Whold you KILL the avatar above you?

Well ... on a technicality they are demons ... and I hunt demons(sorta) ... but they haven't done wrong by anyone yet ... guess I'll have to take a poll :D
I'm the only true Jedi around here! All you.. You Sith need to put down those Lightsabers you don't deserve to own! 

Oh , and since I'm a Jedi , I don't kill people. Unless I have to. Or I'm told to. Or I get attacked. Ok , so I don't have *reason* to kill the profile picture directly above me. 
Well ... on a technicality they are demons ... and I hunt demons(sorta) ... but they haven't done wrong by anyone yet ... guess I'll have to take a poll :D

In that case, be like Reimu! Beat the demons up and ask questions later, then end up befriending all of them anyway after the incident of the week is over, because that's apparently how things work. 

@Mathias No Bias

Jedi, eh? Well, based on that code, I can't kill one of the good guys. Order 66 kinda did that already...

@HK Fifty

Got ninja'd really hard.
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It's beautiful 

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