Gary Sue
The One who Vibes
- One on One
He was going to let Laila know about the smell, but it appeared her nose had beaten him to it. The first thing he suspected was the same assailants they had from Sesseth, but they couldn't have possibly followed them there and decided to attack now of all times, right? Whatever the case, it was magic alright. The unusual darkening of the forest and skies despite it being just a bit past noon, the odd scent and even Rivera's and Parilla's reaction to whatever was going on...
Despite still being on horseback, Reeve quietly placed a hand on the hilt of his sword, preparing to unsheathe it and starting to look around. He didn't understand how any of this worked, but as long as he could find even a single thing out of place, maybe there'd be a clue. Magic was as strong as Reeve was uninformed, so just observing how it worked or what exactly it altered might give him a clue- that's the only thing he picked up on, last the two casters were talking among themselves during that one break they were taking.
"If you sensed anything, you'd say it... so what's going on?", the vanguard looked down at his sword, expecting an answer but instead being met with complete silence.
Despite still being on horseback, Reeve quietly placed a hand on the hilt of his sword, preparing to unsheathe it and starting to look around. He didn't understand how any of this worked, but as long as he could find even a single thing out of place, maybe there'd be a clue. Magic was as strong as Reeve was uninformed, so just observing how it worked or what exactly it altered might give him a clue- that's the only thing he picked up on, last the two casters were talking among themselves during that one break they were taking.
"If you sensed anything, you'd say it... so what's going on?", the vanguard looked down at his sword, expecting an answer but instead being met with complete silence.