Wonderland [Inactive]

Garth looked at her and sighed how many times would he introduce himself, "Im Garth and I wish it could be that simple but drugs are much different than this and I've never heard about this many people having the same hallucination..."

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Elody shrugged "Maybe it's a freak science experiment and we're all the gerbils." Now she was just making stuff up to distract herself from whatever La La Land she had fallen into.

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Mari spoke up," I highly doubt that would be so. Unless I was kidnapped off a public street."

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Elody shrugged. "No one would care I mean it's America.... But hey, it was worth a shot."

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"Trust me when I say some people care a little too much in America..." Mari frowned, this place was too colorful... And far too bright.

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Elody scoffed. "I beg to differ, but what's this talk of a mountain? Oh, and For Your Information my name is Elody."

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"I'm Mari," she was always seen too clearly by people, especially by parents... Who thought she was some young preteen... Especially when she had a boyfriend, who actually looked 18. "We'll a few of them were talking about going to the top of that mountain" she pointed at it

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Elody looked at the mountain is displeasure. "Oh what fun. Let's all mosey up a mountain after probably getting a concussion." She drawled out in her usual snarky and sarcastic tone when she was upset. Her whole body felt hot and uncomfortable.

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"Ah, concussions aren't that big a deal..." Mari shrugged, "I mean I fall all the time and get them and I'm perfectly normal."

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Elody rolled her eyes. "Like that makes me feel any better..."

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Mari huffed, "just because we are in a child's coloring book and I like the color black doesn't mean I'm any less normal than the rest of you.

Garth frowned, "it doesn't look like you have a concussion..."

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Alex shot straight up, and immediately groaned, clutching her forhead. Her hands grew warm and sticky as the large gash in her head throbbed painfully. She looked sideways, and noticed a girl, a few years older than her.

Her eyes grew wide as she saw the condition the girl was in. Both eyes were black and continuing to swell. Blood streaked down her face from her nose, and bruises covered her whole body. Her ankle was twisted awkwardly and it looked like a finger was broken. Her clothes were bloody and torn, but the thing that caught Alex's attention the most was the ring on her hand... She was engaged!

It wasn't like Alex wasn't used to seeing people being beaten up all the time, but... This was a little different.

Alex ripped off her black jacket and tore a long strip off of the bottom. She quickly wrapped it around her own head, flinching.

Suddenly, it occurred to her. "... Where am I?" She wondered out loud.

She turned around and noticed a group of kids a little while away. Her temper sparked, just seeing these people chat with each other. There was a girl who was seriously beaten up over here , and they were talking?!?!

she yelled "hey! Come help me over here!" She angrily wiped her face as blood trickled down her forehead. The piece of jacket wasn't going to last long, that was for sure.

She bent over to lift the girl by the arms, but fell to the ground as a wave of dizzyness hit her, and her eyes grew suddenly tired. She slowly got up and tried again, all the while waiting for those kids.
Mari and Garth turned at the yell

Garth sighed, and walked over. How many injuries were they going to get. They needed to get up the mountain and around more people. Better get this over with.

He reached into his jacket and pulled out a roll of bandages and some tape. He pulled a length of bandage off and ripped it with his teeth. He handed it to Alex, "This should work better than your jacket."

He looked down at the other girl

"Can someone see if there is a water source somewhere nearby it looks like we are gonna have to get this girl cleaned up... And I'm gonna have to set her leg... that's gonna hurt so I should do it while she is still passed out..." He muttered to himself, "Can someone get me some more sticks? Two of them about this length and make sure they are sturdy." He showed them with his hands.

It was a good thing Garth kept this roll of bandages there... the bandages and tape were the only things the hospital let him keep because of his arm... it kept Garth happy and he would rather keep it covered up.

Mari ran to look for sticks under the trees.
Alex wrapped the bandage around her head, and nodded to Garth. "Thanks." She turned back to look worriedly at the girl.
Mari came running back with two sticks, "Are these alright...?"

Garth looked up from his mutterings, "yeah those are fine..." And took the sticks from her.

He looked at the awkward angle of the leg and knew it was going to be more complicated than the other guy's leg...

He looked at Mari and was about to say something... but thought better of it and looked at Alex, "Can you hold her down just in-case she wakes up? This is gonna be painful."

Mari glared at Garth, "I can do it!"
Narrowing her eyes, Alex pinned her down as she had done so many times on the ship. She nodded.
Mari crossed her arms and went back to the rest of the group.

Garth hoped he wouldn't make it worse... Bones are always difficult... Grabbing hold of her leg he twisted and popped the ankle back into place.
The girl didn't wake up, but moaned and tossed her head. Alex looked at her and sat up. "Did you do it?"
"Yeah and it's not as bad as I thought... I think she just popped the socket. But I should still splint it just in case... I'm not very good with bones."

He took the sticks and some more bandages and did another makeshift cast. Then he moved over to her finger and just righted it it and taped it to the one next to it. He moved from one injury to the next systematically, muttering here and there about how he is gonna have to redo them when he gets a chance to clean them better but for now this would do.
Alex watched nervously with the girl's head in her lap. She tightened the bandage around her head, and watched Garth for a while. Then she looked up at Mari.

"I'm Alex. Who are you guys?"
Mari looked at Alex then Garth and thought for a second, then she said, "I'm Mari and this is Garth" pointing to the her then him in turn.

Garth gave her a look that said something along the lines of I can do it myself and I don't know you well enough to be introduced together.

"You're the one who said you were sick of introducing yourself." Mari retorted back.

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Alex smirked at their bickering and looked back down at the girl.

The girl's eyes suddenly opened.

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