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Wings of Change

Snowfeather only looked at Felix. "I'm sorry...." She whispered. "I'm sorry!" She said, louder. "I'm sorry..." She sat down on the ground. "I know that I only think about myself and I am sorry for that..." She rose to her feet and started walking away.
Felix just stood there and clenched his fist then morphed into a wolf running off into another direction.

After Felix got a good distance away from everyone.He morphed back into human form found a nearby tree and just slumped down to the ground using the tree as a back rest. Resting his head in his hands.
Avalon felt sorry for the youngsters, but he got past similar emotions a long time ago. He would of liked to help them, but they had to face their own problems by themselfs or else they would never grow.
Snowfeather came to an oak tree and she growled. She stomped on the ground and hit the tree. She then rested her back against the tree and cried. She cried and cried, not stopping. "Why do I reject people, and why do I make people hate me?" She said, almost scolding herself.

(( Sorry guys, gtg, I'll reply tomorrow asap @Azure Sky @IronDragon ))
(They went to the meeting and they met an elf.After the meeting Snowfeather met Felix and they had a argument. So right now everyone is back at their clans and Snowfeather in the forest alone crying after the argument with Felix.


Redfeather paced in her den growling to herself about not getting to re-port and she walked put her den into the cast of the full moon and howled as her clan began to transform into their werewolf forms

Felix heard the one of the clan's howl.Well might as well get a move on he thought not wanting to be found by the Blood Clan.


Wolfheart successfully brought all the wolves back to the clan an hour ago.Where is Snowfeather she should be back by now Wolfheart thought.He decided to go ask Redfeather if she knew.When he reached the Leaf Clan he asked one of the wolves where Redfeather was.They said she was in her den so Wolfheart went up to where she was."Redfeather do you know where Snowfeather is she hasn't returned back to our clan",Wolfheart asked
Redfeather shook her head and said " Haven't seen her since the meeting "

"Ok I'll look to see if she is somewhere in the forest",Wolfheart said turning into wolf form.When he reached the forest he looked for half an hour before he found Snowfeather."Hey you alright",Wolfheart asked worriedly seeing her in such a bad state.
'Hah, teenage drama...this sure brings back memories' said Avalon who was sitting on the branch of a tree watching Wolfheart and Snowfeather. He just sit there looking at them.

'Indeed, you're* also also one of the guys that were at the meeting earlier' said the handsome elf ironically, analyzing Wolfheart through his emerald eyes.

@IronDragon (I really dislike acting like a grammar nazi xD but : you're*)

'Really, the way I see it though, you interrupted the meeting yourselfs just so you could see who I was, so in the end you're the ones who are at fault for your own actions ' said Avalon acting like a smart ass again.
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Snowfeather just sat there and looked as the two men talked, or more, argued. She smirked before standing up. She yawned. "We have to go back to our clan, would you like to accompany us?" She formally asked the elf. She smiled.
'Sure, I am interested in your species alot so I might as well gather as much knowledge as I can' said Avalon, jumping off the branch and...slowly landing on the ground like he had no weight.

@SnowFeather / @IronDragon
Snowfeather smiled and turned into wolf form. "Follow me then.." She sprinted past trees and dove under roots at incredible and unusual speed, even for a wolf. She didn't stop until she reached the camp. She smiled as she scented the familiar smells and heard the familiar sounds. "Home..." She whispered.
Wolfheart followed Snowfeather till they reached the clan."I've never seen you run that fast",Wolfheart complimented Snowfeather.
'Oh, nice home...' said Avalon. He had to run slower to follow the female as his maximum speed reached supersonic heights.

Snowfeather smiled and tackled Wolfheart, sending him to the ground before laughing. She playfully hopped of him before running into the camp. She howled and the rest of the clan howled with her. She looked around in the clearing and saw that the prey was low.

"Ashclaw! Take Mousetail, Honeypaw and Rowancloud out to hunt! Featherwhisker! Take Gorgefur and Mistyclaw to collect more bedding for Yellowclaw and Longheart! The elders need to rest!" She barked out before walking into her den made out of a small cave with a kind of drape made of leaves as entrance.
'Hmm... wolven societies sure are interesting, it was a good idea to come here' said the elf, analyzing the place.

'Could you explain how your society works? Also, how many clans are there? Are you frendly with each other?' he continued as he took out his notebook ready to write.

@SnowFeather / @IronDragon
Snowfeather sighed as she laid down in her nest.

Iceblaze went up to the elf and smiled. "C'mon, I'll show you to Snowfeather's den!" The young snow white apprentice scampered off and halted outside Snowfeather's den. She then hissed. "Ask her first before entering..." She then rushed off as her mentor, Hazelwing called her name.
EWolfheart was surprised when Snowfeather knoched him down.When he saw he went off to her den.The elf following another wolf to her den. Wolfheart just walked off to his own den knowing that Snowfeather wanted to talk to the elf alone.

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