Wonder City(A Custom Zombie Survival Game by Wizard and Cap)

The Dark Wizard

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Wonder City

By: The Dark Wizard & Captain Hesperus

“Welcome to Wonder City, the dream of the Future!

This city is a marvel of beyond-the-bleeding-edge technology, every aspect of the city’s functions is controlled by an advanced modular AI known as The Director with distinct artificial personalities to cater to all aspects of the citizens' lives, from sanitation and transportation through scientific advances and civic excellence. Why, even the police force is AI-controlled!

Many companies have moved offices, manufacturing and research facilities into the great dome of Wonder City, bringing with them staff and their families to bask in the warm glow of the artificial (and entirely safe!) sunlight provided by the city. Since the individual AIs have no bias and no need for incentives, they are often employed by the various companies within Wonder City to assist in the company’s corporate activities, safe in the knowledge that the AIs will not misuse the information they are exposed to, due to the protective Morality Matrix provided by their constant contact with the Hub 2.0 integrated Artificial Intelligence Central Processor.

The designers of Wonder City have the strong belief that it will become the model for future city planning and already have plans to create more such cities across the globe.

So don’t delay, apply today!”

  • The year is 2210. 3 weeks ago, DEFENSE Director declared a state of emergency and imposed Martial Law on everyone in Wonder City. You were ordered to return to your homes and you were ordered to stay there until further notice, and you were told to stay calm and keep yourselves cheerful. CIVIC Director began running back-to-back classic movies on TV and informed you that if you were short of food, Wonder City would deliver free supplies to last through the state of emergency. Then suddenly, there was an explosion. A fire could be seen burning at Wonder Tower, where the A.I Hub was located, and the movies stopped. The updates about the state of emergency stopped. The food deliveries stopped. Everything stopped.

    Then the screaming started.

    Throughout the city, people started to become aggressive, fighting each other, killing each other. Except those who were killed didn’t stay killed. They got back up. They healed and they killed others. Soon the streets were filled with the dead, all of them seeking fresh meat to eat. As survivors, you were somehow immune to the effects of whatever has consumed the people of Wonder City. For the past three weeks, you have fought a daily battle for survival against the wandering mobs of zombies. You have found weapon caches, perhaps others had survived and built up these supplies, perhaps DEFENSE Director had put them in place as a last resort? You didn’t know and you didn’t care. All that concerned you was staying alive. Then you found the others. Fellow survivors, you banded together out of a shared desire to escape the madness. Escape the zombies.

If you have any questions or concerns or wish to join please post below.
[QUOTE="Cabin Girl Frixz]Civvie! I can bring back my old character!!

Can you link to your old character?
[QUOTE="Cabin Girl Frixz]Not right now but I'll search the old forums.

I already found it and looked it over with Captain. We would like you to submit a different character, one who is not an isolationist. More geared toward group play.
Now I just got to find my old Military character that I did the last time I was played this Rp.
Tempted to go with a survivor.

All these nights of Left 4 Dead and Dead Island are finally going to pay off.
WlfSamurai said:
How many players do you guys want to take this live?
I have been dealing with a few health concerns for the past two weeks, so I have been really distracted.

@Captain Hesperus and I will let you all know soon enough how many we want to start with.
WlfSamurai said:
I am so there. Military, please!
[QUOTE="Inquisitor Muhaha]Count me in. Military!

[QUOTE="Unlucky Fellow]This looks amazing. Civilian :)

[QUOTE="Cabin Girl Frixz]Civvie! I can bring back my old character!!

[QUOTE="Aquilla Wolfe]well, civ for me, sounds fun

VonRidel said:
Sounds interesting. I'll go with military.
Freeman said:
Now I just got to find my old Military character that I did the last time I was played this Rp.
Midboss said:
Tempted to go with a survivor.
All these nights of Left 4 Dead and Dead Island are finally going to pay off.
Hey Guys, Wlf's question did make @Captain Hesperus and I consider how many players we have and we full that we don't have what we want and even if we did, people are too distracted due to school and the such since that started up, and this time of game requires people to stay committed and does not allow for easy entering/leaving with out damaging it. We figured it would be best to leave this until winter or next summer because we still want to do(its one of my favorite stories we have created so far).

However we have something better suited to the current season that allows for any number of people/leaving/entering. It uses the same Wonder City system if not improved.

The short summery is(I don't feel that it does it justice)

That early in Humanity's history when humans were first getting started/settled and the first societies came about, the earth started for the lack of a word right now began failing, Flying aimlessly through space, empty a ship came across earth and the various A.Is and the such that maintained/operated it, appearing like gods to the simple humans offered them passage to a new home in exchange their promise to learn from them so they can help upkeep the ship.

The game is about the fact that humanity has been living in a simulation for generations, picking up from where earth left off, continuing regularly with the history that we know(This setup allows us to change things and alter a few details, for example as a quick idea, through out history, witches and witch hunts were just people or other digital constructs made to look like people who think they are people, which discovered they had the ability to alter the envirnment).

The concept of the game is that after so long, you are disconnected much to the dismay of various systems and other things that would keep you there from the simulation and learn that your entire life has been a lie, awaking up in a futuristic ship where at first everything seems like scientific horror. Slowly adapting you will learn that to combat the fact that you left, to draw you back in the simulation has captured and trapped someone closet to you in their own hell, forcing you to always return(since you can leave and explore the giant ship, etc)to the simulation putting you in danger. So every character submitted will have to create in their bio some one so important to them that it would mean always reentering the simulation in the hopes of saving them).

Thats just a small crappy summary of the entire thing, essentially, Matrix + Wonder City + Shadowrun + A few other other things. The simulation's different zones can range from anything, some times you might have superpowers, sometimes you might not, etc.

Let me know what you all think and if you'd like a reserved slot. I promise the actual thread will be much better then the summary I just gave you.
I figured I'd go ahead and express my interest. Me and Wizard were talking and he said he'd consider a more in-depth survival aspect, which is what I want and I'll be PMing him my own system once I'm able.
[QUOTE="Aquilla Wolfe]such as hunger, thirst, psychological condition, etc?

Yeah. I've got a system of my own and we were gonna compare contrast as soon as possible to see if we could benefit each other.

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