Experiences Where did you roleplay before you came to RPNation?

Well, I started on IMVU (*cringe*). Then I moved to fantasyroleplay.invisionzone.com but sadly they've gone offline. Me and @ManicMuse started our own but unfortunately, it's rather dead. So, I have been rping for some 6 odd years now. :-)
Gaia. I got introduced to it there, and it just kinda snowballed into the dozens of friendships I have now.
I'm pretty sure I started my journey in Menewsha, the smaller community made for an easier time finding willing conspirators than the ever bumping Gaiaonline. I'm not even sure I could find my old account, since it's been so long, but I guess it's a good thing for my cringiness! :D
[QUOTE="Pretzel Heart]Am I the only one so far from TinierMe? Damn.
But my friend introduced me to RPing through DA actually lol since we both knew each other's OCs pretty well and just wanted to mess around with them in private chat for fun. I don't even remember how but I later stumbled on this site called DollWizard (does it even still exist? Do I dare check?) and realized that RPing could be this really cool communal storytelling form.

Then next my friends convinced me to join Gaia and we had many good RP memories on there (that's where I hammered through the majority of my newb phase I guess, though I had already written so much before that it was only mildly cringe-worthy...maybe...haha).

But my fondest memories of all are from TinierMe in the Literate Roleplay group. There were so many awesome, fun, talented people. When the site went down, we were all at a loss......

Tried Gaia again after a long hiatus and really I still can't understand what went horribly wrong with that site, so my friend and I scoured the Internet and happily somehow ended up here.

No regrets. B)

I literally am Engaged and I owe it all to Tinierme because that's genuinely where we first met on this Bleach Roleplay forum. We are both writers and aspiring authors so it was oddly so coincidental and perfect all at the same time, so that site has played a huge role in my life. I have only kept in touch with a handful of people from tm and you can imagine how I practically screamed when I saw you where from Tm as well. The day the site closed down was the end of an era, genuinely owe it for my career seeing as I spent every day after school on the Action Roleplay forum, thankfully it took the brunt of my "trash" writing and died with the evidence.
I started my RPing journey in deviantArt, then Twitter and MSN messenger for several years. All of them were fandom RPs before I decided to move into original RPs which mostly done in Email and Skype (still to this moment). I've tried Tumblr too but, nah... not really my thing.
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I started on HEXRPG.com. Tried my hand at the few fanfiction sites as they cropped up but didn't find it to my tastes. And Quizilla. (Happily that's erased from the internet). Returned to HEX. Moved to Roleplayerguild with a friend. Still there but I've branched out to a few other sites too. (Diversify, It's just not for your portfolios)
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I got started when a friend of mine asked me to play in his New World of Darkness one-shots. It got me hooked almost immediately
Tried numerous sites, but the one's that stuck were Bebo - Roleplaysocial and now here.

I used to be quite active in FanFiction when I was in High School a few years back. After that I sort of just jumped from place to place, but never stayed too long. I'm hoping I can make a prolonged stay here, but we shall see!
I still write on Comic Vine (RPG section is kinda cool) and RRPG Firecast (this one being more of a table RPG-ish thing).
I started the old-fashioned Pen and Paper style a long time ago.

Although I adapted to the digital world eventually and started off on Yahoo Chats.. (Showing the age here.)

My line of forum role-play started in 2003 on Go-Gaia and went from there.

I also did a lot online on NeverwinterNights back in it's Glory-days.
Easy, I didn't :P

I guess I did technically roleplay on Pixie Hollow back in the day and good old pen and paper with friends.

IwakuRoleplay. The format on how it's forums work is pretty similar to RPNation. I'm really on the hunt for anime-themed roleplays, and I was also at AniRoleplay before joining Iwaku. Unfortunately, AniRoleplay is filled with "smut" roleplayers.

Started in a site called otakuzone (OZ for short). Sadly it's now gone (along with the traces of my newb days). The company behind it pulled the plug on it. But the people in OZ's community decided to make a new site for the community to inhabit, thus Otakunetwork (ON) was born... and Otakuworld (OW) as well. Majority of the members of both are from OZ, but I consider ON to be more official than OW due to the fact that an OZ admin was behind ON while OW was just... idk. In any case, both sites had role play sections in them. Unfortunately I never role played in OW, the site format was confusing imo. But I did role play in ON. Unfortunately though since majority of ON's members were from OZ and have now grown and started college and whatnot, the activity on ON dropped. Soon found myself on Iwakuroleplay (still active there) and now here in RPNation. :'D
readingraebow said:
lol a friend of mine started there too. i guess i wasn't aware they had roleplays. granted i was on that site prolly nearly a decade ago so it could have changed a lot since then.
I started on KHInsider, which lead me to a small Bleach fansite called Bleach Souls, which lead me to the site that has my second family, FanFiction Underground.
I started out role-playing on Rome Total War than after awhile i brought Garrys Mod and started playing Serious RP on it, Then i got dragged onto here by a friend, sort of the first time i ever tried out forum RP, now i'm here i guess.
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Half-life 2 Serious RP was my main RP stuff in GMod. It was where I mostly improve my English language. That and another small RP website.
I started out on Gaia many years ago, I then went into Reign of Blood for a couple years, took a year hiatus and now I've found this place. xD
Redlight Ponyville, The Furry Forums, Ponysquare and Philomenamagikz are the ones I'm on most of the time

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