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Fantasy Winterfell Academy

Name: Jace Solomon

Nick: Goes by either first or last name

Sexuality: Pansexual

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Crush: None For Now

Personality: Jace is the cool, calm, collected type. He is studious and serious about expanding his intellect. While he may take himself too seriously he knows how to have a good time with others, though sometimes he has anxiety about fitting in. He is gentle with all creatures and believes in peace achieved through knowledge. Jace is the only child of two professors of magic at the higher level education schools. ((might make one a teacher Winterfell and create another character sheet)) While he does have a good relationship with his parents he did attend various boarding schools growing up and they do have high expectations of his.


Energy Shield Projection

Spirit Energy Bow & Arrows

Role: Wizard

Likes: Reading | Hiking | Ice Water | Hot Tea | Animals | Birthdays (not his own) | Singing (alone)

Dislikes: Traveling | Winter | Bullies | Junk Food | Being Bored

Bio: His mother came from a tribe of hunters in the Northlands and it is from her that he gains his Spirit Bow. He uses the raw magic inside him to create he energy arrows and can fire more and restring faster than a regular bow because the power is based on his thought and will.

He is also able to produce a protective energy shield in front of or around himself and others. The more damage the barriers take the weaker he becomes. He is unable to use both powers at the same time but one day hopes to.

Other: Loves making friends but still spends most of his time studying.

Bed room:


Appearance: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/83/e3/f4/83e3f4706807dd5315f1f830155b30e3.jpg

(( I hope everything is good! Like I said I may create another character and change up his family bio depending on how this goes.))
Betweengoodandevil said:
I am only taking a limited number of Warlocks, @femjapanriceball if you are willing to be a witch or a wizard that would be great, though I do not mind you being a warlock. I am taking a limited number though so not everyone can be a warlock.
Is there an open spot for a warlock??


Berk Xandius












He is a gentleman, a sir, a ruthless and merciless opponent. Using charm and persuasion to out smart and out think his enemies. Though he resorts to swordplay if it comes to worse.


Florentine school of Swordplay, using quick and precise strikes to disable and disarm opponents.

Brash Action, a "coward's" way out. Or so you think, cleverly lowers his enemies guard to make a deadly strike.









Unneeded action



...What? He may be ruthless, but he DOES have morals.


So, you may be wondering, "This guy... he can't be this good with a sword... can he?" The answer? No. No he can't. But he is, here's how;

Berk grew up in a flooded out town west of San Domingo, a small military detachment recruited boys to fight for the Spanish Militia in times of strife, at just the age of 4 he was trained in the Florentine, the Spanish way of fighting. Frankly, he had a knack for it, by the age of 8 he was taking out small forces by himself. At age 11,he was retired due to an injury to his right ankle, he was considered unable to fight. That didn't stop him, he practiced everyday for 8 years after that, he's fully healed and at his best.


He may be good but not near perfect, his strikes aren't quick enough, giving the enemy a 2 second window to strike at him.

The Florentine school of Swordplay requires the use of two blades, a sword in the main hand, and a dagger in the off hand. This can be a big disadvantage for him.

He has a major weakness for fighting girls. He can't do it.

He also has a charming Spanish accent.

Bed room



Name: Dironus Te'thas

Nick: Dironus / Dir

Sexuality: Bisexsual

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Crush: No one

Personality: Very Quite, When he is annoyed (Quite easily) is very destructive.


Uses Demonic and Undead Magic, also has very good flexibility and acrobatics

Role: (witch, wizard, human, warlock) Warlock: If not allowed Wizard

Likes: (Optional)

Demonic Magic, Demon like creatures, Undead Magic, Raising Undead, being alone More to be explained in RP

Dislikes: (Optional)

Holy and Other Magics like that. Being crowded. To be explained in RP

Bio: (Explain abilities here)

He started studying Demonic Magic when he was young; He thought he heard voices from a different dimension, speaking to him about the flames, the killing and the Demons. After he mastered Demonic Magic he moved onto Undead Magic, raising undead to do his bidding here and there. He has not yet mastered undead magic, but he plans to.

Other: (Optional)

Bed room: (you live in school dorms)

Room 13

Bedroom On Fire - Bing images

Appearance: (Anime, drawn or real, your choice)

Anime Boy in Black - Bing images
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Name: Razul Ray Chester

Nick: Raz-Ray-Ches-Razzy

Sexuality: Bisexual

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Crush: N/A

Personality: Razul is a sweet and gentle guy. He is friendly with every person that comes his way. A smile is his favorite thing to wear 24/7 as he goes about his work. Often, he apologizes for the most stupid things and it can get annoying to others. Razul is one with nature and the outdoors. Hard to believe for his love of video games for you'd think he'd be inside all day. This is not the case- Although, he is not all cheery and pleasant. No. Like everyone- He has a dark side. He can be temperamental, judgemental, cocky, and a little insane, added with other negative sides. It's due to the dragon eye- He avoids letting those sides of him show for he wants to help others and be the kindest being at Winterfall. He'll help others- Teachers, students, friends, family, etc. He's even offered to help out with the food hall and cleaning once in a while. He does not mind it- He is used to it back at home. With the dark side of him, when he is mad, the dragon eye takes over. It takes a long while for him to calm down. At these times, he shuts himself in his room.

Abilities: With the dragon eyes, an ancient artifact that was embedded into his eye at a young age... he has the ability to fly/float. He can also use telekinesis. Other abilities include the ability to control all elements. Earth, fire, air, water, electric, ice, and darkness. Most he is still learning to master. His strongest element is fire and water.

Role: Warlock

Likes: [There is more, but here are main things-] Cats, reading, outdoors, water, fire, learning, making friends, etc.

Dislikes: [There is more, but here are main things-] Bananas, being in enclosed spaces, snakes, etc.

Bio: Razul was born to a poor family on the east of edinburgh in the town of Ithaca. His mother, Zinia and father, Azian took great care to teach him the ways of being a warlock. He was the families prised possession and main focus. He loved them as they loved him. A few weeks after he was born, right on the dawn of the 24th day of september a man stole Razul from his parents. He needed a place to implant a dangerous artifact known as the "Dragon eye." Forged from the ancient dragon years upon years ago, it was said to have the power to raise the deceased dragons from the dead of ages ago. Still, Razul does not know this. The eye was planted into Razuls left eye after his previous one was forcefully gouged out. Zinia and Azian looked for ages for their son. A few months went by when they found him. He was taken in by an old lady named Agnes. The lady was glad that Razul had his parents back. She said that she was teaching him the way of the elements. Zinia thought that her son was too young but Azian protested as Agness explained. "Your son has blossomed greatly- For there is good in him even though the eye of the ancient dragon has made home to his being-" These exact words were what persuaded Zinia to allow Razul to partake in elemental training. From then on there, Razul trained with agness, learning the elemental abilities as Azian taught him how to use countless and various weapons.

Bed room: http://cdn.home-designing.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/sleek-bedroom.jpeg

Appearance: How he looks

How his left dragon eye looks https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ca/7c/70/ca7c7044a0fcf01f956a0846f6cf25dd.jpg
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Name: Dalamus Ulom

Nick: Dal

Sexuality: Straight/ Manasexual

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Crush: None

Personality: Polite, Agressive, Egotistical, Narcissistic, Controlled, Slightly insane

Abilities: Telekenetic, Elementalist (can control the elements), and can change the state of matter to what he chooses, can change objects at a sub-atomic level

Role: Warlock

Likes: Fire, Lightning, Magic, Changing the state of matter, Talking, Power, Dueling, being an asshole, being racist/prejudiced

Dislikes: Being controlled, not being allowed to use magic, non-warlocks, non-magic users

Bio: Born to a noble Warlock family, Dalamus had been trained from childhood to control his magical abilities and apply them effectively. His mother had been a Telekenetic, but died during childbirth. His father is a Elementalist, and is by far one of the most powerful Warlocks still alive. His father decided that it was time for Dalamus to deal with those lesser to him.

Other: Is very rich. Always wears expensive clothing.

Bed room: (you live in school dorms)


Appearance: (Anime, drawn or real, your choice)

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Nines Rodriguez








None,for now.


Nines is a quiet and mysterious type of person,preferring to keep to himself most of the time. He will speak little when he is uninterested in a conversation. Small talk I his dread.

Nines has a very gentle and friendly side,which is mostly hidden unless he is talking to a friend.

He likes to read and smoke,and will often sneak at night to walk by himself. His dark nature can be intimidating to strangers.


Dark Magic,specially the control of shadows. Nines can shift the shadows and use them to create weapons or portals. His ability is very strong at night.




Nines was born in a family devoted to the hunt of evil spirits. His powers are born from the left power of the darkness left by the undead,inserted in his blood since he was born.

His family was mostly destroyed in the attack of demons to his house,and now he mostly looks to restart his life.

One particular detail about Miles is that he was born deaf. He can hear magic happening around him and can talk normally,but can only have conversations if he is able to read someone's lips.


He has tattoos covering his left arm.

Bed room



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Name: Enver Finn

Nick: Ver

Sexuality: who has time for relationships when you have to learn maaaaagic?

Gender: male

Age: 16

Crush: none yet

Personality: Enver is generally a happy-go-lucky kind of guy who’s about as hard to read as an open picture book. He prefers to be as honest as he can be… though he might sugar coat a few things if he’s trying to avoid an unnecessary conflict. Always happy to be the mediator, he’s never been one to have strong opinions one way or the other on most topics. He can be rather inquisitive of people as well, always curious about why they act/think/believe what they do. On the occasions that things do go wrong for him, he tends to end up more tired than anything. Stress and the like have always been a big drain on him and if he’s been in bed asleep or half asleep all day, you’ll know something isn’t quite right.

Abilities: Mirror magic (with the focus on reflections) – With this power, he can use any mirror/reflective surface to bring out a perfect replica of any object/being.

Limitations –

*he needs a clear surface to work with (like no cracks, or no dirt, or no ripples in the water, etc…)

*can only create up to 3 copies at any given time

*only nonliving objects get a physical form, copies of living beings may look like the original but are more or less illusions of them (ie if you tried to touch one, your hand would go right through it, and vice versa!)

*all copies are limited to the size of the mirror. For instance a compact mirror could probably produce a copy of a pen but a full length mirror would be needed for a person.

Role: wizard

Likes: the open water, most active sports, junk foods, talking with people, warm/hot weather, parties, and cleaning

Dislikes: rainy weather, cooking, heights, dark chocolate, and studying

Bio: Ver was born to a mother that was a witch who could use light magic, his father on the other hand was just a regular human. From the time he was old enough to understand what was being asked of him, his mother tried many different tests and activities with him to see if he had any special skills, but none gave any results. While it meant the world to his mother to be able to pass down any of her bloodline’s powers, all of those tests just meant that he got extra attention. That’s the part that he really cared about.

His powers would finally show themselves completely by surprise when he was 7. Being an only child, he often had to find ways to occupy himself when he couldn’t play with his friends. One afternoon when he was running through the house on some imaginary journey he stopped in front of a rather large mirror. In the midst of making silly faces at his reflection he couldn’t help but wish that his reflection was another person to play with. And like that, it stepped out of the mirror to join him… not too surprisingly this was met with shock by the young boy as he went to try to find his parents for explanations. He may have been a bit of a late bloomer with them, but it looked like he had finally found his powers.

Other: may fill out later~

Bed room:

(I guess I forgot to select a dorm room number, so let's go with 21!)




(if I need to change anything, do let me know!)
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Still need more people?

Name: Misty May

Nick: May

Sexuality: Bi

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Crush: N/A

Personality: Shy, loner, afraid of other people, caring when she gets attached

Abilities: N/A

Role: Human who becomes a witch during school and learns to use Ice magic

Likes: Ice, cold, white objects, snow, high places, heavy music

Dislikes: People in general that she doesn't know, being in a crowd, being in tight spaces, magic

Bio: When she was younger she found out about magic from her parents who were a witch and wizard. She always hoped that she could learn from them, but never was able to do anything they could. During a trip to the movies with her parents, they were attacked by a warlock who was drunk. He almost killed her and from then on she hated the idea of magic users. She never wanted to go to this school but her parents thought she may learn that not all magic users are bad. She knows different, and doesn't plan on being around them much. She loves being in high places alone where she can draw and listen to her music as she spend the time wasting the day away. She never wanted to learn magic after that night, but wouldn't mind if she could actually use some herself. To bad it is a dream she has had that will never come true.

Bed room:

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Amethyst Napson


Ame' / Amst










Quiet and Observant, this girl takes no ones shit. She sticks to herself, but is really kind and caring. She tends to be rebellious and a fighter in many ways. She may look sweet and seem innocent, but isn't afraid to show her bad side.



Role: (witch, wizard, human, warlock)


Likes: (Optional)


Dislikes: (Optional)


Bio: (Explain abilities here)


Other: (Optional)

Bed room: (you live in school dorms)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/151436_4_Plot-33_Landguard_Plot_33_IMG_07_0000_max_620x414.jpg.007455357c76b9a22afb349d725542a0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126271" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/151436_4_Plot-33_Landguard_Plot_33_IMG_07_0000_max_620x414.jpg.007455357c76b9a22afb349d725542a0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


(I know a majority used anime, but this is a CS transfer, and I prefer to use the orginal appearance.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.....jpg.78dba3fe4dad40e725f10dfcf0e9b0da.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126270" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.....jpg.78dba3fe4dad40e725f10dfcf0e9b0da.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name:Genji Tokai






Personality:Genji is a silent but honorable young man, he only speaks when absolutely necessary and would otherwise prefer to speak with his actions, he can be brash but is very well aware of his own limitations. He is a good ally to have at your back but don't expect him the start a battle on your behalf...though he will gladly finish one for you.

Abilities:teleportation, mass acceleration


Likes:poetry, painting, deception, training, salt

Dislikes:foolishness, weaklings, those who abuse power, cowardice

Bio: Genji's father was a warlock who could weild the power of spacetime. His mother was a brothel girl...shortly after his birth his father returned for him. He destroyed the brothel and Genji's mother. He then raised the boy to be his heir but was disappointed to find that his son had only manifested a fraction of his power. When he was ten his father threw him out on the streets calling him worthless, and he was found by the assassins guild. They didn't teach him how to fight...they taught him how to kill. The assassin grand master taught him to utilize his inherited power to teleport effectively in combat,to accelerate his thrown weapons to near bullet speeds, and to incorporate his mass acceleration in hand to hand combat.

As powerful as his father was, he never expected his "worthless" son to be his end...Genji warped behind his father and shot him in the back of the head with a shuriken before his father even knew he was in the building.

Since then he has wandered trying to find the next step in his journey, but as his power begins to grow unstable he learns what he must do, learn to control his power before it consumes him.

Other: "all my life my duty has been to others, my duty to grow strong for my father, my duty to the guild for their service, the duty to avenge my mother, now my duty is to myself...I vow to survive"

Bed room:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.93ef8a1feb648ff1891c7b03729b0829.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126386" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.93ef8a1feb648ff1891c7b03729b0829.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He keeps his room set for guests, he has a bedroll he sleeps in.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.e30b9e22827013b6212e0cc2cd879d1c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126363" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.e30b9e22827013b6212e0cc2cd879d1c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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