• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Whispering Pines ᨒ↟ 𖠰 ~ Cozy Winter SOL ~ MAIN

mood :
ready to get lit (a healthy amount of lit though)

location :
his apartment
outfit :
mentions :
Blair, Ivy

interactions :
Naomi fieldofclover fieldofclover
;; Julian
Julian glanced away, letting out a soft huff of a laugh as Naomi talked about it taking two for a friendship to work. He knew her heart was in the right place, but he knew the friend he had in mind was already putting in way more effort than him. Blair was the best friend he'd ever had, he was putting in the effort, it was Julian that needed to step up and be there.

But, as much as Julian would like to believe things could change, deep down he knew it was unlikely. He was flimsy, unreliable, and likely to flee when things got hard. Maybe he'd try for a little bit, but once it sunk in that actually pulling his weight in the relationship meant hard work, things would go back to how they'd always been.

His mind didn't linger on that though, instead it immediately hooked on to Naomi saying she believed in him. He was unsure if it was true, or if it was just something she was saying to be polite. Either way, the thought that it might be genuine made his heart flutter. Not many believed in him. Pitied? Maybe. But genuine belief in him being able to do something better with himself was rare.

Julian shifted in his seat as she spoke, unable to hide the smile that spread across his face. He was glad she was here too. Even if his history with her friend Ivy complicated things, he was determined to make it a non issue. At this point, he regretted getting involved with Ivy, he didn't realize that some random fling would cause annoyances for this long. But, what was done was done, he just had to get past it.

He felt a pang of disappointment at the mention of them not being involved, at least not in that way. He knew that Naomi wanted nothing more than a friend, and he'd finally felt he'd accepted that, at least to a certain degree, but he couldn't help but feel a bit bad about it. Still, she'd chosen to spend her evening here, and that's what mattered to him.

"I'm glad you came," he let out a huff of a laugh. He wanted to say something about Ivy, but chose to just brush past it. He feared dismissing her as a quick fling that meant nothing would only make things worse, since Naomi was her best friend. "Hey, I'm no stranger to drunk, stupid decisions. I can't promise anything, but I'll try my best to keep you out of too much trouble."

Julian shot her a grin before taking a sip of his drink. He realized how much was left and was pleasantly surprised. Even after taking one shot, he would have usually finished a drink quicker than how long this one was taking. But, talking to Naomi had him a little distracted, and right now getting buzzed was not his sole focus.
coded by reveriee.
mood :
not fashionable

location :
clothing store
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
Chani celestialbody celestialbody
;; Paul
Paul blinked, even more shocked before, as the woman pulled him in by his tie. He did not think this interaction could possibly get more bizarre, but every second he spent with this woman seemed to bring something that made his heart go racing in a way he didn't quite expect. She was being so rude. He knew that, rationally, he should be annoyed, but the feeling of annoyance never came.

Even when her hand flew over his mouth, he couldn't find it in himself to get upset. In fact, he found the woman's bitter assertiveness endearing in a way. He craved more of it. He took a breath as her hand was dropped and his mouth was freed, unsure how he should react. His last statement clearly offended her, and he didn't want to mess up that badly again. "Fashion... okay, great. I could use some of that," he muttered, not feeling particularly confident.

Paul stood still as she ran her hands over him. He didn't dare speak, afraid of saying something that could make her angry, something that would make her pull back and leave for good. He appreciated her dumbed down gist of what she was saying, because when it came to clothing, he was clueless. He had no idea what she was talking about as she explained the complexities of a suit's fit. He never bothered with learning what made a suit work, he simply allowed a tailor to make it fit him properly and that was that.

"Okay... thank you," he said somewhat hesitantly, still a bit thrown off by her tone and little jabs at him, even if she did seem to be getting slightly nicer. Paul gazed at the suits she had recommended, still unsure what to think. They were nice suits, sure, but he still had no real strong opinions about them. Color and material didn't mean much to him, as long as he bought a suit he could wear, he'd walk out of this satisfied.

"Well..." he paused a moment, considering what to say. "If my taste is so questionable, what do you think would look best on me?" He tilted his head, invested in whatever she had to say. He didn't have strong opinions on fashion, but this woman clearly did. And if they would help him become a better dresser, so be it.
coded by reveriee.

Honestly, Violet didn’t really know how to feel. Here she was, sitting on the edge of a bed of the woman who left her in the dust all of those years ago. She watched Tara’s hips sway slightly as she placed the expensive bottle down on the desk. Her eyes immediately went to the manilla folder sitting just mere inches from it. It no doubt had all kinds of goodies just waiting to be read.

It had been a long time since Violet had swindled some rich man out of his money. Actually, the last time was when her and Tara worked together. Sure, she had done small jobs here and there, but nothing that gave her that insatiable chill up her spin. That’s why she did what she did, for the thrill and chase. It wasn’t even about the money, but it sure was a bonus.

Violet softened for a fraction of a second, Tara hadn’t changed at all. Her dark brown tresses laid effortlessly over her shoulders and she watched her perfectly pouty lips as she giggled. It was light and airy. The sound sent a delicious shiver up her spine.

She watched Tara grab the cream colored folder from the desk and then sit down beside her. Their knees grazed and eyes locked as she did. It made her head spin and the room 2 degrees hotter.

The name Gregory Turner didn’t automatically ring any bells for her. Her eyes quickly scanned over the intel and her teeth sunk into her bottom lip as she tried to wrap her head around if she’d seen this man before. He vaguely looked like a man she’d hooked up with, but to her they all looked the same.

Violet looked between the contents of the folder and Tara, brows furrowed. How did she know she could trust her? That she wasn’t just going to run away again? Violet had been burned by Tara once before and even though she felt affection for the woman, Violet didn’t know if she could trust her or not. With a soft huff she closed the folder and set it off the side.

“How do I know you aren’t just going to run off again?” The question was stupid, she was reaching. She needed confirmation that she could trust her again, that Violet wouldn’t get burned.

“What’s stopping you from taking the money and running off?” For the first time in awhile she let her mask slip and she frowned, “How can I trust you, Tara?”



♡coded by uxie♡

Click the name!
Before Roman knew it, the door was swung open and Auriela was right there with her arms around their neck. Roman was temporarily stunned by the sudden greeting, before they snorted and chuckled from the kiss on their nose. With a mix of amusement and affection, Roman wrapped their arms around Auriela in return, swiftly lifting her up a few inches off the ground and swinging her around with a burst of joy.

Words couldn't describe the amount of excitement they felt to finally be with her again. It felt like it had been ages since the two of them had gotten to be in the other's embrace. In reality, only a few weeks. But that was a few weeks too many to Roman. Their blue eyes sparkled with merriment as they looked down at Auriela with the biggest smile on their face. "I missed you too. How've things been?" They had a bubbly but comforting tone in their voice as they stood there, still keeping her in their arms.

The look of joy on Auriela's face made the tender moment between them feel even more wonderful to Roman. They always loved seeing her happy. It was as if nothing else could spoil their mood, so long as she was content. That's what really mattered to them anyways. Even when she was away, Roman always kept in touch with her, checking up on her daily to make sure everything was alright. It just showed how much they truly cared about their lover and her wellbeing.

They gently brushed her hair back, staring into her hazel eyes with nothing but love and affection. She looked so pretty in her warm and comfy attire. An aura of innocence coming off of her as she stood there in the crisp winter air. Auriela could wear anything and still pull it off. That's what Roman thought anyways. They sometimes wished they could do the same. But being the giant that they were, finding fashionable clothes to look good in was kind of hard.

"I hope you're as excited as I am. I've been going to the Crystal Walk since I was little. You're gonna love it!" Roman's excitement was radiating off of them. They wanted nothing more than to share this magical experience with Auriela. They believed that she would enjoy looking at all the pretty ice patterns as they walked together. They could hardly wait.

Mentions: PrincessAveRedfern PrincessAveRedfern - Auriela
coded by kaninchen
Anthony Redfern
Auto Shop Owner
Redfern Autoshop / The Vault
"I hope she's okay"
Lizy Lizy -Brittain
nthony stood beside Britt, his eyes filled with concern as he gazed down at her. When she exaggerated making his name longer in her drunken haze, a gentle smile spread across his lips, and he wrapped his arms around her hugging her, his hand rubbing the nape of her neck before pulling back.
"You're very drunk, silly,"
he said softly, guiding her out of her seat. As she took a few unsteady steps, he swiftly scooped her up in a cradle hold, carefully maneuvering through the crowd to avoid bumping into anyone. The dim lights of the venue seemed to blur around them as he moved with ease, his focus solely on her well-being.

Once outside, the cold night air hit them, and Anthony frequently glanced down to ensure she was okay and not freezing.
"Do you feel sick at all?"
he asked, his voice laced with concern. Britt mumbled something incoherent, and he smiled reassuringly, his eyes never leaving hers. He continued to hold her securely, making sure she was comfortable and safe.

As they reached the truck, he shifted her slightly to open the door more easily, bringing her closer and catching the strong scent of alcohol. Despite the smell, he didn't flinch, his expression remaining gentle and caring. He gently set her down in the truck, making sure she was secure before he leaned against the doorframe, looking at her with a warm soft smile.

"What's your drunk self in the mood for, or should I surprise you?"
he asked, gently brushing a stray hair from her face. Britt's eyes fluttered open, and for a moment, they locked gazes, her expression soft and trusting. Anthony's heart swelled with affection, and he couldn't help but smile at the sight of her. He waited patiently for her response, ready to cater to whatever she might need or want in that moment, as he waited he gently tapped his fingers on his pants legs a nervous habit he has

Tanner Collins
Tanner gave Cleo a lazy grin, his head bouncing to the rhythm of her endless rant while the words drifted like vapor through his foggy brain..nothing was sticking.

He was lost in a tipsy daze, only tuning into the roar of the engine and the kaleidoscope of lights zipping past the window, each twinkle pulling a chuckle from his lips, followed by a mumbled tune that tangled his words together..

When they finally rolled up to her place, he shot her a playful glare, "Hey... this ain't tacos," he huffed, watching her hop out of the car.

She flitted over to his side, popping the door open like some regal attendant, which he appreciated even if it didn’t quite solve his taco dilemma...
"Look, if you're whipping up some tacos, they better be damn good.." he proclaimed, letting out a burp, leaning on her for support as she helped him out, probably straining under his weight, but he was too far gone to care.

"Hell yeah, I'm lovin this... i'm getting tacos.." he exclaimed with a dramatic flourish, a smirk glued to his face.

As she instructed him to stay still.. he mock-saluted, "Yes, ma'am!" before she finally called for him and he staggered inside, surprisingly keeping his balance.

"Tacos!" he echoed, barreling into the kitchen, claiming his spot on a bar stool. "Light on the seasoning, alright? Too much sodium and my face'll puff up like a balloon.." he directed, propping his head on his arms with a groan.."Soft tacos only, can't deal with crunchy ones... you know that," he grumbled..watching her prepare the ingredients for a moment before bouncing back up to shuffle over to the fridge.

"Got anything other than that nasty ass kombucha you used to live on..?" he snorted, shaking his head as he leaned against the fridge door, peering inside like some kid in a candy store.

and yet all he could see was a meticulously organized fridge.. he grabbed what looked most interesting, or most questionable.. a jar of green juice.. "Ugh, what is this? Health in a bottle?" he scoffed, pulling it out and holding it up to the light.

"You.. you know i'm not drinking this.. right?" he questioned, looking over at her with a lazy gaze, his eyes expectant as if she should have had this whole fridge stocked up for him like the prince he always entitled himself to be.

Tanner squinted at the bottle, trying to decipher the label through the haze of his inebriation. "What even.. is this?" he muttered to himself, his curiosity piqued.

His fingers brushing against the cool glass, and pulled it out for a closer inspection. "Is this... pickle juice?" he asked, turning to Cleo, who was busy chopping vegetables..

"Who the hell keeps pickle juice in their fridge.. for safe-keeping?" he let out a dramatic snort, before placing the juice back.. "Eh.. guess i'll have to survive on water.. if you even have that.." he grumbled, even if his words were joke-worthy; he was serious.

coded by reveriee.
now playing: good women do - little green cars

Tori was really trying not to show any anger, mainly because Lucian would relish in watching her blow up, but it was getting harder by the second. Her jaw instinctively clenched, tightening up as she watched his eyes light up upon seeing her would-be partner walking away. She wanted to just snap back at him, let him really have it...but that would mean letting him win. And she never lost.

"You didn't have to say anything to let me know that you can't stand me. Just looking at you, watching your body language...it's absolutely true." Tori might have been a little ditzy from time to time, but she wasn't dumb. He wasn't the biggest fan of hers, just like she wasn't his. But honestly? She was fine with that. She'd never get along with him, and the less that she had to see of him, the better. And as he stood there, his face mere inches away from her, all but egging her on to act out in defiance, her nose scrunched up in disgust. She knew what he wanted. But she wasn't going to give it to him.

An apology. Her eyebrow quirked, an unamusing look gleaming in her eyes. "As if I'd ever apologize to you. You don't deserve my apology, and you don't deserve my time. But, since you're choosing to spend your night annoying me, how about you do me a solid?" Tori paused for dramatic effect, a smirk slowly creeping across her lips. She leaned in closer, her lips hovering inches from his ear. "Go home with me tonight." She whispered, pulling back to watch his reaction. "After all, you clearly have some ulterior motives for driving away any potential suitor."

wearing: i hate you, that does not mean obsessed
tags: celestialbody celestialbody (Lucian)

Victoria Sinclair

coded by weldherwings.
now playing: this empty northern hemisphere - gregory alan isakov

His words just made things worse for Amelia, who appeared to be inconsolable. Chandler was a master negotiator when it came to business, but dealing with unpleasant emotions? Not his strong suit. It made him feel a bit uncomfortable, if he was being entirely truthful right now. He watched the tears flow freely from her eyes, trying to think of something - anything - to say to try to dam the river of tears. Nothing came out. For once in his life, Chandler was at a loss for words.

She couldn't find her phone. His eyes began to scan the nearby area in search of it, but to no avail. And before Chandler could speak again, he was startled by the feeling of her forehead on his shoulder. It was a good thing that they weren't on company time, because if his father had walked in and saw this, Amelia would be fired before either one of them had the chance to explain.

But luckily, Amelia moved away, stammering about leaving. "You're not leaving without me. You're drunk, without any way for you to reach anyone. As your employer, I feel it necessary to take care of this matter in the case that something should happen. Phones can be replaced - people can't." Chandler gently, but hesitantly, took her hand and led her over to the exit. There were a lot of people who would have liked to take advantage of such a vulnerable soul. He wasn't going to let that happen, not on his watch.

wearing: living here in this city on fire
tags: vixe vixe (Amelia)

Chandler Haven

coded by weldherwings.
now playing: what u wanna do? - erika de casier

After the year that Naomi had been through, she was feeling pretty good about the way that it was ending. It was time to leave all of the negativity in the past, and look forward to new beginnings. She had ended up befriending Julian after their shaky text message start, and in person, he wasn't as bad as he had originally seemed. And he wasn't half bad to look at, either. But she couldn't just move on that quickly. She was still unsure if she was ready to get back out there. And she didn't want to ruin the budding friendship that was brewing between them.

"You better keep me out of trouble. I'm supposed to be delivering the news, not the news itself." Naomi chuckled, resting against the cushion behind her. "It wouldn't be a good look if I did something crazy, now." Truth be told, she wasn't as concerned with her career these days. If she truly was being considered for an abrupt firing, then it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. She still had Roots to fall back on - and she honestly enjoyed it more than CKWC, even though only the first edition had been published. Did it pay as much as CKWC did? No. But it was fun. And shouldn't that be what mattered?

Another thing that mattered was trying to live life in the moment. She had spent so long living in the past. It was time for her to take life by the horns and have even more fun. Naomi set her glass down on a nearby surface before turning back to Julian. "We should do something besides just talk. Do you feel like dancing right now? Because I do, and I think it'll be fun. You don't have two left feet, now, do you?"

wearing: got me wired up, so feisty
tags: Lizy Lizy (Julian)

Naomi Irwin

coded by weldherwings.

Calla stirred beneath the sheets, feeling the shift in the bed before she heard his voice. The warmth of their bodies still lingered in the air, but the weight in his tone made her stomach sink. She knew this game. But this was just how Finn was.

Her fingers curled around the edge of the blanket as she blinked up at him, her breath still uneven from the high of the night. Fireworks painted soft colors across his skin, highlighting the way his shoulders tensed, the way he refused to meet her eyes. “What happens now?” And for some reason, this question upset her.

She scoffed lightly, rolling onto her side, propping her head up with her arm. “You ask like you not already know.” Her voice was low, a little raspy from the hours spent whispering against his skin. “Like this not happen before...”

A tired smile pulled at her lips, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. She reached out, brushing her fingers along his spine, slowly tracing his tattoos. Finn had always been so hot and cold. He burned bright one second, and pulled away the next. It was exhausting, but damn it, she kept coming back.

“You run, Finn. You always run.” She let her fingers drop away, tracing lazy patterns on the sheets while she avoided his gaze. “I not stop you.” She said, her tone sadder now. She didn't want him to run.

She exhaled through her nose, glancing toward the window where the fireworks still bloomed. The New Year. A fresh start, right? Then why did it feel like they were caught in the same cycle?

She chewed the inside of her cheek before finally meeting his gaze. “But you no lie to me. We don't act like this was no different than before. Like this no mean something, because it does.” It wasn’t an accusation, just the truth. She wasn’t stupid. She knew Finn, knew how he worked. But damn it, she felt something tonight, and she needed to know if he felt it too. Even if it hurt.

Mentions: Finn - PotatochipsRlit PotatochipsRlit
coded by kaninchen

Hanna blinked up at him, the warmth of his hands against her skin sending a shiver down her spine. Her breath hitched for just a second. Just long enough for her to wonder if he could feel the way her heart stuttered under his touch.

She wasn’t naive. There was something about the way Hades looked at her tonight, something that was different than any other time before. Still, she smiled, tilting her head slightly into his palm. "Are you cold?" His question lingered between them, and for a moment, she almost laughed.

“Hades, I've been here long enough to be used to it,” she teased, her voice light. Her eyes searched his face for the reason behind his sudden tenderness. “I’m not as fragile as you think.” And yet, she didn’t pull away. She didn’t want to.

There was something different about him for sure though, like he was holding onto this moment as if it might slip away if he wasn’t careful. She had seen him confident, cocky even, and always sure of himself and his actions. But now? Now, he hesitated. And that was what unsettled her most.

Her fingers curled around his wrist, thumb tracing along his pulse as if she could read his thoughts through the beat of his heart. “You okay?” she asked softly, lowering her voice to match the intimacy of the moment. “You’re acting… different.”

She wasn’t sure what she expected him to say, but when he only exhaled and let his thumb trace one last, lingering circle against her cheek, she knew that whatever was coming next would change everything. She just didn’t know if she was ready for it.

Mentions: Hades - PrincessAveRedfern PrincessAveRedfern
coded by kaninchen



charlie lovelace.




the town.




Charlie Lovelace felt particularly alone this New Year's Eve. Especially after moving to a new town, let alone a new country. But she had wanted out of her hometown as she had moved back there after James died. So here she was. In Canada, of all places. It was close enough to Seattle that it was only an hour's flight.

But with moving so quickly, she didn't know anyone except her co-workers at the hospital. With the exception of the handsome real estate agent who had sold her the house. They had ended up being neighbors, which Charlie certainly wasn't mad about. So she had taken it upon herself to ask him what there was to do around town, she had been pleasantly surprised when he said he would show her and Atlas around.

So there she was, waiting in the town to find Mitch. She had driven separately as she wasn't completely off for the night; she was still on call.

She and Atlas were currently sharing a hot chocolate together when she spotted a certain man.
She smiled and waved at him, causing Atlas to wave too.

♡coded by uxie♡

Emily’s heart fluttered at his words, her head still spinning from their kiss. She’d never felt something this electric before, never had a man look at her the way Owen did, like she was the only girl in the world. Her cheeks warmed as she bit her lip, glancing toward the doors where Lukas was probably still lingering inside. He’d told her to be careful, but this was different. Owen wasn’t some random guy. He was charming, confident, and so good looking.

She giggled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she gazed up at him. An unopened bottle of Macallan? That had to be special, right? This wasn’t just some cheap line... He wanted to share something valuable with her. That meant something. “That sounds…” she hesitated for only a second before giving him a playful smile. “That sounds amazing.”

Her heart pounded as she reached for his hand, lacing her fingers with his like it was the most natural thing in the world. “But we should probably be quick,” she whispered inconspicuously. “Before my bodyguard notices I’m gone.” Though she knew he probably was aware she was going. Plus, she wasn’t that much of a rebel, she'd probably text him a quick goodbye.

She let Owen lead her back to the lodge, taking advantage of her car service for the way home instead of walking in the cold. Her pulse raced out of excitement. This is crazy… but isn’t that what love is supposed to feel like?

As they stepped into the elevator, she turned to him bright eyes. “You know,” she said softly, “I don’t normally do things like this.” She admitted, pressing closer to him. That was true. She wasn’t the type to follow a guy up to his suite after knowing him for less than an hour. But Owen… he was different. This felt like fate.

Mentions: Owen - fieldofclover fieldofclover
coded by kaninchen



jc clarke.




the vault.




There was something about the man in front of her that just pissed jc off. She couldn't tell if it was agitation from the bump she had taken or her regular irritability. But he was hot and she was getting at least one free drink out of it.

But then he teased her. She rolled her eyes at him, irritation running through her being. She mockingly cheers the glass with him and took the shot, feeling the familiar warmth spread through her, she relaxed, ever so slightly.

He then asked her name. She bit her lip, he was pissing her off thus far that before she could even think about it, she was giving him a fake name, and an obvious one at that.
"Briar Rose."
He'd have to be stupid to think that was her actual name, as that was Sleeping Beauty's other name besides Aurora.

"Yeah, I'll take another drink though."
She shrugged. She couldn't deny, she felt a little drawn towards him.
"Then take me back to the dance floor."
She smirked a little. She was normally assertive with men and this one wouldn't be any different.

♡coded by uxie♡


new years eve.



slightly unsettled.


NYE Party.



Sloane almost shot back at Teddy when he snapped at her, but she didn't want to fight. Not when she had a night off to unwind and relax. This night was proving to be anything but relaxing, but she still wanted to try, even if Teddy was making her nerves feel electrocuted. She wished he would have a drink and chill the fuck out.

She didn't know how to react to his praise because it was obviously a front, so she swallowed a large sip of her drink, immediately regretting it as it was fizzy champagne. She wanted to just shake him and tell him to stop being dumb but they hadn't been that close in years.

She nearly choked on her drink when he offered her a place to live. She then choked out a laugh.
"That's sweet, but I have an apartment closer to the hospital."
They would probably kill each other at this point if they tried to live with each other.

Her mind then drifted to a topic that was seemingly looming over them,
"Why aren't you drinking?"
Her words came out in a tone she hadn't meant, so she tried to recover it,
"Like is everything okay? With you? And your mom?"
Genuine concern filled her face.

♡coded by uxie♡

Raven’s lips curled into a slow smirk, eyes gleaming with amusement as she tilted her head, watching Hollis work her little performance. Damn, this girl was something else. Smooth as hell and absolutely fearless. And fine. Really fine. The way she moved, the way she sang that ridiculous song with full confidence? Yeah, Hollis knew exactly what she was doing. And Raven wasn’t mad about it.

She let her fingers linger against Hollis’s arm just a second longer than necessary, dark eyes flicking over her with blatant appreciation. Delectable was definitely an accurate word.

A chuckle rumbled in Raven’s throat as Hollis boxed her in again, playful but firm, keeping their space deliberately tight. Raven’s eyes flicked to the arm resting beside her, then back up to meet Hollis’s gaze. Oh, so she thinks she’s running this game now? Cute.

At the ‘bark for me’ comment, Raven’s smirk turned wicked. Oh, Hollis was really trying it. Raven leaned in, voice dropping. “Nah, sweetheart,” she murmured, eyes dark with amusement. “I don’t bark. I bite.”

Before Hollis could even get a teasing remark out, Raven dipped her head, pressing a slow, lingering kiss to the side of her neck. Then another. And just when Hollis might have thought she was going soft, Raven playfully nipped at her skin. Not hard enough to leave a mark but enough to hopefully leave Hollis speechless. She grinned against her before pulling back just enough to meet Hollis’s eyes again, her own gaze dark and knowing. "Good enough?"

Mentions: Hollis - celestialbody celestialbody
coded by kaninchen


new years eve.

parker hunt.


at ease.


outside a store.



Parker smiled, ever so slightly, at the man's genuine concern for her. And then when he went to touch her, but stopped; it was such a gentlemanly thing to do that it caught Parker off guard. Most of the people she had met here had been the opposite of that. She had honestly thought the man might feel emasculated by her saving his ass, literally, but he seemed genuinely grateful and an emotion she couldn't quite place.

Then he suggested going to the bar a few doors down. Her smile grew larger, and it was a genuine one at that.
"I'd like that."
She nodded, then turned on her heel and started walking towards the bar. She appreciated that he was thinking beyond the drinks and even suggesting icing it. That would probably save her a world of hurt in the long run.

"I'm Parker, by the way."
She said as she walked with him beside her.

♡coded by uxie♡



dallas beck.




ice tunnels.



Dallas giggled a little when he pulled her into a room and made a joke about her silly comment. But what she was not expecting was for Reece for her to press her against the wall and kiss her. She gasped a little, completely not expecting it, but it heated her entire body.

"Fuck Reece."
She gasped a little before wrapping her arms around his neck and returning the kiss with equal fervor.

When he pulled away, she had to literally catch her breath. Hot and bothered would be an understatement. And then he said the line about doing anything she wanted? Was she in literal heaven? She desperately wanted to tell him they should just go back to her place right now, but she also didn't want to rush into things like she usually did.

She smiled and pressed another kiss to his lips, heating it up a little but then pulling off,
"We're gonna get in trouble if we aren't careful."

♡coded by uxie♡

Finn Erickson

  • mood

    Weirdly at ease, curious.

Finn's fingers dug into the edges of the bed, releasing a breath he didn't even realize he was holding.

Her voice finally pierced the air, and he muttered a reluctant, "I don’t know," with a timbre that practically oozed vulnerability, his body instinctively tightening.

The whole notion of being personal with someone he slept with was foreign to him.. he typically preferred to keep things shallow and uncomplicated. The goosebumps chasing up his skin sent a clear message..

here he was, quite shockingly, not only present but willing to stick around instead of bolting for the door.

When her fingers flicked across his spine, he instinctively flinched, fighting the urge to recoil but ultimately managing to stay put..damn it all, no escaping this now, was there?
"I don’t run," he declared, refuting her spoken accusations with a shake of his head, his gaze drifting out the window where fireworks exploded in the night sky, a spectacle he couldn't muster any interest in.

"I only run when I'm scared... doesn't everyone..?" His pathetic admission hung in the air as he turned to meet her eyes, wanting to strangle this knot of uncertainty in his gut.
His thoughts spiraled into dark corners, contemplating whether Calla might provide him a twisted salvation if he took the steps to provoke her, but the truth was, an odd fascination had cemented itself solely onto her.. his eyes shifted from her eyes down to her lips, resentfully acknowledging her beauty, it added to the allure he refused to give in to, yet here he was.

A breath hitched in his throat as her tone spiraled into something grave.. "Stop me if I do run, Calla," he said sharply, trying to regain some semblance of control.
"I don’t want to be a coward.. it’s.. a struggle not to just walk away and pretend none of this matters..." His expression stayed hardened, even as he followed her gaze to the window, gripping the bed like it was the only thing that kept him grounded.

"Does.. this mean something Calla?" he asked, sincerity creeping into his voice. He had long ago heard the well-rehearsed lines from girls who claimed they liked him, spinning dreams of possibilities, yet time and again, they fled when he began to believe them. Now, ironically, he was treating every girl that way.. treating Calla with the same coldness that chased every girl away.

"Why do you..even care?" he finally blurted out, desperation lacing his voice. The incredulity that laced his tone was almost a reflex, an automatic defense mechanism kicking in. Why should she?

No matter the shit that happened between them, he found himself drowning in his own negative thoughts... every single time.
"You hate me for what i did, don’t you? you made that crystal clear.." he declared, finally throwing a glance her way... his voice was heavy with an uncharacteristic vulnerability.
For a fleeting moment, he caught a glimpse of uncertainty on her face, which he couldn't lie.. made him a little impatient.

He leaned in closer, an urge crashing onto him that was most overwhelming.. he needed to experience that rush again, just for a moment.. just to kiss her one more time, to feel the warmth of her lips against his and grasp what this all meant, what they meant to eachother..

Their lips met briefly.. a sensation mixed with passion and acrimony both.. sweet.. yet bitersweet.

He pulled back away, locking eyes with her, searching for an answer.. any answer.. "So.. tell me Calla.. what do you think of me now?" he'd tilt his head, as if everything that had transpired in the night would change her perspective on him.. that being a few minutes into the New Year would change everything about this.

Champagne Coast

Blood Orange

♡coded by uxie♡
Teddy Benson
Teddy could feel the weight of her stare.. and it sent his nerves spiraling. His palms, usually as dry as the Sahara, were suddenly slick with sweat, a clear sign that something was off.

That look in her eyes was unsettling, almost menacing, reminiscent of the times she’d shot him that same glare when he’d acted like a total idiot in the past.
It sent shivers down his spine, a reminder of how she could cut through him with just a glance.

He fumbled for the counter, nearly toppling over as he leaned on it, forcing out a laugh that felt more awkward than genuine... "Oh, really?" he shot back, facepalming as if that would somehow erase his blunder.

"Should’ve seen that coming; you’ve always been the one with your life together," he admitted begrudgingly, a hint of admiration creeping in despite himself.
Turning away to escape the suffocating tension, he made a beeline for the snacks, hoping to distract himself from the awkwardness.

"Ah, I don’t drink," he mumbled, his mouth full of chips, clearly lacking any sense of decorum as he chewed and nearly choked. He raised an eyebrow at her follow-up question, sarcasm dripping from his words. "Everything's... peachy Sloane. You and my mom still.. obviouslt talk. She’d spill the beans if anything was wrong."

He couldn’t help but jab at her, "Surprised you’re drinking, though. Don’t doctors have some kind of code or whatever?" He rubbed the back of his head, feigning a lecture.

"Oh, alcohol’s terrible for the gut! You’ll pack on pounds!" The words tumbled out before he could stop them. He glanced at her, unsure if he was crossing a line or just being ridiculous, but he couldn’t resist the urge to see her reaction.

coded by reveriee.

Brooke wasn’t expecting Evie to press ever closer to her, especially not with all the eyes on them as they stood in the middle of the bar. She felt like exposed, like an open wound. Brooke wasn’t used to such displays of affection and it was making it hard to focus on anything other than the way their eyebrows shot up with intrigue.

She let out a breath she didn’t even know she was holding when Evie pulled away to look at her, but it gets caught up in her throat again as she plucks a piece of lint off the front of her top. Evie was making it increasingly difficult to listen to her complaints, she couldn’t think much of anything with Evelyn being so close, their bodies pressed together. Being around Evie made Brooke feel giddy again and she hated it. She wanted to ball that feeling up and light it on fire.

“Do you think I’m overreacting?” Evelyn’s uncharacteristically soft voice broke her out of her thoughts. Evie tilted her head at her and it made Brooke’s stomach do a flip-flop, she hoped that Evelyn couldn’t tell.

“I think your feelings and concerns are valid, Evie.” She gave her a nonchalant shrug and ran her arms up and down Evelyn’s arms, “This is a huge night for you. hell, I’m worried even if I don’t show it. But mostly I’m just excited. I know business is going to be booming tonight. The vault is gonna be the talk of the town, just you wait.”

Brooke slid one of her hands down to grasp Evelyn’s hand softly, she lead her up the stairs and pulled her into her own office.

“Why don’t you take a break, hm?” Brooke pushed Evelyn down into one of the couches before she had time to complain about it. She plops her bag down somewhere on the floor, out of sight.

“How can I help you relax?” she stands almost between Evie’s legs, looking down at her with the most sincere look she can muster, “Let me help, okay?”



♡coded by uxie♡

Amelia felt utterly pathetic. Tomorrow she was going to have explain her unruly behavior to her boss and maybe her bosses boss and despite Mr. Haven’s repeated attempts of easing her worries, Amelia still felt uneasy. Like, she was walking the tightest tightrope over a chasm of rushing water and uncertainty.

Her first instinct was to flee, to get away before she had a chance to ruin this opportunity even more, but Mr. Haven wasn’t having it. He put his foot down, and forbade her from leaving. Amelia felt like she was a loss now, her shoulders slumped in defeat but then Mr. Haven gently took her hand and led her over to the exit.

Amelia couldn’t stop the heat from creeping up her spine, she felt sweaty all over and Mr. Haven’s hand felt so soft in hers. He led her to the fanciest car she’d ever laid eyes on and opened the door for her. She slipped inside and felt totally out of place. Amelia summers didn’t even deserve to look at such wealth, let alone sit on it. The smell of the leather seats made her head spin.

“Y-you really didn’t have to do this.. I’m sorry for ruining your night.. but I am grateful, thank you.” She spewed out her words as slurred mess, a sniffle here and there.

“Can I ask what you were doing there?” She sucked in a soft breath, when did she get so bold? It must’ve been the alcohol.

“Did I ruin your date? I’m so sorry..”



♡coded by uxie♡

Briar Rose

Luca balled that information up and rolled it around in his head. It was a pretty name, pretty name for a pretty girl. Now that he thought about it, she did kind of look like a Briar. The name suited her.

The busy bartender looked at him expectantly, but he was too busy thinking about taking Briar out on the dance floor. He shook out his hair, shaking him out of his thoughts.

“Two more double shots, tequila.” He slid the bartender a big bill and told her to keep the rest. He didn’t need it, he had so much of his father’s money that he had no idea what to do with it so why not tip the gorgeous bartender over 50%?

Luca wasted no time in downing his, what fifth shot of the night? He was buzzing by now and he eagerly grabbed the blonde hand to lead her out to the dance floor. His hands immediately gripped her hands and drew her in, pressing his body against hers as they swayed to the beat of the music.

Luca’s hands settled on lower on Briar’s hips and he brought his lips to her ear, “Tell me more about you?”

The question felt foreign to him, he didn’t usually ask it, most of the time they just fell into bed with him from just his charms alone but, Luca had a feeling that this one would a challenge and he would have to step up his game.



♡coded by uxie♡
Calla watched him, her eyes drinking in the swirl of emotions flickering across his face. He was always thinking. Always running, even when he was sat still. Always waiting for something to push him away. Maybe he thought she would be the one to do it this time. Maybe he was bracing for it, waiting for the moment she’d tell him he was too much, too complicated, too broken.

But she didn’t.

Instead, she moved closer, slow and deliberate, like testing the waters. She didn’t want to scare him off. Didn’t want to give him another excuse to retreat into himself. Her fingers brushed along his jaw, tracing lightly down his throat, feeling the way his pulse jumped beneath her touch. He wanted an answer from her, maybe something solid to hold onto... But she wasn’t sure if words were enough for him. Still, she tried. “I care… because I care,” she said simply, her voice quiet, like it wasn’t something that needed a grand explanation. “Why need reason?”

When he didn't pull away she leaned in, pressing her lips to the side of his neck. Then again, a little higher. And again. Slow, like she had all the time in the world. Letting him feel her there. Letting him know she wasn’t leaving. “We try,” she murmured against his skin. “If no work… no work.” Another kiss, right under his jaw. “But maybe work.”

Her hands found his, fingers threading through his with ease, like they belonged there. She gave a small squeeze, grounding him, pulling him back from whatever dark place his thoughts had wandered to. “You run, I stop you.” She pressed her forehead against his, letting the silence stretch between them, her breath warm against his lips. “But no run, Finn. No need.”

She pulled back just enough to meet his eyes, her thumb grazing his cheek, the slightest ghost of a smile on her lips. “Now, Finn,” she whispered, quiet but firm. “What you think of me?”

Mentions: Finn - PotatochipsRlit PotatochipsRlit
coded by kaninchen

Finn Erickson

  • mood


Finn couldn't help but get lost in the way her eyes were glued to his, a mix of emotions swirling in that gaze.

Was it joy? Despair? Serenity? Lust? Love?

No, there was no way it could be love, he chastised himself, though that self-deprecation was just his usual routine creeping in, and it was high time he knocked it off.

He sat there, frozen, as she leaned in, her demeanor cautious, as if one wrong move would send him running for the hills. And while that was partially true, he was stuck there, unable to break free, utterly captivated by her presence, feeling heat creep up his face from the depths of all of this..

It was intimate, like she could see him deep down in a way nobody ever had before, unlike anything he’d ever dealt with.. peeling back layers of him that he never let anyone see, and it felt real..more real than anything he had ever known.

A shiver ran down his spine as her fingers glided over his jaw, trailing down to his throat. He tilted his head slightly, surrendering to her touch for once, feeling con\trol slip away but replaced by an odd sense of security that he willingly gave her..the sensation of losing control was oddly comforting, if it was to her.

"I care... because I care,"

and even though that was damn simple, it felt monumental to him; still, he craved more...some kind of elaboration, even the silliest of words..who the fuck cared?

"Hmm..." he hummed softly, taking her hand, withdrawing it from his hot skin..he mused quietly, despite the reservations gnawing at him.. his hesitation melted away.

He glanced away momentarily, narrowing his gaze as he gathered his thoughts, then met her eyes again. But she was already leaning in, layering his neck with kisses that felt alien yet intoxicating, too intimate for his tracks but here he was..letting it happen, damn it.

Her movements were delicate, lips as gentle as flower petals, a stark contrast to his rough exterior and motives, but somehow, he found himself being just as tender with her.. "Define try, Calla..." he breathed out, tilting his head again as her lips brushed against his skin.
"Tell me it will work," he inhaled, his voice low and gruff, desperate for reassurance.. some sort of validation.

Finn sat there, watching her as she slipped her hands into his, and for a moment, he just froze, not returning the gesture. The warmth of her palms wrapped around his like a strange, foreign sensation that made him question everything.
What the hell was happening? he thought to himself, he normally thrived in negativity..manufacturing cynicism to shatter moments like this, a nasty habit of his that now felt futile.

But as he opened his mouth, all that came out was a silence that smothered him alive.. he hesitated, especially when she squeezed his hand, a gesture that felt both comforting and grounding..
Then she leaned in, pressing her forehead against his, and suddenly, he was a jumbled mess..his breath caught in his throat, his body tensed up, and his mind was racing like a runaway train.

Damn it, if this wasn’t trouble, he didn’t know what was.

He blinked rapidly, heart pounding, especially as she whispered more words of reassurance. She wouldn’t let him run away, and he desperately hoped she wasn’t just playing him, that this wasn’t another one of her mind games. Hell, he knew he was no saint either, with enough tricks up his sleeve to make a clown jealous.

She eased back just enough to tease him with her touch, her thumb grazing his cheek and yanking his focus right off a cliff.

What the hell was he supposed to say?
Then she hit him with his own question from earlier, a smart move on her part... "You sure as hell won’t like what I have to say," he grunted, snagging her wrist to choke off any further romantic gestures.
But the way her eyes dared him to push her away made it hard to resist, leading him to lean in and place gentle kisses on her hand, all while his gaze remained locked on hers.. “I.. think…” he hesitated, caught off guard by the distant fireworks that splattered the night with color, each pop filling the silence.. thought it didn't tear his gaze away from her.
“You’re a damn puzzle,” he finally confessed, as if he’d unearthed some deep-seated revelation.

It felt monumental for him..even if it was something as simple as those words.. vulnerability was a rare commodity in his world.
“I don’t know what to make of you.” Another kiss landed on her skin, and he added, “Yet.” leaving her hanging. It was a bit of an understatement. if he was brutally honest, he was completely obsessed with her, more captivated than he had ever been with anyone, but the thought of showing that kind of vulnerability terrified him.

Finn leaned in, his lips brushing against hers as he murmured, "Maybe if I quit running, I can actually figure you out." The words tumbled out, half-serious and half-playful, a confession wrapped in a teasing tone that he hoped she wouldn’t take too seriously.

He could feel the warmth radiating from her skin, the way her breath hitched slightly at his proximity.. "I know you," he continued, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.. He planted soft kisses along her jawline.. His other hand cradled her head, fingers threading through her hair as if he were trying to memorize the way it felt.. as odd as that was.
He was gentle, but there was an edge to his voice when he added, "Just not enough." The whisper was low, meant only for her ears.
He rested his chin on her shoulder.. "It'll never be enough."

Champagne Coast

Blood Orange

♡coded by uxie♡
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