Some random dude on the Internet
Huh, ok. Must have missed that. (I have been skimming through everything) If we are organizing a resistance, another language could help, right? For example by working with other countries such as England or China who no doubt have an interest in undermining German interests. For me, persuasion just seems redundant based on what charisma has gotten us so far. (perhaps Archdemon could clarify on what differences persuasion entails?)
Persuasion is more or less the refined art of Charisma. Charisma is more or less your tone of voice, and confidence that gives you the aura of Authority that people listen to. You say things with authority and people are likely to give in because of your demanding presence, it also helps when the bad guys lose like half their guys in a sneak attack.
Persuasion is knowing what to say, how to say it, and playing a cunning game. It's mostly used during missions when high ranking officials are at play and you wish to gather information. You can use Persuasion in subtle ways to get it. This doesn't undermine Information Gathering which is gaining more Intel from documents and the use of unfortunately bloody ways of getting it (Torture).
Think of it like mannerisms. Charisma is about your confidence.
Persuasion is the subtle movements of the body and the use of the right words during the right time.
Does that make more sense?