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Realistic or Modern wild ones ~ Character Sheet

Just a quick and simple character sheet!!

Appearance (realistic images please)
Rich or Poor
Personality (5+ and 5-)
Likes (5)
Clothing style

Please try and keep genders equal!!
Oliver Adam Clove // 18 \\ Bisexual
Trailer Park Trash
+Confident, Fearless, Independent, Charming, Intelligent//\\Sarcastic, Dishonest, Flirty, Bossy, Impulsive--
Ollie was born and raised in Newberry. It was where he first walked, where he first talked, and where his life went from heavenly to hell. His parents had been the picture perfect couple, wealthy doctor dad, and happy stay at home mom. They all had life figured out together... Until a depression hit his mom. She'd grown sick with a genetic disorder. Though, that didn't last long. He'd come home from school and she was pale, laying on the floor beside a bottle of pills. His dad couldn't take the pain that followed the next years. He quit his job, they moved to the trailers, and from then on he drank and pretty much ignored any problem or achievement Ollie had. So, Ollie became independent, and it became hard for him to trust people. He just did his own thing, his own way, and if people hated him, he didn't give a f**k.
L- Drinking, Parties, Drawing, Freedom, Sports//\\Annoying People, The Past, Being Home, School, Drugs. -D
Friends - TBD//\\TBD - Enemies

Danielle (Dani) Browning //17\\Heterosexual
Trailer Park Trash
+Quiet, Keen, Reliable, Smart, Observant//\\Sarcastic, Flirty, Quiet, Snarky, Unfriendly--
Dani was born in Crawley UK and her life was never normal. The girl grew up to her parents screaming at each other. Every night consisted of glass breaking or doors slamming. The life of unhappy parents wasn't exactly ideal to a young girl. So when her mom announced that she and Dani were moving, the girl was less than ecstatic. Almost every year Dani was in a new school, a new town. She never had time to make friends so she learned to become distant from everyone. It wasn't until the week after her seventeenth birthday that her mom finally moved them out of the UK and to Newberry. Now, she's even more alone, in the States, trying to figure out this lifestyle while her mom drinks and sleeps around.
L- Music, Clothes, Makeup, Drinking, Parties//\\Silence, Bad Trips, Moving Around, Her Mom, US -D
Friends - TBD//\\TBD - Enemies
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Name: Kennedy Roy Morgenstern (Better known as Kenny)
Age: 16
Gender: Male (cisgender)
Sexuality: Bisexual, but not really on the market for a committed relationship.
Rich or Poor: Poor.

Faceclaim: Froy Gutierrez
Voiceclaim: Ben Platt

+ Good-intentioned
+ Compassionate
+ Skilled at writing
+ Resilient
+ Excellent memory
- Socially awkward
- Dishonest
- Follower
- Doesn't read people well
- Nervous

Habits & Quirks
- Biting his lower lip or knuckles
- Stuttering, and speaking very quickly.
- Fidgeting with zippers, shirt collars, etc.
- Kenny knows ASL. He learned it from his cousin Jason, whose girlfriend is Deaf.
- Alcohol makes him sick. He can handle 1 light drink, but after that he's a wreck.
- Kenny is left-handed.

Music (Green Day is a favorite of his)
The library
English & French (best subjects. Though conversing can be difficult for him, writing comes easily)
His father, aunt and cousins
Old movies

Fixing all the broken appliances in his house
His mother
Science & Art (worst subjects. He struggles with hands-on sorts of tasks)
Asking for help
Cold weather

History: Kenny's father's family had been living in the trailer park for three years when Kenny was born unexpectedly one unusually cold night in April. His mother, a bitter alcoholic named Darlene, was not at all enthusiastic about having a baby to take care of. She was already "looking after" her husband's sister's children, twins who were then only 4 years old. The aunt's husband, Jim, had died over the winter of some unknown overdose. As such, it was on the Morgensterns and the aunt to make sure the twins and this new baby survived to adulthood. And Darlene vowed to have as little to do with that as possible.

Growing up dirt broke in a tiny broken-down trailer with 6 people in it would be hard on anyone, but little Kenny was born tough as nails to the constant hardships. He seemed content to spent his days getting into trouble with his older cousins, Mike and Jason. Mike and Jason, rowdy as they were, were good kids at heart who treated Kenny like their own little brother. Meanwhile, his father got a job as a mechanic and his aunt look up hunting to try and keep some extra food on the table. All the while, his mother just kept drinking, growing more bitter and irritable by the day. She barely spoke to the kids, but would yell and blasphemy at Kenny's father night after night, blaming everyone but herself for the unstable conditions they lived under.

By the time Kenny was old enough to start going to high school, his cousins had recently graduated. Neither of them had managed to find steady work yet, so they just kept taking odd jobs. Though no one's caught on yet, Mike took to selling drugs a while ago. Jason and Kenny have suspicions as to how he's been making the money, but neither of them want to complain. After all, food is food. Though Kenny's been struggling nonstop in school, failing to keep up with his wealthy peers, he knows that a good scholarship is his only hope of getting into college. In the meantime, it's just a matter of keeping his head down and trying to survive the next year and a half.

Clothing style: Hand-me-downs from his cousins, mostly. Flannels, grey jeans and worn-out t-shirts comprise most of Kenny's wardrobe. He only owns one pair of shoes, a pair of grey-and-white sneakers that are a bit too large, as they used to be his father's. In the winter, he wears a brown hunter's hat and navy blue gloves, but no proper jacket.
Tattoos+Piercings: None. Can't afford those things.

Car: What? Kenny's family couldn't possibly afford a car. Kenny doesn't even have a bicycle.

Pet: Can't afford a pet, but Kenny would give anything for a dog.
David Morgenstern, 45 (Father)
- Darlene Morgenstern, 45 (Mother)
- Sally Schafer (née Morgenstern), 47 (Aunt)
- Mike Schafer, 21 (Cousin)
- Jason Schafer, 21 (Cousin)
- Aindrea Gallach. Through the school's tutoring program, Kenny's been trying to assist Aindrea with English and Mathematics. Though Kenny would never openly ask for help himself, Aindrea has helped him through his mandatory science courses.
Enemies: TBD (PM me!)
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Delta Blake, 17
Bisexual, Poor

If Delta thinks back hard enough, they can remember a time before they lived in the trailer park, when their parents were still together and they didn't realize they were neither a boy nor a girl. However, when they were very young their parents divorced, and it was a terrible parting of ways. Their parents fought tooth and nail over who would get custody, but their father won main custody, having more resources to care for them at the time.

Then their dad lost his job. Meanwhile, their mom got lucky and ended up falling for someone loaded. They moved to the trailer park, and began seeing their mother less and less. For a while, there was a lot of strife between Delta and their father, who Delta, a young child, felt had failed both them and their mother.

This worsened when they reached puberty and began to realize they were pretty uncomfy with some of the changes their body was going through. When they discovered the label 'nonbinary', it just fit, and for a while they hated that, growing more and more uncomfortable with themself.

The turning point was when they got Denny, their beautiful mutt of a dog. He made them feel comfortable with themself, able to come out to their father, who was supportive even if he didn't and still doesn't get it. After dealing with what was likely their deepest fear, the rest came easy, and they began living and loving being out.

Not everyone has taken it as well as Mr. Blake, most notably their mother, who has made them dread the weekends she actually takes them.




-Boat rides
-Tacky textures
-The word 'crusty'

Friends: TBA

Mama Blake

Clothing style:





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Alana Richardson


Alana Richardson
Rich or Poor
Alana is a person who loves to have a good time. She’s all for going to wild parties and hanging out with her friends. She’s willing to try anything twice. Rules are something that she tends to ignore most of the time and she doesn’t like to be told what to do. Alana is confident, she knows that she looks good and sometimes uses her looks to her advantage. When the time calls for is Alana is a hardworking young lady. She’s headstrong with a natural ability to lead. Alana has a temper on her and is incredibly stubborn. She tends to bottle up her emotions rather than say how she feels. There are times when she’ll just down and block everyone out. Alana isn’t afraid to speak her mind. She has a sharp tongue and a love for being sarcasm. Alana is blunt to a fault, if she doesn’t like someone it’ll be known.

Alana doesn’t tolerate fake people and snobs. She can’t stand when someone looks down on her because she isn’t some rich princess. Alana is a open-minded person who doesn’t judge others...that much. She has a good heart under her tough exterior.
Alana grew up in as an only child. Her parents had her when they were young and not nearly ready to have a child. Alana can remember being passed from relative to relative while her parents went and did their own things. For as along as she remember she only had herself to depend on. She had to grow up at a young age. Alana lived with her grandparents for most of her life. That was until her mother finally decided to take her child in. It was only so she could get money from the state.

In school Alana was one of the problem children despite making good grades. She’d get into fights and cause trouble in class. It was a mystery how she’d manage to pass her classes. Over the years Alana straightened out thanks to her grandmother. She began to take her classes seriously and actually try. Her relationship with her parents are still nonexistent to this day. Alana works as a cashier in a local boutique and at a daycare.
Likes (5)
R&B || Junk food || Dancing || Partying || Cats || Makeup || Flirting || Kids
Losing || Dogs || Mornings || Cold weather || Rain || Bigots || Hypocrites

Clothing style
It’s changes frequently
Henna tattoo on her hands || Normal ear piercings
An old pickup truck
Nap Nap




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Name: Britta Zabielski
Age: 17
Appearance: Natalie Alyn Lind
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Rich or Poor: Rich
Britta didn't start her life out rich. In fact, she was about as poor as the rest of them, though she never really cared much for money. She had what she needed-- her brothers, her mom. Her dad died when she was young, leaving their mother behind, struggling to raise three kids on her own. Perhaps that's why she married for money, shooting the now-Zabielski family up the ranks. They moved into a better house, leaving behind the small trailer that had been her home ever since she was young. Her brothers have both moved out, leaving her alone with her mom and stepdad. Britta is struggling to adjust to having everything she needed and wanted. She isn't crazy about her stepfather, and for the most part tries to ignore him. She still goes to the same school, but it's hard considering the looks she gets from people she previously considered her friends.
Likes: sushi; reality tv (guilty pleasure); dogs; flip flops; being comfortable
Dislikes: super dressy clothes; black and white movies; hats; chores; blue cheese
Clothing style: B - R - I - T - T - A
Tattoos+Piercings: tattoo / piercings
House: She lives here
Car: She drives this
Pet: These babies
Friends: tbd
Enemies: tbd


Code by apolla apolla
code by @sadvalentine

r o s e .

alignment chaotic good
build petite hourglass, toned muscle
height 5'6"
weight 127lbs
faceclaim camila mendes
likes thunderstorms, lightning, tequila & rum, serving drinks, balancing tray's, pomegranate's, art, pop culture, science fiction, reading, books, writing, dance, singing, swing, jazz, poetry, skincare, g-shock watches, thoughts and reflections, being able to confide in people and have others confide in her, starting conflict, vogue, fashion, textiles, random pieces of information, plants, following blogs, action films - though all in general, persuading people, comic books, the smells of burning wood, sandalwood, hibiscus, quite frankly - psychotic people make her feel sane, lemon meringue pie, Jane Austen, gaming, perfume, wearing heel's, drinking games & winning them, performing at events & having people appreciate it, recieving her paycheck on time, working out, deceiving, sarcasm, psychology,
making people laugh, comedy, spending a lot on spree's, spoiling her friendsnwith random gifts, wearing her mother's pearls,

dislikes perverts, hypocrites, drugs, smoking, having her photo taken, mind blocks, hiatus, criminals, murderers, admitting her own corruption, smelling like smoke/having to stand smokers, being compared to others, being taken advantage of, snitches, downers,
people who ruin the fun for everyone else, being called out for nothing useful when she hangs out around the darker part of town [people assume she is just there to gloat], being cat called or objectified,

clothing She hardly has her hair up unless it is half up-half down. She always wears her mother's pearl necklace. It was her last gift to her before she passed away. Rose treasures nothing more. The necklace consists of a pretty simple string of smooth pearls that circle her neck. typically she wears yellow, white and blue tops, a lot of black jeans, or gingham skirts, overalls, or anything that is "off the shoulder" and cropped. her shoes are always simple black heels or black boots. her clothes are also always designer unless she can't help it. also, capes. always capes.
theme Comics by Caravan Palace

the interior is incredibly spacious and much more modern than the tuscan exterior. the front door is past the pool at the top of the stone stairs
Car ┋ she has multiple cars, but the one she uses most regularly is her matte black Jeep Renegade
Pet ┋ her only pet is Vincent, her loveable yet fierce doberman. she named him after her favourite painter, though she usually calls him Vinnie. He is incredibly well trained and loyal to a fault. most of the time he travels with Rosa, be it to the mall, or to the neighbouring hood. when she goes solely to school however, he stays home. he isn't allowed on school grounds, so Rosa's driver brings him when she is picked up. only if she denies the car, can Vinnie join her from there.

SECRET occupation Co-Owner and Head of Relations of Menendez Industries - very few have this knowledge

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name; Rosa Parker Menendez / nickname; Rose, Remy, Parker age; 18 gender; female sexuality; heterosexual /// race; central american + brazilian rich or poor; dirty rich

ethics/morals As a member of a much higher society, Rose's morals and ethics are very likely to already be questioned.
It is sad, but it is true. Over the years, the inhabitants of her neighbourhood have grown a reputation, although it doesn't precede every one of them, especially so in Rosa's case. She is a stark contrast to her father and his company. With that being said however, she has made sacrifices before to keep herself and her family safe. Plenty of times in the past she hasn't stopped a fight, hasn't spoken up about an injustice, hasn't shared something she could have. The list goes on. But, Rosa has good intentions, only the best. Anything and everything she does, she does with good reason. As far as anyone knows, the people of her town, and its people have never done anything directly against her, so why should she have any need to make a turn in the wrong direction? Rosa likes to think that she has a good ethic and possesses good morals, and she honestly really does. Though, like any other human being, she makes mistakes. The oddest mistakes.

Strength - 3/5
Dexterity - 5/5
Constitution - 5/5
Intelligence - 4/5
Wisdom - 3/5
Charisma - 4/5
personality Rosa has always been a pretty optimistic human being, always trying to see the good in people and situations. She doesn't like to frown, and she doesn't like to be faced with realities that are too hard for her to handle, so Hope is a good word to summarise her. It takes alot to break her down to her core. Heck, she wouldn't break during an interrogation if she had to; undoubtedly, she would brave anything till her last breath. Despite this fierce fact, she is an emotional young woman, capable of plenty of triggers, and not because she has experienced them first hand, but because they make her utterly angry inside. She is more likely to cry angry tears in her lifetime than cry sad tears. Day to day, Rosa keeps that smile on her face for the people who mill about her and those special few who she calls her best friends. It isn't normal to see her frowning in public. Something pretty bad must have happened for someone to see her this way. That makes her pretty closed off from others. The people that underestimate Rose's calm and collected demeanor are likely to face her wrath, be it through words laced with sarcasm and condescendence accompanied by an eye-roll, or a swift punch to the throat for trying to attack her [of course, physical contact rarely happens, she can't risk ruining her nails].
When it comes to her friends, and the people she works with, Rose takes on a protective side. She is always wary of the people surrounding her, and is not afraid to stand up to someone threatening the safety of herself and others. She is a loyal compatriate to whomever, may find themselves in her company and in need of a helping hand. She is usually generous and definitely understanding and accepting of all others. She tries her best to get along with everyone, and if that doesn't work she at least tries for a mutual understanding. This is mostly because she knows that in times of conflict and "war", a room full of friends and mutuals is far, far better than a room full of enemies. Something her father taught her. Sometimes, Rosa can go a little to far with the drinks she sneaks past her bedtime, or while she is out side of the gates, and this makes her quite mischevious, flirtatious, and excited for more. Although in the past it has never caused her to lose any real self control, or get her in trouble for that matter, it has been the antagonist more than fewer of her mistakes. The less advantaged people ironicallyy enjoy her company when she has a buzz all through her, and a confident walk. On stage, her demeanor naturally changes to a much more suave and sure one. It's what she needs when she is up there letting her stress out through song.

Friends & Enemies
most of the relationships she has with other people are healthy. There are some people she respects, some she has silent agreements with, and others that she knows she can trust. Rosa doesn't out right hate anybody or have any enemies; and she wants it to stay that way.

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Name: Cesar Covarrubias
Age: 16

Sexuality: Homosexual
Rich or Poor: Rich
+Helpful/passionate towards others
+Open to new people
-Bad at reading people
-Has trouble accepting himself
-Too emotionally invested in others
-Denies his own needs to get along with others

History: "Never forget to smile" the last thing his mother said before her untimely death. Cesar lived in a perfectly normal family in Alaska since as long as he could remember. Everything was fine even when his father was deployed a numerous amount of times and he seemed to be fine being the middle child out of five. He lived fine or at least under that impression. His father was diagnosed with ptsd after retirement from the military because he felt out of place for being gone for so long. Alienated. He didn't feel apart of the family anymore. Cesar never knew about this of course. His parents always kept him in the dark with most things so they didn't have to worry. And they didn't for a long time. Then Cesar started questioning his sexuality. He didn't want his Christian parents to find out. Especially his ordained mother. She found out anyways and wasn't very happy about it straining their relationship. It made Cesar sad but he also didn't want someone who didn't love him for who he was to interfere. So he pushed on. Then, his mother died. One night, his parents were arguing and the kids were listening through the door. They weren't yelling but the atmosphere was instense,"I know you haven't been here in a while, but bae... they're our kids. We both know they're growing up so maybe we should try to understand them more before they're just gone." That was something Cesar never understood. He thought she hated him, but maybe a mother's love for her kids does overcome all. He just wanted to go in there and hug her, but then a loud shriek was heard.The police and ambulance were called his father was arrested and Cesar sat in the hospital for weeks never knowing why he did it. His older brothers attended the trial while Cesar didn't even want to see the man's face again. He was sentenced life for second degree murder because of his ptsd and Cesar was put into his maternal grandparent's custody. After that he moved away to live with them with his younger siblings. His older ones were in college by the time but did vist frequently. Cesar took two years off of highschool to recollect himself. During those years Cesar was diagnosed with depression sourced from his talk with his mother in the hospital (will be revealed in rp) and was issued an emotional support dog. He became more of a family pet though as his siblings and cousins would always play with him and he never used him. Cesar's grandparents thought it would do good for him to socialize and enrolled him to public highschool so hopefully they were right because otherwise it would be the worst year and a half of highschool for him.

His dog Lui
Hanging with family
Playing the ukelele
Quiet places
Calls with his father (though it gives him anxiety)
Mean people
People who walk slow
Rock Music

Clothing style: Cesar has a thing for comfortable clothes. If he thinks they're comfortable he'll wear them and doesn't care what people think so his style is pretty lose.
Tattoos+Piercings: Gauges on each ear and piercings on each ear
House:Big for the whole family
Car: A 2014 Ford Flex: Big for the family and cousins

Pet:Lui Covarrubias a Yorkshire Terrier

Friends: TBA/ Pm me
Enemies: TBA/ Pm me
Other: Cesar's grandparents and rest of his family are very supportive of him being gay and often make jokes about it
Cesar also plays ukelele,guitar, and is fairly well at singing especially in spanish
His father calls him once a week every monday
simon gif 2.gif
Alexander Webb


Alex stands at around 6ft-6ft 1inch with quite an athletic build. His eyes are a deep brown with matching brown hair.
simon gif 3.gif


Rich or Poor:

Personality (5+ and 5-)
Alex is very closed off and serious. He has quite the temper on him which isn't hard to let off. His hard exterior however is great cover for the soft underneath. Since he was young, Alex has suffered from nervous breakdowns and panic attacks, something he wants hide with a tough outside. Alex can be very blunt and mean at times but on the rare occasion or with family he can be kind, caring and thoughtful. For anyone that sees Alex, they'd see a quiet, mature, serious kid who get's angry quickly. To anyone close to him they'll see a very vulnerable teenager.
-Closed off
-Shirt temper

Alexander is probably one of the more well off people in the trailers but that wasn't always the case. His parents were deadbeat, not really caring for Alex or his siblings. During his childhood, Alex and his siblings would fend for each other. They'd cook, clean, do homework and try and make money which may have been where his maturity came from. At around age twelve Alex had gotten into a particularly violent fight with two school bullies. The bullies were kicking his ass until his older brother waded in. However his brother was sixteen at the time and beating up two twelve year olds didn't reflect well on him. Alex's older brother was sent away to what his parents called a prison school which didn't make much sense. This period of his life was when Alex was having constant breakdowns, panic attacks and all around emotional destruction. This left Alex and his younger sister. The years dragged on until one afternoon the family had a knock at the door. His father had taken Alex's younger sister in their beat up car. At the door was the police to inform them that a car accident had occurred. His younger sister was in critical condition and his father was unscathed. Alex rushed to the hospital. Neither his father or mother ever turned up to find out how she was. Alexander was completely destroyed and he had a very bad breakdown. Later that night his sister died. Alex went home but not with nervousness, it was with anger.

His parents were lying up, drunk, high and completely unfazed with the death of their daughter. Alex beat both his parents to a pulp that night and forced them out. Blood and screams tore through the trailer home that night. No charges or anything were ever brought up and Alex lived alone from then on. He worked his ass off to pay off the medical bills and everything else. Nowadays Alex lives alone in the trailer, working and doing a lot of thinking.

Being alone
Working on his car

His parents
Obnoxious people
Snobby rich people

Clothing style:
Alex is never without his leather jacket. It's old, cracked and worn. Another thing that he also carries at all times is a silver locket with a picture of his two siblings. Everything else is usually dark and worn.

Alex has two intertwining tattoos on his right forearm. They are his siblings names in Arabic.

Alex's trailer is bigger and more well kept than most of the trailers around town. Alex can comfortably afford to live there with his pay.

1969 Chevrolet Camaro SS

N/A however he feeds the stray animals that wander around his trailer.

TBD- PM me and we can work something out!

TBD- PM me and we can work something out!​
Name: Isabel Stanton, nickname Izzy or Is
Age: freshly turned 17
Appearance (realistic images please) FD0EC0D6-3C6B-4069-B2B8-B371C2C940A1.jpeg
Sexuality: straight
Rich or Poor: rich
Personality (5+ and 5-)
+ sweet
+good listener
+good at peace keeping
-can be shy
Isabela comes from a long line of wealthy people. Her families business is global and owns many oil whells. Although her family is high status, she hates the pressure. Her older sister, Ivory, has been stamped as the “Golden” Child. With perfect grades, social life, and body her sister left a hard mold to break. Isabela was able to slip through the cracks, which she did not mind. Now that Ivory is off at Harvard, Isabela has been left for her mother to hound on her about being perfect.
To be compared by the perfect child has lead Isabella down on a road of constantly being unhappy. She’s let down the people who she only wants to please.

Isabela used to be someone no one ever noticed, she liked it that way. This year her mother made her vow to become a popular at school. To try and carry her sisters legacy.
Likes (5) photography, puppies and kittens, ice cream with Nutella (cuz duh), anything tumbler, and reading.
Dislikes(5) skittles, being surprised, adventures that are unplanned, talking about her sister, comparing others.
Clothing style: girly, conservative, button ups, sweaters, cardigans, skinny jeans, and flats are preferable. 1431D15C-B034-4851-87CD-B0CF61DFD703.jpeg
Tattoos+Piercings: Ears are pierced
House: With too many unused rooms, The Stanton house An iconic play on a modern house. 62873C7F-0216-462A-93D2-5D8ECFC1D031.jpeg
Car: Isabela’s mother thought this car would bring more attention toward the “new” Isabela. 82481939-F864-45D6-AFC3-45BAC094CF16.jpeg
Pet: He was named Lopziken because when he was first given to her he couldn’t walk straight. He still fights the battle of walking in a straight line.23B7D670-6DF4-4919-9B08-28DC1CE9343F.jpeg
Friends: TBA/pm me
Enemies: TBA/ pm me


Name > Ella Kozet

Nick > El

Gender > Female

Orientation > Hetero

D.O.B. > 03/10/2000

Social class > Poor

Astrological Sign > Libra


Over the last, long seventeen years living in the park, being called "trailer trash" was something Ella had come to terms with. Her mother, on the other hand, had not. It was a day El couldn't place in her mind, likely from her young age, but the memory she had made from stories and brief exchanges from her father were enough to make her chest ache. Her mother was an adventurous, young spirit who dreamed of venturing secrets that the world had to offer. At least, that was the plan until Ella was born. The anchor had been thrown, and her dreams were drifting away, slowly but surely. Her father - as he put it - knew she was a city girl, and living in the cramped, uncomfortable lifestyle that they shared was something he desperately tried to change. He had walked far and wide, searching for stable work to support his girls, though with little qualification his chances were less than slim. Then that day came. In the silent of the night, leaving nothing but a note in her tracks, her mother had left them.

Ella hadn't understood it all that well when she was younger, but she sure as hell understood it now. Her mother had been a selfish, spoiled brat who couldn't look past her father's wealth for the love of their family. Where was she now? - probably living it up in some fancy, city apartment with a man on each arm. If any good came out of her mother leaving, it would be that El came to realize that those who are wealthy in funds cannot be wealthy in heart. That would be precisely why the seventeen year old can barely stand half of the kids at her school, with most of them relying heavily on their parents to spew money from their pockets. They were good for one thing though, and that was the private 'deals' Ella had began on the side. Teenagers would pay anything to get their hands on alcohol, and while the laws tend to prevent it from happening, El had designed a system to get around any 'bumps'. It was a risky job, but she had learned certain nicks and knacks to bypass trouble; like how not to raise suspicion. It was a low act, sure, but it was her way of bringing in a bit of extra cash when they needed it most.

As much as she hates to admit it though, while she appears to loath the wealthier families in town, she can't help but envy their lifestyle. They have everything she doesn't and more; big, fancy houses, trust funds, a loving family, or even a bright future. As far as El was concerned, her future consisted of wearing an unflattering uniform, serving annoying customers, and maxing out her skill on the fryers.

spacefriends > TBA

spaceenemies > TBA

Positive Attributes
+ Loyal
space+ Empathetic

space+ Independent
space+ Imaginative
space+ Adaptable

Negative Attributes
- Moody
space- Kleptomaniac

space- Self conscious
space- Dishonest
space- Jealous

space> Cats

space> Fancy things
space> Music
space> Books
space> Beanies

space> Pasta

space> Preppy kids
space> Her mother
space> Makeup

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Name: Aindrea Gallach
Age: 16 Years (D.O.B: October 31, 2001)

Sexuality: Bisexual (he'd be really happy with a boyfriend and girlfriend)
Rich or Poor: Poor
Personality (5+ and 5-)
History: Aindrea is of Scottish-American descent. Born in Phoenix, AZ in 2001, he grew up there with his parents and three other siblings, one older brother and sister along with a younger brother. The family lived in Phoenix until his father got a job in Coatbridge, Scotland and so, on the Christmas holiday of his third year, they moved there to begin a new life where the family quickly settled down. His mother took a job as a waitress within a small diner to help with the bills, his father working as a teacher until he was fired and had to go into factory work. That was when his father turned abusive but his mother remained with him regardless, her family having cut her off due to his father being eight years older than his mother.

When Aindrea turned fourteen he ended up running the streets, eventually falling into what he thought was a relationship with an older woman. Things were tough at home and the woman...well needless to say one thing led to another and he found out the woman got pregnant. His parents weren't happy, they were even more upset when they found out the woman was in high school, let along the woman was black though Aindrea didn't mind the woman's skin color. His parents pressed charges and the woman was sent to jail, giving birth nine months later. His parents got a restraining order against the woman and that was when his father walked out, refusing to allow his daughter into the home. An estranged sister of his mother showed up and offered to take both her nephew and his daughter who he named Takira. His parents signed over their rights and told him not to come back. His older brother escorted him to the United States where he moved in with his aunt in a trailer park. She helped take care of him and his daughter, Aindrea soon getting a job as soon as he turned sixteen in a restaurant part-time while going to school full-time.

After reaching the United States and transferring to his new school, he put all his concentration into his studies though he suffered with the fact that his daughter was unwanted and his parents had thrown him and his child away. For a year his daughter was his only life, until he dared trying to date again, however this didn't work out either as the girl he was with gave him nothing but issues and was too clingy, he also suspects she was mistreating his daughter. When she left a pair of newborn twins at his door with a note in the middle of the night saying they were his, he didn't question it but was again hurt that his attempts at his second chance of a relationship had failed so miserably, the kids he named Seathan and Minerva. A couple months before the end of the school year, his aunt who was his rock since getting custody of him, was killed on her way home from work, making things even more tighter and stressful. Things aren't easy being a single dad of three children and still in high school, having to repeat tenth grade this year due to failing last year because of his daughter but he hopes to graduate high school at least and make his children proud of him.
Likes (5)
+ His kids
+ Humanities (books-reading, art-drawing/painting, music)
-Being betrayed
-materialistic people
Clothing style: Torn jeans, ragged sneakers that he bought two years ago that are beginning to fall apart, sweat shirts and some neutral tone t-shirts. His only nice clothing is the suit he wore to his ninth grade prom a year ago and his work uniform.
Tattoos+Piercings: naval piercing, nose bridge piercing, ear piercings, right eyebrow pierced twice, left nipple piercing
(ankle tattoo)

(left side neck tat)

(right side neck tat)

(lotus flower back tat)

(tribal face tat)


Car: Too poor to have a car
Pet: Too poor to have a pet but would love a dog and cat
  • Newton Wilkes (been friends since he's lived in Newberry)
  • Kenny Morgenstern (through tutoring in Science, being tutored in math and english)
  • Delta Blake (due to they said something about his family signing over their rights to him to his aunt, prompting him to say something about Delta's mom. They've been enemies ever since.)
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→ basics ←name...
tate piers
19th of march

→ appearance ← faceclaim...
josh dun of twenty one pilots

voice claim...
josh dun of twenty one pilots



faded pink

dark brown

body figure...

clothing style...
he mostly only wears black, i'll link a polyvore set at some point

distinguishing features...
he has freckles on his back, shoulders, arms and nose

he also has gauges, and a nose ring

→ personality ←

- aloof
- unempathetic
- agressive
- rude
- impatient

- tough
- academically smart
- charming

- his sister
- dogs
- taxidermy
- alcohol
- sex
- control
- horror films
- the misfits

- most girls at his school
- showing signs of weakness
- his pills
- cigarettes
- his mother
- whining
- annoying things

→ in depth ←

his mother left him, his father and his sister at age seven. which just about marks the best day of his life. he's never told anyone, but that godforsaken woman used to molest him from ages five to six. he thinks it doesn't affect him, but it really does. it really does.

after multiple reports from neighbours of tate killing their pets and stealing alcohol at age twelve, his father took him to a hospital. at that point, he just thought tate hasd some kind of agressive depression. but he was way off. the doctor had told tate he had antisocial personality disorder from what the doctor could see. and alas they switched his antidepressants to antipsychotics.

his house is set in the trailer park, he's not exactly poor or rich. something inbetween. he didn't really care though, except for the fact that his room reminded him too much of his past, it makes him feel small, and he hated that.

he gets bullied at school, not that he gives a shit though. he would hit them back but he's fairly certain he'd kill them. and well, that's illegal in most places, and he doesn't plan on going to jail anytime soon.

theme song...
all the angels by my chemical romance
this is how i disappear by my chemical romance


Just a quick and simple character sheet!!

Name: Ember Woods
Age: 18
Appearance (realistic images please)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Rich or Poor: poor
Personality (5+ and 5-)
+ Observant
- Reserved
-Irritable/ Temperamental (it does not take much to set her off)
-she can seem quite cold
- she has a quirky/cheesy sense of humor

she originally came from a family who could barely afford a meal every day and she learned to work hard for what she has, she began selling her art for money and stealing at age 12, until her family had enough money to move to a trailer home and has lived there ever since (so sorry about how short the bio is. I can make it longer if needed)
Likes (5)
- being woken up
-people with no sense of humor
-strict rules
- loud noises -due to police sirens and gunshots-
Clothing style
gereally a tank-top or oversizd T-shirt and light fabric like leggings or something easy to run in
she has large angel wings on her back -see pick below-

House: a nice little trailer home

Car: she is too poor to own a car at the time
Pet: she has a small kitten that she found wandering around
Friends: TBD -PM me and we can work something out-
Enemies TBD -PM me and we can work something out-
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Gracyne Redwood
Full Name: Gracyne Redwood

Nickname{s}: Red, Woods, Grace.

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Birthday: September 17th.

Ror P: Rich



Height: 5'4

Weight: 120

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Brown

Typical Clothing: Usually Emo, she wears a lot of beanies and long sleeved shirts.

Piercings: Upper lip piercing, nose piercing.


Favorites: Bubble Tea, Joyriding, Drugging, Going against parents.

Positive Attributes: Smart, Chill, Pretty fluent in Russian... For some reason. She also is a pretty stylish person.

Negative Attributes: Blunt, Rude, Nosy. She finds herself in sticky situations and depends on others to get her out. She has a slight obsession with the "Jail Technique". If you need a favor from her, she has to get something out of it.

Quirk(s): Paces, Mumbles, Terrible Liar.

Likes: Animals, Partying, (Druggie). She also LOVES cars.

Disklikes: Dark rooms, Chocolate, Candy in general.

Secret: Her father is abusive to her. She's been homeschooled, which didn't help at all towards her relationship with her father. Might I mention, her father is a cop, and she would be thrown under the bus by her Dad.

Desire: To be free from anyone, anything. She just wants to escape... For a little bit.

Fear: Darkness, Closed Spaces, Non-Perfect grades.

Friends: ((Ask me))

Enemies: ((Ask Me))

History: Gracyne's never had a mother. She's never had a proper father. At the age of 8, her father's personality drastically changed when her mother died in a tragic suicide. Her father, begun drinking and abusing Gracyne. She turned to drugs and partying as her escape, and usually school and partying was the only thing keeping her alive. Then... Her very first girlfriend came along, she gave her meaning, however, her father hated the fact that she had a girlfriend. He forced them to break up, causing her to get deeper into the quicksand. Gracyne however, wants to leave this place as fast as she could, but some things are holding her back, like her friends, her life. If you'd really put it all together. You'd say she would stay here, forever.


Living Space:
Coded by JayeTheKat JayeTheKat

Mark Anthony Gordon
Full Name: Mark Anthony Gordon
Nicknames: Tony
Age: 18
Birthday: September
Zodiac: Virgo
Gender: Male
Sex: Heterosexual
Rich or poor: Extremely rich
Height: 6'5
Weight: 182
Build: Tall, Lean, Muscular
Hair: Black
Eyes: Piercing Blue

(Right Forearm)
(On left forearm)


(Bugatti Chiron)

(Lamborgini Sesto Elemento)

(W Motors Iykan Hypersport)

Total estimated value: $8.2 million

Estimated Value: $20 million
-Playing Music (Guitar, Piano, Cello, Violin)
-Creating Art (Drawing, Painting, Sculpting)
-Loving People
-Being Praised
-People that understand him
-Rude People
-Horror movies
-Plays with hair
-Cracks joints
-Rubs his neck when nervous
-Talks to himself
-Drinks when stressed
-Always is concerned about his
-Unnaturally large things
-Being alone
-Not being excepted
-Being forgottoen
Fist and foremost, Mark is a musician and an artist. When he is bored, he always likes to sit down and write a song, draw a detailed picture, or sculpt a masterpiece. he did this so much that his parents even bought him a studio. and you can bet that if hes not at school or hanging out with friends, he was in his studio. Mark is also a fashion geek, always making himself look hip, sharp, and stylish. but above all this, he is a lover. he treats everyone he meets with the highest respect and has the manors of a gentlemen. he puts other peoples needs above his own and will sacrifice almost anything for his friends and family. But there is a side that no one see's. When he is alone, he drinks impulsively. This usually leads him to thinking about his parents, and he gets really angry, usually smashing the empty bottle of booze he has in his hands. If this happens in the evenings, he cries himself to sleep on the floor.
Ever since Birth, Mark has shown the immense gift to create. even when he was a baby, he would draw and paint with the art supplies that his parents bought for him. And as he grew up, his skills got better and better. so good in fact, that his parents sent him to an art school. there he skills got even better, always getting top of of his classes, but there was a problem. he never really socialized with anyone in or outside of school and his parents saw this as an issue. so they pulled him out and had him privately tutored instead. this was for the better, since when they put him back into regular school he mad friends.

When he finally made his way to high school, that's when the social stuff really started. discovering that he had an ear for music in his junior year, his parents had him privately tutored in Guitar, piano, Cello, Violin, on top of his art lessons. Sure it was a lot of money, but Marks parents were extremely wealthy, and they wanted him to be the best he could be. In short time, he became the star of all the talent shows and even joined a band. things were going his way

This life continued all throughout high school, him being the star of musical talent and being the top student in all of his art classes, not to mention making it to the honors list every year. With senior year ending, he got a scholarship to the best art university in the country, but tragedy struck. His parents, the people who supported him his entire life, had both passed away in a car crash. Life stopped for Mark. With him being an only child and both his parents being quite wealthy, he inherited everything his parents owned. This included a hefty $150,000,000, a multi-million dollar home, and fancy cars. But not even this money could heal his acing heart.

From then on, he struggled with depression and took on an addiction to alcohol. Sometimes he filled his house with booze, only to drink it in a few days. He would cry himself to sleep, surrounded by broken whiskey bottles. However, he finally managed to get back to school. It had been a few weeks, but he could catch up. Its what his parents would have wanted him to do. But no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't shake his addiction for alcohol. Maybe there were still wounds to heal.


(Fender Rosewood Telecaster Custom)

(1971 Gibson ES-335 Walnut)

(1932 Gibson L-00)

(Martin 1947 0-15)

(17th century cello)

(16th century violin)

(Yamaha CFX Grand Piano)

Total estimated value: $415,000



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Mark Anthony Gordon
Full Name: Mark Anthony Gordon
Nicknames: Tony
Age: 18
Birthday: September
Zodiac: Virgo
Gender: Male
Sex: Heterosexual
Rich or poor: Extremely rich
Height: 6'5
Weight: 182
Build: Tall, Lean, Muscular
Hair: Black
Eyes: Piercing Blue

(Right Forearm)
View attachment 408747
(On left forearm)


View attachment 408754
(Bugatti Chiron)

View attachment 408789
(Lamborgini Sesto Elemento)

View attachment 408794
(W Motors Iykan Hypersport)

Total estimated value: $8.2 million
-Playing Music (Guitar, Piano, Cello, Violin)
-Creating Art (Drawing, Painting, Sculpting)
-Loving People
-Being Praised
-People that understand him
-Rude People
-Horror movies
-Plays with hair
-Cracks joints
-Rubs his neck when nervous
-Talks to himself
-Drinks when stressed
-Always is concerned about his
-Unnaturally large things
-Being alone
-Not being excepted
-Being forgottoen
Fist and foremost, Mark is a musician and an artist. When he is bored, he always likes to sit down and write a song, draw a detailed picture, or sculpt a masterpiece. he did this so much that his parents even bought him a studio. and you can bet that if hes not at school or hanging out with friends, he was in his studio. Mark is also a fashion geek, always making himself look hip, sharp, and stylish. but above all this, he is a lover. he treats everyone he meets with the highest respect and has the manors of a gentlemen. he puts other peoples needs above his own and will sacrifice almost anything for his friends and family. But there is a side that no one see's. When he is alone, he drinks impulsively. This usually leads him to thinking about his parents, and he gets really angry, usually smashing the empty bottle of booze he has in his hands. If this happens in the evenings, he cries himself to sleep on the floor.
Ever since Birth, Mark has shown the immense gift to create. even when he was a baby, he would draw and paint with the art supplies that his parents bought for him. And as he grew up, his skills got better and better. so good in fact, that his parents sent him to an art school. there he skills got even better, always getting top of of his classes, but there was a problem. he never really socialized with anyone in or outside of school and his parents saw this as an issue. so they pulled him out and had him privately tutored instead. this was for the better, since when they put him back into regular school he mad friends.

When he finally made his way to high school, that's when the social stuff really started. discovering that he had an ear for music in his junior year, his parents had him privately tutored in Guitar, piano, Cello, Violin, on top of his art lessons. Sure it was a lot of money, but Marks parents were extremely wealthy, and they wanted him to be the best he could be. In short time, he became the star of all the talent shows and even joined a band. things were going his way

This life continued all throughout high school, him being the star of musical talent and being the top student in all of his art classes, not to mention making it to the honors list every year. With senior year ending, he got a scholarship to the best art university in the country, but tragedy struck. His parents, the people who supported him his entire life, had both passed away in a car crash. Life stopped for Mark. With him being an only child and both his parents being quite wealthy, he inherited everything his parents owned. This included a hefty $150,000,000, a multi-million dollar home, and fancy cars. But not even this money could heal his acing heart.

From then on, he struggled with depression and took on an addiction to alcohol. Sometimes he filled his house with booze, only to drink it in a few days. He would cry himself to sleep, surrounded by broken whiskey bottles. However, he finally managed to get back to school. It had been a few weeks, but he could catch up. Its what his parents would have wanted him to do. But no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't shake his addiction for alcohol. Maybe there were still wounds to heal.


(Fender Rosewood Telecaster Custom)

View attachment 408800
(1971 Gibson ES-335 Walnut)

View attachment 408805
(1932 Gibson L-00)

View attachment 408801
(Martin 1947 0-15)

View attachment 408785
(17th century cello)

View attachment 408799
(16th century violin)

View attachment 408857
(Yamaha CFX Grand Piano)

Total estimated value: $415,000

I used to follow your face claim on insta and man he's a beautiful human
Jackson R. Wright

17 almost 18



Rich or Poor
Higher end poor

Personality (5+ and 5-)
+secretly a sweet guy
+Not afraid to throw down for people he holds dear
-Hot headed
-doesn't take anyone's shit
-Has troubles talking about his feelings
-sometimes cold towards others
-holds grudges
-will never back down from a challenge
Jacksons' history is honestly a pretty interesting one. Never knowing his parents he was given to a Lesbian couple at the age of 3 days old. With that as his start to life Jackson never really payed attention to the thoughts of his parents even seeing it as if they gave him up then hes way to good for the assholes. Growing up with his mothers was a good time for him though. They rose him right and kept him on a good path through his youth. His mothers running and working the local Auto shop for the rich he was always around Ferrari's, Lambo's, Old classics, and exotic cars from a time he could remember. Out of this relationship his family had with the rich his mothers bought an old Dodge charger off one of the rich and they as well as Jackson worked on it, suping it up and making it bad ass. When Jackson hit middle school he became obsessed with sports, mainly boxing and football and gladly joined both teams at the school. Freshman year of high school Jackson took the position of quarter back of the football team and captain of the boxing team and hasn't given up those positions since. Honestly it was awesome for him. Holding that "Highschool" fame put him in with everyone. The cool poor and the cool rich all knew him and hung out with him. With all this new popularity Jackson strived to stay there. Keeping himself fit and skilled enough, keeping his grades B's at least, Making sure he had time to hang out with all his friends both poor and rich. Out of it all came the Jackson everyone knows today. The popular poor kid most everyone wants to hang around. Recently too Jackson has started receiving scholarships from multiple school interested in his athletic ability. With all this "good kid" stuff though Jackson has never put it above his friends especially those he deems family to him and also does know how to party and be a good hang as well

driving his car
hot girls
screwing hot girls especially if there the rich ones
knowing he has a future ahead of him

The fact that hes poor in a rich comunity
the rich guys who deserve an ass whooping
being bored
getting in trouble
not having money

Clothing style
In terms of clothing styles Jackson doesn't really have a style besides good looking. Despite being poor though he goes out of his way to dress cool and clean to the point that if you didn't know his past you'd think he was rich.

(uhhh consult apperance photo for details XD)

(just more run down and with car parts everywhere)

(an old 1970's dodge charger he built with his parents)

images (10).jpeg
(a rare wolf dog named Koba)

(open for anyone ^-^)

(open for anyone ^-^)​
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