. You know where those are."

With that, she turned and started to weave her way through the fighting soldiers, using her staff whenever any attacked her.

Leonora, still blushing, stood and helped Christopher up.

"Thank you for the training session. We'll have to do it again sometime." She planted a kiss on his cheek. "See you around, Pooh Bear."

With that, the teenaged princess left the training field, a slight glow about her.

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Christopher stood, waving slowly as Leonora left. "Yeah.. let's do it again, Lettie..."

A blush crept over the teenager's face as he still felt her lips on his cheek. "Well, that was interesting." He mumbled to himself, a goofy grin on his lips.

Chris watched the same Leonora walk away as he followed suit, defending himself whenever attacks came his way. He secured his horse with his men as he made his way to the castle. He entered and found himself walking along the same hallways he went down as a child. It only took a few minutes until he was knocking on Leonora's door to her chambers.
"...Must I keep on repeating this, Lady Hellstorm?"

Blake said with a tired sigh as he glanced around, watching the mist swirl beautifully with colorful and dark aura. The souls hadn't dared to move, surrounding the battlefield. The mist itself had an aura, while the souls had none. They were only draining energy in order to transform their spiritual forms into... illusion-like forms, only appearing real. Their attacks and such, however, are very real. His grin was starting to grow more. He was enjoying this all now, of course. The Princess, surprisingly, was calm the whole time. She was flowing along with the male, whom she knew well enough to call him a close friend. However, she saw him as a sneaky rival. Maybe some type of enemy...

"Stop with the formal act, Blake... And I still believe those souls are, well, not done by some snake obsessed necromancer."

The Princess said with a small scoff, the male with the fancy top hat only chuckled. He was not exactly doing necromancy, but he knew that Aria was not so foolish noble. Nor a proper Princess... Of course, Blake didn't want to fall off his horse due to being rude and saying that. The snake slowly started to wrap tighter around his neck, hissing quietly.

"First off, Aria, I am not obsessed with snakes. Naturally, they love me. Second, I'm not some necromancer. Third, let me tell you a story like the good old days..."

Aria raised her brow a little bit, slightly confused on how living creatures could love him. She knew the story he always told her... Of course, Aria knew that this wasn't a perfect time to be telling stories. They were in the middle of a damned battlefield! Yet again, Blake didn't seem fazed by that.

"A female lives in the house on the mountainside near a farming village called Crystal, the one whose gardens have long since grown wild with water and neglect. No bird nor beast dare go close, and only foolish men venture further. Thorns spray upon the road and spook the horses that ride them, but no could her to remove them. They fear her, the woman who lives in her palace of solitude. And yet, they have never seen her, for the other mountain dwellers hunt and build their homes in other parts of the mountain, where showers of crystal water from the mountain peak are not a constant in their humble abode. The people of Crystal never wander that far in the mountains, where the house is located at exactly. They only work from dawn till dusk! As for travelers... Travelers are warned away as well, the few who stray devoured by a beast upon their reckoning. But passer byes know this beast existence, even if they never laid eyes upon it. Because they hear its rumbling roar over the clattering of hooves and the grunts of men, and they freeze because of it.

Some are unable to avoid Her, who find themselves leaving the safe trail for known danger... The thorns are too overgrown to see the house, or so they say. Those men who venture as close as they dare and return. But no one doubted that the house did exist, and the woman, and that ferocious beast...

Her legend has spread wide, but sometimes there comes a visitor who wonders as to that thicket of thorns where the water from the mountain dried up, and the mountain dwellers tell the tale again: of the screams of the living and the dead that haunt their peace, of the accursed thorns which grow ever wilder and throttle the land, and the mysterious woman who orchestrated it all... But when asked what she is, they cannot answer but more than a few words, and a name they had given her.

She is a Witch of Wonderland that fools the curiosity of men and beast alike, they say, and she is called Desire..."

Blake had told Aria and anyone who had happened to hear him spin the same story Aria had heard from years. He was the first one that told Aria about this story and it, somehow, became a tradition for only them. Blake would tell the story while Aria would listen and think about it.The story itself lacked something on purpose, that kept one wondering and thinking. She was not surprised or bothered by hearing Crystal... He was already smiling cheerfully. The two looked at each other as Aria spoke to both Rye and Thear Crimson.

"Hmm... How are the magic wielding generals holding up now? Wait and allow the Kingdoms to make their move first... I wish to see how well this all goes."

She gestured towards the mist as she got off of the shadow-like horse, Blake was taking his good old time. He tipped his top hat in a greeting to both of the other females, smiling still. His snake, however, only hissed at them all... His aura was quite strange and gave off no true color. It shifted between only one color to the next, always changing. By the looks of it, he was controlling it with ease. He was hiding his real aura. His dark pink eyes were filled with amusement, noticing how short the order was... As if the Princess was testing him to see how if he was rusty on his summoning skills. He chuckled faintly, speaking up politely yet sarcastically as his snake's hisses came to a quick stop.

"Oh, Aria... Have a little faith in me for once. Anyway, greetings to the both of you... Nice day for battle, hmm? Forgive us for being late. We had a little... horse problem as well as a nasty spell problem to deal with. But, all of it is taken care of... I hope. Now, I believe you two are Thear and... Rye Crimson?"

Aria Frost Hellstorm merely rolled her crimson eyes slightly at Blake Abyss and chuckled without any emotion, he shrugged his shoulders and smiled still. She wasn't going to bother explaining on how Blake knew their names so easily and how he was able to do all of this. Its hard to tell if he is an Immortal or not, Aria already knew the answer. Yet, Blake was a wanderer full of surprises. But to Aria, he was a so called annoying person from the past that refuses to stay in the past.
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Leonora’s heart fluttered for a moment as she heard the knock on her door. Having changed into her white gown, she was reminded of the times as a teen when she and Christopher used to meet and spend hours and hours talking in her room. They had talked about everything. From their parents, to the kingdoms, to the war that had, back then, been rumored to beginning. Leonora and Christopher had been able to talk about anything and everything.

Now, in the present, Leonora hoped their relationship had remained unchanged.

Walking over to the door, Leonora let Christopher in, her smile warm and welcoming.

“Hello, Pooh Bear. It’s good to actually meet with you without battling.” She threw her arms around him in a hug, enjoying the warmth she felt radiating from his body. . .
Christopher was taken aback by the hug, but soon wrapped his arms around her in a returned embrace.

"Agreed, Lettie. Too bloody for actual talking."

He pulled away and adjusted his armor. Looking around, he was pleased to see it as familiar. "I see you haven't changed. I'm glad.." A sincere smile adorned his face. He looked back at her. "I hope you don't mind," he said as he removed his chest piece only; feeling lighter as he only had a black, long-sleeved shirt underneath. "But it was uncomfortable to wear."

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