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Finished [Widersia, Eastern Border] Edge of Enigma



From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Decimus Maxxob Maxxob

“[Sir, yes sir!]” She answered when Surius told them it was time to finish up and go report stuff.

“[I'm pretty sure it's what it's like to have a dad, I think!]” She replied to Yuna. “[I've got no clue, I think the scientist twin that made me got arrested or something? Maybe? Either way, I don't care, he left so he's totally not important!]” She'd decided as much. “[I bad Decimus would make a much better dad anyway!]” She'd add.

With the dice working in her favour, Almeida was rather happy to make yet another friend. “[Yep! We'll be liberating the freedom out of... into? For him!]” She tried to make the saying work. “[We already promised our mirror friend, so promising one more person won't hurt! We'll just be extra motivated!]” She happily stated.

She was glad Surius thought that same. Upon the swordsman promising to catch up, she'd give him a thumbs up. “[Perhaps you can join us when we go to a bathhouse after this! I've been in one before and they're amazing!]”

“%I don't know, I'm just happy to make more friends! We'll have the best bathhouse party afterwards when we bring so many!%” She enthusiastically stated.

“[Don't worry, we're here to free you! We promised! So don't resist!]” She told the dude whom she assumed as the master. He seemed fancy enough to be one, at least. The throne also helped clue her in.

“[Nobody picked you as they're champion! You're like... brainwashed or something! A real champion would totally resist it and stuff!]” She replied to him calling out. “[Who cares about class? Just have some class and you're good!]” She refuted whatever he was spouting about a Ryu.

“[OI! You don't have to protect him, we're here to save him! You should help us! What bullshit is this?]” She called out, annoyed. They'd been doing so well trying to save everyone. How lame.

“[Well, you're a fucking coward for not facing reality!]” She'd yell back at the blue one. “[Clearly you're all being abused and used and stuff and you're not even fighting it!]” How lame.

The red one didn't seem much better. “[I'll bloody destroy you instead if you try! If you're that desperate for a fight, don't start crying when I break your limbs and squash your torso! Valerius is getting angry as well!]” She shouted at the red one.

Considering the cracks coming at her, she'd rush further into the chamber. “%Dibs on red!%” She called out to Yuna, rushing right at the red demon thing. She wouldn't hold back against it, going in with a [Grand Slam - E] from the get-go and using her [Initiative [Attack]] against him, should he try counter.

Grand Slam E – Martial Ethos E, Initiative [Attack] E, Blight (Valkanite) E, Continuing (Valkanite) E, Enervation E, Flare (Sight) E - Grade E – 2 actions – 1 post Cooldown.
Initiative [Attack] - character's martial ethos gives them an edge when facing certain types of defences to their abilities. Character attacks (not defences) reduces defence ability contribution to a defence action by 1 per grade of Martial ethos when contested by Attacking.

Action 1 – Move
Action 2/3 – Grand Slam E

E-Grade 0/1
F-grade 0/0
Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge, strange dimension

Language key: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “%Analog%” "?Strange ?"

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob


Yunaesa was equally surprised to see that talking with the sword guy worked so well. “[Arrested? Oh no! I think mine might have as well, I dunno though cause I didn’t seem him again after I woke up!]”

“[I mean I guess he’s not that important yeah if he was he would have come back to see me!, I thought what he told me might give me some kinda purpose? Y’know show everyone how awesome me and Zjorn are to the world, I think I can handle that.]”

“[Yeah Decimus would be a much better dad!]”
She replied with a bit of a jovial giggle.

The swordman would let out a dark chuckle of sorts to Almeida’s comments from the sound of things as she made that offer, entertained in some capacity clearly by how blunt she was.

Yunaesa grinned, “%You really think so? Yeah we should definitely go to a bathhouse when this is all done it’ll be a good celebration, I didn’t know we were going to making so many new friends though on a mission!%”
By the time the group was fighting the two demon guards, it was a mad rush to get out of the hallway entrance before the two ground attacks landed true. Officer Surius would manage to get out into the space, now drawing his beast man style sword, his eye glowing.

It was a close call to the say the least, Yunaesa and Almeida being at the front had the easiest time avoiding the strikes, as they got ready to engage their enemies.

Unfortunately for those toward the back fo the formation it would be harder. Four of Officer Surius’ clockwork soldiers would get clipped by the strikes and go flying up off their feet and smash int the ceiling of the hallway above, before crashing down hard, looking worse for wear.

Ruell would attempt to avoid the strike but as far back as he was he wasn’t fast enough particularly with his lofty gun to which he also found himself getting smashed up into the ceiling and falling down hard the ground in the hallway now completely messed up. The adventurer in the hat would get flung against the wall, hard, as he let out a cry of pain, blood coming from his mouth after the ordeal.

As for Decimus’s units one of them would get clipped, the one farthest away from him, but instead of smashing into the ceiling like the others had it would simply get launched and hit the ground hard, it’s armor looking a bit messed up as did what it was wearing, but it would rise and regroup in formation, it having had avoided a good deal of the damage it would have received if it was still in the entrance hallway area.

“%RUELL!%” Yunaesa called out having seen what happened, then there was also the guy who had been hurt too who she still didn’t know the name of and some of the constructs.

“[YOU’RE GONNA PAY FOR THAT!]” She gritted her teeth and revved up Zjorn.


The red demon would cackle. “? MAKE ME THEN! ? “

“% I’ll take blue then!%” Yunaesa called out as she got to rushing up to Blue and trying to slash him up.


“ ? You really think you can face off against me?! I’ll make you wish you were already dead! ?”

Thankfully for Almeida her initiative would give her a bit of edge on Aka who tried to block her first, finding her hammer colliding with his club, as a valkanite reaction happened where the energy spread from the club to his body and inflicted lingerie damaging, not only that but his eyes appeared to be negatively impacted too!

“? AGH I CAN’T SEE!!! ? “ The red one screamed out enraged so loudly that Almeida would get inflicted with Flare [Hearing] E and would have a difficult hearing briefly.

Before it would swing wildly at her, the strike was so off base that it would miss, opening him up to another of her strikes which she'd be able to press advantage on.

Yunaesa on the other hand would find Zjorn clashing with the Kannabo of Ao, as she attempted to break through with some basic strikes first.

It wouldn’t be until Officer Surius came over to assist that she’d get an opening, where he’d move around and hit Ao in the back with his gun causing Ao to stumble, instead of crying out in pain like Aka, Ao gritted his teeth,

“? I’ll Drag you down to the nether realm with me! ?”

Yunaesa was able to shove her chainsaw into his chest during the opening and get a large slash down it with [Specialize] Fighting Style F (7) Zjorn’s Mechanized Melee
An aggressive chainsaw based fighting Style focused on enhancing saw damage, and inflicting targets with lasting damage and afflictions. Incurable F - 0 Post cooldown

Demonic blood splattering as she did so.

Clockwork Soldiers
The clockwork soldiers would split their firing targets, three moving and firing at Ao the other three firing at Aka, avoiding friendly fire with pristine accuracy, their shots pelting the demons and causing more blood to fly as they kept trying to fight on.

??? Master

The young man on the throne looked startled when Almeida had spoken to him, however his expression became increasingly inflicted by the time she was saying all that before he doubled down.


He’d then have a pained expression on his face.

“? I had high enough scores to get into Tokyo University..top of my class, when we arrived in this world Setsuna said she’d never leave me! Ando too… But…they both left me here to die! I thought they cared....The demons are the only ones who helped me survive! ?”

“? That’s..why I can’t stop here! I have to win! ?”

Just like that the master would focus with some effort with his hand extended and opened up and suddenly two similar symbols from before opened up in front of his throne.

And Two of the same sort of [Large] abominations towered in the room now, letting out abyssal sounds as the black smog cleared.

Abomination #1

Abomination #2

Officer Surius
Screenshot 2024-05-14 at 10.46.38 PM-1-1-1.png

“[Alternate fire! Let’s finish off these two then focus on the next! We can’t use lethal force on the one on the throne , or we’ll have the sword demon to contend with too! Probably coming from our flank!]

Friendly actions:
Yunaesa: #1 Approach Blue demon, Ao.
#2. Basic strike Ao
#3. Use [Specialize] Fighting Style F (7) Zjorn’s Mechanized Melee
An aggressive chainsaw based fighting Style focused on enhancing saw damage,and inflicting targets with lasting damage and afflictions. Incurable F - 0 Post cooldown On Ao to slash his chest.

Officer Surius:
  1. Order Units to move out of way of strike, #1-#3 get damaged and incapacitated on the floor of the hallway
  2. Clockwork #4-#10 ,Three shoot Ao, three shoot Aka, keeping a safe distance away.
  3. Officer Surius shoots Ao.

Ruell: Currently Incapacitated

Hat adventurer: Currently Incapacitated

Enemy Status:

Master: Great

Abomination #1: Great

Abomination #2: Great

Ao: Injured

Aka: Injured more than Ao., Flared Vision


From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Decimus Maxxob Maxxob

“[Oh! That's so cool! I woke up and really wanted to become a well-renowned Hero, so we have that in common as well!]” It was weird how she and Yuna could be so similar.

“%I've made friends on all my missions so far, it's great!%” She added. Well except maybe for the latest one before this... but that didn't need mention.

“[We'll make them pay for sure!]” Almeida backed up Yuna when she called out. “[Bastards hurting our friends!]” She didn't like it.

“[I'm gonna smash Valerius and you're gonna pay for it!]” She replied to the red demon challenging her. Luckily enough, it did. “[Hah! Good on yo...]” and then a deafening scream made everything go silent.

“[H-hello? Where'd the sound go? Hello? Test, test?]” She couldn't even hear herself trying to call out. “[FUCK!]” She yelled. That was annoying.

Luckily enough, she could pay him back in Full-On-Hammering. Now that she was close enough, she could just pummel into him at full force, without having to hold (an action) back at all.

She could see the dude at the throne speaking to her, but she couldn't hear him. She couldn't really lip-read either. So she just assumed what he stated and try to reply back. Which wasn't easy as she couldn't even hear her own voice.

“[That's right! We're here to save you and make friends! We already promised two people we'd save you and made them both our friends as well! You can come join us on a trip to the bathhouse as well!]” She called out, hoping he'd just talked about how he wanted to stop fighting.

It turned out he hadn't, as two more abominations were summoned. “[OH COME ON YOU DINGUS!]” She called out annoyed, though still unable to hear herself. “[Stop summoning these gross things and let us save you already!]” She'd add, not wanting to get more of those creature's gross blood on her. Then again, at least it'd be another good reason to go the bathhouse after... Cleaning up Valerius would be trouble though. Shame Kota wasn't here.

Full-On-Hammering F – Martial Ethos F, Initiative [Attack] F, Blight (Valkanite) F, Continuing (Valkanite) F, Deflect F, Enervation F, Flare (Sight) F - Grade F – 3 actions – 0 post Cooldown.

Action 1/2/3 – Full-On-Hammering F

E-Grade 1/1
F-grade 0/0
Decimus Valerius


Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a
Language key: "Common", "[Terran]"

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

The old veteran felt nothing shorter than flattered, as he was being seen as a father-figure by both Almeida and Yunaesa, feeling a swell of mixed emotions within him. Maybe, in the war-torn landscape, something intrinsically good could come out of it. And, even before he had heard such comments, his determination had already been set to both finish the duty he had been tasked with and making sure both of them would live to see another day, whatever the cost might be.

And the cost of it came, Ruell and the hatted gunslinger now incapacitated, one of his own clockwork mechanoids somewhat damaged. Decimus had fallen to his knees momentarily, quickly rising to his feet and assessing the situation with narrowing eyes. The opposition grew, two abominations, just like the one the group had encountered before entering that hellish place, being brought forth by the one in the throne. If that keep up, they could be in serious trouble.

In his mind, he thought it was prudent if both the red and blue-skinned demons were taken care of it first and, with that plan in his mind, he would quickly bark his orders. “[Three of you, attack the blue-skinned demon! Two of you, attack the red-skinned one! Scramble to avoid friendly fire and loose ranks!]” His plan was simple: spread-out the formation as much as possible to avoid any area damage they could come with.

In a synchronized effort, the old veteran would bring his pistol up, aiming at Aka, as soon as the constructs finished scrambling and bringing up their steam-rifles. With three of them aiming at Ao, while two of them aiming at Aka following Decimus’ lead. “[Volley!]” With practiced unison, all triggers would be squeezed simultaneously, dual bursts of projectiles being let out with impunity, all aimed at the center of mass. Spent shells being ejected from firing ports, the brass clinking against the floor as they hit against it. The increasing smell of gunpowder, along with the burning tobacco leaving the old cadet’s smoking pipe, would reach Decimus’ nostrils.


1 - Emergency Reinforcements - Magic F, Minions F, Focus F, Energized F - Decimus is able to magically summon his Minions for a single turn - Grade F Cooldown -0
2 - Ordered 3 of his minions to target Ao, while 2 of them target Aka. All of them loosing up ranks, keeping from 15ft to 20ft distance of each other.
3 - Joined the assault against Aka, shooting against him with a mundane ranged attack.

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