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Fandom Wolfenstein: The Sun Rises In The East

Chapter 1: Party in the Court Pt4
Birdsie Birdsie Maki Maki pioca pioca felt felt ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki Taji Taji KingofAesir KingofAesir amoeba amoeba official clown business official clown business The Omen of Death The Omen of Death ViciousVip3R ViciousVip3R

You decided now would be the best time to take the documents. You barely had time and lacking any skills in stealthily taking things, you broke into one of Joseph's safes and found the information you needed as well as the documents on the secret vault. You made sure to make the safe seem untouched as possible. Now you have to hide the documents in a place no one would look. You raised one of your legs and wrapped the documents onto your leg as to make sure they don't fall or look out of place. Akira just turned around, you could tell he wanted to crush someone's skull really badly.

You left Joseph's office relatively quickly, with the documents strapped to your leg. Joseph was talking with his guests now and the party seemed to be getting underway. Music was playing and people were dancing, deals were being made between the politicians and the rich. You have a pass to see the prisoners, and your Aliby should still be strong enough. Having nothing else to do or to really accomplish, you decide to see the prisoners. ((Trust me you all did the things you were meant to do, there really is nothing else for you to do at the moment.))

You went towards one of the guards and showed him the pass. He nodded and took you down into the basement to see the Prisoners. All were on their knees and had bags over their heads. Each was tied up and pretty much were naked in the she's they had only underwear and a blood stained shirt. There was one who caught your eye, a man bearing intricate Tattoos all over his body. He also had pants but no shirt, showing off the whip marks and cuts the Nazis gave him. You have a guess to what he is but at the moment there were guards all around you, luckily there were no guns on them. You counted at least 5 guards, what do you do?

1. Take them all out (Moderate)

2. Persuade them to leave so you can have some Fun with the prisoners (Easy)

3. Write-in.
Hey man if Akira wants some action, he'll get it eventually, but right now he's gonna be pretty great at making our persuasion happen here. Sanako has her own persuasive skills, while Akira just has to look like he's been waiting to let out some anger on anyone. The guards will assume he's saving it for the prisoners.
Yeah, lets get these guards outta here with a little bit of the persuasion. Also the thing with Akira makes that more believable.
Chapter 1: Party in the Court Pt5
Birdsie Birdsie Maki Maki pioca pioca felt felt ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki Taji Taji KingofAesir KingofAesir amoeba amoeba official clown business official clown business The Omen of Death The Omen of Death ViciousVip3R ViciousVip3R

You decided the best way to free the prisoners is to get the guards to go away. What better way than to use your silver tongue and Akira's anger. You turn around gracefully yet in your movements you let lose the feeling of frustration and malice. Akira looked as though he wanted to vent his frustrations, which he did.

"Leave us, we wish to have a little... Fun with the prisoners here. No deaths I assure you, but be warned they may be a little worse for wear."

The guards nodded as they all left the room, after all you did have a pass from Joseph and the prisoners weren't exactly in a position to retaliate. You made a quick look to see if they were gone and no one was eavesdropping in on you and Akira. You turned towards your supposed victims as you studied each of them. Again the tattooed man was your main focus, you had an idea as to what he was but without any confirmation from him, it was impossible to know. You looked around and took a knife that was out in the open. You then proceed to cut each prisoner loose and roved the bags over their heads. All were mostly youths like yourself except for the Tattooed man who looked closer to 25.

The man rose with a nimble grace yet behind it was a certain strength and ferocity that most others in the room didn't have. Everyone's eyes fell on your face, ignoring Akira, because you had the aura of a leader about you.

"Listen, we don't have much time, but we are here to rescue you. Put out of your mind that somebody sent us, because we came of our own accord. Me and my friend belong to a resistance group, haven't come up with a name yet, and we know you are all rebels as well. We have a raiding party ready to strike here, once it's over we can talk more. All I need to know is whether or not all of you are ready to fight."

The tattooed man spoke up first.

"I am ready to fight as everyone here is. Give us a minute to equip ourselves first."

They surprisingly found a lot of good equipment just lying around, guess the guards didn't actually thought something like this would happen. They got armor, weapons, even guns, it was surprising how much they found.

The Tattoo guy seemed to favor a handgun and Katana Combo, which made sense now that you looked at him.

After everything was in place you left the basement, hearing the sounds of a quick gasp escape from the guards as they were killed. The prisoners were ready to assist in the raid against the mansion should the fighting start.

As you walked back to the crowd you noticed that the dancing was ending and everyone was gathering around Joseph Gerdur as if he was about to make a speech. You turned to Akira and he nodded, it was time to signal the attack. You went outside for a moment and flashed a piece of glass in the light, making it shine. Yuko and the rest should be making their way over to the mansion right about now.

You return to the party as Joseph pointed at you and Akira.

"... And here we can see the stars of this gathering! Mr and Mrs. Tomoyo! They have been the most astounding out of all those here today! And I would like them to say something before I reveal the entertainment for tonight! Come up here!"

He gestured for you and Akira to join him. You walked up and stood next to Joseph, Akira right beside you. You can see movement beyond the windows and you let a smile escape your face. What do you say before the attack hits?

1. Write-In
"Thank you, Mr. Geldur, thank you. It has been an incredible honor for my husband and I to be a part of this occasion. I can't think of a better way to show my appreciation than to unveil tonight's main performance right now."
"Thank you, Mr. Geldur, thank you. It has been an incredible honor for my husband and I to be a part of this occasion. I can't think of a better way to show my appreciation than to unveil tonight's main performance right now."

I second this!
Chapter 1: Party in the Court Pt6
Birdsie Birdsie Maki Maki pioca pioca felt felt ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki Taji Taji KingofAesir KingofAesir amoeba amoeba official clown business official clown business The Omen of Death The Omen of Death ViciousVip3R ViciousVip3R

"Thank you, Mr. Geldur, thank you. It has been an incredible honor for my husband and I to be a part of this occasion. I can't think of a better way to show my appreciation than to unveil tonight's main performance right now. Yippy-Ki-Yay, Motherfuckers We're taking our freedom back!"

With that you grab Akira and drop to the floor. The Windows break and soon you hear Pop Pop Pop, from every direction. People began screaming as they were slaughtered, and when the prisoners came out from the basement and joined the fight it got worse for those attending the party. Bodies were dropping, everybody was screaming, even the guards were getting slaughtered since they weren't able to pull out their weapons in time. You saw Joseph getting chased by the Tattooed man and subsequent.y caught by him. You saw the man stick his katana in Joseph, say something you couldn't hear over the noise, and then pop the guy right into his head letting the body fall off the blade.

The raid was over in like two minutes. Your gang and the prisoners took the party by surprise that they didn't even have time to fight back. No one was injured and your resistance group started looting the place getting enough supplies for 2,300 in the Black Market.

Though you didn't have enough time to look around since the place would be swarming with Nazis, so you poured some gasoline and lit the place on fire. Then your team and the prisoners left the area as quick as they could back to your hideout. You decided to talk with the Tattooed man since he seems to be the leader of the prisoners.

"I'm going to ask you a question, are you willing to join our resistance group? You and your friends?"

".... Yes, I'm quite impressed you pulled off such a successful attack. You seem to know what you're doing. I'm more than happy to join your group. Name's Kazuma Kiryu."

"Kirishima Sanako, pleasure to meet you Kiryu."

".... Nice to work with you."

You still have some time left before you get back to base, is there anything you wish to ask Kiryu? You have only enough time for 3 questions.

1. Write-In

((I'm curious as to what you guys want to know about our mysterious tattooed friend. He's quite open for most questions since you've impressed him with that critical roll on how successful the raiding party was, yeah you landed a 100 on that.))
"You must've picked up quite a few pieces of information during your time as a prisoner. Is there any chance you've found something the resistance could use?"

I'll take the current questions for now... and I definitely think this one is needed, assuming the prisoners don't tell us after the mission anyway.
pioca pioca felt felt ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki Taji Taji KingofAesir KingofAesir amoeba amoeba official clown business official clown business The Omen of Death The Omen of Death ViciousVip3R ViciousVip3R

((I might be making another questing Rp, It'll be about being a monster of your choosing, going through its life and making choices that affect the monster world and human world. We would be making a legendary monster that's either a friend to humans or a warmonger, and those are only two paths we can go down. Would any of you be interested in that?))

There were only 3 questions on your mind to ask Kiryu.

"How did you get caught up in this mess?"

"They got caught in a botched attack on some consulate troops, lasted a long time from what I heard from the soldiers. But they couldn't get out of the situation and well they surrendered. They were to be executed but the Nazis didn't care so that's how they came to be at that mansion. Me though, I failed a job and got caught by some soldiers, would've thought my associates would help me but your not them. So they abandoned me."

"You must've picked up quite a few pieces of information during your time as a prisoner. Is there any chance you've found something the resistance could use?"

"You hear many things from loud mouth guards..."

With the Intel you've gathered and the Intel you got from Kiryu, you now have 18 Intel to spend. With the loot you picked up you have 2,300 money, you now have 3,300 money.

You move onto the last question.

"Are you apart of the Yakuza?"

He thought long and hard about this question, before he answered.

"I was but they never came and rescued me so not anymore. I work for you now, boss."

You nod as you look towards the road as the scene fades to black...


And that concludes our first chapter! Well done guys! I'll put the mission select for the next chapter up for you to choose and then I'll put up some black market choices afterwards tomorrow.

Chapter 2:

1. Hearing Aids (Moderate)

2. A Big Haul! (Moderate)

3. Gouging the Eyes (Hard)

4. Keys to the Vault (Extremely Hard) (This is the mission you unlocked by getting that secret Intel)

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