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One x One Wild Hearts


Retired M
Part two of Wild Cards. Wild Hearts are about deam slaying teens who have been trapped in the demon world for 5 years finally find a way home, only to find it had been destroyed and taken over by a demon that had long since disappeared. Now as grown and well trained adults, it is up to the Gaurdians to help save what is left of the human race with the help of their demon friends and other unexpected allies.

Ricia‘s Main Characters:

Rhea - Healer, Princess

Sage - Death, Death Bringer

Lucifer - Kid, Lucy, Luce

Fredrick- Freddy


InsaneTruth ‘s Main Characters:

Kai - Joker, Jokester

Shania - Warrior

Ebony - Archer, Dancer

Rose - Birdy

Kat -

Name: Tannis

Gender: Male, Manicorn

Personality: Calm, actually a big softy, strong minded.

Extra: King of Demon world. Shania's teacher

Name: Axesort

Gender: Male, Black Dragon

Personality: Only known that he might be mentally ill.

Extra: Taken over the human world. Works with Venn.

Name: Levi

Gender: Male

Personality: Levi is extremely sure of himself, almost cocky. He always makes sure he goes a very roundabout way when he tells his new guardians information that they need to know. Lucifer's Uncle. Twin to Lucifer Father.

Name: Sillia

Gender: Female, Sacuubi

Personality: Sillia is very much like a Sacuubi, but she seems to have a soft spot for humans and has always been open to helping any way she can.

Extra: Lucifer's Aunt.

Name: Mokii

Gender: Female

Personality: bubbly and very happy. Seems to never change her tone of voice.

Extra: Lucifer's Mother

Name: Raffer

Gender: Male, Goblin Shaman.

Personality: Cheerful, positive, a bit mysterious, calm.

Extra: Was Broren's apprentice and adoptive son. Now a black shamon but still leader of his mentors tribe.

Name: Momo

Gender: Female, Mokey Beast kin

Personality: Happy, Cheerful, playful

Extra: Telepath, Mia's Daughter, Raver's Sister, In love with Kai.

Name: Mia

Gender: Female, Tiger beastkin

Personality: Down to earth, giving, blunt

Extra: Kai's teacher, Momo and Raver's mother.

Name: Raver

Gender: Male

Personality: Quiet, tempered, quick.

Extra: Momo's brother, Mia's son.

Name: Hiro

Gender: Male, Arch Angel

Personality: Ruthless, blood thirsty.

Extra: brought back to life by Broren., Hiro's brother.

Name: Venn

Gender: Male, Human


Extra: Kai's enemy.

Name: Zek

Gender: Male, Bat Demon

Personality: Smart, sarcastic,

Extra: crush on Rhea, palace scholer

Name: Dasuke

Gender: Male, Arch Angel

Personality: Kind, hard working.

Extra: Rose's dad, Sage's teached, Tannis's right hand.

Name: Rhea Addora

Nickname: Priestess or Princess

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Likes: Reading, The Quiet, Learning, sweet things.Dislikes: being tricked, evil, war, loudness.

Power: Scar on her right arm that can healing others or positive energy. Rhea has the ability to produce a large shield the can span over several people. She also can open positive energy portals

Personality:Rhea use to be shy and never spoke up, she use to be easily scared and unsure, but over the five years of starting demon hunting she had become more confident in herself and her work. Rhea is very studious and learns quickly and loves to learn. Rhea has a very accepting and open personality and often to take things at face value, though she loves to search for things and a deeper understanding.

Wild Cards History: Rhea started out shy and reserved to herself. Over the span of wild cards she fell into her brother’s custody and lived with him. On several occasions saved the lives and closed portals through the demon hunting days. Rhea had taken to having a hard time watching war or people suffering, fuelling her want to be a doctor. Is currently dating Shania, though she would not admit to herself she likes Zek, and very good at hiding it. She had accidently pushed herself away her family during her research and is not near as close.

Appearance: Rhea has glasses, mostly contacts and long brown hair. She always keeps her hair up in a long thick braid that goes down past her waist, which causes it to be wavy when she lets it down. She stands about 5'3.

Name: Sage Ruuso

Nickname: Death Bringer, Death

Age: 22

Gender: Female,but says Male, often left for debate.

Likes: Cooking, Dressing nice, Tricking people, pretending to be a boy, cats, Rose.

Dislikes: Bad cooking, close minded people, slobs, Getting wet, water.

Power: She controls plants and

Personality: Sage is a liar, and she loved to lie and tease everyone around her, though recently she had become much more open about her feelings, but even then she is still the one who hides the most.

Wild Cards History: Sage’s father died in the accident that earner her powers. Sage’s mother died of cancer a few months later. After that Sage became close friends with Kai, entering the underground world with him and fighting to keep peace in the human world as well as the demon world. She fell in love with Rose and is actually pretty mean to the girl, though one of the few people that can keep up with Sage.

Appearance: Sage always dresses nice. You will probably never see her without a button up shirt and some nice slacks with a pair of dress shoes. Sometimes she wears a vest or a tie if she wants to get formal. She stands about 5'9. She had blue hair and Hazle eyes Sage looks like a boy.

Name: Lucifer Raumuet

Nickname:Lucy, Luce, Kid

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Likes: Ebony, his children, Shania, Any foods,

Dislikes: Terrible demons, Bugs, scary things, The Unknown.

Power: Lucifer is a hand to hand combatant, He has come to learn some of his mother's magic skill.

Personality: Lucifer had grown into a steadfast and loyal demon who protects his family fiercely, though he has a fear of things new sometimes and forgiveness is hard for him to come by. He also picked up quiet the temper over the years, though most of the time in good humor and quiet childish

Wild Cards History:Joined the guardians at the very beginning to help track down demons and portals. Lucifer has been a strong Ally for the group since the beginning. Lucifer quickly bonded with Shania becoming in her sense a little brother. Later Lucifer had fallen in love with Ebony and they have had 4 half demon children. Twins, age 5, boy and girl. And two other sons Age 3 and 1. Levi is still head of family in his demon family.

Appearance: Stands at 6'4, Black hair and purple eyes. He has long horns and a tail with a fluff at the end. He had black demon wings.
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age, 21

Personality, really hasn't changed though she is a lot calmer through Tannis's training.

nicknames, Warrior, mother wolf

wild cards, in wild cards Shania was the damage dealer in battle and the homemaker out of it. She is dating

Rheah and has been for a while though she and Rhea spent little time together in the demon world.


age, 22

Personality, this guy has only changed in one way... he's lost his marbles.

Nicknames, Joker Trickster Underworld Prince Pretty Boy

Wild cards, in Wild cards he was one of the pole arms he was also a mafia boss' son.


age 21

Personality, Ebony has came out of her shell nicely though she is still shy she is motherly as well

Nicknames, Archer and Mommy,

Wild cards, Ebony is the ranged fighter an she is Lucifer's mate she has bore four children for him and she loves them dearly


age 19

personality, hyper happy and is in love love with her mate Sage.

Nicknames, Birdy

Wild Cards, Starting as a bad guy for one battle she went to the good side and fought with the gaurdians she is in a steady relationship with Sage.

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