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Fandom Wish Upon : A Dragon Ball Super RP [OOC] [Open]

AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami Congratulations. I hope to work well with you and RingSlinger RingSlinger in the future.
Dragon Slayer Arcos Dragon Slayer Arcos .... Thanks dude. While it isn't my pic, I felt the transformation was definitely epic enough ,and It didn't require any citing or anything, so I used it . I wanted to... Jeez Lord knows I truly want to. So bad. But... I doubt it. But... It would definitely spice things up a lot .
Leusis Leusis He was heavily inspired by Boros... Wasn't he ? His character and pic perfectly matches it.
AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami Congratulations. I hope to work well with you and RingSlinger RingSlinger in the future.
Dragon Slayer Arcos Dragon Slayer Arcos .... Thanks dude. While it isn't my pic, I felt the transformation was definitely epic enough ,and It didn't require any citing or anything, so I used it . I wanted to... Jeez Lord knows I truly want to. So bad. But... I doubt it. But... It would definitely spice things up a lot .

I'm going to PM you, I have an idea.
AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami Congratulations. I hope to work well with you and RingSlinger RingSlinger in the future.
Dragon Slayer Arcos Dragon Slayer Arcos .... Thanks dude. While it isn't my pic, I felt the transformation was definitely epic enough ,and It didn't require any citing or anything, so I used it . I wanted to... Jeez Lord knows I truly want to. So bad. But... I doubt it. But... It would definitely spice things up a lot .
Leusis Leusis He was heavily inspired by Boros... Wasn't he ? His character and pic perfectly matches it.

He was inspired by Boros, but to be perfectly honest, he wasn't even moderately fleshed out as a character. To an extent they are very similar, but I think you'll figure out he isn't just a carbon copy in the slightest.
Glad to see. I'll wait for the others to respond before inserting my post in response .
Hey guys. I'm a little stressed with work and finals prep. I'm trying to keep up with what's happening but can't post as often as I'd like. Still interested and will post when I can. Will for sure be able to tomorrow and some either Friday or sunday.
( The Entity has tried to awaken, but failed... )
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Hello, is it okay if i join this RP? also, what's the backstory behind it? is the story set after the events of Super's ending?
Hello, is it okay if i join this RP? also, what's the backstory behind it? is the story set after the events of Super's ending?

You're welcome to join. It takes place after Super's ending, at the end of the tournament of power. Once the Saiyans of Universe 6 return home, their new transformations (like SSJ2) and even stronger Saiyans from a different Universe spread. One Saiyan decides they want to be stronger than these saiyans and decides to find a way to go to Universe 7 to learn....so hearing about their Earth's dragon balls he heads off to Earth....

That's the backstory :)
I Iamkingdomhearts1000 go ahead and figure a character you might want to play out and post it here so that AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami and I can approve it.

Andrita Andrita this seems VERY soon to awaken the entity and have Sarada's power level jump ridiculously. That's kinda exactly the thing I wanted to avoid and exactly the concern I had with the character from the beginning. I think to have the possession happen would be fine (although narratively not ideal), and to have a LITTLE jump in power from it happen would also be okay, but making her power level jump up so high at this early stage is too much.

Remember, the whole point of it isn't just to be super OP right off the bat.
RingSlinger RingSlinger That's the thing. It isn't as big as you believe it to be.You are thinking I just made her GoD level or something . Nope. Honestly, now she would be comparable to the Zudai now . Remember, Sarada started out weaker than Kid Goku when he started training , so a massive jump could honestly be up to Raditz level. I'm just saying now she is comparable to the gang, she isn't going to be outstaging them or anything . I never implied she was going to be like Freeza level or anything...
Andrita Andrita I was basing it off of what you wrote, which is that her power level increased massively to an unknown level.

I just really, really want to avoid huge OP power spike characters. I'd like the power levels to grow over time, and also when they do hit little increases I'd like them to be narratively significant. So like. Go ahead and have the entity awaken for a short power increase, but this is their first tussle with anyone. I guess I think like, if she were scared for someone's life, or if somebody on her team was like RIGHT ABOUT to get bodied, I just feel like that would mean so much more than, "Welp I powered up immediately because I needed to," which is some slightly unfun video game protag stuff.
[Ahem Future Warrior we looking at you ] It was massive, just not to ' I can kill Frieza in one strike ' levels . She was far weaker than Ithreal and Zudai prior. Xenoverse Jokes aside...

Hmm... Understandable...That actually makes a lot of sense. You know what ? I guess... No. I am going to 'edit that out' and just have her resist it taking her over and stuff .
Hi guys!

Hope all is well. And if you're under 18, remember calcium is an important part of your diet for growing bones. If you're over 18 like me....we're fucked :(
I Iamkingdomhearts1000 go ahead and figure a character you might want to play out and post it here so that AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami and I can approve it.

Andrita Andrita this seems VERY soon to awaken the entity and have Sarada's power level jump ridiculously. That's kinda exactly the thing I wanted to avoid and exactly the concern I had with the character from the beginning. I think to have the possession happen would be fine (although narratively not ideal), and to have a LITTLE jump in power from it happen would also be okay, but making her power level jump up so high at this early stage is too much.

Remember, the whole point of it isn't just to be super OP right off the bat.

Okay, thanks.
I've created a villainous character if that's alright, he may seem OP at first but he's not, he's just working in secret by himself for now, biding his time until the right opportunity when he can strike, i know his ability to brainwash his peers seems very OP but i made sure that to not make it entirely OP is to give him limits on that ability, namely on the people of who he uses it on, so far, he only knows that the people and species he cannot affect with his brainwashing ability are both Gods of Destruction and Saiyans respectively, there are other people and species that the ability doesn't work on but those are the only two so far that he knows that his ability definitely does not work on, is the character okay to proceed?
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