Wonderland [Inactive]

The girl flinched when Xera spoke and slowly sat up, muttering a thanks to Alex. "I-i-I'm not sure.." She looked really freaked out and hurt.
Elody waved slightly. "Hello I'm Elody."

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Alex smiled brightly. "Hello there! I'm Alex and this is... Um... I don't know your name!" She smiled even wider. Then suddenly, as an afterthought, she asked "what's your name?"

"Um.. I'm Daren." She tried to stand up, but cried out as her leg collapsed underneath her.
Garth frowned and muttered, "I just fixed that... Miss Daren you are seriously injured and should not be moving around much."

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Elody smiled cynically at the question. "Ain't that what we're all wondering.... How about to say us some time -instead answering the same question over and over- we call it Wonderland?"

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Elody shrugged ruffling her hair. "Well if it's so unoriginal and stupid how about you name it Alex." Elody hissed the name as if it was poisoned. She hated being ridiculed and treated like a child so Alex had instantly made her way onto Elody's bad side.

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"I still like child's coloring book," Mari interjected, "but that might be to long..."

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Elody ignored both of the girls sighing loudly. Her ears were buzzing now. The buzzing filled her head as her body got stuffier and hotter.

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(It was meant to say why don't you name it Alex)

Elody growled in irritation sitting down on the grass as she stared at a blue tree.

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Alex sighs and turns to Daren. "So, why are you so hurt? We spent a good 30 minutes patching you up. Or more specifically, Garth did."

Daren thought about it for a moment. "Uhhh... I think a girl got really jealous and beat me up in a random alley." She smiled at Garth flirtatiously. "Thanks, Garth."
Elody held back an eye roll. Was she seriously not going to find one decent human being in this group. She put a hand on the bark of the tree but instantly pulled back as a black charred print appeared where her hand had just been.

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Garth scratched his head and said awkwardly," Uh, sure... no problem." What was up with that girl? She was seriously injured and smiling. He really needed to work on his people skills.
Alex suddenly realized that she had interrupted the kids when she yelled for help. "what were you guys Talking about before i woke up?"

She stood up and winced when her head throbbed.
Elody stood up quickly and backed away from the tree with the black handmark. "Well dear Alex," She replied calming down. "We were discussing going up that mountain." Elody pointed to the mountain in the distance.

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Alex nodded. It made sense.

She looked back at Daren, furrowing her eyebrows.

Daren glared up at her. "Yes, I am going." She started to attempt to stand up.
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