Four is good enough for me, anyone interested in becoming the RT? I expect activity out of whoever takes it and at least some warning if you won't be able to have access for a bit.
I would like a little feedback and help on the backstory, I kinda bashed that out last night rather late trying to put together the character.
I see him as cold and moderately frustrated with humanity and it's stifling bureaucracy, constantly reminded of the effect of acting rashly (Even though he keeps doing it anyway) by his bionic arm. Committed to bring prestige and wealth to his family and crew.
Yes I have just got Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood recently, why do you ask?
Okay, so At this point it's been a while but we are past the end of year finals and holidays. I'm wondering if we should considering still playing this game or relegating it to the abyss.
I've had some practice with the actual system so I'm feeling more confident about playing it now.
Should get a sound off to see who is still up for playing?
I'm interested, but I'll have to wing some of the rules on account of having left my RT book at home... I think I at least wrote down what all my powers do, though.