Experiences Where did you roleplay before you came to RPNation?

I started RPing when I was 11 or something on a Dutch site called gosupermodel.com. It's gone now though.
I found role-playing on Gaia. I was an original member, back when I was thirteen. I transferred into Neverwinter Nights, a D&D online role-playing game not too much later on.
Not really a site. I did a couple Star Wars D&D type games (haven't done one in a while , the people I did it with switched to X-Wing miniatures and I haven't brought myself to spend 200-300$ on little plastic mini-ships) and a friend invited me to do a side campaign through texts. We abandoned dice early on , it was just too cumbersome to use. Plus , you never know if we were , er , cheating by saying we rolled d6's that were really d1-5's. I wasn't too good at first ; eventually we got tired of it because it got more and more crazy and weird. Plus using the books for text role plays was just ridiculous. Then they found X-wing Mini's that they liked better (they injected a little extra RPing into it , as well). Not meeting my RPing needs (too cheap for 15$ little plastic ships. I only so far have considered buying or have bought the TIE phantom and the Vt-49) I joined this site here , and enjoyed this a lot. So that's my role playing history. Lengthy , I know. And no , I have no idea why they would switch from regular SW role playing to X-wing. (Probably because FFG mainly produces that and card games , and they hate card games). Funny enough I was in for armada but they didn't want to do that , so there's that I guess. Still kinda want to get armada myself , but it wouldn't take away from this (it's more of a strategy game , my friends inject they're own traditional style RP stuff to X-wing).
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I came from a.... Horrid place. And I'd rather not say the place.

The people there are just... Unfriendly at the least. Besides, I don't want to say the place so they don't get anymore recognition, even though they weren't fully a RP place, still. They don't deserve recognition.

But I'm here now. And that's all that matters. A new place and new people is all I need. :D
I came from the website Howrse when I used to play that everyday, but now I don't even look at it cause it just became too repetitive for my liking and then I joined this website after using emails and a site called PokeFarm for a while. :3 But before all that I used to roleplay by myself which was fun to a point cause I didn't have the internet until I was 13. Good internet anyway.
I started on Camphalfblood.forummotion and Narutobase but they slowly faded away been jumping from site to site since, never really settling anywhere till I got here.
I started off on a flash game called Stick Arena Dimensions, which was not the best place to RP at all but it holds memories for me and my best friend.

Afterwards I drifted around from MUD to MUD until I had enough money for WoW again. I joined that a few months ago and as much as I love the Warcraft universe, I couldnt do all my favorite character ideas there.
Tumblr and a bit on World of Warcraft , as well as skype. Unfortunately neither of my current areas seem to be working out well (Except with WoW, I stopped RPing on there years ago).
I started out with Gamespot fourms in some groups then moved to a Pokemon site called VDex (May it rest in peace) and after that, just been rping with friends on Facebook
My first roleplay was on a website called KH-Vids.net, and it was a really wonky one. The plot was everywhere, people godmodded to hell and back, but yeah that's where most of my roleplaying has been. In fact, I can only think of two roleplays that weren't. One of those was on Hiveworkshop, a popular warcraft 3 forum, and the other was simply through Facebook chat. Neither of those took off really, but KHV was always friendly and a great place to RP. Gotta say though, I'm really liking this place.
@Kanken Ehm.. Actually.. GoSupermodel was originally from Denmark, but is in other languages.. :3

And it is still a thing, you just have to pay for it or something like that.. O.o

I used to be on it before, but never RPed.. A friend of mine did, though.. :3
I tried my hand at RP at a very young age, but it was generally absurd and never went past whatever it is 12 year olds talked about in the chatrooms of dial-up days-gone-by. My first serious foray was via MSN Chatrooms in the MSN Messenger program. I was part of a rather dedicated group and ran a number of characters through different rooms. Met a great many friends this way, sadly haven't spoken to them since MSN Chat dissolved entirely.

Outside of that, I believe I bounced around from OtakuBoards to Gaia Online, never staying put for too long, but even that was many, many years ago.
I've been doing a lot of email roleplays lately, finding partners through Barbermonger and Roleplay Central. Also, I've been spending an unhealthy amount of time roleplaying on Omegle.
I hate to admit it, but I started off on gaia in the 6th grade, which was a hot mess. I progressed to chatango, if you could really call it an improvement. Middle school was rough you guys ^^;
I started role playing on a site called roleplex and I have pretty fond memories of that site im sure it's still around somewhere
I don't know if it is a start, but the first time I know about roleplaying is in a starwars web based game. A good couple years there and I'm going off, searching the google for a good roleplaying forum and create an account on a couple but never really serious about it. Found roleplaying forum and now come here
i started roleplaying in dA chats back in 2006, moved to livejournal, MSN / various instant messengers, joined an rp forum by the name of iantivirus... previous to that, i rped on gaia also. now i can't stand rping on instant messengers lol. forums have spoiled me.

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