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Realistic or Modern Whispering Pines ᨒ↟ 𖠰 ~ Cozy Winter SOL ~ MAIN



Just ahead of Valentine’s Day, the town transforms its main street into Cupid’s Carnival. Booths pop up with themed games, romantic keepsakes, and even a “Love Potion” sold at Autumn's shop. A matchmaking board at the café invites people to anonymously leave notes for secret crushes or potential new friends.

Heston Barker

  • mood


Valentine's Day, an occasion supposedly overflowing with love and romance, draped the streets in a sickening sweetness that most would have labeled as pointless.

Heston, however, wasn’t bothered by it as he walked down the bustling sidewalk, watching couples wrapped around each other like a couple of love-struck idiots. He found it more funny than anything.
He had clocked in his fair share of relationships..none of them ever clicking, not because he disliked any of those girls, but rather because it was like forcing jigsaw pieces into a puzzle that just didn't fit.

A heavy sigh slipped from his lips, blending with the warm breeze that hinted at the approaching spring. He yanked his headphones off, drawn to a shop with expansive glass windows that showcased a dazzling array of crystals and jewelry.

A hint of amusement escaped him as he caught sight of throngs of people cooing over crystals and necklaces, their eyes gleaming with infatuation...
That’s when his gaze latched onto a familiar patch of reddish hair..Autumn.

A girl he knew through his brother, Manuel, but let’s talk about complicated.. were they dating or not? That situation irritated him, especially since he knew Manuel had recently been hanging out with some other girl. Did Autumn even have a clue?

Shaking off the irritation, he strode into the shop, the bell jingling as he entered. He feigned casual interest in the necklaces and incense, but really, he was just looking for a reason to annoy her. Grabbing a necklace, he sauntered over, leaning against the counter to catch a glimpse of her furiously typing on her phone.

Holding the necklace temptingly in her line of sight, he chimed in, "Excuse me.. Ms..?" He spoke in a confident tone, a smirk plastered on his face.. drawing her attention away from her phone.. "Tell me.. would this be a good necklace to give to my beloved..?" such words would make anyone cringe, but he never held back with such sentiments, it was just who he was.

"With Valentine’s Day looming, guess you’ve got to gear up for your special someone,” he said with an exaggerated wink, indulging himself in making light of the situation, knowing full well he had zero romantic prospects.

This Is The Day

The The

♡coded by uxie♡
Valentines Day. Roman had been anticipating today for a while now. They had the whole day planned out. It had to be fun. To be exciting. To be special. All for Auriela. It couldn't be dull. Today was all about love. And love was all that Roman put into this entire date. The Cupid's Carnival was already finished being set up on the main street of the town. Right on time actually. Roman had told Auriela to meet them there at nine. They had gotten up pretty early to prepare themself.

After a long hot shower, Roman dried, combed, and brushed their silky brown hair before getting dressed into their outfit for the day. Their sleek maroon suit, their black dress shirt, their tie, black dress shoes, and a flower to complete the look. Roman had checked themself in the mirror that morning, wearing a nervous smile. They were actually feeling really nervous about today. They hadn't felt like this since their first ever date with Auriela. They could still remember the shivers they got from the moments they shared that day. They still got flutters in their chest as they thought back to their first kiss. Roman never forgot the feeling of Auriela's soft lips against theirs for the first time ever. Ever since then, it's been nothing short of magical the more time they spent with Auriela.

Speaking of magical, the carnival was truly a sight for sore eyes. When Roman had arrived there, it was as if they were in a whole other world. Revelstoke really knew how to bring these holidays to life with all of their special events. All of the decorations, booths, and games were set up across the town. Couples were already partaking in the festivities. Love was certainly in the air today. It all made for a romantic atmosphere.

Roman stood by the entrance, waiting patiently with their hands behind their back, rocking back and forth on their feet. They made sure for the hundredth time that they hadn't forgotten anything before they left. This date was very important. For a plethora of reasons. They didn't want to mess things up. Auriela meant the world to Roman. So they wanted this date to mean a lot as well. They wanted to show Auriela how much they truly loved her. That's what today was all about.

After checking their watch, Roman looked up just in time to see Auriela. She was here! A mixture of excitement and nervousness took over. But Roman simply beamed as they sneakily made their way over to their lover. They approached before the unsuspecting lady before greeting her with a kiss on the cheek. Afterwards, Roman smiled down at her lovingly, their striking blue eyes sparkling with nothing but awe. The arm that was still behind their back moved to reveal a bouquet of red roses that Roman had gotten just for her. "Happy Valentines Day," they said softly as they held them out for her.

Mentions: PrincessAveRedfern PrincessAveRedfern - Auriela
coded by kaninchen
Kennedy Redfern
Auto Shop Co-Owner
Autoshop Apartment
"I am so screwed"
ennedy felt a mix of excitement and nerves as Valentine's Day arrived. When Bryson suggested they go to the carnival, she happily agreed. Spending time with him always brought her joy, and her nervousness wasn’t about him—it stemmed from feeling off lately. She had noticed certain smells and foods making her nauseous, along with missed periods, prompting her to secretly buy a pregnancy test one day while Bryson was out. She carefully hid the evidence not just from him but also from her brothers, ensuring that no one suspected anything.

Determined to push away her worries, Kennedy focused on getting ready for the evening. She settled on an all-black outfit, which seemed fitting for the night ahead. After curling her hair, she admired her reflection, feeling a sense of normalcy wash over her. She took a deep breath, letting the anticipation of the carnival distract her from her concerns.

Stepping out of the bathroom, she called out cheerfully,
"Bry, I’m ready to go when you are!"
Her voice was bubbly and carefree, a trait she was known for, and it seemed to mask her inner turmoil. Approaching him, she wrapped her arms around him from behind, her hands gently resting on his chest. She leaned in close, her voice taking on a playful tone as she added,
"Please tell me you’re ready too?"
The warmth of his body and the familiar scent of his cologne surrounding her, momentarily calming her nerves.

As she waited for his response, Kennedy couldn't help but think about how much she loved spending time with Bryson. He had a way of making her feel seen and understood, and she cherished that about him. Tonight, she hoped to let go of her worries and simply enjoy the evening with him. The carnival lights and sounds would be a perfect distraction, and she looked forward to laughing and having fun together. With a smile, she leaned back, her eyes meeting his.

now playing: cursive - billie marten

January was gone. The stressful month was over. But a new stress was about to reveal itself in the form of a single word that could change Molly's life forever - either word. And she wasn't ready to confront the facts either way. The first time, she hadn't realized that it had been missed. But the second time...she couldn't ignore the second time. If it wasn't evident by now, she was thinking about that special time of the month. Molly had only been with Clay that one time, when she first moved in, but as any sex ed instructor could tell her, it only took one time for something like this to happen.

And of course, she had been exhausted, but she had chalked it all up to being overwhelmed by the freedom that came with escaping the madness of the Harding family. There was no reason for her to worry about that. But, as she started to put the pieces together...this had to be a fluke. However, Molly needed to know for sure. So she had slipped out before Clay had awoke, secretly and securely buying a test from the local drug store. She had been back before he even noticed a thing. Had she taken it? Not yet - she was going to wait until she was certain Clay had left.

When Molly had made good and sure that she was truly alone, she closed herself in the bathroom, taking a deep breath before doing what had to be done. All she had to do was wait for five long, agonizing minutes, to find out the results. She set it down near the sink, face down so that she didn't have to deal with it until she absolutely had to. If this test came back positive...it couldn't be. It just simply couldn't. A child? She herself was a child! Nineteen years old and pregnant...that would be the worst and possibly most embarrassing thing to ever happen to her. And she barely knew Clay! So to have a baby with him wasn't her goal. She was having fun with him, of course, but she wasn't trying to trap him into a relationship or anything serious like that by purposefully doing something like this.

Negative had to be the outcome. It just had to be.

wearing: i will never be myself
tags: PrincessAveRedfern PrincessAveRedfern (Clay)

Molly Harding

coded by weldherwings.
now playing: something more - sugarland

Melanie had planned on bringing her siblings to the carnival, but her cousin Calista had other ideas and offered to babysit for her. While she appreciated the break from parenting, she also didn't know how to spend her free time. Her whole life revolved around raising her siblings - and now that they had been swept away from her for the time being, she was, admittedly, a bit lost. She had saved and pinched pennies in order for her to provide a good experience at the carnival for the three kids. Of course, she could always keep it for a rainy day, or spend it on ingredients for a special meal for them, but she kind of wanted to go to the carnival herself. Was it selfish of her to do so? Probably so - at least, she thought so.

But would it be a little less selfish if she only spent part of that money? Hopefully.

She pulled her hair into a ponytail, adding a cute white bow to it, before making her way over to her closet to find something cute to wear. Most, if not all, of her clothes were thrifted, as it was easier and cheaper to buy second-hand. She had a few pieces that she had sewed together herself as well, though they were few and far between. Altering her clothes was one thing - sewing her own was another. Most of the money she made from alteration, babysitting, and tutoring went to her siblings. Though she didn't make much, she wanted to try to give them the best possible childhood she could, despite their parents not being here to take care of them anymore. It was a tough situation that she had been thrown into, but Mel made it work. She had to - there was no way she could fail anyone now.

Pink and red were the colors of the day. A pair of pink trousers paired with a silky red blouse, along with white sneakers and frilly socks the same color, were carefully slipped on, along with a white coat. There was nobody to impress, but she still wanted to dress in the spirit of the holiday. And after taking one last look in the mirror, she was out the door, headed for the carnival. Since she wasn't planning on partaking in the games of the booths, or doing any of the kid-oriented activities, as she would have done had she had the kids, the event that she took notice of was the love potion craft. Sure, the idea of a love potion was dreamy, but it wasn't exactly practical. A love potion actually being real? Only in her wildest dreams. But it still would be nice to make something. So Mel waltzed into Moonlit Aura, unsure of what the event would hold for her.

wearing: i need a little more bliss
tags: celestialbody celestialbody (Romeo)

Melanie Moore

coded by weldherwings.
Valentines Day. A time for romance and being surrounded by loved ones. The time where cupid spreads his wings and strikes his arrows to make hearts beat. A bunch of bull, if you ask Florence. While everyone was out and about on their dates, and spending time at all the Valentines events going on in town, Florence was all by his lonesome. He couldn't be bothered to get up out of bed ever since Clive had left town. It hit him like a truck when he realized that Clive wasn't staying here and was heading back home. But of course, Florence had nobody to blame but himself.

If he had just told Clive how he really felt about him. If he had just stopped being such a coward and come clean about his love for him. His respect. His complete and utter awe. Then maybe he'd still be with him. But no. Florence had let his inner struggles and fears take over, and hold him back from his chance at love. Not just getting with someone. Florence could literally hook up with someone else if he wanted to. But he didn't want that. He wasn't just attracted to Clive. He was in love with him. And now he's gone. He's been gone for quite a bit.

Of course, Florence still had him in his contacts. He'd been keeping up with him. But now things felt more awkward than they did before. Mostly because Florence kept thinking that he completely butchered his relationship with Clive, making him think that he wasn't really interested in him and what they had was just some kind of temporary friendship. Some kind of charity case. Florence still hasn't forgiven himself for being such an idiot. Why couldn't he just shoot his shot when he had the chance? What the hell was he so damn afraid of?

Those questions kept rolling around in Florence's head. He'd been spending most days in his room, sulking while blasting loud, emo music and other playlists. After about his 5th noise complaint, he decided to just get out of there. He dragged himself out of his place, in a simple jacket, t-shirt, sweatpants, and slides. He looked so depressed and pitiful. Instead of bothering with all the events happening today, Florence just took himself to a bar. He sat there by himself at the counter, drink in hand as he stared off into space.

He kept replaying the scene in his head. When he approached Clive's room at the lodge, only to find him walking out with all of his belongings. He remembered the grief he felt as he told him he was leaving, the pain as he helped carry his stuff to the cab, the awkward goodbye they shared as Florence tried not to express his inner sadness. And just the utter feeling of emptiness as he stood there and watched the cab drive away into the distance. Florence sighed while running his hand through his hair, slouching as he sat on the wooden stool. He thought he had grown. But clearly that wasn't the case. There was still much for him to learn, it seemed.

Mentions: Lizy Lizy - Clive
coded by kaninchen
Wren Cross

ren wasn’t entirely sure what he was doing here.
Well, that wasn’t exactly true. He did know what he was doing here—he’d asked Mikey to hang out today and go on a ghost story tour with him, something he’d never in a million years go out of his way to do on his own. But when he’d finally worked up the courage to invite Mikey, he figured if he wanted a yes, he had to make it interesting. He needed something that would catch Mikey’s attention, something outside the realm of normal, otherwise, he’d risk rejection by way of being boring.
Wren didn’t know Mikey all that well personally, but he’d definitely heard his name tossed around town more times than he could count. Mikey was the kind of person who could never seem to stay out of trouble—always up to some mischievous antics that kept him just on the edge of law-breaking. Not to mention, he was always hanging out with Roman, one of their mutual friends, who Wren had known for years. Mikey just seemed like the type of person who flitted around town, doing whatever came to mind in the moment, following whims like a social butterfly. Quite the opposite of Wren, who struggled to hold a conversation with a stranger before feeling drained and needing a break.
But despite, or perhaps because of, their differences, Wren found himself intrigued by Mikey. After meeting him briefly on Christmas and spending a bit of time with him during the blizzard he's gotten to see how he was a little. Being around him didn’t feel like work. Wren didn’t have to force the conversation or his reactions. Mikey was easy to talk to—genuinely kind and funny—and Wren had to admit he enjoyed it more than he expected.
Still, he wasn’t entirely sure how the other man saw him. But Mikey had accepted his invitation, so that had to count for something, right? At least neutral feelings. And if that was all he had to work with, then he’d take it. Neutral feelings were a start, and he could work with a start.
So, here Wren was, waiting for Mikey to arrive. He’d shown up about forty-five minutes early for the ghost tour, thinking it would give him plenty of time to calm his nerves. It didn't help much. Nearly forty minutes later and he was still feeling the nervous butterflies in his stomach. Standing in the spot where the tour was supposed to start, he found himself rocking back and forth on his heels, his posture rigid and straight as if he could somehow will himself into confidence. He tucked his hands behind his back and nervously fiddled with his fingers, trying to distract himself from the knot in his stomach.

Ghost Tour

Honey Potts

oney loved this fucking holiday. Valentine’s Day—the season of love~ She didn’t necessarily care about going all out for someone special, but she wasn’t opposed to it either. What she did care about was being on the receiving end of all the affection. She adored the chocolates, wines, candies, and especially the cute dates that someone else had planned. It was a day for being pampered and adored, and Honey was the best at being adored.
By the time Valentine’s Day rolled around, she had already received flowers—a gift she didn’t particularly care for, but she wasn’t about to complain (not today at least)—and chocolates delivered to her apartment. She just knew that when she showed up for her next shift at the club, the patrons would have gifts waiting for her. After all, how could anyone resist giving Honey something special on the day of love?
She was positively riding high off the attention and affection from her fans, and her mood was practically glowing with satisfaction. So, despite not having an official date to dote on her this year, Honey had decided to treat herself. The streets were alive with the festive energy of the day, and she’d been happily strolling around, soaking in the excitement, and even popping into a few events. Eventually, though, her feet started to ache and her energy waned, so she decided to take a well-deserved break.
With a little sigh of relief, she entered the crowded café, feeling the warmth from the bustling space immediately wrap around her. There were only a few open spots left, and she quickly claimed one of the small two-person tables a couple had just vacated. She barely flinched at the crumbs left behind—Honey was always good at making a place her own—and grabbed a napkin to wipe the surface clean. The soft hum of chatter filled the air as she settled in, folding her arms over the table and leaning her chin into her palm. Her eyes wandered lazily around the café until the waitress approached, ready to take her order.
"I’ll take a Pomegranate Juice sweetie, thanks!"

As the waitress walked away, Honey threw the girl a quick wink before her gaze shifted across the room, where a small crowd had gathered near the matchmaking board. A mischievous glint flickered in her eye as she rested her head on her hand. She couldn’t help but wonder if, just maybe, there’d be a few love confessions with her name on them. It wouldn't surprise her in the least. The idea of a secret admirer—or two—made her smile to herself.


Zoe Lizy Lizy
mood :

location :
her apartment
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
seb travelbypages travelbypages
;; Diana
It had been days since Sebastian had texted her back. Possibly even longer than that, but Diana wasn't counting. She was trying her best not to think about it, not to get caught up in analyzing the details of their interactions, or lack thereof. But, in trying not to overthink it, she instead ended up dwelling on her feelings about their situation.

At first, she tried to push them down, ignore them as best she could. But she found herself unable to do so. Instead, Diana actually allowed herself to sit with her feelings for a while. Take the time to think about them all alone, while Seb had stopped coming around. This whole fake relationship thing made her think about their relationship in a new light. When they had to go out together to fool Seb's friend, Diana found it too easy to act like the adoring girlfriend- considerate gestures, charming banter, looks of longing and love, it all came so naturally.

Their friends with benefits situation was fun enough, but now it felt like something more. As much as she'd like to deny it, she couldn't anymore. Diana was in love with Sebastian. If him ghosting her told her one thing, it was that he didn't feel the same way. He didn't care about her the way she cared for him. At first she was fine with the whole fake dating thing, it was a harmless favor for him. But now, now it hurt too much. She had to break it off.

Not today though. It was Valentine's Day, a day of love. She'd give into what was bound to be a heartbreaking talk in another day or two. For now, she'd decided to lounge about at home, snacking on her favorite chips and watching tv. She was doing just that when she heard a knock at the door. Diana sat there for the first couple of knocks, hoping it was maybe a delivery or door to door salesman that would go away, but it continued, so she got up to open the door.

And there he was. Sebastian was there, at her door. For a brief second, she recalled that they'd made some fake dating plans for Valentine's Day, but she'd assumed they were no longer on after getting no response from him for days. "Hey," Diana greeted, a hint of hesitation in her voice. "What are you doing here?"
coded by reveriee.
Last edited:
mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
Florence ShellBelles ShellBelles
;; Clive
He was back. It had been a bit over a month since Clive had left Revelstoke, but now, for some reason, he was back. Surprisingly, Casper had talked him into it. Just a few days long break from the big city, nothing more. He really hated his life over there, as much as they had their disagreements, Casper knew that. He thought it was nice of his brother to get him to take a breath and take care of himself, really.

But, coming back to Revelstoke was not all sunshine and rainbows. He had left with a certain sense of disappointment and sadness. He still had no idea how Florence had felt about him, but he couldn't allow himself to think that their friendship was anything more than a pleasant courtesy on the other man's part. There were a few moments he thought it could be something more, wished it was something more, but he couldn't bet on those moments. He couldn't take the disappointment.

So, he'd hastily gone back to New York after New Years Eve. Back to the office, back to crunching numbers, back to being at his father's beck and call. Clive hated it, but it was the only thing he knew, the only thing that really felt certain in life. By the time this mini-vacation opportunity came around, he was already tired of it all. He'd spent a full day at the lodge in his room, just trying to rest. Was he also locking himself in his room hoping to avoid an awkward encounter with a certain DJ? Who's to say?

Now, it was Valentine's Day. Casper was out, supposedly having some big plan for the day, he said he'd hang out with him tomorrow. So, Clive ended up wandering town alone. He took in the somewhat familiar sites, but knew he was still an outsider to this town, a tourist. He wasn't well acquainted with anything at all. There was one person he was pretty well acquainted with though, and Clive did a double take when he swore he saw him through the window of a bar.

Sure enough, Florence sat at the bar, drinking alone. Clive couldn't help but smile, a brief rush of joy passed through his mind upon seeing hi friend. But that feeling was quickly replaced with something more unsure. He should just walk on by. He didn't even tell Florence he was in town, he thought about it but he had been too nervous to. He should just go about his day, and let Florence go about his.

But, Clive felt pulled in. Unable to just walk past Florence, he walked to the entrance of the bar. His stomach was in knots, but he kept walking anyways, feeling the need to be around Florence again. He quietly took the seat next to the man. He was surprised he'd gone unnoticed this long, but Florence seemed like he was spacing out, deep in thought. Softly, Clive cleared his throat. "Hey. Uh- long time no see."
coded by reveriee.
Isabelle Rose Everhart
Jupiter's Door
"You got this"
sabelle was restless, a feeling she couldn't quite shake off. It had been some time since she last saw Jupiter, and an inexplicable urge had been building up inside her, compelling her to seek him out. This wasn’t typical for her—she rarely went out of her way for someone she was just beginning to know, let alone felt an overwhelming desire to see them at every opportunity. Yet, reluctantly, she dragged herself out of bed, the soft morning light casting a gentle glow over her room.

It was Valentine’s Day, and the town was alive with the sound of laughter and romance. Everyone she knew was busy, caught up in their own celebrations or quiet moments with loved ones. She assumed Jupiter would be too, perhaps spending the evening with his brother or even on a date. The thought of him being with someone else made her stomach twist and her face twitch slightly, a reaction she couldn’t fully understand.

After getting ready, Isabelle found herself standing once again in front of Jupiter’s hotel room door. This time, without hesitation or second-guessing whether it was a bad idea, she knocked—three firm knocks that echoed through the hallway. She knew there was a fifty-fifty chance he wouldn’t be in; he could be out enjoying the evening, or perhaps he had decided to stay in, alone with his thoughts.

As she stood there, waiting to see if he would answer, a mix of emotions swirled inside her. She told herself she’d wait no longer than five minutes unless she heard movement inside the room. The silence was almost deafening, punctuated only by the distant sounds of the town celebrating below. Isabelle’s heart was racing, her mind filled with questions about what she would say if he did answer, and what she would do if he didn’t.

The minutes ticked by slowly, each one feeling like an eternity. She glanced at her watch, the seconds ticking away with agonizing slowness. Just as she was about to turn and leave, she heard a faint noise coming from inside the room—a soft rustling, followed by the sound of footsteps approaching the door. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized that Jupiter was indeed inside, and he was coming to answer her knock.



valentine's day.

liv darling.




her apartment.



Liv Darling unironically loved Valentine's Day. She loved love. Liv was a hopeless romantic at her core, which often got her into a lot of trouble, especially with Kyle. She was always swept back into his waves of madness when he brought up that he was in love with her and would change for her. Of course, the change never happened, and Liv was left disappointed time and time again. But this Valentine's Day, Kyle had chosen to break up with her the day before, even though they had an entire day planned together. She had a tiny bit of hope that he would change his mind, so she still put on the outfit that she had gotten specifically for the date and did her hair and makeup.

Jet pawed at her foot, knowing she was sad and she smiled at him,
"You're my forever valentine, Jets."
She squatted to get down on his level, scratching behind his ears and then kissing him on his forehead. She sat on the floor and stared at her phone, hoping Kyle would text her, but the last text he had sent her was nasty and made her stomach roll.

Seeing it again made her mood dip back down so she looked at her faithful dog and said,
"Let's go outside, Jetty."
She got his leash and walked out the door of her apartment. What she wasn't expecting was to see one of her best friends outside of his own apartment,
"Oh shit, hey Car."
She said gently.

♡coded by uxie♡

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