Whole New World

Original Hylion

RPn's Original Jello Lion Pirate

A deep, cold, and dark cave. One can barely see past their own hands. No traces of light, no signs escape, no clue of where about you may be. In fact, no memory passes your mind, you feel faint, dizzy, as if you were hit in the head with a large rock. Your name escapes you, who you are escapes you, what you were doing here escapes you, amnesia has clouded all of your personal memory. It seems you are to die down here, without a trace of who you are, no hope, no world beyond where you sit, in the darkness. Oh, but a light brightens like a lantern in the distance, it comes around what seems like a corner of rocky walls. The figure hold a light before you, the lights shines to bright for you to see, or your eyes are simply unused to the sight of fiery light. You turn your head, you see others, more people here, in the darkness, in the confusion of amnesia. You are not alone, in your cloud. Maybe together, memory can be regained.

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I find that the Fantasy section lacks the old fashion Medieval Fantasy. I can't seem to find an RP that suits my fancy to a great extent so I am forced to create my own. I hope for a casual RP that does not die on the first few pages. So, to start things off, you are one of the people in the cave, who lack memory of who you are. This is set in Fantasy Medieval - Renaissance time period, so European 5th century all the way to 19th century, but this is not a parallel Earth role play. The world itself will be based off of my own creation, although it is incomplete, we will use what we can of it. I put up a thread to look through, out of any common memory they would have, it should be of how magic works, which is explained on the thread. As for unexplained things, I will try my best to explain them during the course of the RP in the OOC and the IC, but to start off, just look back to the lore thread. Now the reason why I call this a test run is because the lore book is not complete. Th only difference from other RPs is that rules and lore may fluctuate during the course of the RP. The only thing I have set in stone for the IC is that I want everyone to aim for sticking together, and if you cannot, then that is fine, feel free to explore the world. The reason why I ask this is because it will make it somewhat easier for me to handle. Now, in a way, this may end up being a open world RP, for I really don't have a story planned. I have countries doing their own things, and other things happening, but what your character chooses to do is entirely up to you. Think of this as a video game, or D&D without all the number crunching. I really hope we have fun, and I look forward to seeing your characters.

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Character Sign up sheet:

Chosen Name:
(The characters are naming themselves, so it may be as weird as you wish)

Apparent Age: (What they look to be, so late twenties or eighties, whatever they look to be)

Gender: (Male or Female)

Race: (Now rules about races are subject to change, but for now, just about anything is allowed, but please be prepared to explain your race. Oh, and feel free to be innovative with races)

Height and Weight: (Feet and pounds please, sorry for the inconvenience)

Only Memories: (This what they can remember, make this brief, they are practically starting their lives completely over)

Remembered Traits and Habits: (This would be their carried skills from their past life, such as how well they fight, their prowess in magic, their meager cooking skills, their taste in a spouse, such and such)

Succeeds In: (Stuff the character is good at, or strengths)

Falters In: (Stuff the character is bad at, or weaknesses)

Woke Up With: (Stuff you woke up in, doesn't include the outfit, but rather weapons, pets, supplies, random things from past life)

Appearance: (I'd prefer a picture, if you feel you want to describe the character instead then it must be detailed or you could even do both)


This is where I'll put stuff that has happened so far, where people are, who people are, important OOC conversations, and stuff that would be nice to know

IC: http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/5435-Whole-New-World?p=197731#post197731

I may close this RP down soon, as in close it for good. The test was somewhat successful, people are interested in the world, the magic is somewhat understandable if read through thoroughly. I may open another Terryal based RP soon, but for now I believe my personal life will be eating my time. So I will not be accepting any more profiles from this point.

Even with a few people we have active now, I will run it for however long they please. But this RP will be ending soon.

Accepted Characters:

Me - Lite

Niki Rodgers - Adidas

WanderingTyrant - Day-Bane

Soses-fighter007 - Helia

Riylin - Slim

MDM - Logan Kaspar

Broken Survivor - Wen

Mitaku - Arkin

Falconeevee - Project

Berace - Narcia

Zinsk - Raspberry

Waiting Accepted List:

RogueSteeler - Scorpius

Chosen Name: Lite

Apparent Age: Early - Mid Twenties

Gender: Male

Race: Human, Hume(Basic human)

Height and Weight: 5'11, 210

Only Memories: I could remember that a lantern was sitting at my side. I remembered exactly how to turn it on, where to apply the oil, and where to grab onto. I have a faint memory of where the others are... but I don't remember who the others are, just that I am not alone.

Remembered Traits and Habits: I feel strength and confidence enough in my arm to wield it with pride, I do believe I have a well amount of skill with it, but I feel that I should not. The thought of pointless violence slightly sickens me, if I can avoid I a fight I will. As others draw their swords to begin war, I draw mine only to end it. I'm a bit woozy but I can see with precision and accuracy, the pistol at my left feels in the rightful in my hand. This world, I think I remember a few things. This cave, something seems familiar.

Succeeds In: Surviving, striving, moving when none else will, willpower

Falters In: Negotiating, avoids drawing his sword or firearm, feels that he is smarter than most others.

Woke Up With: I'm well armed and well shelled with gold like armor. I look quite dazzling, perhaps I was royalty. I have a belt which all my stuff is strapped to. I have a flask of oil for my lantern and a tinderbox kit. As well a small satchel with some lembas bread and a flask of water. A scabbard with a one sided curved sword at my left waist, and a holstered one shot pistol.

Appearance: He has a scar visible on his left cheek, at the bottom of his chin angling up onto his cheek. Another scar visible on his right eyebrow, just above the brow, is a scar that traces it, the lower part of the scar reaches half way down the eye. His hair showed a dirty black, with messages of once being a dark a brown. His skin was nice and tan, he was caucasian but showed the possibilities of a darker skinned heritage. His eyes were very odd and different. He had no pupils, neither any whites, nor iris, both eyes were entirely void of color. But a glowing halo, golden like the sun, burned brightly around the edge of where the iris would be. It gave out a bright enough glow that when completely dark, his eyes would be visible. He was well built, but stood just slightly smaller than most men. His shoulders were well broad, his body gave off the sight of masculinity.

​Chosen Name: Adidas

Apperent Age: Late Teen to Early Twenties

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Height & Weight: 5'8

Only Memories: Adidas has a Veige memory of other people. She was in a damp, dark cave. Before that? She doesn't know.

Remembered Traits & Habits: Adidas remember's how to fight. With a sword tht is. She also remember's how to create a camp site.

Succeds in: Sword Fighting, Archery, Building, Hunting.

Falters in: Talking, Medicine, Bravery.

Woke up with: Beside's her outfit, She had awoken with a Bow and a bundle of arrows, a sachel filled with a can of water and a loaf of Bread.


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[QUOTE="Nikki Rodgers]
​Chosen Name: Adidas
Apperent Age: Late Teen to Early Twenties

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Height & Weight: 5'8

Only Memories: Adidas has a Veige memory of other people. She was in a damp, dark cave. Before that? She doesn't know.

Remembered Traits & Habits: Adidas remember's how to fight. With a sword tht is. She also remember's how to create a camp site.

Succeds in: Sword Fighting, Archery, Building, Hunting.

Falters in: Talking, Medicine, Bravery.

Woke up with: Beside's her outfit, She had awoken with a Bow and a bundle of arrows, a sachel filled with a can of water and a loaf of Bread.


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Accepted ^.^

Chosen Name: Day-Bane (Or just Bane for short. His race is given two to three words fo their names).

Apparent Age:
Exceedingly hard to tell. His species reaches adulthood and age is usually told based on amount of scars. However, it is assumed he is in his late twenties, or very early thirties.

Gender: Male.

Race: Lenngann (Reptilian race)

Height and weight: 6'8, tail is four feet long. Big guy, weighs 320lbs.

Only Memories: Day-Bane has done some bad things. What exactly, he doesnt know. He does, however, remember getting one very special ability... He also knows he was an adventurer and a treasure hunter before.

Remembered Traits and Habits:
Likes to use big swords, Loves to use his crossbow, good pickpocket, great alchemist, blacksmith, pretty friggin intimidating, and is a Were croc (Think werewolf, except bigger and more crocodile).

Succeeds In: Cutting things in half with his longsword, creating/repairing weapons and armor, shooting things from a distance (Sometimes making them explode if he uses the right bolt), taking your money without you noticing, making medicine, scaring others, ripping things apart and eating them. Can control himself in his werecroc form easily.

Falters In: The only things you need to know is that he's a werecroc, likes killing people, loves food, hates annoying people, and that the color purple gives him a headache. He also sucks at not being scary, and tends to have a hard time dealing with trolls. He also cant do magic...

Like, at all.

His werecroc form can only be achieved once every day or so.

Woke up with: He woke up loaded. How he got there, doesn't know or care. Other than just clothes, he woke up with some other items worth mentioning...

He wears heavy and solid armor that covers almost this entire body. You'll break your fist by punching him, like seriously, that armor has to be well over a hundred pounds... There is arcane writing on his left shoulder, which reads: "Armor, Enlarge, Beast, Fit" On his right, another writing says "Armor, Shrink, Human, Fit".

Has a large enchanted steel greatsword of vapirism. When it hits you, some of your energy is drained and used o feed his. Nobody gets hit by that thing and isn't cut down. It has a very large blade, and probably weighs fifty pounds.

Crossbow and bolts. Not too much to say about this other that this crossbow was made for a guy his size. Usually awkward to carry from a normal person because he's so big. His bolts come in two variety. Normal, which pierce armor and hit like a bullet, and exploding, which aren't fun at all.

Tail blade, that's right. This lizard is armed everywhere. He's got a big blade in his hands, teeth like daggers, claws, and now a blade on his tail. That's fun. It's built like the end of a mace except clasps around the end of his tail.

Satchel o fun. He's got some potions and food in there, and maybe a few ingredients and misc. items. He doesn't even know. However, he does have a total of two rune stones left in there. He doesnt remember what they do, he does however, like to toss them in the airand catch them as if they were any other rock.

Appearance: CLICK ME.

Other: Despite sucking at not being scary, he tends to be really open and nice. Bane is a really beer-drinkin-buddy if given a chance.
WanderingTyrant said:
Chosen Name: Day-Bane (Or just Bane for short)

Apparent Age:
Exceedingly hard to tell. His species reaches adulthood and age is usually told based on amount of scars. However, it is assumed he is in his late twenties, early thirties.

Gender: Male.

Race: Lenngann (Reptilian race)

Height and weight: 6'8, tail is four feet long. Big guy, weighs 320lbs.

Only Memories: Day-Bane has done some bad things. What exactly, he doesnt know. He does, however, remember getting one very special ability...

Remembered Traits and Habits:
Likes to use big swords, Loves to use his crossbow, good pickpocket, great alchemist, blacksmith, pretty friggin intimidating, and is a Were croc (Think werewolf, except bigger and more crocodile).

Succeeds In: Cutting things in half with his longsword, creating/repairing weapons and armor, shooting things from a distance (Sometimes making them explode if he uses the right bolt), taking your money without you noticing, making medicine, scaring others, ripping things apart and eating them. Can control himself in his werecroc form easily.

Falters In: The only things you need to know is that he's a werecroc, likes killing people, loves food, hates annoying people, and that the color purple gives him a headache. He also sucks at not being scary, and tends to have a hard time dealing with trolls. He also cant do magic...

Like, at all.

His werecroc form can only be achieved once every day or so.

Woke up with: He woke up loaded. How he got there, doesn't know or care. Other than just clothes, he woke up with some other items worth mentioning...

He wears heavy and solid armor that covers almost this entire body. You'll break your fist by punching him, like seriously, that armor has to be well over a hundred pounds...

Has a large steel longsword. Probably enchanted, but who knows. Nobody gets hit by that thing and isn't cut down. It has a very large blade, and probably weighs fifty pounds.

Crossbow and bolts. Not too much to say about this other that this crossbow was made for a guy his size. Usually awkward to carry from a normal person because he's so big. His bolts come in two variety. Normal, which pierce armor and hit like a bullet, and exploding, which aren't fun at all.

Steel dagger (Closer to a short sword, but who's asking).

Tail blade, that's right. This lizard is armed everywhere. He's got a big blade in his hands, teeth like daggers, claws, and now a blade on his tail. That's fun. It's built like the end of a mace except clasps around the end of his tail.

Satchel o fun. He's got some potions and food in there, and maybe a few ingredients and misc. items. He doesn't even know.

Appearance: CLICK ME.

Other: Despite sucking at not being scary, he tends to be really open and nice. Bane is a really beer-drinkin-buddy if given a chance.

Nice character ^.^

Accepted, but just to clarify a few things, I have some questions. When you say were croc, you do mean he transforms, at least that's what I'm getting, but when he is in hume form, how would he be able to handle all that equipment, I understand he is a big'o dude, but I doubt he'd be strong enough to wield that amount of stuff with ease. More or less something you may want to think about, you don't need to change anything, I'm just curious :)
This is Ari, owner of Helia, I am eager to know how you feel about my character and if she is accepted. If you think she is too powerful I can change a few things, although I did try to human her down quite a bit. Valkyries are some bad ass ******* and I think they are awesome xD so yeah i tried to make her a little more vulnerable than usual. :) However if you have a few things you would like to discuss feel free to PM me cause I'd love to talk it out! :D Hi I'm Ari. I am an obsessive roleplayer with a 4-5 paragraph posting average and I am generally pretty agreeable so feel free to call me out if I get carried away or if you want me to make a change. :) I am super into helping with plot while staying loyal to my character and I LOVE to cooperate with people to really make a great roleplay! :D I was to be as involved as possible while keeping it YOUR roleplay. :)

Chosen Name: Helia

Apparent Age: 19-21?

Gender: Female

Race: Variant of Valkyrie known as a Phoenix

Height and Weight: 5'1 and 115

Only Memories: Right from wrong, morals, her trusty staff Gratia. She recalls being bright, driven, and she has a deep, burning passion inside of her that she can feel with in her. She knows that she has certain purpose however she doesn't remember exactly what it was, however she also remembers feeling burdened and saddened.

Remembered Traits and Habits: She knows she disapproves of those who abuse their power, she is as righteous as she possibly can be and she firmly believes that good will triumph over evil. She knows that she has light magic and the ability to heal at least small wounds - but her staff, Gratia has a personality and magic of its own. She has skills in combat although she doesn't know why, and she feels and remembers a warmth within her that drives her, but she doesn't know exactly what it was. She knows how to use a multitude of weapons, including Gratia, and she has incredible reflexes, hand eye coordination and so on, however this is most likely because of her race, which also accounts for her ability to call her feathered wings and fly like an expert with amazing speeds.

Succeeds In: The use of light magic, healing magic, fighting with hands and weapons, horse riding, flying.

Falters In: Magic Weaknesses- 1.Once every three years her kind become pure human for three days, losing power gradually for a month before, however gaining intense power after the rebirth.

2. If she wanders Earth for more than three months at a time she loses some of a Valkyrie's natural shielding, meaning she can be weakened from poisons and she can be cut and bruised and what not, this is because being among humans forces her to become more human, however she can get her immunity back easily. (how though? ooooo)(I dunno its a weakness so she isn't like all powerful lol. no godmodding here)

Falters: She is very graceful however she doesn't think everything through all the time, she can be a bit brash, and even though she is a mighty warrior she is still a woman and she is rather sensitive for a Valkyrie which are usually hardened beings use to only being around each other.

Woke Up With: Gratia, a golden staff with a sun diamond in the head of it. Her wings are called forth (visible), a set of gold colored (although the substance is more like diamond) bracelets -think wonder woman's bracelets) on her belt are two daggers/throwing knives made of the same metal, as well as a magic water pouch.

@Original Hylion

I designed him to be the 'tank' of the team. A great deal of his body is just pure, solid muscle. You gotta be crazy strong just to move your weight around. I dont know about you, but I'm not too old, so I'm only about 120lbs. I cant picture myself dragging 200lbs more around on a regular basis unless I did it so often my body adjusted to doing it.

So along those lines, he's going to be really, really strong. I dont see him not being able to carry it all physically. Maybe he'd get over encumbered and not have it all at once.

However, with his armor being that, and the weight being all over his body, he shouldn't be slowed down too much. The greatsword would be on his back unless in use, and his dagger would be on his hip. His satchel and bolts would be on the opposite hip, and the crossbow would have to be interchangable with his dagger...

I can see exactly where you're coming from. :P

I'll probably remove the dagger and have the crossbow go on his hip. After all, it's not like he would need it that much. If he's in that much danger his bare claws would do just fine.
Chosen Name: Slim

Apparent Age: Sort of anorexic (real skinny -hint name-) looks to be early twenties but is really in her mids.

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Height and Weight: 5'4 weighs around 85-100lbs

Only Memories: Remembers enterting cave, but doesn't recall why or what happend after so.

Remembered Traits and Habits: Wasn't a great cook but learned how to make poisons which later lead to medicines. (medic)

Also remembers having to pick locks (but doesn't know why).

Succeeds In: Intellegence, medic skills, and bravery.

Falters In: Manners (is very rude), Physically weak, and Compassion.

Woke Up With: A bag with a love note, hit list, a few snacks, couple of poisons, a pocket knife, and what seems to be a medical book.

Appearance: I would draw a picture but I've been drawing all day so I'll just write a detailed description of her apperance:

As said before she seems to be anorexic so she gives herself the name "Slim", has no muscle mass to her, very, very tiny. Has medium lenght strawberry blonde hair (messy), grayish-green eyes (her eyes are large on her small face). Wears a robe that ends at the middle of her thigh (under her robe she has a thin chest plate of armor), tight leggings with fur boots that end a little above her knees.

Oh, and she's sort of tan ;0 forgot that.

*Might upload a pic. tomorrow*

Accepted! I can't think of anything wrong with her thus far! It sounds like we're going to have great fun RPing with each other ^.^ Feel free to use this as a place to chat with the other RPers in the roleplay! As well feel free to comment on other profiles as you wish! :)



Awesome ^.^

What type of crossbow are you going to use? Another random question :3 just trying to make some conversation

[MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION]

And by were crocodile, yes. I mean transform werewolf style into a crocodile beast.

After all, it makes more sense for a lizard to change to a bigger lizard instead of grow hair.
Riylin said:
Chosen Name: Slim

Apparent Age: Sort of anorexic (real skinny -hint name-) looks to be early twenties but is really in her mids.

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Height and Weight: 5'4 weighs around 85-100lbs

Only Memories: Remembers enterting cave, but doesn't recall why or what happend after so.

Remembered Traits and Habits: Wasn't a great cook but learned how to make poisons which later lead to medicines. (medic)

Also remembers having to pick locks (but doesn't know why).

Succeeds In: Intellegence, medic skills, and bravery.

Falters In: Manners (is very rude), Physically weak, and Compassion.

Woke Up With: A bag with a love note, hit list, a few snacks, couple of poisons, a pocket knife, and what seems to be a medical book.

Appearance: I would draw a picture but I've been drawing all day so I'll just write a detailed description of her apperance:

As said before she seems to be anorexic so she gives herself the name "Slim", has no muscle mass to her, very, very tiny. Has medium lenght strawberry blonde hair (messy), grayish-green eyes (her eyes are large on her small face). Wears a robe that ends at the middle of her thigh (under her robe she has a thin chest plate of armor), tight leggings with fur boots that end a little above her knees.

Oh, and she's sort of tan ;0 forgot that.

*Might upload a pic. tomorrow*

Accepteededed :D


Ooooohhh, I had thought he was human and turned into a big'o saurian, okies so he is a reptilian that can turn into a bigger reptilian. Now it makes more sense :P

What type of crossbow might you be using, as most crossbows, arbalets mainly, would take an incredibly long time to load
yyaaaaaay! :D eeeee! I am sooo excited! I orginally was going to make some kind of meek character, but then Helia took hold and just made her self way awesome xD so I got really excited.

when are we starting? I really wanna start tonight!!!

@Original Hylion
@Original Hylion

I was just going to go with the generic medival crossbow. However, if I have options, I'll probably go with something made of steel. It's strong, relatively light, and isnt overpowered.

I'll probably go with an arbalet. It's a big crossbow, so it'll be just his size. Allowing him to reload standing and pull back with one arm instead of having to put it down and do so. Of course, this proccess will be reduced from grossly slow to normal, because he's just big. Making it relative to if a normal man was doing it.

tonight? x.x I was thinking of heading to bed soon, as well I'm in a few other RPs i need to post in. Maybe tomorrow, though! Sorry! Until then, feel free to intiate input on story and such :3 As I said in the OP(Original Post) I don't have an honest story planned, just a line of events that we may or may not get involved in, depending on our group's decisions.


Same to you as up there! :P

So is his sword enchanted? Would you have any questions about magic, or did you understand the lore book well enough? :o
[MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION]

I said it MAY be enchanted (Like that it's just always sharp or something). Nothing too noticable, just takes maintanince off my back. I dont like the idea of cutting someone and setting them on fire.

xD indeed, but i'm just wandering if you understood the lore book, :3 I put a bit of work into that. The way enchanting would work for a weapon would be through the use of arcane writing or rune stones, both of which would have to be written or implanted somewhere on the sword
[MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION]

I know, I just went and read it...

Its all so clear to me now...

I'll think of an enchantment while I sleep (Lucid dreams rule). So I'm gonna go.

Night all.

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