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Fantasy Winterfell Academy

Name: Anthony M Johnson


Sexuality: straight

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Crush: (no one yet)

Personality: A nice, smart and honest man. He likes most people and goes by the philosophy of your nice to me and I will to you. Is not a bigot to certain magics or races but has distaste to necromancers.

Abilities: Bever learned spells that directly harm but instead improve his abilitys. A swordsman that is skilled in his art and often strives to improve his equipment.

Spells: Magic weapon, magic shield, energize, disorient, and muffle.

Role: Wizard

Likes: Sword fighting, dueling, engineering, nice people, healing magic

Dislikes: necromancers, not nice people, ninjas,

Bio: Magic weapon coats the sword in a thick sharp magic meant to cut through armor and magic shielding, shield protects against magic and physical attack though magic more so, energize allows for more stamina at task such as fighting and running, if he can get up close he can let a blast out of his hand meant to disorient targets (kinda like slapping someone with a firecracker), muffle well... Muffles his footsteps and movements.

Other: tinkers with gunpowder on a regular basis

Bed room: A mostly wooden place, it has a large bed in the back, the far right had a area dedicated to tinkering and has a large red rug at the doorway. Has a smell of incense around the area, the walls are painted a pale looking color, Another desk for studying to the far left. (I'll find pictures later if I can)

Appearance: red haired, thick hair, about the norm for a old Englishman in face structure, wears a padded vest with a red trim and black body and under that is a white undershirt. Wears leggings with light steel underpadding on the knees and leather everywhere else.

(Sorry if somethings off about it... Tell me and I'll change it :D )
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(If it's alright. I am going to make another character. Human this one'll be)

Name: Roxy Ann Marie

Nick: Rox

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Crush: N/A

Personality:A musical tomboy, this being loves to chill. She is a little friendly but prefers being to herself most of the time. Life is a breeze and she is sarcastic most of the time. She loves music and can be seen in the bandroom playing all kinds of instruments or singing songs or just listening to music with her headphones. One of her best friends is Razul- She is very quiet- Not shy. She speaks with actions rather than words and loves reading. She is intelligent. Despite being human- She tries to learn spells but fails. So she takes up gunmanship. A master at guns, swords, and bows.

Abilities: Can play any instrument- Learns things easily- Can recite anything she reads. Has an eidetic memory.

Role: Human

Bio: Ever since she was little, her memory was perfect. She passed her classes with ease and took up learning the instruments. Music is her passion and soon she ends up as the head of the band committee. She always grew up engrossed into her work. Reading books upon books of interesting material.

Other: Has a black cat who follows her around 24/7 named Piccolo.

Bed room: Room 5








Name: Carson Weathers

Nick: Car(people who actually like him), Jitters (people who don't or are just being rude)

Sexuality: Gay (Not openly though some people suspect)




Personality: To most people he seems like a nervous wreck, as he is always worried about screwing up and and he is always rather Jumpy (hence the nickname Jitters).But if your one of those who has taken the time to get to know time you find that he is a very sweet and kind young man that simply wants to make everyone happy. Beyond that he does have a darker side witch is usually where you will see his magic for what it really is.While like this he is heartless,cruel,and down right vicious (meaning in how he acts not that he gets super powerful)

Abilities: Regular form: while like this he only has illusion type magic and cannot physically harm someone with his magic


to become his demonic self he has to be actually close to death or someone he cares about a lot be in grave danger.

(only remains in his demonic form for a short period after witch he passes out for hours)

Demonic Form: has the ability to control shadows and make them do physical harm

Role: Wizard



Bio:not much is known of Carson's past other than the fact that he is an orphan

Other:carries a collapsible bow staff with him everywhere and is very skilled with it.

hes has been training in gymnastics and martial arts for most of his life

Bed room: (you live in school dorms) he makes it seem bigger than it is

Appearance: (Anime, drawn or real, your choice)

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Name: Kren'cox

Nick: Kren

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Crush:N/A (currently)

Personality:Shy, Brooding, Moody

Abilities: Demonology

Role: warlock

Likes: Study of Classic grimoires

Dislikes: Positive magic

Bio: After finding a forbidden book of demonology Kren has been obsessed by summoning supernatural beasts from the void. With each year more powerful beasts are being summoned. But they drain his life force. He has come to school to harness the shadow world and bend it to his will.

Bed room: (Attached below)

Appearance: (Attached below)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.143104fc00ebb3941c84aa11f03ce802.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126563" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.143104fc00ebb3941c84aa11f03ce802.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.8c0e16e937a53477bc9ba90d8368061f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126565" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.8c0e16e937a53477bc9ba90d8368061f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Dwennon Albrecht

Nick: Dwen

Sexuality: Homosexual

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Crush: No one..... yet

Personality: Dwennon is a very shy person to people he has yet to be acquainted with, anyone wanting to know him will likely have to make the first move. Once he knows you he will be quite the opposite when he is around you or other people he knows.

He is generally a happy person, but is susceptible to depression pits lasting for anywhere between a day and a month.

If you manage to anger him however, be ready to pay the consequences. He doesn't put up with people that bug him, and will do anything to get them to stop. Whether that is telling administration, or resorting to violence.

Abilities: SEWING EXPERT: Basically, he knows his way with a needle and a thread, just as well as any professional seamstress or tailor. Come to him if you need anything made or repaired.

IT'S ALIVE, oh wait, not really: He is able to control little dolls or creatures that he makes with his sewing, but only his. This power can drain a lot out of him if he tries to move something bigger than him, or if he uses it for a long time.

I can see through their eyes!: Through his experience of toy making, and magic using, he discovered that he can use magic to see through the eyes of his toys. Very useful for spying on enemies, or seeing the answer key for a test.

Role: Wizard

Likes: Animals, Vanilla, Strawberries, Lemons, Gemstones, Coffee in the mornings, and tea any other time.

Dislikes: Tea in the morning, Dog drool, Eggnog, 1-ply toilet paper.

Bio: Dwennon was always weird since childhood. At his old school he never liked participating in sports, he preferred to sit on the side either drawing or humming tunes to himself. It was very tough for him to make friends with other boys, he often didn't share common interests with them, never mind him not knowing how to start a conversation. Just saying "Hi" seems awkward, and what do you follow it with? Do you say your favorite song? Do you say your current hobby? Do you tell them what your parents do for a living? Dwennon never really knew, so he just sat by himself in most of his classes at the beginning of the year, eventually making friends by people introducing themselves to him. At home he was more energetic and talkative, always curious about what his seamstress mother was working on, or what adventures his mercenary father went on that day. Often times after he was finished with his homework, he would head down to his mother's workshop to help with her sewing. Eventually surpassing her in talent.

In his teenage years, he never seems to *like* any girls, while most of his male friends were dating the cutest girl they could convince he just stayed lonely, noticing how handsome one of his friends looked that day. He became very popular with the girls, befriending almost all of them, and helping them with any problems they had, whether relationship advice, or what color dress they should wear to the dance, he was there for them. His home situation didn't change much, he helped his mother out more with her work, sometimes taking requests from customers himself, which he got to keep the money from, and his father still went on adventures. They still thought Dwennon was straight as an arrow, the fact that he hang around with lots of girls enforced this.

Just the year before he attended this school, he got a boyfriend. The boy was taller than him, had brunette hair, and light brown-nearing hazel eyes. They got along wonderfully together, and his friends thought they were the cutest couple, but relationships at this age rarely last. not barely after two months into the relationship, after doing unspeakable things with Dwennon, the boy dumped him.

Dwennon slumped into a deep depression pit after this, lasting almost 4 months. During this time, he focused less on homework, and locked himself in his room, sewing shirts, pants, dresses, and more importantly, toys. Whenever he needed a break, those toys were there for him. He played around with them a little now and then, but mostly just focused on them, zoning out anything else that went on around him. He felt like there was something more, something he could do with these toys. One day, when he was looking at a doll of himself that he made, something happened. He saw himself through the dolls eyes, but he couldn't move. After a few seconds this wore off, and he saw through his own eyes again.

He stopped working on sewing for the remainder of that school year, and solely focused on training this power, eventually, he could see through any of his toy's eyes at will, and with experimentation, he could move them as well. At first he used this to see what his mom was doing in her workshop Then strategically placed it so he could see the teacher's answer sheet for a test, as after his depression pit, he was hurting for good grades. Eventually, after so many hundreds on tests and exams, the school had to expel him for cheating, it's impossible for someone to get that good of a grade on every test. That's what brings him here. Who knows what lies in wait for him?

Bed room: (you live in school dorms)

(Room 237 if available or existent please)

Appearance: (Anime, drawn or real, your choice)

(Without the bandages on the face)

(In colder weather)
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Name: Spirit Te'thas

Nick: Spi / Spri

Sexuality: Bi-Curious

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Crush: N/A

Personality: Light, Cheery, Can be Quiet, Can be Flirty


Holy Magic, Healing Abilities.

Role: (witch, wizard, human, warlock) Witch.

Likes: (Optional) Holy Magic, Her Brother, Angels, Smiling

Dislikes: (Optional) Demons, Bullies, Seafood.

Bio: (Explain abilities here) When she was a Girl she saw acts of terror. Demons stealing her once playful brother. Her parents trying to stop it. One day she was contacted by Angelic- Holy forces to try bring her brother back and failed. Since then she has been wielding Holy Magic and missed her brother. She can talk to Angels- Just like how Dironus can talk to Demons.

Other: (Optional) Her Brother is Dironus.

Bed room: (you live in school dorms) Angelic Bedroom - Bing images

Appearance: (Anime, drawn or real, your choice)

Anime Girl White Hoodie - Bing images
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Name: Angelo Alternis Alghrim

Nick: Angi

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Male


Crush: "Depends, are they cute?"

Abilities: "Dashing good looks? Dose that count?" (None)

Role: human

Personality: Angelo is a bit of a charmer, and a flirt, but he has massive potential, seeing as he as eidetic memory. He is outgoing, and confident, especially for a human. He takes vary little seriously, but he loves to read and draw. He is vary talented at writing as well, but find himself off with some girl before doing anything with said skills

Likes: Cute things and people. Sweets, mainly cake, foxes, and art!

Dislikes: Bitter things, and people. Being told off, and people who assume less of him, for being human.

Bio: eidetic memory:is an ability to vividly recall images from memory after only a few instances of exposure, with high precision for some time after exposure, without using mnemonics.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/f356d3585c32e97b44e9477eeddf508a.jpg.e23cb802e13810cc18b46d0225cbe1f1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126920" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/f356d3585c32e97b44e9477eeddf508a.jpg.e23cb802e13810cc18b46d0225cbe1f1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Azumene Kinbesho

Nick: Azu

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Crush: He does not like love- He despises the word.

Personality: Focused on his work- Dedicated to what he loves. He does not have time for socialization due to him too busy working on "Being the best wizard in the world" though everything he tries he fails mostly. He gets angered easily and is really awkward in social situations. He can be immature and a little rude-

Abilities: He can transform into any animal he wants- He has ice elemental powers-


Likes: Spells-

Dislikes: Love

Bio: Azu was born in the far east of Japan to a wealthy family of Wizards. THere he learned many spells and learned the way of wizardry. He then went on to master his ice ability. Changing into animals needs some work- With his dedication for work and hate for love, he was hard to talk to. He had very little friends- Family were hard on him Every day trying to form him into perfection. One day he finally transformed into a black tiger- Next thing he knew? Parents... dead- Because of him. Was he sad? Yes. But he barely shows emotion- It was not ententonal. This moment was the day that scarred him- Made him hate magic. He uses it- THough he never transforms into an animal in front of anyone.

Other: (Optional)

Bed room: Room 600- Highest room in the building, on an abandoned floor near in a tower-







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Name: Dragasis ??? ???

Nick: None ever given

Sexuality: straight


Age: somewhere between 16-20

Crush: seems already protective towards Ash

Personality: Not clear it seems to change he is the newest student with an attractive face but it rarely shows he usually walks with a red and black wolf with a seemingly metallic coat. Dragasis seems to be sexually active but not focused on it he has blood red hair and white as paper skin he is somewhat muscular and uses a custom blend of artificial materials for his arms and legs.

Abilities: Mostly unknown other than he controls any variety of the three matters Gases,Liquids,And solids and also seems to be able to perfectly communicate with animals.

Role: His full strength is unknown but he is classified as neither a warlock, wizard, or human but as an elemental

Likes: (Animals and being involved and challenges)

Dislikes: (Inequality of any sexes or races and chlorine )

Bio: How he got his abilities is unknown unto him though he has a feeling he was tortured at a young age asking him about this seems to give him horrible feelings and is always unknown what hey may or may not do. His first memory was at when he could only guess the age of 10 and also vaguely remembering how his arms and limbs were taken.

Other: his eyes shift colors.(silver is neutral,red is aroused,yellow is fearful,dark blue is predatory,and the whole eye black means enraged)

Bed room: (No one can find him in his dorm so its unknown were he sleeps or if he dose at all)

Appearance: ( realistic)
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ok imagine this but in a huge 50 ft tall 2 ft wide oak tree but it also moves because i can make it move
This is the first one, dont kill me if theres a typo.

Name: Kyoko Scripts

Nick: Kyoko or anything close is fine

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 15

Crush: N/A

Personality: Kyoko is someone who has lost the idea of trust. For most of her life she has been lied to and has been shunned, because of this she no longer fully trust anyone. She will introduce herself and will talk to you but never truly show that she doesn’t trust you. If she had to choose she would rather not talk to someone than talk to them. She is not a mean person though. She is sensitive and just wants to not be hurt anymore, but all her life she has learned not to show it. She has learned to smile and pretend to be happy, and go with the flow until she finds a time he can leave.

Abilities: Her whole life she has been taught to fight with knives. Mainly she uses knives with chains so she can pull the knife back to her. She is better than a normal person but she couldn’t beat anyone with a lot of fighting experience or someone that is very powerful. This is because she has almost no talent for fighting at all. The only reason she is good is because he has been forced to do this her whole life. (Above average but not by much)

Role: Human

Likes: There are not many things that make her truly happy. Even if something makes her happy most likely she isn’t able to express it. She loves the sunset, and sometimes will draw it.

Dislikes: Fighting, and attack magic. Also most people.

Bio (explain abilities):

So instead of telling you her abilities since I already talked about that, I’m going to tell you her story. From HER perspective. As long as she can remember she was told that she was adopted. She has no memory of her family or life before. He was apparently found on the street and was taken in. She was given a name Kyoko Scripts and was part of the family. Sadly things went south from here. The Scripts family were highly recognized family. For most of her life she was expected to be exceptional, but she never was. She was average and he older brother was a natural. Completely beating her at everything, he was on another league. She was beginning to be pushed aside as the “not good enough”. To live up to her parents expectation she challenged he brother to a dual. It was less of a due and more of a slaughter. She failed. He brother stood over here and had the chance to kill her. In her eyes she believed nothing was left and that she should be killed. Instead he left her alive, but she would be shunned from the family name. For the rest of her life she has spent learning ways to live her life without fighting. She still cares about beating her brother, but she also realizes at she can live her life other ways.

Other: Because she was a human, she was never able to study with her brother. (Even though they both didn’t want to study together) When the new school let humans and wizards learn together, he parents decided that studying together may help redeem her life. She thinks differently.

Bed Room: I can’t draw but I can describe, something along the line of a dull gray room. With books everywhere. Mostly on fighting but also a couple on fictional stories. It’s also a huge mess, books everywhere and knives with chains attached to them everywhere.

Appearance: (I take NO credit for this but it fits really well so I’m using it)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-20_14-11-30.png.e32ac3f55b38667f8287d1050b60c0e6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127172" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-20_14-11-30.png.e32ac3f55b38667f8287d1050b60c0e6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Heres the secound, and could be a typo i missed. Dont hate me. lol

Name: Kyro Scripts

Nick: N/A

Sexuality: Irrelevant

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Crush: ……..No

Personality: he is a person that would push you aside for power. He doesn’t care about morals he doesn’t care about feelings or anyone. He one wants to become more power and learn more. He also has care for his family and respects it. If it was inconvenient for him he wouldn’t care though. He also believes that true happiness is no needed and is a “dream world”. Power is what controls everything.

Abilities: For many generations the Scripts have passed down a very powerful ability to whoever in the family was the strongest. Manipulation of cards. What’s special about the cards is that they are made of a material that makes only the person with the ability be able to control them. You can hold the cards in your hands but to make them move in the air is impossible, expect for him. Because of the material only 10 packs have ever been made, but the cards are VERY difficult to break. They are fire proof, water proof, and well anything else they don’t break easily. And they are sharp, really sharp. Enough to kill someone. They packs that hold the cards are made by his magic. There are 2 types, black and white. They don’t have much of a difference but white is better offensive and black defensive. The only other major ability is “shadow walk” this lets him teleport through shadows but only at night. This ability is very difficult to use and if it is completely dark (no shadows) he can’t use it. He also knows basics of other magic but not enough to fight with it, he just has the knowledge.

Role: Wizard

Likes: Power and Respect. He also feels pity for his sister but no one knows why.

Dislikes: A lot, mostly anything with love and fictional ideas.

Bio: His whole live was dedicated to getting the family power, when he was 8 he was more powerful than every other kid in his family line. So he got the ability, he then spent most of his life mastering it. Sometime his sister challenged him and he almost killed her. “What a sad life you have, you can't use magic and you will never know power. The only thing left for you is that useless fictional world.” After that he never sad another word to her. She asked him to kill her but he didn’t, he doesn’t really know why.

Other: WHAT?! I told you his whole life story what more do you want? Ok fine one more thing, he hates the idea of humans learning magic because they can’t use it.

Bed Room: I said this before and well I suck at drawing and I couldn’t find a pick. Just imagine a dark room with lots of books and symbols everywhere.

Appearance: Uhhhh I didn’t make this but it fit SO well.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-20_14-12-21.png.021632c6bc14ff714476864c15c76fb3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127173" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-20_14-12-21.png.021632c6bc14ff714476864c15c76fb3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(Since we need an Antagonist.)

Name: Drog Van Shuman

Nick: Devil- Terror- Monster- Many names.

Sexuality: None- Can't love.

Gender: None.

Age: Unspecified.

Crush: None.

Personality: A large ruthless beast- Has a high intent to hurt. Dangerous, not to be messed with. Does not have mercy- Hard to please. When in a human form- He acts normal but is a bit insane. When he is human form he is very extroverted though is a little psychotic-

Abilities: In demon form: Has the ability to grow to any size- Can be as small as an atom or as large as the earth- Mainly crushes the victims her hates. In human form: His demonic spells.

Role: (witch, wizard, human, warlock) Demon entity- Could be prescribed as a wizard but is mainly notified as demon.

Likes: Nothing except inflicting negativity. Though in human form he enjoys swimming and food.

Dislikes: Most everything.

Bio: Raised from the depths of hell. Born in the depths of hell- He grew up as a lean mean murdering machine of pure demonic entity. He was then taken from his home and placed in a new area. There, he learned how to transform into a human. He still had the mind of his devil but it calmed him more. He then began learning demonic spells occasionally letting his beast inside get out. His only intent? Destroy life.

Other: (Optional)

Bed room: No room: Hangs around the room of the one who summoned him.


Beast form(Dragon raid)-

Beast form(Beast)


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Aimlori said:
(Since we need an Antagonist.)
Name: Drog Van Shuman

Nick: Devil- Terror- Monster- Many names.

Sexuality: None- Can't love.

Gender: None.

Age: Unspecified.

Crush: None.

Personality: A large ruthless beast- Has a high intent to hurt. Dangerous, not to be messed with. Does not have mercy- Hard to please. When in a human form- He acts normal but is a bit insane. When he is human form he is very extroverted though is a little psychotic-

Abilities: In demon form: Has the ability to grow to any size- Can be as small as an atom or as large as the earth- Mainly crushes the victims her hates. In human form: His demonic spells.

Role: (witch, wizard, human, warlock) Demon entity- Could be prescribed as a wizard but is mainly notified as demon.

Likes: Nothing except inflicting negativity. Though in human form he enjoys swimming and food.

Dislikes: Most everything.


Other: (Optional)

Bed room: (you live in school dorms)

Appearance: (Anime, drawn or real, your choice)

(Still working on this. I'll edit it later- Just want to know if the idea is alright.)
Can we RP Dironus by accidently summoned him? >.< @Aimlori
I know I haven't been in the role play yet, but please I secound that.^
Betweengoodandevil said:
Everyone is accepted except @Mechamage there are no more warlocks being accepted.
ok i made a mistake to go on an enter the rp but some nice people correct me i would like it if you would loook over my character im bringing something new to the table and ive rolplayed before its a habit that i cant get over ha ha

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