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Fantasy Wolves Among Us (Accepting)

Seros stuck his hands out to his sides and looked himself over as Amber complemented his apparel. "Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself" he said with a few small nods. Another resident of the house, Alec, asked what business casual was. "Business casual is when you dress up fancy, but a little more laid back. It speaks for itself actually. Dress like a casual business man" he answered. The next question asked was one Seros was expecting. Amber asked when they were leaving. He looked at Amber and Mac before answering. "Whenever you're ready" he said.

LinkyGirl LinkyGirl FireMaiden FireMaiden BurlapSack BurlapSack
Mac claps is his hands together and looks at Amber and Seros. "Well, I'm ready and I'll get a head start before you two." Smiling he turns a heads straight for the front door. Once outside he shifts into into wolf form. He stretches quickly before sprinting off towards the edge of the woods. FireMaiden FireMaiden Raku Raku
She smiled, the tips of her ears turning a soft pink before she answered him, "Thank you Seros," She said. Up until thinking she had ignored Alec, only looking at him.after Seros had addressed him, but quickly turned her attention back to the other male. "Twenty bucks says I can beat you to the road," She tild him, turning for the door before he could respond, shifting once she was outside running after Mac. LinkyGirl LinkyGirl Raku Raku

Seros rolled his head as Mac went, followed by Amber. Seems like they're ready. She bet twenty dollars that she'd beat him. She looked like she could put up a good race, but Seros was pretty fast and the fact that he was so slim helped that. Either way she'd have her race. Giving a wave to Alec as Seros went out the door. He could see that they were already at the tree line. "Alright. Let's race" he sighed before diving of the porch and shifting mid-air. He then started to run after the other two.

LinkyGirl LinkyGirl FireMaiden FireMaiden BurlapSack BurlapSack
When Mac spotted Amber, he waited a few moments be for turning around towards the forest and started off. He swerved around and leaped over trees that were in his way. Closing his eyes only for a moment, enjoying the morning that he was running in. Sniffing the air, he catches the scent of asphalt and slows down to a stop, a few yards away from the road. Checking the area quickly, Mac shifts back to human form and waits for the other two. Raku Raku FireMaiden FireMaiden
Sam bowed her head to the offer, in thanks.

She followed the girls, just behind them, focusing on the woods around them. She didnt want to risk the chance of humans sneaking up on them.

She hoped she could wash in the lake tonight, her black fur dirty from laying on the ground.
Amber was close behind Mac, not waiting for Seros to even start. She knew how fast he was, and if she wanted to keep her twenty bucks, she was gonna have to book it. But she was pretty fast herself. Jumping over fallen trees and various holes, Amber made it to the road a little bit behind Mac, shifting at the treeline. "Hello again Mac." LinkyGirl LinkyGirl Raku Raku
(Sorry for taking so long, found Maylea's bit hard to write as I'm not really used to writing wolves and wasn't sure where to draw the line of wolf/human. As far as I could tell there was no-one else in the cabin,)
Maylea Lup
Maylea paused, unsure if she should go find the wolf alone or get someone to help her. May knew if it came down to a fight she would probably loose if she was alone but she was sick of being babysat. Ultimately her stubborn streak won out and she decided to search around the house.

She let out a low whine as she lost the scent cursing her bad luck.
Rolling her eyes and growling softly to herself she sat back down on the ground, a small movement in the corner of her eye caught her attention; the tip of a tail was poking out from the bush. She hesitated for a second, unsure of what exactly to do, she could either be friendly and hope that this wasn't some psycho wolf who would kill an 'innocent' cub or go on the offensive and hope that that didn't start a fight.

She decided on the first option as she really didn't feel like getting mauled because she picked a fight with a wolf that was bigger than her (Plus she could practically hear her brother lecturing her for being a smartass or an idiot). She lowered her height slightly and bent her ears back, making herself seem slightly smaller, she let out a small chirp.
"Hello?" May really wished that she had met more wolves, unsure if there were any rules or things she needed to do. Frowning she realized the wolf was hiding, "I won't hurt you...not that I could anyways...this is a safe place..for wolves.....humans not so much...you can come out? If you want? If you don't want to that's alright...totally alright..but
there's food in the cabin provided you don't maul any of us."
Maylea cut herself off with a soft growl and looked at the bush, trying to see the wolf inside of it. She had to admit it was a pretty good hiding place considering she had probably passed it a couple of times.

Galaxy Bear Galaxy Bear

Matei Lup
Matei sighed and grabbed a piece of bacon, once again the humans had outdone them, meat tasted much better cooked compared to raw and straight off of whatever dead animal he had killed for it. He was slightly bored, his sister was out doing god knows what and most of the wolves were out finding more wolves, meaning he was alone in the cabin. It was strange, at first it had been claustrophobic being inside the cabin but now he was more at ease, it felt like a den. He had his own space and in a way he now had a pack, something he hadn't had since his pack had been taken from him. He felt a wave of anger pass through him and let let out a growl, he still remembered when he lost them.

He shook his head and clenched his fists, he took a couple of deep breaths and absently drummed his fingers against the counter, hoping the others would return soon.
Sam followed as the wolves made their way slowly towards the cabin. Her ears laid flat as she could smell alot of new wolves.

Maybe there were a few living at the cabin, this was a record for the most wolves Sam had ever met
Malin(Jason): When he hears someone talking, he had to look through the bush to see who they were talking to. It took him a moment to realize that they were talking to him. He hesitates, not sure if he should believe the small voice, but then notices that the one talking was only a pup. He takes a deep breath, trying to relax some since he wasn't being harmed. And she did mention food. Slowly, his tail started to grow longer out of the bush as he has to back out of it. Normally he would have been aggressive and try to attack whoever came too close to him. But he still had a heart and couldn't harm an innocent pup. He shakes his fur from the leaves and whatever else clung to his pelt. She seemed almost as hesitant as he was, perhaps she was more scared of him than he was scared of this place and her. "I'm not going to maul anyone," he grunts, he wouldn't really attacked unless provoked. Though his guard wasn't down, perhaps he could use this place for food at least. He was still hungry after all. "I could go for some food," he mutters, not looking at the strange wolf. He waits for her response and sits down, ready to fight if need be though.

Antisocial Antisocial (No worries, I think it's fine)

Seros was gaining on the other two gradually. He could tell Amber wanted that twenty. She probably wouldn't have gotten it if it wasn't for that head start. After leaping of trees, ditches, and obstacles in general, he was right on Amber's tail. She was lucky that the road was closer or she would have lost. As she and Mac stopped, Seros zoomed past for a few more feet before jumping and shifting in mid air, stopping himself by planting his feet into a tree and jumping back to the ground. Reaching into his pocket, he grabbed a twenty out of his wallet. "I'm a man of my word, so here you go" he said handing Amber the bill with a grin. Turning back towards the road he put his hand up and extended his index, pointing upwards. "But next time, you won't be getting a head start" he said, finishing off with a two-pronged chuckle.

FireMaiden FireMaiden LinkyGirl LinkyGirl
Adaria shuttered and slowly nodded, her weight gradually burdening Echo. She sucked in a shallow breath of air as she walked with them, knowing she would make it only so far before just losing consciousness. Adaria had lost too much blood to be simply "okay" at this point. "Does this mean I have to join your group since you're taking me to the medic? And since I know where the house is...?" She asked, concerned because she wasn't exactly suited for staying put for too long. Adaria liked to roam at night and she didn't like to adhere to a specific set of rules. The pain in her knee was slowly becoming unbearable as she attempted to keep up with the wolves around her, as well as the strange, yet oddly kind, girl escorting her.
LinkyGirl LinkyGirl
Amber chuckled, taking the money, before pulling her wallet out of her pocket. She slipped it in with the other cash she had brought, before she looked back at him with a smug smirk. "Oh, so there's going to be a next time?" She cooed, loosely crossing her arms. LinkyGirl LinkyGirl Raku Raku
Echo shakes her head at the gals remark, "you don't have stay at the house. Though I do recommend that you stay long enough to heal properly." She gives her another smiles before saying, "by the way, what is your name. Mines Echo and the other gals name is Sam. I know her just as well as I know you." Miss Mack Miss Mack Sjhall2011 Sjhall2011

"Well there is the trip back once we're done in town." Mac chuckled a little at Seros defeat. He turned and looked at to road then at his watch. "If I remember correctly, a bus should be coming this way soon." FireMaiden FireMaiden Raku Raku

Seros pointed to Mac as he commented. "Ding, ding, ding. He's got it" he said as he walked closer to the road. He was wondering what the bus driver's reaction would be to see a group of people in such nice clothing out here in the woods. "Did you guys ever think it'd look a little strange to people on the bus as three people in fancy clothing we're at a bus stop out here?" he asked, turning around to face them.

LinkyGirl LinkyGirl FireMaiden FireMaiden
Amber looked down the road as Mac said something about it coming soon, then the other way just in case, before looking at Seros to answer him. "No, not really. Lots of people have hunting cabins up here, and there's a camp ground a few miles west of here, so they must be a little use to it. Right?" LinkyGirl LinkyGirl Raku Raku
"Well what ever they think, they can stop us from getting onto the bus since we at least have money and clothes on our backs." Mac talks as he makes his way towards the road. Looking down the road he sees a dark object. "Well, here comes something." FireMaiden FireMaiden Raku Raku

Seros nodded to Amber and Mac as they answered. "Yeah, I suppose so" he said. He too looked up and down the road with them. Nothing in site at first, but then something caught Mac's eyes. Seros saw it to. It was dark, quite possibly the bus. "Oh, didn't have to wait long did we" he said as he crossed his arms.

LinkyGirl LinkyGirl FireMaiden FireMaiden
Amber took a step back from the road, "It could be anything that looks like a bus. Like a truck, a big one." Either way, they would get into town so it really didn't matter what it was. If it wasn't the bus, they would just have to wait a little longer, no biggy. "Sometimes, I wish we had super sight, then we could see what it was." LinkyGirl LinkyGirl Raku Raku
She opened her mouth and then said, "My human name is Adaria, but my wolf name is Lux, pronounced Loo but spelled L-U-X. But not like the bathroom..." se let out a nervous laugh and slowly followed along, biting her lip. "How long has this... safe house, I guess, been here?" Adaria asked. She was surprised that she hadn't heard of this place before. Which she guessed was good because the humans surely couldn't find it either. Adaria's nose had barley picked up the other wolves until they were almost on top of her, which was crazy for any wolf nose. She rubbed one of her eyes, some dry blood coming off onto her hands.
LinkyGirl LinkyGirl
Echo smiles, "that's a nice name." She makes sure that she stays at the same pace at Lux before anwsering her question. "Its been about a year and a half since the house has been up and running. Of course it's a little hard hard to get the word out about without humans finding out." They finally make out of the woods and in view of the house. "Well there it is." Miss Mack Miss Mack Sjhall2011 Sjhall2011

Mac waits until he was sure that it was a bus before waving it down. "Well then it would make are species to superior then." He says at Amber's remark. FireMaiden FireMaiden Raku Raku

Gideon Crowne

Seros looked at Amber as she commented about their eyesight. "I know right. At least we got better hearing and sense of smell" he said as he turned back to the object. As it got closer they could tell it was the bus and Mac waved it down. Before Seros moved to climb aboard the bus he looked back at Mac and Amber. "True that" he responded to Mac's comment softly before boarding the bus.

Maverick Forrester

Sagitta had rode the bus after a successful hunt in the woods a few miles back on it's route. It was a smaller deer, but plenty to fill up him up for now. As the bus went down the rode something caught his eye. There was a group of people up ahead. He couldn't make out any details from a distance, but as the bus got closer he could see two men, one neatly dressed and the other looking more fitting for their current place, and a woman who was also nicely dressed. Something else grabbed at his attention as well, their scent. As one of the men got on the bus he could tell they were wolves too. Sagitta leaned out from his seat in the back to look at them. He was right, they were wolves, the scent doesn't lie.

LinkyGirl LinkyGirl FireMaiden FireMaiden
Mac smiles at Seros for his comment to him. As they board the bus and sit down, he had noticed a young man towards the back of the bus eyeing them almost the whole time. Tapping Seros on the, he leans over and whispers, "have you noticed the scent of wolf other than ours?" He then carefully points towards the back of the bus with his head. He had also grab Amber's attention at the same time. FireMaiden FireMaiden Raku Raku
Amber said nothing as they climbed onto the bus, only peeking up once Mac mentioned the new scent. Her eyes scanned the people riding, until she saw the kid. "He looks to young to be by himself," She whispered to the two sitting near her. LinkyGirl LinkyGirl Raku Raku

Gideon Crowne

Seros sat down across the isle from Mac. He did smell smell another wolf on the bus, but he thought it was just the bus. As Mac tapped him on the shoulder and mentioned the scent of another wolf his suspicions were assured. "Yeah, I did" he answered Mac. Amber further added to the conversation about the wolf in the back by saying he seemed too young to be alone. "Think he's another wolf?" he asked them softly. This question already seemed answered, but he felt like asking.

Maverick Forrester

Sagitta knew he was spotted when they started talking and giving slight nods in his direction. The woman had looked right at him before leaning back in to talk with the other two men. Sagitta moved back closer to the window and looked out the window. He was nervous. What if they were territorial? What were they going to do? He flipped his hood up and waited.

LinkyGirl LinkyGirl FireMaiden FireMaiden

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