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[Widersia:Clockhaven] Getting rid of the Music Makers!:Creator’s trials I


One Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
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This roleplay is part of the Isekai Hell community hosted project! For more information click here. I plan on attempting to keep this weekly paced due to irl stuff posts may be little delayed or posted a little sooner goal is to post every Wednesday and communication is encouraged. Advanced rules will be loosely put into play here. This is 1 part of a 4 part roleplay series.

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Keircey: Get rid of wanted title/get rid of his creator for good
Lolory Lolory Kuro: make new friends that is not Winery
Maxxob Maxxob Koralia: eat something
Megilagor Megilagor : find information on how to get rid of her wanted status/Find information on the criminal trifecta

Located in it’s own little nook between the Eastern Empire and the Fae See was Widersia it’s war worn borders covered in defenses damage covered the area from being stuck between the warring countries that at the moment stood at a truce, whether the truce was permeant or temporary was yet to he seen as Widersian’s walked the streets of the small country it’s air thick with fog and pollution. Within the edges of the captial Clockhaven was a worn out workshop it’s walls covered in mold the lack of up keep resulting in peeling wall paper, holes in the walls and the roof with a Pair of lanterns outside the rotted door flickering with a dim light. IMG_0455.png A robotic construct stood outside of the ruins of the workshop curiously. He muttered to himself.

“We weren’t in the duchy that long what happened…”

Despite this claim, the workshop still lay in ruin while he slowly tried to get the courage to go in and face the past. Anyone with a heightened sense of smell could smell a mixture of rust and athe smell of something Metallic and some oil. Those with Dark vision can see vague outlines of movement within the building through broken glass or holes in it’s walls and if those nearby played close enough attention they could hear vague sounds of a drum and violin. Keircey heard it muttered.

“Of course they are still here…”

There had been job at the Widersia adventurers guild to investigate the place, Keircey knew who put it there despite the Alias because he knew who the workshop belong to it was one of four located in different parts of Widersia. It was in essence a trap by his creator who knew he had been taking up jobs with the adventurers guilds the job detailed as investigating four abandoned buildings one at a time. It was an odd pattern but all the buildings did belong to Diago and Keircey wasn’t stupid to think it not a coincidence it was a trap he was willing to walk into to hopefully end the problems at the source eventally.

This was one of those issues.

KURO NEKOMATA | Beastkin-Cat | Eccentric
So far Clockhaven had been a bust for Kuro. She had to spend whatever meager savings she had to clean her very nice and expensive lordly clothing since the last job she had taken here had completely ruined the silk and linen. That left her with just her standard clothing she wore around the docks, something she had hoped she could avoid wearing out publicly. Her Uncle Saldana was still doing work for Miss Highwater so they'd have to stay in Clockhaven for just a little bit longer.

That meant that Kuro would have to find herself yet another job from the guild. Her Uncle hadn't believed her when he told her the absolutely catastrophe she'd gotten into last time taking a job in Clockhaven. "I'm not lying! There really was a rogue robot who was going to kill us all in an abandoned factory! I could've died!" She had exclaimed to him over dinner. He simply chuckled at her, sipped his beer, and then patted her head as he left to go take a smoke. If anything, he assumed it was another one of her crazy stories she'd make up to make herself seem more interesting. Her Uncle would never know the truth.

She'd picked up another job, this time it seemed far less difficult and low stakes than the last one (Then again, the previous job had also seemed suspiciously easy...) She'd just have to go and investigate some old workshop, and then report her findings back to the guild so whoever listed the job could be satisfied with what she found. Really it seemed like a job that would take her a day at most, even quicker if other people had decided to take up the listing. Unfortunately for her, however, a person she least expected had taken the same job as well. Keircey??? Oh Dear Delilah what is he doing here?! I can't let him see me like this! He's going to know I'm not really a noble! It was too late for her to hide, since she'd walked into the building after him. I know, I'll just make something up! Yes, yes...these are just... the latest fashion in Azuran city for nobles! That's what I'll say if he says anything!

"Ahem. Hello, Keircey. We meet again, I see you've also taken up this job as well then, hm?" Kuro greeted him. "It should be far easier than the last job at least."

Mention: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Yuze "Yufi" Fujiyo

Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: Lolory Lolory , DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

It was a tough decision for Yufi, coming back to Widersia meant the members of the trifecta could find her at any moment, but at the same time if she wanted to get rid of them or at least of their will to hunt her down then there was no better place to start then here. She remembered that someone out on the outskirts of Widersia worked with the Roze Trifecta, but the address of their workshop escaped her mind, that was until she found a quest at the Widersia Adventurers Guild, the address on the quest was familiar to her, with a bit of thinking and trying hard to remember she finally remembered it was there. So with that in mind, she moved to the address trying not to leave a trace while doing so.

When she arrived she saw a person enter the building, she could only hope it wasn't someone with the Trifecta. So she approached the entrance as fast and stealthily as she could, then she took a peak inside at the person who entered. Their clothing didn't have any insignia related to the Trifecta, but one could never be too careful, though if that person was from Trifecta they would attack her at sight so it was easy to check.

Having decided there was nothing to do than go inside, and knowing her skills weren't good enough to allow her to sneak past she stood up and walked inside, with her hands in the air and saying. "It seems you two took up the quest, I see. I hope the two of you don't mind if I snoop around with you, and don't worry I'm not here for the reward, more of a personal reason for me being here."

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