I have been role playing almost as long, and I can tell you all that it is the people, not the story, or the GM.
People lack any form of professionalism when it comes to writing and story telling. That's not what you wanted to hear, but it is very much an absolute fact. People treat commitments, well, like they aren't commitments at all. I understand that things will happen, and it's just RP; Lives come first. But people will get excited, join your RP, and then ghost out like a phantom because interest dwindled, or their character wasn't the center of the universe. Most players have absolutely no professionalism or capacity to work as part of a team. Being in a team doesn't always mean you get full say over every aspect of what your characters gets to do, where they go, how they die. I miss the days when Game Masters knew what they were doing, had a plan, and enforced, because it is there story and no one forced you to join.
I love controlling GMs, because I know this is going to be a real, cohesive story. it won't be several people aimlessly splashing around shallow water until it burns out within a few weeks. Give me material, give me options, challenge me, force my hand now and then. That's the essence of rpg gaming, and what makes us grow as writers and creators. And honestly, 6-8 randos floating around a sandbox is not something I find appealing or fun at my age, and given how my creative tastes have grown over the years. There is nothing worse than floater RPs where every meaningless moment is dragged out by directionless over-posting. This is why you get ghosted, rofl. I'm so sorry, but it's so true.
I've always made my own RPs, joined very few that were created by others. I think I joined 2 RPs in my lifetime. The only time I ever had problems with recruitment is since arriving here, a rusty, beat up old shell of a writer. Few of my pitches had a good response, but they were the kinds of stories that contained a certain amount of structure. I knew where they were going, and that turns people off for most people, because if they can't do whatever they want, whenever they want, they throw an internal hissy fit over their expressive and artistic rights. "How dare that tyrannical scumbag tell me what's going to happen now and then in their own story! I don't have to stand for this. I quit!" It's like please, you whiny primadonna, save the theatrics for your career in Hollywood.
Can you imagine playing a DnD campaign and stopping the Master mid-introduction. "No no! Snow doesn't suit my character. We're going to be in a dry, hot desert region."
You'd end up play at home, by yourself, because no one would tolerate that level of self-centered shenanigans. Writing isn't always about total freedom and control. That's the lazy, cheap way out in terms of RP. No one is suggesting voices can't be heard and impact the process, that's been going on since the dawn of play by post. I swear society began subscribing to one extreme or the other, giving no consideration to middle ground.
I disagree that this type of mentality that you laid out is selfish. Professionalism may be important to you, but that doesn’t mean it’s the end all be all or the superior form of roleplay. Whilst you personally may enjoy controlling GMs, I understand those who feel like their toes are being stepped on. I usually ignore responses but the main thing that rubbed me the wrong way was this sentence:
“How dare that tyrannical scumbag tell me what's going to happen now and then in their own story!“
A lot of RPers feel that it is not the GMs story. Not completely at least. That’s why you RP in a group. To share the story and to draw influence that you may not have been able to think of on your own. If it’s “your story”, why not just go write a book?
As far as “professionalism”, you said it yourself even. For the vast majority of those on site this is just a hobby. Saying that sandbox RPing is the reason people get ghosted is disingenuous at best and possibly hurtful to some at worst. There really isn’t a form of RP that is better than another. Some people like sandbox, and some enjoy heavy handed structure. Both are okay! In fact, on this site at least, the longest lasting RP that I’ve seen is a superhero vs villain story that’s been going on for a few years now that seems to be a very loose, sandbox RP.