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Wings of Change

"No problem and do know where Redfeather is I don't see her",Wolfheart said. (It's ok I have to go too) :)

Just then Redfeather howled and raced down to the meeting area her wolves then went to talk to there friends while her and Willowpelt trotted over to the great rock Willowpelt sat at the base of the stone while Redfeather leapt up and sat next to Mistclaw and Lionfur and she said " Sorry I'm late again it took a little longer to get here than usual "

Snowfeather leaped up to her paws and signaled for Wolfheart to seat himself beneath the rock. She herself leaped up on the rock and sat in between the two male wolfs, greeting her sister with a heartfelt nod. She yowled and the clearing went silent. She stood to her paws. "Greetings. Will Mistclaw go first?" She asked and the male wolf stepped forward.

"Prey is scarce in Blood Clan territory now that Leaf-Bare is here. We manage, but there has been some difficulties.... F-Featherwing died from greencough this morning and Gorgekit just got it. Snowfeather, I know that there is lot's of catmint growing in your territory, would you spare some?" Snowfeather nodded and he sat down. Lionfur stepped forward.

"Everything is well in Snow Clan. We have had no trouble with greencough though humans have been spotted many times." He stepped back, finished and Snowfeather sighed.

"Sky Clan has been coping very well with Leaf-Bare and no one is sick. We have a new Beta, Honeyfern, who is sitting vigil in our camp tonight. She will be here for the next meeting. Other than that, Wolfheart," She pointed with her fur at the smoking black wolf with pride in her eyes. "is the new StarBeta of Sky Clan... We will forever honor Bluetail for his courage and bravery and I hope that Wolfheart will not leave us too soon.." She stepped back and awaited Redfeather's report.
Avalon was walking through the forest where most of the wolf clans resided, for a very simple reason: curiosity. He only met one shapeshifting wolf before and he felt that he needed more knowledge on them. He wasn't afraid, in fact there was nothing that he truly feared: he couldn't die, his body was extremely durable, he was fast,strong and inteligent not to mention that he was a high-level controller of gravity.

As he walked through the woods he saw a few of them sitting between some rocks , so he hid and analyzed them from a distance.

@SnowFeather / @Wild Born / @IronDragon
Wolfheart sniffed and scented something. He sprang to his paws. "Intruder!" He yowled. Snowfeather turned human, everyone gasping in awe at her. She ran towards the scent, she now noticed it, and whispered.

"Hello? Come out! I know you're not afraid..." She said, adding a wink. "Come on.."
'Aw, I would have liked to analyze you without being noticed , can't be helped I suppose' said Avalon as he came out of his hideout. The rather tall , about 187 cm, athletic and handsome elf with blonde hair and emerald green eyes stood in front of the female and smiled. No fear could be seen in his eyes or behaviour and he gave off a calm aura.

' I'm not someone who you should be warry of' he said laughing a little.

Feather smiled and giggled. "Handsome." She said and winked at him. She turned back into a wolf and walked back towards the other wolves. They growled at the elf before she silenced them with a snarl. Lionfur and Mistclaw turned human and went up to the elf, them being the same height.

"What are you doing with our girl? Huh? Think you're good enough?!" Mistclaw said, threatening. Snowfeather growled at the two boys but they ignored it.

"I can defend myself!!" Feather said as she turned human and hopped onto Lionfur's back, then jumping to Mistclaw, then back to the ground, making them fall. "Now please leave, or our ancestors will be angry.. You can meet me up in Sky Clan's camp after if you need to talk.." She and the two males turned wolf and went back to Redfeather who just sat there in shock. "Let the meeting continue.." Snowfeather said, signaling to Redfeather to speak...
Avalon was amused. 'Young and hot-headed, huh. I probably was like that when I was young too. Hahaha' he said. He could have slaughtered them all if he wanted to, but he wasn't savage enough to do that. He didn't even flinch at the 2 males who acted aggresively.

'Very well, I'll distance myself for now' he said as he left to analyze the forest.

Felix was watching the wolves meeting from a distance.When he saw Mistclaw Felix snarled because he was the one he took him from his family and treated him like he was a weapon.Then Felix saw someone who didn't look like a werewolf watching the meeting unnoticed till Wolfheart spotted him. Hopefully they wouldn't spot him cause then there would be trouble.
As Avalon analyzed the rest fo the forest , he couldn't help but notice another person who analyzed the wolves from afar, because of his elven senses, specifically his eyesight he could see the man pretty well. He used his supersonic speed to appear right behind the man and greet him.

'Hello, nice day isn't it? Are you also interested in doing research on werewolves?' asked the elf.

"I don't need to research about werewolves if I'm already am one",Felix told the strange man while he turned around to see his face.
'Oh I see. That's interesting...you watching them from afar without interest in research would mean you're not in a good relationship with them...are you?' asked Avalon. The tall blonde athletic elf had more than 800 years even if he looked and acted like a 30 year old young adult male. His intelligent emerald green eyes analyzed the man in front of him.

"Only with one of the clans the others I don't really care about",Felix told the man with pointed ears."I'm just gonna make a wild guess but are you an elf",Felix asked.

@Azure Sky
'Yes, a primal elf to be more exact. But I'm a little different from the rest of my species...' said Avalon. 'Well, you might find out why soon enough ' he continued as he took out a notebook and started writing something.

"So why are you so interested in werewolves",Felix asked the elf noticing that he brought out a notebook and started writing.
(@Wild Born We're going to have to skip your report, like you did say it but don't include cause I need to move on with Snowfeather...)

@Azure Sky @IronDragon

Snowfeather yowled and assembled her clan. They went out of the clearing and headed towards camp. "Wolfheart, take the clan home, I have some business to attend to." She rushed off and stopped at the tree. She turned human and climbed her way up to the place where Avalon and Felix were.

"Hello gentlemen.." She grinned and leaned her back against the tree trunk, staring at Felix.
'Because I have little knowledge on them' he said as he wrote something down 'And as a guy who is highly interested on gathering knowledge from all aspects of existence I couldn't let the opportunity pass by' he continued and after finishing his sentence he put the notebook back in his bag.


'Oh we meet again after such a short time. Hahaha!' said the elf. 'I'm just here to analyze, I mean no harm...Unless I am threatened' he continued as his voice dropped on the last sentence, emmiting bloodlust, the feeling of looking at him was the same as getting strangled by a snake which entangled your body, but his bloodlust lasted only a second and he returned to his ususal cheerful self.
Snowfeather smirked, still glaring at Felix. "What are you doing here with Felix?" She snapped. "He's trouble.." She stood up, her light weight not swaying the branch. She climbed higher, onto the branch above them and gazed down.
"I don't have to answer to you remember I belong to no clan or pack anymore",Felix told Snowfeather sending a death glare to her.
"Oh I didn't mean no disrespect.. I just want you to stay away from my clan... It's enough what you did to our pack.." She said, keeping calm.
"I didn't do anything to your pack that was all Mistclaw's doing he is the one who took me from my pack and turned me into a weapon",Felix snarled.
'Oh, interesting' thought to himself Avalon as he watched the quarrel between the two werewolves. He would have interefered if a fight broke down and it became dangerous, but at that moment he decided to just watch.

@SnowFeather / @IronDragon
Snowfeather growled. "Of course! You blame someone else for your problems! I suppose he did, but do you know how your banishment affected ME??!!" She cried a tear before jumping to the ground, landing on her feet with a loud thud. "I WAS BANISHED!! They knew I was your friend and so someone FRAMED me!! They thought I was part of what happened to you and I was left to fend for myself!! THERE! That's the real story of my life..." She ran off, tears streaming down her face even though she wasn't sad, only furious...

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