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Fantasy Wolves Among Us (Accepting)


Lycanroc Lover

  • Hello my name is Mac and welcome to my Safe House for all wolves of all ages, seeking a new life among humans or just want to live in a safe environment way from humans. Which ever option you choose, you are welcome to use the kitchen or one of the rooms to take a long nap and or hot shower. I can help you get a job or a home in the human city, just ask and ill help. You also have my word that no human will bother you here.

Usual morning for Seros. He almost always slept in wolf form because he found it more comfortable. He got home later than what he wanted last night. The night shift sucked sometimes, but it was good pay. He felt awkward sometimes walking in around midnight or later while everyone else is sleeping. Anyways, he woke up and yawned, stretching out on his bed. He looked at the time on the clock. 8:25 AM. Seros shifted into his human form as he got out of bed. He cracked his neck before turning towards his dresser. Putting on his usual, a black vest over a white dress shirt and black dress pants. This kind of outfit also served as his uniform at work.

After getting dressed, he exited his room and climbed the stairs to the upper floor. It was where the kitchen, dining room, and living room was located. Seros always thought the layout of the house was a little strange. He sat down on the couch in the living room and looked up at the ceiling. He still had a slight headache from last night's work. "Ugh. Why do humans have to be so loud?" he sighed.
Sam finished work not long after the sun had rose, the long night shift was less than ideal but it meant have the day free to do whatever she wanted. She hated serving people but had learned that there were something's she would have to do in order to survive in this world.

She checked her phone and saw a message from Jess, her only contact and the only other wolf she knew.

'Hey, why don't you give the place I told you about a go. Maybe someone there can teach you about manners and then people will actually like you? Just a thought, love yah ;) x'

Sam hated the idea of going to the safe house, she hated depending on people and people knowing she needed help. But Jess was right, she couldn't keep living on the streets and just getting by, she needed to find somewhere and get back on her feet.

After a two bus rides, Sam was finally at the huge woods where the safe house was supposed to be. She followed the drawn map Jess had given her and came to a two story house, near a beautiful lake. It was like nothing she had ever seen before. But was this the right place? It smelt like wolf and she felt like someone was watching her but she could be wrong. Doubting herself, Sam sat down and tried to think of what to say. She couldn't just knock on the door and ask if she can live there, she was too awkward for that. Feeling defeated, Sam turned and started to walk away from the house.
Mac scribbled some things down a piece of paper, before letting out a sigh and laying the pen down to rest. Leaning back in the chair, he look over at the window and sees that the sun is peeking out over the horizon. "Another all nighter." He mumbles to himself. Standing up he quickly puts papers away in there correct folders and places them all in the filing cabinet. He freshness up in his room before heading to the living room and kitchen. Once there he begins to make a pot of coffee, trying not to doze off while waiting.

Echo was already up and ready for the day before Mac made it to the kitchen. She was now in the processe of waking up Fern. "Come on sweetie, you can't sleep forever." A mumble coming from underneath the blankets said, "maybe I can if I try." Echo smirks and yanks the blanket off of Fern. "Hey!", Fern exclaims as she sits up and has a mad look on her face. "If you want this, you'll have to come and get it." Echo says in a playful tone, holding up the blanket. Fern jumps off the bed and shifts into her wolf form before landing on the floor, growling slightly she goes after Echo. Smiling, Echo opens the door, runs out of the room and down the hallway with the blanket flowing behind her and Fern chasing after her.
As everyone rose to get ready, still curled up in the many blankets if her currently not shared room, was Amber. For someone who had to take up early most mornings, she definitely wasn't a morning person. But seeing as how she wasn't sure which day of the week it was, She managed to pull herself up regardless. Tugging the tank top she had on down, she peeled off tje pants she hadnto wear for her waitressing job. By the time she got Val last night, she was to tired to pull them off and fel.into bed with them on. Sleepily searching, She found a pair of gym shorts and slopped them on before heading upstairs to the kitchen. "Morning Mac," She mumbled, yawning as she ran a hand through her hair, "What day of the week is is?" LinkyGirl LinkyGirl
Mac grabbed a two mugs and poured the fresh made coffee into one of the mugs. "It Saturday." He says first to Amber and then looks at her, "would you like a cup?"
FireMaiden FireMaiden
And there it was, like a sound from the heavens. Saturday. It's shall forever be her favorite day of the week, her one day off. She could almost hug Mac, but that would be a little weird, so she stuck with a smile. "I'd love one," She said, "You stay up all night?" LinkyGirl LinkyGirl
Mac pours the coffee into the other mug and hands it to Amber. "Yup. I wasn't planning on it but i kept working, paper after paper." He Takes a sip of his coffee, then says, "but at least I won't have to work on it later." Mac smirks and takes another sip. FireMaiden FireMaiden

Echo threw the blanket back at Fern and stopped running. "Well... now that you're out of bed, go get dressed and go see if anyone is making breakfast." Echo says as she turns around heads up the stairs and out the front door to get some fresh air. Inhaling deeply a couple of times, she notices a that someone new had been here, but didn't enter the house. she decides to check it out since the scent was still fresh. Sjhall2011 Sjhall2011

Fern heads back to the room that her and Echo share. After putting the blanket back on her bed she grabs a set of clean clothes and gets ready for the day. when she finished, she headed upstairs.
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Amber would take the coffee, but sit it down as she got her creamer out of the fridge. She didn't like powdered creamer for some unknown reason, but peppermint tasted better than...cream? She wasn't sure what normal flavor you would call normal creamer. After she mixed it together, She took a sip and sighed. It was good coffee. "Heh, you have a point." Amber would then pause, before asking a question that would come up frequently. "Is that two bedroom still my only option right now?" She asked. Sure, She liked living her in the Cabin, and she was totally gonna visit, but she entered her own space you know? She couldn't afford a two bedroom and was hoping for a loft or other one bedroom option. But she may just have to suck it up and get a roommate. LinkyGirl LinkyGirl
Mac sets his coffee down and thinks for a moment before saying, "well I could take the bed, your not using, off so there's only one bed in there until you get a roommate." He walks over to the fridge and takes out a few eggs and a package of bacon. place in them on the counter he goes over to a cabinet and grabs a couple frying pans. FireMaiden FireMaiden
After walking around the woods for a While, Sam found a large rock to sit on, from here she could just see the lake in front of the house.

"What are you so afraid of?" she whispered to herself. Sighing she went to sit down, thats when she heard a twig snap. Someone was close by, Sam crouched into a defensive position, unsure of what could happen. She might be small but she is a good fighter and isn't afraid to defend herself.

"This just isnt my day" she thought
"Well, yeah, you could. But I would be living off tips and minimum wage. It's not the size that's the matter, it's the fact I can't comfortably afford it," Amber said with a sigh. LinkyGirl LinkyGirl
Echo stopped moving after the twig snapped "I'm hoping that won't get me killed" she thought to herself, slowly advancing forward. After a little bit she calmed down and raised her hand ls up as if someone had a gun pointing at her. "Hello? I know someone's out here. I promise I won't hurt you." Echo looks around. Sjhall2011 Sjhall2011

"Amber don't worry about the money. I told you, when you first came here that the money you make, you keep. I'm making enough to keep this place going." Mac had been scrambling the as he spoke to Amber. He placed a few strips of bacon in one pan and poured the eggs into the other. FireMaiden FireMaiden
"I know that Mac, I meant for the apartment. That's the reason I want a one bedroom or a loft. Unless I cn find a roommate willing to live with me so we could split the rent," Amber explain, hopping up on the counter to sit. LinkyGirl LinkyGirl
"Hello? I know someone's out here. I promise I won't hurt you."

Sam wasn't expecting that, she sniffed the air, it was definitely a wolf. Slowly she walked forward to see who the stranger was. She walked around a tree and saw a beautiful, blonde girl with her hands up.

"Dont worry, I won't shoot" San joked hoping that she would get a friendly reply. "I might bite though, so I wouldn't get too close" she added with a wink and a smirk.
Mac grabs three plates and puts the same amount of eggs and bacon on each plate. Handing Amber a plate and fork, he says, "Well I bet what ever you choose, I bet it will work out" he pats her on the shoulder and grabs a fork for himself. FireMaiden FireMaiden

Echo smiles when she realizes that this wolf isn't to dangerous. Lowering her hands she says, "my name is Echo and I live at that house back there. What's your name." Sjhall2011 Sjhall2011
"Sam, my names Sam. You live in that big house on your own?" She replied, raising one eyebrow and tilting her head slightly.

That was a trait she couldn't get rid of, no matter what form she was in, if she was confused her head would tilt. Often co workers mentioned it, joking that Sam was secretly a dog. She laughed along but it annoyed her that she couldn't fully pass as human
Echo shakes her head. "No, it's a safe house that a man named Mac runs. Its a place for wolves to stay and you don't have to pay anything." Echo smiles a little when she sees Sam tilt her head. Sjhall2011 Sjhall2011

Well, everyone seemed awake. It wasn't really helping Seros' situation. He let his head rest in his hands as he let the headache wash over. It was one of the worst ones he's had, but there have been some much more painful than this. He heard from Mac that it was Saturday. Ahh Saturday, the best day of the week in Seros' opinion. It was the one day he didn't have to deal with work. Mac also seemed to be getting some coffee around, so Seros was going to get up soon enough.

After a few moments of listening to Mac and Amber converse, Seros decided it was time to get up. Placing his hands on the back of the couch, he flipped his body up and over the couch by pushing with his legs. Turning around to face the two, he put on a smile. "Morning Mac, Amber" he said as he grabbed a cup and poured himself some coffee.

LinkyGirl LinkyGirl FireMaiden FireMaiden
Lux* ran through the woods, her eyes wide as the scent of humans was still close on her trail. She was panicking, fear was gripping her like never before. She didn't want to die in the hands of humans, they were too curious about her and they didn't even know she had only shown them half of her form. A strong smell of dog gently wafted into her nose and she took a risk, following it. it veered her a sharp left and across a small stream, through more woods and across hills. This was when her wolf gave out and collapsed on the brink of death.

Adaria lifted her head, her auburn hair drifting around her bare back and across her face in the gentle wind. The smell of dog... no, the smell of wolf was ever so strong now. She had to hope and pray that this was good news and not a phony scientist trap. She sucked in as much breath as she could and let out a high pitched shriek. If anything, human ears would barely hear it whereas it would be piercing to any wolf. Adaria just hoped this would work. She was literally naked and afraid, she just needed to protect her race before they found her.

*Pronounced Loo
Amber set her mug down, mostnif the coffee gone, and took the plate. "Twanks Mawc," She said, her speech a little garbled because her mouth was full of food. When Seros entered, She swallowed hardly, "Morning! Hey, guess what day it is?" She knew Seros also had Saturdays off, but she didnt knkw if he knew what dau it was. "Its Saturday!" She said in a sing songy voice, jumping down from the counter. LinkyGirl LinkyGirl Raku Raku
"Morning Seros." Mac said after he finished chewing, "and morning to you too Fern." Fern walks around the corner shortly after Mac spoke. "Morning" she walked up to him and he handed her the third plate. "Where's Echo?" Mac asked. "I think she went outside for a bit. Thanks of breakfast." Fern take the plate and sits down at one of the tables and starts eating. Mac looks back at Aero and asks, "got any plans for your day of?" FireMaiden FireMaiden Raku Raku

Echo covered her ears after hearing the noise. "Did you hear that Sam?" Sjhall2011 Sjhall2011

(Forgot to mention 'or maybe you figured it out' that when you shift between forms you don't loose your clothes. So your not going through a whole bunch of clothes)

Seros was amused by Amber's excited response, even though it did hurt his ears a little. He too was glad it was Saturday. He shot her a smile before his attention turned towards Mac as he addressed him. "Honestly, I plan to relax a little. I'm actually going into the city shortly for breakfast. I saw this place yesterday that sells something called stromboli that looks pretty good" he answered Mac. He took a sip of coffee, well, more like the whole cup. He didn't like the taste of coffee, but he needed an energy boost. "You two wanna come with?" he asked the two.
LinkyGirl LinkyGirl FireMaiden FireMaiden
"Oh thats pretty n-" Sam went to reply but a scream it through the air.

"Did you hear that Sam?" Echo asked, covering her ears from the noise.

"That sorta thing happen a lot around here? " she replied, with a slight laugh. She shook her head to try and get rid of the ringing in her ears.

Feeling curious, she quickly grabbed Echo's hand " lets go see what that was"
Malin(Jason): He wakes up, really early, and was annoyed. He wished that he could sleep in longer but it looked like he had no choice. His stomach was growling and he had passed out too close to human society. He could hear and smell the rumble of cars, it was their machinery that chased away prey. Of course he could always try to steal some food from the humans since he had no money, but it wasn't worth it. He didn't want rotten or fatty food, he wanted something fresh. So he wakes up and heads deeper into the woods. Malin tries to go as far away from society as possible. He needed and wanted food. He had to go somewhere that humans weren't around. He could smell wolves and growls, wondering if a wolf pack was nearby. They probably wouldn't welcome strangers, so he would have to be careful. He hears a scream in the words but goes away from it, he had his own problems to worry about. Malin finds a lake near a big house. The scent of wolf got stronger but so did prey. He could see the lake carried decent sized fish and he knew how to catch some. He would be quick and quiet, take what he needed, and then run away.

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