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Fantasy Wherever the Wind Takes You

Again, meals were glorious. Laila can't remember the last time she had a freshly selection of noodles to choose from. They were given a classic platter of home-made dipping ramen with bowls of miso soup and another bowl of what was essentially a dense substance of spiced beef broth. Of course, Reeve might not be aware of how exactly it worked, so Laila gave some visual aid by taking her chopsticks, lifting up the noodles from its colorful basket of greens, shashu pork, and bean sprouts, and dipping it into the broth before putting it on a spoon and practically swallowing the whole thing down.

It was good. It's the kind of salty where the tangy texture lingers in the throat and just fires the dopamine over and over again.


So following this, Laila still didn't really have much of an idea.

Tomoe yawned as she sipped on a cup of green tea and passed the both of them some sliced watermelons to clear the palette. "So, I would say you should hand it over to Arioon. If we were to have it on our hands, that would be quite nice, and Alina is enthusiastic about studying the weapon further, I'm sure, but...Ahh, it's just such a shame..."

Laila stared at her. "You're just real excited about swords and spears and stuff, aren't you?"

"Being a Flower Maiden really makes you appreciate all the lovely things to pick from! Gosh. So many exotics. But in either case, I'm hoping Arioon will just see it as a burden."

"BURDEN?! Hello? I could eat you alive!!"

"Yes, yes, that's what the young pirates said back in the docks of the Yellow Sea before they were given a healthy dose of reality," Tomoe said with a dreamy inflection. "I'm sure you would prove useful as being one of the proud heirlooms of the Koiyama family!"

"My gods, you're using me as a political asset too."

Laila intervened. "Hey! I like her as a defense asset!"

"Being considered as a military asset is worse. I'm not some secret ballistae you can toss at some dretched goblin."

"Ahhh, kids these days." Tomoe politely sipped her tea.

"I am an ADULT!"

"Sure, sure."


"When the day's passed, you should go find Arioon! I'm sure she's still in the tavern. Sounds good?"

Laila glanced at Reeve. "If you want, we can sleep on it, maybe find some other routes before we decide. Either way, I am stuffed..."
The meal went... as expected. Reeve tried and tried with all his might, but the chopsticks were hard to get used to, so he took about twice or thrice the amount of time it would have otherwise taken him to stuff his gullet with the food before him. Once they were done and sat down with Tomoe though, the conversation went right back to Parilla and Reeve's instincts flared up once again, although... perhaps flare was too intense a word to use. He just didn't like what was going on.

"All this talk about Parilla, and no matter what we say or do, nobody 'wants' her desperately. If Tomoe was out for the ego weapon, then we'd see her be a lot more pushy, and she knows how to persuade someone like Laila, her own daughter. But nobody else has made a move, bar whatever monster that was on the way here..."

Once more, he knew this would be quite the head scratcher. Even though Tomoe encouraged them to visit Arioon afterwards, another move that didn't make sense- he just... sat down and thought about it for a moment.

"... Do you think we might just be paranoid..? What if nobody's really 'trying to get anything out of it' and we had seeds of doubt sown in the back of our minds so that we would act rashly and give Parilla to the wrong person..?", despite Laila's question, he seemed unresponsive as his eyes were fixed to the plate before them.

"If we gave the weapon to the wrong person, then a war could actually break out, since they'd be in possession of a political asset, right? And given its power, it's safe to say that they'd be able to do more than fight back, which would screw over everyone involved in the ordeal, rightful heir and people who wanted the heirloom for themselves after all."

Who was it even that planted these shadows of doubt? They didn't have the time to talk with anyone other than Parilla, and even then it was just her intuition and little actual knowledge at play. So maybe this whole time, he and Laila were really just overthinking things. Well, no- more like Reeve alone was overthinking the matter. As he snapped out of it and realised eyes were on him, he looked between the two and offered a small, sheepish smile, as though he was asking for a repeat as he raised a hand to rub the back of his neck.

"Maybe we should give it to Arioon after all. Our job was just to be messengers and nothing more.", he nodded slightly to himself, having finally made up his mind on it.
Laila sighed. Well, at least Reeve finally came to a decision. It surely was an important question to answer; Parilla was something powerful, and while Laila would like to keep hold of it, perhaps Arioon would find some heavy use of it. At the same time, Alina would be sure to raise some questions. It was totally possible that Arioon was just a bin man for her parents to do the dirty work, and Parilla was just one other route to do that with.

"All right...I guess we will head out to see Ariii..." Laila said. She was gonna miss this spear, to be honest. She wasn't particularly good at it, but it was easy to use and it wasn't something she wanted to let go of.

"Mom, do you think a war is really gonna happen?"

"Lilac, to be quite frank, if this wasn't going to happen because of a glaive, it was going to happen because of a knife. These people have probably been threatening each other for quite some time. Anything could happen, so we will just have to wait and see."

"Man. Guess people have a really hard time getting along..."

"Just two ladies and a shrine, and company, won't change the world. But perhaps that means it's high time for you two to explore your options! Can't be holed up in the forest forever."

Laila scratched her head. "Ehhhh...I'll worry about that later...Reeve, it's not too long a trip to the kingdom, how about we just head over there, drop the weapon off to Arioon, and get some sleep?"
As much as the both of them were to probably miss Parilla, by the seven their adventures would now be so much more quiet. With a frown at Tomoe's words, Reeve's brows furrowed. "... I can't tell if she's referring to an ego weapon that takes the form of a knife, like Parilla, or if she's talking about someone getting assassinated on either side... and I don't particularly want to know, either. I hope it never comes to that.", he grumbled as he rubbed the back of his neck.

But the note on exploring their options- yessire! It was obvious on Reeve's face, but he definitely wanted to head right back to the place he was exiled from. Whatever it was, something just... made him feel like he had unfinished business. If he lingered around Sesseth any more, perhaps he'd get some of his questions answered and learn more about himself. But the blabbermouth princess 'disrupted' his self discovery, so they'd have to wait until this delivery was finished.

Considering they had already put so much time into pondering the orb on whether or not to give the ego weapon, they might as well get it over and done with. Especially since Laila was so willing. So to postpone the delivery no longer, Reeve took a deep breath and looked at Laila with sheer confidence, nodding with a smile on his face. His words were clear as day, even in complete silence.

"Let's get it over with."

Fast forward to meeting Arioon.


Arioon looked the same as per usual. She had tassels around her chignon hair, and her robes were quite reminiscent of that of a monk's this time around as opposed to her much more formal attire; she had seemingly learned her lesson wearing fancy garments to the taverns and working, so she had lightened the load and finally amended some of her naivety with some of that more incognito civilian look.

Laila had the glaive in her hand. "Here it is, Arioo~!"

Arioon stared long at it. She accepted the weapon, with surprisingly no real impact. No flashy flairs, no transformation sequence, no nothing...

But the air did feel heavier.

"I see."

"I SEE?!"

It seem Parilla was not quite so eager to be treated like a normal weapon.

Judging by the easeness in Arioon's face, she certainly seemed happier. "I appreciate your help, Lilac. You as well," She said, glancing towards Reeve. "I feel as though I should repay you somehow."


Mmm...Laila was thinking...Perhaps if Reeve and Laila were picturing the same thing...
The delivery was a bit more lowkey than initially expected, considering just how grand the quest to fetch the ego weapon had been. Now that it was over though, it was almost... off. Parilla didn't even care enough to speak her mind on what he assumed wasn't half as pleasant as being received by Laila, and Arioon was just content with it. "... Not like that's wrong. There's not much else she could really feel or say, to be honest."

It did feel bizarre to see her actually change up her looks and wear more humbled clothes though. He gave a small bow in acknowledgement as Arioon thanked him, and looked to his partner at the mention of being repaid only to see a thoughtful stare shot right back at him. Although he was a bit lost at first and even raised an eyebrow, he quickly picked up on what was going on- Laila had something in mind and wanted his approval.

. . .

"I'm not entirely sure what she's even-", he couldn't quite finish that thought before the same dastardly thought came to his mind. He froze up for a moment and his eyes widened, as he felt it might be too much of an ask for him or her to ask of Ari. Giving a rather shy look back at her, now he was the one awaiting her confirmation as he bowed his head some and swallowed. "Wouldn't that render this a bit..?"
Laila was lost on how to get this repayment. Technically, they were going to steal the blade but their goodwill took priority, so...

"How about this, you'll just owe us a favor!"

Arioon blinked towards the two of them, her eyebrows somewhat scrunching. She didn't seem too happy to have to leave her debt unpaid, but she eventually agreed to such an idea.

"You better not die, either of you," Parilla hissed at Laila and Reeve. "And I better see you show results, princess."

Arioon stared at her new gift. She was, if anything, higher on the socially awkward range. Maybe handing Parilla actually meant more to her than Laila and Reeve were firstly believing?

"It will be so, I suppose."

Arioon dug into her robes, instead passing to Laila some sort of pendant. It was a necklace which strapped to some kind of locket, its head carved excruciatingly with the markings of a longsword and a Montante crossing each other. Though there was a button that supposedly opened the locket, Arioon kept it tightly closed with her hand before passing it to Laila.

"If you ever need to pass somewhere, use this. I believe our name will prove you access to areas not typically allowed for you two. And if you need me for a favor, open the locket."

Woah...It's a really nice locket...I wonder how expensive it must've been...

Laila glanced at Reeve... "Well, thanks, Arioon...Um. I think that's good enough for us, isn't it?"
Perhaps asking for it to be a favor was a better idea, as Laila chose. With a deep sigh of relief, the knight nodded along with Arioon when she finally agreed to it and he simply looked at Parilla, putting a hand on his chest as if to reassure her. What he did find odd though was the button that Arioon had to gift the two. "Safer passage..? Maybe something like a trade route you'd otherwise have to pay for. I've heard of mercenary groups using tassels to identify one another and avoid unnecessary tension, but I hadn't seen anything like it from up close myself.", he huffed and smiled at the mercenary who seemed... well, perplexed about the delivery.

Turning back to the shrine maiden, who appeared to have been staring at him, he offered a nod in agreement and gestured his head towards the entrance so that the two would slowly start heading back. It was gonna be dusk soon, so they'd best wrap up the day now that they'd done their due diligence and get some rest at last. After all, they were to probably start moving right on back to Sesseth, where they came from too. They agreed to travel together, and Reeve felt like he had left something unfinished, though he couldn't quite tell what it was either. His sword felt so too- or so his gut feeling said.

Looking back to their up-to-now client, he raised a hand as a farewell and once Laila was ready too, the duo began heading right back to the shrine for a night's calm rest.
Following this, they were back at the shrine.

"Welcome back!"

As per usual, Laila's mom was there! Hurray!

"Hi, Mom!" Blah blah blah, usual banter and dinner. "I got this funny thing from Arioon!"

Laila showed it.

"Oh...How fancy. I've only seen these in the diplomatic affairs, which we were never allowed to go to, by the way. How nice of Arioon."

What was for dinner? Cold and shredded butter chicken with some squeezed lime juice, a healthy volume of rice with a drizzle of soy sauce, and some chopped up green onions. It certainly didn't seem fancy, but it captured the homecooked aspect.

Mom and Laila over here were rambling about sushi, which probably came off as background noise for the more country-side Reeve, until Laila eventually pushed way into Reeve's bubble, her face inches away from his.

"Hey! What'dya think of putting salmon roe on sushi??"

Tomoe, in this instance, seemed very intent on knowing this man's THOUGHTFUL OPINIONS.
It was truer than most things, Reeve did in fact have no clue whatsoever about more eastern foods like sushi, knowing she'd be the first person to give him a chance at trying something more exotic than your average town meal at an inn or pub. With an eyebrow raised, he quietly looked at her and distanced his face ever so slightly, trying to think carefully about the question. Hell, he barely knew what roe was... "... It's that weird little round thing right?"

Wait, what even was sushi..? Had he heard that word before, if not just in passing during the last five minute conversation that he spent dozing off instead? Reeve was truly cooked, and it showed on his face as he nearly shut down and his eyes dropped a little. Mhm, yeah, this... Ahem. He gave a small cough, putting his fist over his mouth and mulling some great philosophical wonder for a moment or two before nodding. Determined, he crossed his arms and gave a few more nods, offering a thumb in approval. "They wouldn't eat anything that would kill. I might as well try something different for a change, too."

Awesome! Laila nodded in approval, before turning and pulling a roll out of nowhere; a salmon roe topped on top of a rolling of rice which cucumber, some cream cheese, and a small filet of tuna sandwiched in seaweed.

"Wanna try it?"

Tomoe smiled brightly. "Lilac's been learning how to cook!"

"Stop lying. I already knew how to do this!"

Tomoe continued digging into her own meal. "Just so you know, Alina has been looking into your little sword fiasco, Reeve, so if you would like to hear her inquiries, you can do it after eating...Or I guess you could go right now if you're full. No judgment!"
Reeve hadn't seen much of Laila's cooking escapades but he knew for sure that she could cook well enough on her own. She already gave off that aura, so it sounded almost like a given to him. Still, the food presented before him was quite the treat to the eyes, so... he couldn't just say no, right? It looked a bit unusual for what his usual consists of, but...

Picking up the sushi, he examined the roll and tried to list all of its ingredients in the back of his mind. Narrowing it down to the ones that he didn't know, specifically the roe, he quickly figured out what exactly it was and took the leap of faith- he bit into the sushi. Tasting it for a few moments, he seemed a bit confused as the flavors all began to blend together and made for a very neat combination. With a grumble and sigh of relief once he was done, he smiled slightly and nodded in approval. Safe to say, he had no reason to hide the satisfaction, though the weird pop of the roe was... definitely a jarring feeling to him.

Since the whole snacking was over and done with though, perhaps it'd be a good idea to now check on what Tomoe said about Alina. If she had figured anything out with her "findings" once he was done answering her questions as best as he could, it would help a lot. Then again, he wasn't sure if a game of "yes or no" would go a long way, but only one way to find out. So looking at Laila, he gave a nod of approval and gestured towards where he last remembered the two had met the vampire.
"See! He likes it!" Tomoe said, nodding in approval. "There's nothing like a bit of flexibility."

Laila was very proud of herself. "Heehee! I've been working on it all day last month. I kinda stopped but I'm still derusting, you know?"

And dinner ended on a fairly happy note.


Laila and Reeve were eventually pulling up to the latter corner of the shrine, and Alina was in the same room she had given a sword to Laila in. Not much had changed, aside from her bed having noticeably new frames that were crudely drawn. Alina left her pen on the corner of the frame, still slowly leaking ink while she herself was rummaging through her dresser. Aside from her modest white blouse and black cotton overskirt, the only way to distinguish her from any pretty face at a merchant's was her resting angry face and her lower lip, which was getting a bit of scarring likely due to her fangs.

"Yo." Alina didn't even look at the two, still rearranging stacks of clothes around. "You haven't missed much."

"Hi, Ali! So I heard you had something for us about the sword?"

"Yeah. You, Your mom, Reeves McGee, and maaaybe Arioon are, so far, the only normal people who are even aware somethings up with your sword. Aside from them, the Abyssals. While I'm pretty sure they're kind of a neutral party, I've been thinking."


Alina dug herself out of the dresser, walking to a wall that had a board sloppily set against the bamboo matting. She grabbed her pen.

"So the city you two went to, Sesseth, is probably one of the largest trading hubs in the area. Even accepts kobolds if the sellers are open enough to it. Doesn't take too much for them to figure out how a transaction works. "

Alina continued to draw. "I started seeing a connection among the necromancers when I got kidnapped, weird thing to say out loud, the abyssals, and the kobolds. I'm thinking they're all connected in some way."

"I don't know much history about the Abyssals aside from their irritating obsession with nobility, but the necromancers were convening because they wanted to supercede humans, you guys, someway somehow. Basically, artificially make the demi-humans you saw in Sesseth. They've been experimenting on subjects the same way they did me and I think they're intending to align with a future organization, and create an opening in one of the major empires. It might be with the Abyssals."

Laila didn't speak.

"So the real kicker is basically my discovery when I was trekking North of the Graywoods. Past the Graywoods is gonna be where one of the cities are. Biggest mage academy in the north side of the world. Also the highest density of necromancers; it's just not as taboo there."


Laila half chuckled, half didn't know what to say. "So, you're trying to get us to stop some kind of war?"

"Really, what I need is some more information. Past this point is up in the air. Necromancers talk to Abyssals, Abyssals talk to kobolds. Don't know how big it is. Can't really see for myself because they know my face, and Abyssals aren't exactly friendly with people like me."

Alina scratched her cheek. "But yeah."

"It could lead to a war. You're a unique kind of magician, you'd fit in just fine. It's big city culture, though, so you might come out as some kind of bumpkin. Can't say I know a lot of people there that like me either. But it's a good opportunity. Get to learn a bit more, don't you think?"

She glanced at Reeve. "Could be an opportunity to uncover something that'll help get you out of your mess. And Laila gets to see a bit of the outside world. Three birds."
The initial weirdness of Alina was once more, a bit comforting. Though he barely knew the vampire past the rescue he and Laila conducted, she usually seemed to have a good grasp on things and knew what had to be done. She'd offered her assistance a few times in the past, and truthfully she was an honest and well-meaning ally through thick and thin. But the news she had to share were definitely not quite what Reeve expected. The main things that registered from the back of his head were the following two sentences.

"So, you're trying to get us to stop some kind of war?"

"... But yeah."

They had just gotten rid of what was already problematic enough for potentially themselves and a whole other kingdom, narrowly avoiding what could have been war right off the cuff. And now, they were asked to get thrown right into whatever this mess was. Could they even do anything about it? And... "Necromancers..? Creating monsters like the ones that me and Laila scuffled with, both in the graveyard and on the way here? Like the one Parilla concluded belonged to a Kobold?"

Sure, it could get them a few more clues, but... Laila didn't have her ego weapon anymore and Reeve's lowly powers were still mostly unknown and underdeveloped. He barely had control of his sword which left him to bleed out the first time he used it, and the second it was almost like it just decided to patch him up and never bothered him again. Just to make sure that was the case, he quietly raised a hand and touched his shoulder where the blood poured out from during their latest fight and... nothing. It was smooth as though it had never been injured in the past, completely unharmed.

"Laila gets to see the outside world? How can I keep myself, let alone Laila, safe when I don't even know if I'll bleed out any time I draw my sword?", the knight thought in the back of his mind as he felt rather agitated, his breathing starting to become faster as he did his best to keep his cool. He wanted to say yes, he really did- the knight in him wanted to finally swoop the chance and be a hero- but could he do it? He'd have to figure out how his sword and curse even works first, and though that was easier said than done, the most direct way would be to make way back to Sesseth and come in contact with the Abyssals that rejected and exiled the man.

"That leaves no time for this. If I go to Sesseth, then we'll be too late to help out with the necromancers. If I go to the necromancers... we may never make it to back here again."

Fuck. His breathing became sharper. Think, there has to be another way. He could almost feel the blood rushing to his head as he scratched his brains for an answer, even an unsatisfying one. There had to be a way to get everything done, nice and simple. It had almost always been this way for everything else, so why not when it mattered? After all, not going... it would be the same as giving up on all of that city's residents' lives.

"Fuck, fuck, we keep going from one situation to another. There's never any time to rest, and even when there is, I do just that- I rest and achieve nothing. Everyone around me is working to the bone, and meanwhile I'm doing nothing, I'm-"

Snap out of it, you weak willed fool.

That voice. Reeve had completely blanked out in reality, with his train of thought spiraling downwards over the span of a few seconds. The only clear thing to his two observers was that he was having some form of conflict. But that voice brought him back to reality, as he shifted his gaze down to his blade's handle. The characteristically unhelpful sword finally decided to speak up after all this time, and all to make fun of him. Before the knight could even chastise the cursed blade, it continued.

Do you truly want to know all there is?

"I do."

Do you believe you can handle such a burden?

, this time the voice was met with silence even in the man's thoughts. While his heart told him that he could do it because he had to do it, his mind, his instinct... it told him otherwise. A crossroad he wasn't ready to quite walk right now.

. . .

If you are and make up your mind- I'll be waiting. Be warned, it'll be as challenging as you will it to be. Make your bed and lay in it.

There were a lot of thoughts in the man's mind, but... none he could quite put into words and ask. Looking back at Alina, he squinted and hesitated for a moment. He even turned to look at Laila, giving her a pained glance before nodding. They should take on this task. They've come this far... they vowed to walk whatever path they choose together. If she trusted him as much as he trusted her- more than he trusted himself-, then they could make this choice together. As for his own struggle... he'd see it through to the end before then and get the answers he needed. His gut told him as much... right?
Taking the time to process this was a lot for Laila as well. She was privy to being a contributing factor of a lot of things. Many of those things had involved simple things like dusting the floors or getting leaves off the donating box. She inexplicably grabbed Reeve's hand midway through...Mostly because she wasn't sure how he was taking it. After all, this was kind of a huge dome to throw at their heads. In what world were they going to throw themselves into a war? She'd much rather stay at home.

But...Reeve looked like he was going through some shifts in expression. Laila couldn't piece it together, but there must have been some explanation if Reeve was looking to change his mind. Laila hadn't done much; she was no hero, or heroine, or whatever. She didn't sacrifice life and limb to be here, she barely knew more than boar hunting, traps, and sushi.

...But something beckoned her. It might have been her own curiosity, or her pride in them, the duo. They had already done quite a lot for their resumes. What's one more major event?

Laila sighed, glancing at Reeve. He seemed almost more than eager, or at least unhesitant to throw them into the fire if need be. If that was the case, Laila could read the room.

...But priorities.

"What's the reward?"

Alina rolled her eyes. "Two mercenaries in a pod. Whatever."

She started drawing another castle, which was surprisingly accurate. "The city is called Sysal, named after Cyril. Housing some of the better magicians on the north side of the world, they've also got an insane magnet for danger. But. That also means loot. Several caves come to mind, packing treasures and, from what I recall...An artifact."

"Ooh, is it expensive?"

"Of course that's on your mind. Leave it to the lilac to distract you from the war efforts. It's nothing alive, just to clarify. But consider it something useful when you're trying to fight."

"I hope it makes me and Reeve tents and food every day..."

"It doesn't."

Laila sighed. "Let me dream."

"I'll get you connected with a mage. One of the more promising individuals in that academy, but I don't really like any of them to be frank, so what do I know?"

Laila raised her hand. "What's the city like?"

"Upstuck magic city who thinks everyone can be gauged based on their ability to manipulate mana. Naturally, a lot of arrogant academics. Just don't let them push you around and you'll be fine. Even though the first impression is big, they're not all bad. Sounds good?"

Laila kept her hand raised. "I have another question."

"It's a bow."

"I have no more questions."

Alina glanced at Reeve. "Well, you look like you're the only one seeing ghosts. You got anything for me?"
Considering Laila's questions, he assumed that she was on board with the plan too. He was still in a ruckus internally, but feeling her hand hold his... it soothed him, at least a little. Enough to control his anxiety and focus back in on listening the discussion going on. He'd definitely need to confront his curse and figure something out if one's standing depended on their magical power, especially considering he had an immense ineptitude for the arcane.

"If I can figure things out and Laila can find that artifact with me... we should have a leg up in most situations. Even given the encounters we had with humans and golems up to now, it should be different this time around. But... can I figure it all out on my own?"

The question had been hounding him for a while, and the confrontation was just bringing it back to the forefront of his mind. With a grumble, he looked at Alina when she directed her words to him again and thought about it for a brief moment. All things accounted for... he slowly let go of Laila's hand and moved his own to touch where he should have a cut opening again and again on his left arm.

Nothing. Like he had never gotten injured whatsoever.

Maybe now was a good time to try it again and see what would happen, then? Tomoe and Laila were both present, and Alina was too... though he really doubted she could help much if anything where to go awry- "Gah, stop it. It'll be fine."

He couldn't explain his situation and what he had found out to Alina by himself, so he was gonna exhibit it instead. Slowly unsheathing his blade from his side, he gripped his sword so that it pointed at his arm again, close to where he had last cut. Taking a deep breath, he took a shallow slash of his own sword as blood began to pour out of the wound and drip down his blade's middle and his armor. Nothing seemed special until it started to reach his fingertips when the reaction began.

Despite not quite being magic, it felt just like it. The way that the blood began to form a black crust which melded into the armor, strengthening it and spreading all the way to his elbow, one bit at a time. His gauntlet now looked black with some parts of its original, steel colored metal revealing themselves every here and there. He could still move his fingers, though the blood loss was definitely an odd feeling to get used to. Trying not to stumble, he kept his sword still as the blood eventually reached his orange gemstone near the hilt of the blade and with a shine, the gemstone was turned a deep red. Bits and pieces of the sword's flat side seemed to have a slight black crust like the armor did, though it was more like it had been splattered on the weapon instead of carefully coated, as with his armbrace.

Raising his head again to look at Alina, he nodded and waited to see if she could recognize anything... anything at all to help him. Even if she couldn't, he'd figure something out, but... any help at all. Anything would go a long way. And as he waited, the blood kept flowing. Except after a point, it almost lost interest in protecting over his elbow any and began flowing up instead, making for a plate surrounding his shoulder and some protection that covered the wound from incoming blows while it stretched down to merge with the rest of his armor.
Funny enough, as Alina got to take a look at what Reeve was doing, Laila could only shrug as Reeve demonstrated his party trick.

"Hm..." Naturally, Alina's more scrutinizing gaze took over as she got an eyeful of Reeve's process. "It's less flexible than the vampiric version, but stronger overall. Doesn't seem to spread too consistently..."

Laila held up a finger. "It healed some of his wounds when we were fighting."

"Uh huh."


"Couldn't tell you. It looks like my kind of magic but it clear as day isn't. Must be part of your curse thing. Some kind of parasitic transaction, sacrifice your blood for everything else. I'd say treat it like a good thing. The worst that can happen is that you give yourself blood loss. Or, you know, bring a blood bag."

Alina clapped her hands. "Far as I can tell, that's something better left to an actual researcher, not some bum vampire who was stuck in a cave. Who knows, maybe the academy can drop a hint or two."

"You're useless!!"

"What can I say, I just draw you swords, that's all a different set of rules I studied until the cows came home. I can't just throw my own assumptions on some mute who's got beef with underwater demons."


Alina yawned. "Who knows, though. There might be a mage who knows exactly what you're dealing with."

"Don't just drop a flag like that out of nowhere..."

Alina tapped her cheek. "Tell you what, I'll get you a letter of recommendation to the academy. Consider it an advance payment since you're gonna be contributing to future war efforts. Maybe you'll find someone who's got your issues. Sounds good?"
Yeah, what did he expect from Alina at the end of the day? With a deep sigh and a shake of his head, he scratched the back of his neck as if to tell himself "Yup, it's fine.", but... It wasn't entirely to waste. It wasn't much but it's something, even if just the theory that whatever was in the sword was "parasitizing" off of him. Although that implied it got something else in return, too. "Maybe if there's an exchange going on, there's more I could 'benefit' out of this too..? Not to sound greedy, but... It all works in give and take right?"

Even so, it was a lead. The duo now had at least something to go off of, and Reeve could try to figure out whether or not that was the truth of the matter. It all depended on what his... discussion? Challenge? Whatever his 'meeting' with the curse would reveal to him. It was all a very uncertain situation but he'd get his answers in due time. For now, there was little to do but accept the offer for a letter of recommendation as they'd need all the help they could get, considering how poor Reeve's standing would be in a predominantly magic area, and head to their rooms to strategize or just... rest.

He would need as much of that as he could before getting to the more important discussion at hand, too.
Back in their rooms, quiet and lonely in a nice evening.

"As it kind of stands..."

She chuckled. "We're not really in a great position. I'm just hoping you're doing fine and nothing is overwhelming you. I feel like I'm getting tossed around a bit, you know? I mean, not that I mind! I think I do need something outside of making talismans and hunting in the forest, but going to a cemetary, getting caught in your dreams, and going to Sesseth, and getting a walking talking spear..."

"And now we're back to you! It's kind of like taking turns on our little adventure, isn't it?"
Even though Reeve couldn't speak as is, there was little to be said in response to her question as well. She was just trying to cheer the both of them up and finish the admittedly poor day on a better note, but... it was clear he was at the very least slightly overwhelmed. "It's not just you that feels tossed around...", he didn't even have to say as he let out a sigh and rubbed the back of his neck apologetically, but...

... he was a bit confused as well with something else. The way that she spoke was meant to calm him down, but it made him feel a bit... unsettled? Anxious? It was as soothing as it was upsetting, perhaps because it felt very finalistic. Like things were coming to a close or a big change was up next and they were in danger of splitting apart... or something? Even though she didn't mention them going down different paths, that's what he thought she would move on to next... but he quickly realised it was just him. Asking "What do I care anyway." at this point would be rude, for both him and her. He knew better than to play stupid.

In all of his internal conflict though, the knight felt it more appropriate to... smile. Even if it was a tired smile with a lot of weight behind it, he smiled and nodded at her. He could almost feel the bags under his eyes and feeling the sword in its sheath still touching his waist, he knew what he had to try and take care of over the night... sort of. He did have to fit in sleep at some point as well, but... all in due time, it seemed. With a heavy sigh, he looked down at his hand now that he had taken his gauntlets off and his bare skin was exposed. He couldn't speak, but he could still gesture.

... How could he ball up all this... emotion, though? The companionship he's kept with Laila and these friendly- no, more than- feelings that he's had for her? He wanted to reach over and hug her, but that would be too much. Before they're back in the field again, and when he already had so much on his mind? He didn't wanna make sure Laila is in equally much of a mess mentally.

His fingers twitched. That 'overwhelmed' look was coming back as he let out a second sigh and with a rather awkward inhale, he turned to Laila for the tired smile to come back. A fist was offered for a bump, although he felt like such a country-bumpkin for the gesture, that the smile almost seemed a bit less tired all of a sudden. Much more honest at that too, his face brightened up a little.

"... I hope the adventure doesn't stay little, though."
Laila stared at the fist, taking a good long look at his emotions; she felt like she hadn't gotten a chance to hear Reeve out (no pun intended), and taking some time to try to get him to vocalize himself (no pun intended) felt like the right move. Still, she thought she could sense some sort of frustration...Maybe he felt reluctant to split? She had intended to sort of go a separate path, and while they easily could align again, there was a sort of melancholy feeling to it...But all journeys are intended to end, aren't they?

Laila fist bumped him, but she felt too disconnected from that, so she grabbed his shoulders and pulled him for a tight hug.

"Gosh. Don't be such a worrywart. You're a mercenary, right? People come and go all the time, and this isn't any different. Without a voice to help you out, you should really use your hands more."

She gave him a lovely grin. "Look, see how you're smiling better? I can't be the only one with a good mood! Where's the fun in running some errands if we're in a bad mood? Keep that up, Reeve! And, hey."

She, additionally, placed her palms against his. "Want to do another dream walk? Sure, you might get punished for it, but there's nothing wrong with a bit of rebellion."
With the fistbump offered, that's all he expected. Asking for anything more would be no different than demanding it in his mind, so he didn't expect a single word more from Laila. And yet, she felt as discontent as he did, it seemed, and instead she... hugged him? Although he got a bit surprised by the sudden unexpected hug, he also seemed almost calmer. He didn't know how to react for a moment before he exhaled and as the tension went away, he wrapped his arms around her and returned the tight embrace.

She was right about him being a worrywart needlessly right now. He had gone through so much before he even met her, with a different client each and every time... so how was this all that different?


"She's not right. She's not a client. She's a friend... and the only person who has heard me out. Out of everyone I've traveled with, she's the only one who has been able to hear me and talk to me. It's childish, but... I don't want this to end."

Maybe he could tell her though. And with no better timing for her to ask, her proposal right now sounded more alluring than ever. Without a moment of hesitation, he smiled and nodded. This feeling- going from a hug to having their palms touching. It felt tender, sweet. He wanted to savor the moment while it lasted, closing his eyes and taking in this warm feeling she offered.

Once the moment was over, it was time to have a talk again, a real heart to heart. One last time before he gave his hand at what would be no easy feat, figuring out his own curse.

it didn't take long for either of them to get ready for bed from there. Soon enough, Reeve opened his eyes to what was the watercolor painted scenery he was used to, but... not at a cliff. Instead, he was in sprawling plains with blades of grass. His outfit was much the same as usual, his blue hooded tunic, the brown fabric pants and the leather boots- but all the armor pieces he usually wore were gone.

And in the distance behind him hid a wooden hut, much like the one he had grown up in. The nostalgic feeling this scenery evoked matched his feelings perfectly, though his own melancholy stemmed from a proactive nostalgia for all of their adventures. He knew he didn't have to go through this alone, or maybe at all. Perhaps Laila's feelings were closer to his own, or... maybe they weren't.

Laila had a bit of an ink color to her this time around, this dream sequence. Her long hair had been let down and curled around, and she wasn't wearing any of her normal shrine maiden gear, settling on a very simplistic button-up and a pair of black tight-fitting leggings. She looked more like the kind of woman seen out of the play in an amphitheater, a real "beautiful damsel in distress" looking person. She left behind an trail in her bodily movements like the contour of an ink brush, which honestly painted her as something of an elusive goddess than the girl who literally missed shooting a warthog from less than 100 meters.

Seeing Reeve's dream was a good calming sensation; it told her Reeve wasn't, at least, feeling weighed down as much; she ran up to Reeve in this instance, her hands trailing along his contrasting grass and eventually sitting down next to him. Staring at an empty expanse and then to the hut from the hidden corner of their reality.

As per usual, it always felt like Laila had to catch up to Reeve...Reeve was always seemingly in the next step in his own world, huh? Laila had never really changed (or at least, she didn't feel like she's changed that much)...Though...Seeing Alina's body, perhaps, was an early call to her lack of stepping up.

In some way, she looked up to Reeve as someone far better than her, and served to prop him up to avoid confronting the alternate reality.

"Hey, Reeve!" Laila said with a smile, now literally looking up at Reeve from her seated position. "You literally look better than ever!"
Seeing Laila like this was a very unusual sensation. Maybe they would never even get the chance to actually see each other like that again, so he had to live in the moment rather than think about "what ifs" and "what wills". Looking down at her, he took a moment to admire her before letting out a short sigh. It was like the colors of the scenery dimmer a bit, as a light sepia tone washed over the environment. He opened his mouth and hesitated for a moment, feeling his throat tighten before he remembered it was a dream. It came at a price, but he went into this knowing he was more than willing to pay it.

"I think you look a lot better. I haven't seen you so... not traditionally.", he said with a slight laugh and put a hand near his neck, touching the area for a moment. "I'll be honest.", he exhaled as he put his hand down and near one of his rather shallow pockets.

His chest tightened this time, but that wasn't the curse. Hell, he could feel his whole body burning up as he grumbled and sat down next to Laila, crossing his legs and clearing his throat. "... I don't want this 'little adventure' to end. It's a lot of fun and... I shouldn't be doing it, but I can speak to someone finally. And I know you'll be willing to listen- I can't speak to you if you're not. Even though I have stumbled and fucked up again and again, you've still wanted to listen and trusted me."

Another break followed before he swallowed rather slowly. "... I don't care about the adventure. But I don't want to lose you, is what I'm trying to see. I don't want you to go like another one of the 'people who come and go'.", and he could practically feel his whole body burning up around now. This feeling was very unfamiliar, but not entirely unpleasant. With one of his hands placed on his side and near Laila, he quietly looked at it before looking at the shrine maiden's. "... I'll be doing better from now on. And messing up less. That way you don't have to go because of me. I can have your back the same way you've had mine."

... Gods, it felt like he had said too much and at the same time not enough. His body was boiling by this point. "I'll find out everything there is to know about my sword and I'll protect you, because seeing you in danger... it stresses me. More than a seeing a client in danger does, Laila."

And now? His heart was left thumping.
He hasn't seen her so...Not traditionally?

"Wow. I don't know how to respond to that."

Focusing more on their concern, she got to hear him out. For real, this time, without the sword punishing him or without any flakiness or...Any of Reeve's menial issues. She got to hear him speak up. Seeing him sit down, and really exchange his heart to hers...

It gave her stomach little flutters she hadn't identified yet. At the end of it all, her eyes had widened so far, she hadn't quite the urge to close them now. She wasn't sure how to receive...Well, the last part of his desires. She had seen him as a close friend, yes, they went through thick and thin for quite some time...But hearing it bounced back the way it was...Could she do little more than redden up at the ears and cheeks?

"H-heh...Gosh. Now you're getting me blushing."

She placed his hand on top of hers. "Alright, you know what! I'm glad you said that! I know you're always trying to do better; I mean, you've been trying to talk and write now, and you've got this armor I've never seen before and you use something so weird and amazing-" Laila was having trouble putting her words together. "-Um, not the point, but I know what you mean...It'll be really kind of a downer if we just...Split up from this point on. So, from what I'm hearing is..."

She grinned. "We can reup on our contract! Maybe this time, you'll be hiring me to help investigate your sword!"

Laila booped Reeve's nose. "Or, let's just call it quits on being a mercenary and work together as partners."

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