Wonderland [Inactive]


Senior Member
.Autumn. submitted a new role play:

Wonderland - Survive this strange Wonderland

You have hit your head after falling over and passed out. You awake the next morning to find yourself in a strange land, where every thing, living or not, is completely mad. However, this is not all fun and games. In this Wonderland, there are many things out to get you, as you have entered their territory. On the other hand, you have gained one supernatural ability to aid you in this battle, and it is decided by their personality.
This dream has captured you and now you must escape before you...
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Sakura felt her thoughts gathering around her, forming a cloud that shrouded her mind like a cape. Gradually, the events before and her senses returned. She had been... In the woods, running. Yes, and she had hit her head on a falling branch- but then what?

The ground was hard and cool against her face, and Sakura opened her eyes to find herself in some sort of forest, only the colours were all different. Pink, green and blue trees, the sky more white than blue. Where was she? How did she get here? She rose slowly, letting the dizziness roll over her before finally setting her feet on solid ground. She shook the twigs of of her black hair, turning to see many more limp forms, also on the ground. Did she know them? No, however Sakura felt a sort of connection between them. Not friendship- something different, almost as if they were in some sort of group. She made her way toward the first one.
Mari was lying on her back when she woke up, she stared at the sky angry at herself for falling... Again... Wait... Was that tree... Pink?

She jolted up suddenly looking around and she saw a girl looking at her. She stared back eyes wide.

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The laughter of the bar made Gyrian feel at home. He always played here, and knew everyone here also. Courtney worked the bar, Bill worked the door, and everyone else pretty much had a job. Gyrian played his guitar all night for the comers and goers. Men who either had gotten into a fight with their wife, looking to relax, or just a party coming to drink and listen to a song. Gyrian, even though he couldn't drink at the bar, was always welcomed to play. One strange night however, he felt it strange, but didn't act upon it. Let it be. Playing at the bar, someone tripped him. He landed face first into the floor.

Gyrian moaned as he awoke to see a lizard on his face. He shook it off and stared at the sky. Not the bar's roof. He reached for his jean pocket and found his pocket knife. He tried to stand but couldn't. Finally, he managed to stand up but, not on his right leg. He limped over to a tree and sat his back against it. The tree was odd, blue bark? Something wasn't right. Gyrian started studying his surroundings. Seeing a rainbow of colors everywhere. He stayed at the tree observing his leg. Until he heard footsteps coming from the left of him.
Lysandre slowly stood up holding his head "Where am I...?" he asked particularly no one as Xera alsogot up dusting off her clothes "Good question, sadly one I don't have an answer too" The blue haired man took a look around, they were in... a forest? now that he thought about it he didn't even remember who he was. He only knew his name... "Who are you people?" Xera looked fine with the situation but Lysandre was the opposite, he looked awfully confused and lost. He wore expensive looking clothing which was the only clue as to who he was.
Gyrian looked at the group rising from their sleep. "Im Gyrian." He said clinching his right leg.
"Did you hurt yourself?" Garth asked, to be honest he had woken up in stranger places. He had been awake second, he had just hoped the other people were actually asleep and not dead.

Mari was still silently staring at all of them.

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Xera looked at his leg and assumed he must have injured it so she held out her hand to help him up. "Xera" Lysandre looked toward the rest of the group "And my name's Lysandre" 
Xera looked at his leg and assumed he must have injured it so she held out her hand to help him up. "Xera" Lysandre looked toward the rest of the group "And my name's Lysandre"
Sakura glanced at each of the people who'd just woken up. During their short exchange, she'd picked up a sharp piece of wood and she

now took small, light steps towards them "Who are you?" She asked suddenly, her gaze furious. "Why are you here?" She raised the

wood behind her head, shifting her stance to opressive.
Garth put his hands up, "calm down, I'm Garth and I don't even know where here is."

Mari's eyes widened again, somehow that was possible.

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Xera quickly drew her sword "Don't go around thinking I'm the enemy... unless you want me to be" Lysandre grabbed Xera's shoulder "Calm down I'm sure she's just scared"
Sakura frowned- he seamed kind of at ease here, so she'd assumed he came here often. "Then... I guess we'll have to figure out how to get home!" She dropped the stick, looking around her properly for once. There were mountains to her left, so there would presumably be water and animals. If she didn't know how she got here, she'd just have to adapt as quickly as possible. Sakura looked back at Garth, pointing to the mountains, "We should go up there and get a better view of this place before we decide what to do." She glanced at the sleeping people, certain they would get back before they awoke.
Gyrian took her hand. "Have I seen you before?" He asked Xera. 
Gyrian looked at Sukara "Look, I can't walk unless someone helps me. I don't know how my leg got hurt."
Xera was forced to turn around seeing indeed familiar eyes... and that's when she remembered how she... well he fell. Xero was in the same bar as Gyrian and he had fallen when he had picked a fight with some drunken punk that ended up tripping him and he woke up here as Xera. The thing about this was these weren't her memories they were his... Xero was almost like an alter ego of hers and an annoying one. She didn't want him to know about him though... he was the part about herself she hated she can't control what Xero does and who knew what embarrassing things he had done that night... "N-No... I don't remember you" she lied awkwardly, well half lied she didn't remember anything past that night. 
She offered him her hand. "Get up soldier" really?, did I just call him soldier? she thought it must be a habit of hers, whoever she really was... 
She offered him her hand. "Get up soldier" really?, did I just call him soldier? she thought it must be a habit of hers, whoever she really was...
Gyrian pulls himself up with her hand. "If that girl wants to go to that mountain, someone will have to help me." He said looking at the group.
Garth didn't know if he wanted to go home but he figured it would be better to go with someone who could handle herself. "Sure, lets go up the mountain."

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Garth looked over at that guys leg, "I don't know if you should travel that far with that but..." Garth pulled some of the bandages off of his arm, picked up a blue stick and set his leg.

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"I'm Garth, and I'm use to dealing with injuries so its no problem..."

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Gyrian looks at the makeshift cast and tries to walk on it. To his amazement it works. Although, he can't bend his knee far, it still works.
"So the mountain..." Garth said looking at Sakura, "sounds good."

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Elody groaned in pain rubbing her sore temple as she sat up. "What about a mountain? Who are you...." She trailed off as she saw the blue tree. "Oh great, I've either been drugged or I'm dreaming." "Must be drugged, this hurts too much to be a dream." She muttered standing unsteadily onto her feet.

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