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Fandom Wish Upon : A Dragon Ball Super RP [OOC] [Open]

A villain would be kinda difficult because you would be pretty much the only one. Though you could collaborate with the GM and AGM and be one of the pivotal bosses and such if you don't have plans for the character to evolve into a protagonist.
I intend for my character to start off working solo but then he will be joined by a group of other villainous characters that i will create led by him, is that okay?
Hmm. So a couple things, this says Universe 7. Our team is in Universe 6, and they're looking for the dragon balls of earth. Also, I'm still sorta curious how your character would interact with the team and the story in general?
Holy shit, like Aku of the olden days? Been a while since a tree like myself has heard that name.

Anyway, sup, i am interested, please give me a tldr so i can make an original saiyan and join the party. Thanks
Holy shit, like Aku of the olden days? Been a while since a tree like myself has heard that name.

Anyway, sup, i am interested, please give me a tldr so i can make an original saiyan and join the party. Thanks

Holy shit/tree brax, what’s up?


A silly saiyan in Universe 6 wants to be stronger than Goku so he and his crew are on search for their universes Earth Dragonballs.
Andrita Andrita because I wanted to give her a story interaction and also because it's funny that she did literally nothing wrong?

Brax Brax hey hi. Basically a Saiyan from universe 6 learned about the Saiyans of Universe 7 thru the Tournament of power and decides he needs to get to Universe 7 to train with the saiyans there to become the strongest saiyan in any universe, so he steals a ship and flees Sadala to find his way to Earth, collect the dragon balls there, and wish himself to Universe 7. He's joined by Sarada, a saiyan with a secret power level nobody is quite sure of, and three people he's met on earth, a powerful alien locked into human form, a secret God of Death pretending to be a weak human, and a one-eyed alien who was hired by the Saiyans of Sadala to bring Zukai and Sarada back.

I'm open to another Saiyan joining in several potential ways. Lemme know what you had in mind.
It's just that nobody responded to my post for a few days... I was wondering where everyone was.
Wait did you mean you were talking to someone else at the moment or that you were still debating about what to do with my character? sorry if i was rude in any way but if i can make a request, please PM me once you have reached a decision, i'd like to know when you have reached a decision.
Wait did you mean you were talking to someone else at the moment or that you were still debating about what to do with my character? sorry if i was rude in any way but if i can make a request, please PM me once you have reached a decision, i'd like to know when you have reached a decision.
Oh! Sorry I wasn't clear with what I meant. You weren't rude at all. Aku and I are discussing your character and stuff. Sorry for the confusion!!
Base Sarada's personality is basically a fusion of Kid Gohan [ Like... Raditz saga to Saiyan Saga Gohan ] , Base Kale , and Good Launch.
Hey so Character development and interaction is super important (and is honestly my favorite thing) so I figure we'll kinda play fast and loose with travel time. I'd like conversations and development and stuff, especially if Ithreal is gonna be vaguely training Zukai and they'll both be vaguely training Sarada. That being said, I figure we'll just carry those sorts of conversations and interactions to logical points and then I'll probably occasionally make the call to fast-travel us places too. Every cool with sorta playing it by ear but with me and AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami occasionally fast-traveling us?

Tagging: Dragon Slayer Arcos Dragon Slayer Arcos Andrita Andrita Leusis Leusis

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