Experiences Where did you roleplay before you came to RPNation?

Because I was really into Homestuck once upon a time I happened onto MSPARP... I really didn't like it there because of how often the people would just auto-DC... then there was the fanmade Pesterchum... I still go on there, main handle is constantlyConfused just in case anyone wanted to know... then Charat, the sister site of MSPARP, and where I go often...but recently nothing there's been catching my interest there so I looked for other chat rps, couldn't find any, and decided to try out forum rp... and now I'm here and clueless as to what to do now.
GaiaOnline, I can still see my newbie RPs publicly and I die a little inside each time I read a bit.
I've been involved in Roleplayerguild before... left a bit to be desired imo, just in terms of community. I ended up in one roleplay too many that didnt last over 2 weeks before getting shut down or plain going inactive and left the roleplaying scene entirely for a while.

in other news, darker days earlier than that, I initially started roleplaying because of MLP, frankly, on a sit called ponysquare. idk if its still up but as much as i regret my time watching that show the people i met on that site are still friends to this day
I RPed on the ROBLOX RP sub-forum before coming here. I'm still wondering whether or not to settle here for the long-term however.
[QUOTE="Pretzel Heart]Am I the only one so far from TinierMe? Damn.
But my friend introduced me to RPing through DA actually lol since we both knew each other's OCs pretty well and just wanted to mess around with them in private chat for fun. I don't even remember how but I later stumbled on this site called DollWizard (does it even still exist? Do I dare check?) and realized that RPing could be this really cool communal storytelling form.

Then next my friends convinced me to join Gaia and we had many good RP memories on there (that's where I hammered through the majority of my newb phase I guess, though I had already written so much before that it was only mildly cringe-worthy...maybe...haha).

But my fondest memories of all are from TinierMe in the Literate Roleplay group. There were so many awesome, fun, talented people. When the site went down, we were all at a loss......

Tried Gaia again after a long hiatus and really I still can't understand what went horribly wrong with that site, so my friend and I scoured the Internet and happily somehow ended up here.

No regrets. B)

I was on Dollwizard for three years, it kicked the bucket back in 2012 I think. I remember trying to get the site and it not being there anymore, along with all of my roleplays.

I wonder how many of us on DollWizard made our way over here?? DollWizard 2.0 is about dead too. But I started roleplaying on a Gundam RP site called MechaHunters, but I was also on neopets and I did chat rps on Yahoo! Messenger :)
I actually started on Omegle on the Hunger Games and Harry Potter interest tab ^^ But it was the small '*looks at you*' kinda thing. I didn't officially start RPing until I went into the Hetalia interest tab and met someone who would write in paragraphs. It blew my mind at the time, and I can still recall my shock and wonder as I typed a response xD I then moved to Chatzy and, once again, it was for Hetalia/Harry Potter. I actually met @Mugiwara through Chatzy, but it was for a Corpse Party RP rather than the other two. I've had my best memories there, and it's sad that my iPhone doesn't allow Chatzy to work... Although, that could be my internet too... Anywho, that's my RPing history, and I'm really happy that I found this site ^w^
Ha, same for me, wait, your username sounds familiar, I just can't put my finger on it. Wait, are you hugeboo or Pik by chance?
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ShadowWalker254 said:
I'm still active there also, although I'm looking to making this website my main one for rping purposes
I used to roleplay on Roblox over 2 years ago, which was the last time I ever roleplayed before joining here. Roblox used to be such a fun game ;-;
M'hm, I still play the games at roblox also (I'm immature, haha.), and the rp forum is getting worn thin, with spammers, clan posts etc. That's why I'm starting to ove over here!
ShadowWalker254 said:
M'hm, I still play the games at roblox also (I'm immature, haha.), and the rp forum is getting worn thin, with spammers, clan posts etc. That's why I'm starting to ove over here!
I quit late 2015 I think, but even before I quit it was just looking at random things on the site. The last game on it I played was 'The Roblox Dance Club'. It's had so many remakes I don't even know if it still exists anymore ._. Anyway, I didn't even roleplay on the forums. I used to roleplay in the games which were meant for roleplaying. And I was awful at roleplaying back then xD
iChaotic said:
I quit late 2015 I think, but even before I quit it was just looking at random things on the site. The last game on it I played was 'The Roblox Dance Club'. It's had so many remakes I don't even know if it still exists anymore ._. Anyway, I didn't even roleplay on the forums. I used to roleplay in the games which were meant for roleplaying. And I was awful at roleplaying back then xD
Haha, I used to play on After the Flash when I used to game rp.
I started out on Neopets years ago when I was just a kid. After that, I branched off to Hogwarts Extreme and the old Roleplayer Guild. I've been to many sites since.
I started role-playing on Bebo back in 2007 an then around 2014 I started role-playing at a site called Roleplay Social.
I originally started on GaiaOnline some time around 2008, and I would normally go into the Towns flash area and be a part of multiple role-playing communities. We had our own locations and generally there were some divisions, however, as the community started to grow and new faces came around, it was ultimately a struggle to be a part of anything, because the basis of the community was becoming lost. Thus, around 2014 or so, I vanished from GaiaOnline and the community where I went to.

I have tried other sites such as RPHaven, which has a very disrespectful group of individuals on it, as well as Roleplay.chat, which I soon came to realize is nothing but over-sexualized material that makes me quite uncomfortable. I have also tried Valucre, but they are a very stuck up and snobby group of people who will not let you join in anything unless you are a part of a certain clique. RolePlayGateway is another that I have been to, and although the way they create worlds and such is different, I can't ever get into it due to the fact that administrators that are in charge of the role-plays never answer, and also the fact that the community isn't quite so welcoming to newcomers.

As far as my own interests are concerned, I have tried to role-play some Touhou content on Eientei forums, though, they only care about having high scores in the Touhou games and talking about things that are also rather uninteresting. After searching around for a new role-play community for a year or so, I came across you all several months ago, and I have yet to find a role-play that I can be a part of, however, I hope that does change soon.
ShadowWalker254 said:
Ha, same for me, wait, your username sounds familiar, I just can't put my finger on it. Wait, are you hugeboo or Pik by chance?
I'm Pickachugirl.

Who might you be?

iChaotic said:
I used to roleplay on Roblox over 2 years ago, which was the last time I ever roleplayed before joining here. Roblox used to be such a fun game ;-;
Yeah, it still kind of is, but it's not as engaging to me as it used to. I still sort of RP and play games on there, but at the current I just act for a few robloxiwood companies.
budgieboo said:
I'm Pickachugirl.
Who might you be?

Yeah, it still kind of is, but it's not as engaging to me as it used to. I still sort of RP and play games on there, but at the current I just act for a few robloxiwood companies.
It's meh, silverhawk352. I come here more often than Roblox.
budgieboo said:
Yeah, it still kind of is, but it's not as engaging to me as it used to. I still sort of RP and play games on there, but at the current I just act for a few robloxiwood companies.
Honestly, I found it really boring before I quit. There was no new ideas for games and I began to hate most members I met. And once 'The Roblox Dance Club' seemed to finally die, I just stopped playing any games on it and decided to leave.
I got started over on NationStates, been there for...six years now. Wow, I feel old all of a sudden. -.-

A friend introduced me to this site just the other day.
Silverthorn said:
I got started over on NationStates, been there for...six years now. Wow, I feel old all of a sudden. -.-
A friend introduced me to this site just the other day.
I used to rp on there aswell, good 'ol Western Isles.

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